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(An Autonomous Institution under VTU)
R.V. Vidyaniketan Post, Mysore Road,
Bangalore—560 059.




Department of Computer Science & Engineering Page 1

Distribution of Credits Percentage wise

Sl.No No. of Sub. No. of Subjects Credits %

1. Humanities 6 10 5
2. Basic Sciences 8 28 14
3. Engineering Sciences 8 26 13

4. Professional Core Subject 20 89 44.5

5. Professional Electives 6 24 12

6. Other Electives 1 4 2
7. Project Work 3 19 9.5

Department of Computer Science & Engineering Page 2

(Autonomous Institution under VTU, Belgaum)

Semester: V Department: Computer Science and Engineering


Sl. Subject Title BOS Teaching Scheme Examination

No. Code Hours / Week Credits
Theory Tutorials Practical
1 07CS51 Data Communication and CSE 4 – – 4
2 07CS52 Operating Systems CSE 4 – – 4
3 07CS53 Compiler Design CSE 4 – – 4
4 07CS54 Microprocessor Theory and Lab CSE 3 1 3 5
5 07CS55 System Software Theory and Lab CSE 3 1 3 5
6 07CS56X * Elective I (Group—A) CSE 4 – – 4
Total 22 2 6 26

* Elective—I

Subject code Group —A

07CS561 1. Probability and Statistics
07CS562 2. Artificial Intelligence
07CS563 3. Introduction to DSP
07CS564 4. Object Oriented Analysis and Design

Department of Computer Science & Engineering Page 3

(Autonomous Institution under VTU, Belgaum)

Semester: VI Department: Computer Science and Engineering


Sl. Sub-Code Title BOS Teaching Scheme Examination

No. Hours / Week Credits
Theory Tutorials Practical
1 07HSS61 Management & IEM 4 – – 4
2 07CS62 Unix System Programming CSE 4 – – 4
3 07CS63 Database Management System CSE 3 1 3 5
Theory and Lab
4 07CS64 Computer Networks Theory and CSE 3 1 3 5
5 07CS65X * Elective II (Group—B) CSE 4 – – 4
6 07CS66X ** Elective III (Group—C) CSE 4 – – 4
Total 22 2 6 26

* Elective— II ** Elective—III

Subject Code Group – B Subject code Group –C

07CS651 5. Simulation and Modeling 07CS661 9. Network Programming
07CS652 6. Operation Research 07CS662 10. Advanced Microprocessor
07CS653 7. Advanced Algorithms 07CS663 11. Software Testing
07CS654 8. Pattern Recognition 07CS664 12. Distributed Operating System

Department of Computer Science & Engineering Page 4

(Autonomous Institution under VTU, Belgaum)


Sub Code : 07CS51 CIE Marks : 100
Hrs / Week : 4+0+0 Exam Hrs : 3 Hrs
Credits :4 SEE Marks : 100
Total Hrs : 48

The objective of the course on Data Communications and Networking is to provide a foundation to
the course on Computer Networks. The coverage includes concepts related to signals, data
communications, shared assess of media /links, error detection and correction. The course concludes
with reference to layered architecture of computer networks and a detailed exposure to data link
control, medium access control and a few technologies related to connectivity devices.

Part - A
1. Introduction 4 Hours
Introduction to Data Communications, components, data representation, data flow, Essential
elements of network architecture, Message switching, circuit switching and packet switching,
Introduction to Networks, topologies, categories, Internet.
2. Data and Signals 6 Hours
Analog and digital, Periodic analog signal, Digital signals, Transmission impairments, Data rate
limits, Performance.

3. Analog Transmission 2 Hours

Digital - to - Analog conversion, Analog - to - Analog conversion.

4. Digital Transmission 6 Hours

Digital - to -digital conversion, Analog - to - digital conversion, Transmission modes.

5. Multiplexing 3 Hours
FDM, WDM, Synchronous TDM, Statistical TDM.

6. Transmission Media 3 Hours

Guided media, Unguided media – wireless.

Part - B

7. Error Detection and Correction 4 Hours

Introduction, Block coding, Cyclic codes, Checksum.

8. Network Models and Layered Architecture 3 Hours

Layered tasks, The OSI model, Layers in the OSI model, TCP / IP protocol suite, Addressing.

9. Data Link Control 8 Hours

Framing, Flow and Error control, Protocols, Noiseless channels, Noisy channels, HDLC, Point-to-
point Protocol - framing, transition phases.

10. Medium Access Control 4 Hours

Random access - CSMA, CSMA / CD, CSMA / CA, Controlled access - reservation, polling,
token passing, Channelization - FDMA, TDMA, CDMA.

Department of Computer Science & Engineering Page 5

11. Local Area Networks & DSL Technology 5 Hours
Connecting devices, Backbone networks, Virtual LANs, Telephone network, Dial-up modems,
DSL technology.


1. Behrouz A Forouzan, Data Communications and Networking, Tata McGraw-Hill, Fourth Edition.
2. Alberto Leon-Garcia and Indra Widjaja, Communication Networks, Tata McGraw-Hill, Second
3. William Stallings, Data and Computer Communications, Pearson Education, Seventh Edition.
4. Wayne Tomasi, Introduction to Data Communications & Networking, Pearson Education, 2007.

Scheme of Semester End Evaluation

Students have to answer 5 questions choosing at least 2 out of 4 questions

from Part – A and 2 questions out of 4 questions from Part – B.

A clear understanding of the basic features of peer-to-peer network’s and important concepts are
achieved. Thus enabling the student to persue a cause on computer networks.

Department of Computer Science & Engineering Page 6

(Autonomous Institution under VTU, Belgaum)

Sub Code : 07CS52 CIE Marks : 100
Hrs / Week : 4+0+0 Exam Hrs : 3 Hrs
Credits :4 SEE Marks : 100
Total Hrs : 48

The students get to know about CPU Scheduling, disk scheduling, synchronization of processes.
Concept of threading and different operating systems are introduced.

1. Introduction to operating systems & their classification 5 Hours
What is an operating system, Mainframe systems, Desktop systems, Multiprocessor system,
Distributed system, Clustered system, Real time system, handheld system, Feature migration,
Computing environments. Operating system structures : System components, OS Services,
System calls, System programs, System structure, Virtual machines.

2. Process , Inter process Communication , Threads & CPU Scheduling 7 Hours

Process concept, Process scheduling, Operation on processes, Cooperating processes, Inter
process communication. Threads - Overview , Multithreading models, Threading issues,
Pthreads, Java threads. CPU scheduling - Basic concepts, Scheduling criteria, Scheduling
algorithms, Multiple processor scheduling , Real time scheduling.

3. Process Synchronization 6 Hours

The Critical section problem: 2-process solutions and multiple-process solutions, Synchronization
hardware, Semaphores: usage and implementation, Deadlocks and starvation, Binary semaphores.
Classic problems of synchronization, Critical regions, monitors.

4. Deadlock 6 Hours
System model, Deadlock characterization: necessary conditions, resource-allocation graph,
Methods for handling deadlocks: deadlock prevention, deadlock avoidance: Banker’s algorithm`,
Deadlock detection and recovery from deadlock: Process termination and resource preemption.


5. Main memory management 5 Hours

Background Address binding, Logical versus physical-address space, dynamic loading, Dynamic
linking and shared libraries, Overlays, Swapping, Contiguous allocation, Paging, Segmentation,
Segmentation with paging

6. Virtual memory 5 Hours

Background, Demand paging, Process creation: Copy-on-Write, Memory-mapped files, Page
replacement algorithms: FIFO page replacement, Optimal page replacement, LRU page
replacement, LRU approximation page replacement, Counting based and page buffering page
replacements. Allocation of frames, Thrashing

7. File System interface 7 Hours

File concept, Access methods, Directory structure, File system mounting, File system
implementation, Directory implementation, Allocation methods, Free space management. Mass
storage structures – Disk structure, Disk scheduling methods, Disk management, Swap space

Department of Computer Science & Engineering Page 7

8. Protection and Security 7 Hours
Goals of protection, Domain of protection, Access matrix, Implementation of access matrix,
Revocation of access rights, The security problem, Authentication, Program threats, System
threats, Securing systems and facilities, Intrusion detection, Cryptography .


1. Abraham silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin , Greg Gagne, Operating System Concepts, John Wiley
& Sons, 6th edition, 2003.
2. Andrew S. Tenenbaum, Modern Operating Systems, Pearson Education, Second Edition, 2001.
3. Gary Nutt, Operating Systems, Pearson Education, Third Edition, 2004.
4. Harvey M Deitel, Operating Systems, Addison Wesley, 1990.
5. D.M Dhamdhere, Operating systems - A concept based Approach, Tata McGraw-Hill 2002.

Scheme of Semester End Evaluation

Students have to answer 5 questions choosing at least 2 out of 4 questions

from Part – A and 2 questions out of 4 questions from Part – B.

Understanding the basic concepts of operating systems, thus facilitating the student to work/program
on different operating systems efficiently.

Department of Computer Science & Engineering Page 8

(Autonomous Institution under VTU, Belgaum)

Sub Code : 07CS53 CIE Marks : 100
Hrs / Week : 4+0+0 Exam Hrs : 3 Hrs
Credits :4 SEE Marks : 100
Total Hrs : 48

The objective is to know how to construct compiler by hand, which gives the student a good insight
into the algorithms, which have wider applications. They learn about optimization which helps them
to write good program. They are also able to link computer architecture, programming language,
mathematics in this subject.
Part – A
1. Introduction to Compiling and Lexical Analysis 7 Hours
Introduction, Language Processors, The structure of Compiler, Evolution of programming
Languages, Programming Language Basics, Lexical Analysis- The Role of Lexical Analyzer,
Input Buffering, Specifications of Tokens, Recognition of Tokens, Lexical Analyzer Generator -

2. Syntax Analysis 12 Hours

Introduction, Context-free Grammars v/s Regular Expression, Writing a Grammar, Top-down
Parsing, Bottom-up Parsing, Introduction to LR Parsing: Simple LR, Most powerful LR parsers,
Parser Generators.

3. Syntax-Directed Translation 5 Hours

Syntax-Directed Definitions, Evaluation orders for SDD, Application of Syntax Directed
Part – B
4. Intermediate Code Generation 8 Hours
Variants of Syntax trees, Three address code, Types and Declaration, Translation of Expression,
Type Checking, Control flow.
5. Run-time Environments 6 Hours
Storage Organization, Static Allocation of Space, Access to Nonlocal data on the Stack, Heap
Management, Introduction to Garbage Collection.
6. Code Generation & Machine Independent Optimization 10 Hours
Issues in the design of Code Generator, The Target Language, Address in the target Code, basic
Blocks and Flow graphs, Optimization of Basic blocks, A Simple Code Generator, Machine
Independent Optimization-The principal sources of optimization.
1. Alfred W Aho, Monica S Lam, Ravi Sethi, Jeffrey D Ullman, Compilers- Principles, Techniques
and Tools, Person Education, 2008.
2. Kenneth C Louden , Compiler Construction Principles & Practice, Thomson Education, 1997.
3. Herk Alblas, Albert Nymeyer, Practice and principle of Compiler Building with C, Prentice-Hall
4. Andrew W. Appel, Modern Compiler Implementation in Java, Cambridge University press 2000.

Scheme of Semester End Evaluation

Students have to answer 5 questions choosing at least 2 out of 4 questions
from Part – A and 2 questions out of 4 questions from Part – B.

Department of Computer Science & Engineering Page 9

With detail study of Compiler Design, student will be able to design a compiler. He/she will have
hands on practice on different parsers, code-generation and optimization

Department of Computer Science & Engineering Page 10

(Autonomous Institution under VTU, Belgaum)

Sub Code : 07CS54 CIE Marks : 100+50
Hrs / Week : 3+1+3 Exam Hrs : 3 Hrs
Credits :5 SEE Marks : 100+50
Total Hrs : 36

The objective of this course is to introduce the internal architecture and programming in 8086. It deals
with different instruction coding format and program structure of 80 x 86 families. Memory interface
and interrupt handling along with digital interfacing is introduced.

Part- A

1. 8086/8088 Processors 4 Hours

Register organization of 8086, Architecture, Signal descriptions of 8086, Physical memory
organization, General bus operation, I/O addressing capability, Special processor activities,
Minimum mode 8086 system and timings , Maximum mode 8086 system and timings, The
processor 8088.

2. 8086/8088 Instruction set & Assembler directives 7 Hours

Machine language instruction format, Addressing modes of 8086, Instruction set 8086/8088,
Assembler directives and operators.

3. Art of assembly language programming with 8086/8088 7 Hours

A few machine level programs, Machine coding and Programs, Programming with an assembler,
Assembly level example programs.


4. Special Architectural Features and Related Programming 6 Hours

Introduction to stack, Stack structure of 8086/8088, Interrupts and ISRs, Interrupt cycle of
8086/8088, NMI and Maskable interrupts, Interrupt programming, Macros, Timing and delays.

5. Basic peripherals and their interfacing with 8086/88 12 Hours

Semiconductor memory interfacing, Interfacing I/O ports, PIO8255, Modes of operation of 8255 (
Only MODE 0 in I/O Modes), Interfacing analog to digital data converters using ADC 0808/0809,
Interfacing 8 bit DAC with DAC0800 , Stepper motor interfacing.

Part– C
Note :
• Develop and execute the following programs using an 8086 Assembly Language. All the
programs to be executed using an assembler like MASM, TASM etc.
• Program should have suitable comments.

1. a) Write an ALP to search a key element in a list of ‘n’ 16-bit numbers using the Binary search
b) Write ALP to read the status of eight input bits from the logic controller Interface and display
‘FF’if it is even parity bits otherwise display 00. Also display number of 1’s in the input data.

Department of Computer Science & Engineering Page 11

2. a) Write an ALP to macros:
i. To read a character from the keyboard in the module (1) (in a different file)
ii. To display a character in module(2) (from different file)
iii. Use the above two modules to read a string of characters from the keyboard terminated by
the carriage return and print the string on the display in the next line.
b) Perform the following functions using the logic controller interface.
i. BCD up-down Counter
ii. Ring Counter

3. a) Write an ALP to sort a given set of ‘n’ numbers in ascending or descending orders using
Bubble sort algorithm.
b) Write an ALP to read the status of two 8-bit inputs (X & Y ) from the logic controller
Interface and display X*Y.

4. a) Write an ALP to read an alphanumeric character and display its equivalent ASCII code at the
center of the screen.
b) Write an ALP to display messages FIRE and HELP alternately with flickering effects on a 7-
segment display interface for a suitable period of time. Ensure a flashing rate that makes it
easy to read both the messages (Examiner does not specify these delay values nor it is
necessary for the student to compute these values).

5. a) Write an ALP to read two strings, store them in locations STR1 and STR2. Check whether
they are equal or not and display appropriated messages. Also display the length of the stored
b) Write an ALP to convert a 16-bit binary value (assumed to be an unsigned integer) to BCD
and display it from left to right and right to left for specified number of times on a 7-segment
display interface.

6. a) Write an ALP to read your name from the keyboard and display it at a specified location on
the screen in front of the message What is your name? You must clear the entire screen
before display.
b) Write an ALP to drive a stepper motor interface to rotate the motor in clockwise direction by
N steps (N is specified by the examiner). Introduce suitable delay between successive steps.
(Any arbitrary value for the delay may be assumed by the student).

7. a) Write an ALP to compute the factorial of a positive integer ‘n’ using recursive procedure.
b) Write an ALP to drive a stepper motor interface to rotate the motor in anticlockwise direction
by N steps (N is specified by the examiner). Introduce suitable delay between successive steps
(Any arbitrary value for the delay may be assumed by the student).

8. a) Write an ALP to compute nCr using recursive procedure. Assume that ‘n’ and ‘r’ are non-
negative integers.
b) Write an ALP to drive a stepper motor interface to rotate the motor by N steps left direction
and N steps right direction (N is specified by the examiner). Introduce suitable delay between
successive steps. (Any arbitrary value for the delay may be assumed by the student).

9. a) Write an ALP to find out whether a given sub-string is present or not in a main string of
b) Write an ALP to scan a 8 x 3 keypad for key closure and to store the code of the key pressed
in a memory location or display on screen. Also display row and column numbers of the key

10 a) Write an ALP to reverse a given string and check whether it is a palindrome or not.
b) Write an ALP to generate the sine wave using DAC interface (The output of the DAC is to be
displayed on the CRO).

Department of Computer Science & Engineering Page 12

11. a) Write an ALP to simulate a decimal up-counter to display 00-99.
b) Write an ALP to generate a half rectified sine wave form using the DAC interface. (The
output of the DAC is to be displayed on the CRO).

12. a) Write an ALP to read a pair of input co-ordinates in BCD and move the cursor to the specified
location on the screen.
b) Write an ALP to generate a fully rectified sine waveform using the DAC interface. (The
output of the DAC is to be displayed on the CRO).

13. a) Write an ALP to generate the first ‘n’ Fibonacci numbers.

b) Write an ALP to drive an elevator interface in the following way:
i. Initially the elevator should be in the ground floor, with all requests in OFF state.
ii. When a request is made from a floor, the elevator should move to that floor, wait there for
a couples of seconds, and then come down to ground floor and stop. If some requests
occur during going up or coming down they should be ignored.


1. Ajoy Kumar Ray & Kishor M Bhurchandi, Advanced Microprocessors and Peripherals :
Architecture, Programming and Interfacing, 2nd Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Pub.
2. Barry B Brey, The Intel Microprocessors 8086/8088, 80186/80188, 80286, 80386, 80486 Pentium
and Pentium processor, 6th Edition, Pearson Education.
3. Douglas V. Hall, Microprocessors and Interfacing, Revised 2nd Edition, TMH.

Scheme of Semester End Evaluation—Theory

Students have to answer 5 questions choosing at least 2 out of 4 questions

from Part – A and 2 questions out of 4 questions from Part – B.

Scheme of Semester End Evaluation—Laboratory

In the examination questions must be given on lots.

Each student must execute 1 out of 13 selected questions
The students can write sufficient programs in assembly level language of the 8086 family of
Microprocessors. Also the students will be aware of the techniques of interfacing between the
processors and peripheral devices so that they themselves can design and develop a complete
Microprocessor based system.

Department of Computer Science & Engineering Page 13

(Autonomous Institution under VTU, Belgaum)


Sub Code : 07CS55 CIE Marks : 100+50
Hrs / Week : 3+1+3 Exam Hrs : 3 Hrs
Credits :5 SEE Marks : 100+50
Total Hrs : 36

The objective of system software theory & lab is to get exposed to the fundamental concepts of
writing lexical and syntax analysis using tools, which have many other applications in the field of
computer science. They also know about the fundamentals of system software which forms the core
of computer science.

Part - A
1. Machine Architecture 5 Hours
Introduction, System software and machine architecture, Simplified instructional Computer (SIC)
Machine Architecture, SIC/XE Machine Architecture, SIC programming examples, Traditional
(CISC) machines - VAX architecture, Pentium pro architecture, RISC Machines - Ultra SPARC
architecture, Cray T3E architecture.

2. Assemblers 7 Hours
Basic Assembler Function - A Simple SIC Assembler, Assembler Algorithm and Data Structures,
Machine Dependent Assembler Features - Instruction Formats & Addressing Modes, Program
Relocation, Machine Independent Assembler Features – Literals, Symbol-Definition Statements,
Expression, Program Blocks, Control Sections and Programming Linking, Assembler Design
Operations - One-Pass Assembler, Multi-Pass Assembler, Implementation examples - MASM
Assembler, SPARC Assembler.

3. Loaders And Linkers 6 Hours

Basic Loader Functions - Design of an Absolute Loader, A Simple Bootstrap Loader, Machine-
Dependent Loader Features – Relocation, Program Linking, Algorithm and Data Structures for a
Linking Loader, Machine-Independent Loader Features - Automatic Library Search, Loader
Options, Loader Design Options - Linkage Editor, Dynamic Linkage, Bootstrap Loaders,
Implementation Examples - MS-DOS Linker, Sun OS Linker, Cray MPP Linker.

Part - B

4. Macro Processor 6 Hours

Basic Macro Processor Functions - Macro Definitions and Expansion, Macro Processor
Algorithm and Data Structures, Machine-Independent Macro Processor Features - Concatenation
of Macro Parameters, Generation of Unique Labels, Conditional Macro Expansion, Keyword
Macro Parameters, Macro Processor Design Options - Recursive Macro Expansion, General-
Purpose Macro Processors, Macro Processing Within Language Translators, Implementation
Examples - MASM Macro Processor, ANSI C Macro Processor.

5. Editors And Debugging Systems 5 Hours

Text Editors - Overview of Editing Process, User Interface, Editor Structure, Interactive
Debugging Systems - Debugging Functions and Capabilities, Relationship With Other Parts Of
The System, User-Interface Criteria

Department of Computer Science & Engineering Page 14

6. Lex And Yacc 7 Hours
Lex and Yacc - The Simplest Lex Program, Recognizing Words With LEX, Symbol Tables,
Grammars, Parser-Lexer Communication, The Parts of Speech Lexer, A YACC Parser, The Rules
Section, Running LEX and YACC, LEX and Hand- Written Lexers, Using LEX - Regular
Expression, Examples of Regular Expressions, A Word Counting Program, Parsing a Command
Line, Using YACC – Grammars, Recursive Rules, Shift/Reduce Parsing, What YACC Cannot
Parse, A YACC Parser - The Definition Section, The Rules Section, Symbol Values and Actions,
The LEXER, Compiling and Running a Simple Parser, Arithmetic Expressions and Ambiguity,
Variables and Typed Tokens.

Part – C

Unit – 1
Execution of the following programs using LEX:
1) Write a program to count the number of vowels and consonants in a given string.
2) Write a program to implement word count command using lex specification.
3) Write a program to count number of
a) Positive and negative integers
b) Positive and negative fractions
4) Write a program to count the number of comment lines in a given C program. Also eliminate
them and copy that program into separate file.
5) Write a program to count the number of ‘scanf’ and ‘printf’ statements in a C program. Replace
them with ‘readf’ and ‘writef’ statements respectively.
6) Write a program to recognize and count the number of identifiers in a given input file.
7) Write a program to implement Find and Replace.

Execution of the following programs using YACC:

1) Write a program to recognize strings ‘aaab’, ‘abbb’, ‘ab’ and ‘a’ using the grammar
(an bn , n>=0).
2) Write a program to recognize the grammar (an bn+m cm, n,m>=0).
3) Write a program to recognize a valid variable, which starts with a letter, followed by any number
of letters or digits.
4) Write a program to test the validity of a simple expression involving operators +, -, * and /.
5) Write a program to recognize nested IF control statements(C language) and display the number of
levels of nesting.
6) Write a program to recognize a nested FOR loop statement for C language.
7) Write a program to evaluate an arithmetic expression involving operators +, -, * and /.

Unit – II
Students (A batch must consist of 2 students) can do one of the below mentioned mini Projects.
1) Implement a 2-pass Assembler for the working model of 8086.
2) Implement a Text Editor.
3) Implement a simple Lexical Analyzer.
4) Implement a Single pass assembler
5) Implement a Parser

a) A report of about 25 – 30 pages on the package developed in Part B, duly certified by the
department must be submitted during examination.
b) Students must give code in their report

Department of Computer Science & Engineering Page 15


1. Leland. L. Beck, System Software, 3rd Edition, Addison-Wesley, 1997.

2. John.R.Levine, Tony Mason and Doug Brown, Lex and Yacc, O'Reilly, SPD, 1999.
3. D. M. Dhamdhere, System Programming and Operating Systems, 2nd Edition, TMH, 1999.

Scheme of Semester End Evaluation—Theory

Students have to answer 5 questions choosing at least 2 out of 4 questions

from Part – A and 2 questions out of 4 questions from Part – B.

Scheme of Semester End Evaluation— Laboratory

In the examination, a combination of one LEX and one YACC problem

has to be asked from Part A for a total of 25 marks. The package developed under
Part B has to be evaluated for a total of 25 marks.

The student will be capable of designing and developing complete system software and also work at
system level on popular Operating Systems like MS-Dos, Sun Operating Systems, Cray MPP linker.

Department of Computer Science & Engineering Page 16

(Autonomous Institution under VTU, Belgaum)


Sub Code : 07CS561 CIE Marks : 100
Hrs / Week : 4+0+0 Exam Hrs : 3 Hrs
Credits :4 SEE Marks : 100
Total Hrs : 48

To present an adequate survey of topics in probability and statistics to the student and an
understanding of logic behind the probabilistic tech as well as practice in using them.


1. Probability 6 Hours
Sample space and events, counting, The concept of probability, The axioms of probability, Some
important theorems on Probability, Conditional Probability, Theorems on conditional probability,
Baye’s Theorem.

2. Random Variables And Probability Distributions 6 Hours

Random Variables, Discrete probability distributions, The Binomial Distribution, The Hyper
geometric distribution, The Mean and Variance of probability distribution, Chebyshev’s theorem,
The Poison approximation to binomial Distribution, poison processes, The multinomial

3. Probability Densities 8 Hours

Continuous random variables, The normal distribution, The Normal approximation to binomial
distribution, Other probability densities, Uniform distribution, Gamma distribution and Beta
Distribution, Joint Distributions, Discrete and continuous

4. Sampling Theory 4 Hours

Populations and Samples, The sample mean, Sampling distribution of the mean( σ known),
Sampling distribution of the mean( σ unknown), Central limit theorem, The sampling
distribution of variance, Students t-distribution.


5. Inferences concerning Means 8 Hours

Point estimation, Interval estimation, Test of Hypotheses, Null Hypotheses, Test of Hypotheses,
Hypotheses concerning one Mean, The relation between test and confidence intervals.

6. Inferences concerning variances 4 Hours

Estimation of variances, Hypotheses concerning one variances, Hypotheses concerning two

7. Introduction to queuing Theory 6 Hours

Queuing notation, Rules for all Queues, Little’s Law, Types of Stochastic processes. Birth-Death
processes, M/M/1 queue, M/M/m queue, M/M/m/B queue with finite buffers

8. Queuing Networks 6 Hours

Open And Closed Queuing Networks, Product form Networks, Queuing Network models of
Computer Systems

Department of Computer Science & Engineering Page 17


1. Miller and Freund’s (Richard .A. Johnson, C. B. Gupta), Probability and statistics for Engineers,
Pearson Education, Second impression 2007.
2. Raj Jain, The Art of Computer Systems Performance Analysis, John Wiley and Sons, INC.1991
3. Murray R. Spiegel, Probability and Statistics, McGrawHill, Schaum’s Outline Series.
4. Kishor S. Trivedi, Probability & Statistics with Reliability, Queuing and Computer Science
Applications, Prentice Hall of India, 2000.
5. A. Papoulis and S.Unnikrishna Pillai, Probability, Random Variables and Stochastic Processes,
McGrawHill, 4th Edition.

Scheme of Semester End Evaluation

Students have to answer 5 questions choosing at least 2 out of 4 questions

from Part – A and 2 questions out of 4 questions from Part – B.

The student can apply the concepts learnt to analyze computing systems and optimize both hardware
and software.

Department of Computer Science & Engineering Page 18

(Autonomous Institution under VTU, Belgaum)


Sub Code : 07CS562 CIE Marks : 100
Hrs / Week : 4+0+0 Exam Hrs : 3 Hrs
Credits :4 SEE Marks : 100
Total Hrs : 48

The objective of this course is to introduce the scope and applications of Artificial Intelligence. It also
deals with expert system technology, issues in knowledge representation and automated reasoning.

Part – A

1. Introduction: 12 Hours
Artificial Intelligence - Its Scope, History and Applications, AI as Representation and Search-The
Predicate Calculus – Inference rules. Logic based financial advisor- Structures and strategies for
State space search-graph theory, Strategies for space search, Using state space to represent
reasoning with the predicate calculus.

2. Heuristic search 4 Hours

Heuristic Search – An Algorithm for heuristic search, Admissibility, Monotonicity and
informedness, Heuristics in games, Complexity issues. Control and Implementation of state space
search- Recursion based search, Pattern directed search, Production Systems, Predicate calculus
and planning, The black board architecture for Problem solving.

3. Knowledge based systems 8 Hours

Knowledge-Intensive problem solving – Overview of expert system technology, Rule based
expert systems, Model-based reasoning, Case-based reasoning. The knowledge-representation
problem; Reasoning with uncertain or incomplete information – The Statistical approach to
uncertainty. Non-monotonic systems, Reasoning with fuzzy sets.

Part – B

4. Knowledge representation and lisp 12 Hours

Knowledge representation languages, Issues in knowledge representation, A survey of network
representation. Conceptual graphs – A Network representation language, Structured
representations. Further issues in knowledge representation – Introduction to LISP – Search in
Lisp, A functional approach to the farmer, wolf, goat and cabbage problem. Higher-order
functions and procedural abstraction, Search strategies in LISP, A recursive unification function,
Interpreters and embedded languages. Logic programming in LISP, Streams and delayed
evaluation. An expert System shell in LISP.

5. Automated reasoning 12 Hours

Automated Reasoning – Weak methods in theorem proving, The general problem solver and
difference tables, Resolution theorem proving, Further issues in automated reasoning, Machine
Learning, Connectionist – Foundations for Connectionist Networks, Perception learning, Back-
propagation learning, Competitive learning, Hebbian coincidence learning, Attractor networks or
memories, Machine learning: Social and emergent – models, The Genetic programming, Artificial
life and Society based learning.

Department of Computer Science & Engineering Page 19


1. G.F. Lunger and W.A Stubblefield, Artificial Intelligence – Structures and Strategies for complex
Problem solving, Third Edition, Addison-Wesley, 1998
2. P.H.Wintson, Artificial Intelligence, Third Edition, Addison-Wesley, 1992.
3. E.Rich and Knight, Artificial Intelligence, Second Edition, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing, 1991.
4. Nils J. Nilsson, Artificial Intelligence, A New Synthesis, Morgan Kaufmann, 2000.

Scheme of Semester End Evaluation

Students have to answer 5 questions choosing at least 2 out of 4 questions

from Part – A and 2 questions out of 4 questions from Part – B.

The concepts learnt in Artificial Intelligence will enable the students to exploit them in application
development that solve hard problems in various domains.

Department of Computer Science & Engineering Page 20

(Autonomous Institution under VTU, Belgaum)


Sub Code : 07CS563 CIE Marks : 100
Hrs / Week : 4+0+0 SEE Marks : 100
Credits : 4 Exam Hrs : 3 Hrs
Total Hrs : 48

The objective of this course is to introduce the basic concepts of signal analysis and signal processing
system. Characteristics of signals, time and frequency domain is also introduced. Biological signal
processing, graphical techniques and spectral analysis are introduced.

Part – A


1. Introduction 2 Hours
Pre-history of DSP, Some applications of signal processing, Analog and digital signal processing.

2. Signals 6 Hours
Signal defined, The simplest signals, Characteristics of signals, Signal arithmetic, The vector
space of all possible signals, Time and frequency domain, Analog and digital domain, Sampling,
Digitization, Ant aliasing & reconstruction filters, Practical analog & digital conversion.

3. The Spectrum of Periodic Signals 5 Hours

Newton’s discovery, Frequency components, Fourier’s discovery, Representation by Fourier
series, Gibbs phenomenon, Complex FS & Negative frequencies, Properties of fourier series, The
fourier series of rectangular wave.

4. The Frequency Domain 5 Hours

From fourier series to fourier transform, Fourier transform examples, FT properties, The
uncertainty theorem, Power spectrum, STFT,DFT, DFT properties, The z transform, etc.

5. Noise 6 Hours
Unpredictable noise, a naïve view of noise, noise reduction by averaging, pseudorandom signals,
chaotic signals, stochastic signals, spectrum of random signals, stochastic approximation methods,
probabilistic algorithms.

Part – B


6. Systems 4 Hours
Systems defined, the simplest systems, with memory, characteristics of systems, filters, moving
averages in the time & frequency domain, why convolve. purely recursive systems, difference
equations, the sinusoid’s equation, the identification- the easy, hard case in the z domain.

7. Filters 3 Hours
Filter specification, phase & group delay, special filters, feedback, the ARMA transfer function,
pole zero plots, classical filter design, digital filter design, spatial filtering.

Department of Computer Science & Engineering Page 21

8. Non filters 3 Hours
Nonlinearities, clippers & slicers, medium filters, multilayer nonlinear systems, mixers, phase
locked loops, time warping.

9. Correlation 3 Hours
Signal comparison & detection, cross correlation & autocorrelation,, the Wiener-Khintchine
theorem, The frequency domain signal detector, correlation & convolution, application to Radar,
The Wiener Filter, correlation & prediction, linear predictive coding, the Levinson Durbin
recursion, Line spectral pairs, Higher order signal processing.

10. Adaptation 2 Hours

Adaptive noise & echo cancellation, adaptive equalization, weight space, The LMS algorithm,
other adaptive algorithms.

11. Biological Signal Processing 2 Hours

Weber’s discovery, birth of Psychophysics, speech production & perception, brains& neurons,
The essential neural networks, simplest model neuron, man vs machine.

12. Graphical Techniques 1 Hours

Graph theory, DSP flow graphs, DSP graph manipulation, RAX externals& internals.

13. Spectral Analysis 2 Hours

Zero crossings, bank of filters, the period-gram, windows, finding a sinusoid in noise, IIR
methods, Walsh functions, wavelets,

14. The Fast Fourier Transform 2 Hours

Complexity of the DFT, 2 preliminary examples, derivation of the DIT FFT, other common FFT
algorithms, matrix interpolation of the FFT, practical matters, special cases, Goertzel’s algorithm,
FIFO Fourier transform.

15. Digital Filter 2 Hours

Implementation Computation of convolutions, FIR filtering in Frequency domain, FIR structures,
Polyphase filters, Fixed point computation, IIR structures, FIR Vs.IIR .


1. Jonathan (Y) Stein, Digital Signal Processing: A Computer Science Perspective , John Wiley &
Sons, September 2000
2. Paul A. Lynn, Wolfgang Fuerst, Introductory Digital Signal Processing with Computer
Applications, 2E , Wiley edition (April 1998)

Scheme of Semester End Evaluation

Students have to answer 5 questions choosing at least 2 out of 4 questions

from Part – A and 2 questions out of 4 questions from Part – B.

The students will be capable of applying Graphical Techniques for processing signals and spectral
analysis of wavelets and also designing filters for a given domain.

Department of Computer Science & Engineering Page 22

(Autonomous Institution under VTU, Belgaum)


Sub Code : 07CS564 CIE Marks : 100
Hrs / Week : 4+0+0 Exam Hrs : 3 Hrs
Credits :4 SEE Marks : 100
Total Hrs : 48

The objective is to allow to get knowledge of object oriented concepts with design and analysis
perspective. The students get a feel of UML notations. A banking case study is provided so that the
student can get use to the analysis and design aspect of the problem.


1. Introduction. 12 Hours
An overview of object oriented systems development. Why an object orientation? Overview of
the United Approach.
Object basics: Introduction, An object-oriented philosophy.
Objects, Classes, Attributes: Object behavior and methods. Encapsulation and Information hiding,
Class hierarchy, Polymorphism, Object relationships and associations, Aggregations and object
containment, Case study- Payroll program, advanced topics.
Object-oriented systems development life cycle: Introduction. The software development process,
Building high-quality software, Object oriented systems development - A use-case driven
approach, Reusability.

2. Methodology, Modeling and UML. 12 Hours

Object oriented methodologies, Introduction: Survey of some of the object oriented
methodologies, Rumbaugh’s Object modeling technique, The Booch methodology. The Jacobson
Methodologies, Patterns, Frameworks. The unified approach.
Unified modeling language: Introduction, Static and Dynamic models, Why modeling,
Introduction to the unified modeling language, UML diagrams, UML class diagram, Use-case
diagram. UML dynamic modeling, Model management - Packages and model organizations,
UML extensibility, UML meta-model.


3. Object Oriented Analysis. 10 Hours

Object oriented analysis, Process-identifying use cases: Introduction, Business object analysis –
Understanding the business layer, Use-case driven object-oriented analysis - The unified
approach, Business process modeling, Use-case mode,. Development effective documentation,
Case study - ViaNet bank ATM.
Object analysis-classification: Introduction, Classifications theory, Approaches for identifying
classes. Noun phrase approach, Common class patterns approach, Use-case driven approach-
identifying classes and their behaviors through Sequence/collaboration modeling, Classes,
Responsibilities and collaborators, Naming classes, Identifying object relationships, Attributes
and methods - Introduction, Associations, Super-sub class relationships, A-part-of relationships-
aggregation, Case study.
Class responsibility: Identifying attributes and methods, Class responsibility - Defining attributes
by analyzing use cases and other UML diagrams, Defining attributes for ViaNet bank objects.
Object responsibility - Methods and messages, Defining methods for ViaNet bank objects.

Department of Computer Science & Engineering Page 23

4. Object-Oriented Design 7 Hours
The object-oriented design process and design axioms: Introduction, The object-oriented design
process, Object oriented design axioms. Corollaries, Design patterns.
Designing classes: Introduction, The Object-oriented design philosophy, UML object constraint
language. Designing classes - The process. Class visibility - Designing well-defined public,
Private and protected protocols.
Designing classes: Refining attributes, Refining attributes for the ViaNet bank projects. Designing
methods and protocols, Designing methods for the ViaNet bank objects, Packages and managing

5. Access Layer And View Layer Design 7 Hours

Access layer-object storage and object interoperability: Introduction, Object store and persistence
- Database management systems, Organization access control, Distributed databases and client-
server computing, Distributed objects computing, Object-oriented database management systems,
Object-relational systems, Multidatabase systems.


1. Ali Bahrami: Object oriented systems development, McGraw-Hill, 1999.

2. Rebecca Wirfs: Designing Object-oriented software. Prentice-Hall India, 1990.
3. Grady Booch : Unified Modeling Language User guide, Addison-Wesley, 1999.
4. Gamma. E : Design patterns: Elements of reusable Object oriented software. Addison-Wesley,

Scheme of Semester End Evaluation

Students have to answer 5 questions choosing at least 2 out of 4 questions

from Part – A and 2 questions out of 4 questions from Part – B.

The student will be capable of designing UML dynamic models using different modeling techniques.
Given any problem the student will be capable of designing and analyzing a solution using Object
Oriented Analysis.

Department of Computer Science & Engineering Page 24

VI Semester
(Autonomous Institution under VTU, Belgaum)


Sub Code : 07HSS61 CIE Marks : 100
Hrs / Week : 4+0+0 Exam Hrs : 3 Hrs
Credits :4 SEE Marks : 100
Total Hrs : 48

• To provide the students with an overview of several influential approaches and concepts of
management those that have shaped managerial thinking during the past century.
• To trigger the entrepreneurial thinking amongst the student community and to provide necessary
inputs and motivation for promoting entrepreneurship.


1. Management: 4 Hours
Introduction – Meaning – nature and characteristics of Management, scope and functional areas of
management – Management as a science, art or profession – Management and administration –
Roles of management, Levels of management, Development of Management Thought – Early
management approaches – Modern management approaches.

2. Planning and Forecasting: 2 Hours

Nature of Planning, Types of planning, Forecasting, Strategies for managing technology.

3. Organizing: 3 Hours
Nature of Organizing, Technology and Modern Organization Structures, Authority and Power,
Delegation, Committees and Meetings.

4. Motivating and Leading Technical People: 3 Hours

Motivation, Leadership, Motivating and Leading Technical Professionals (Excludes detailed
coverage of Leadership and motivation theories) Controlling: the Process of Control, Financial
Controls, Non-Financial Controls.

Part – B

5. Managing Engineering Design and Development: 7 Hours

Product and Technology Life Cycles, Nature of Research and development, Research Strategy
and organization, selecting R & D Projects, Protection of Ideas, Creativity, Nature of Engineering
Design, Systems Engineering / New Product Development, Control System in Design Product
Liability and Safety, Designing for Reliability, other “abilities” in Design.

6. Managing Production Operations: 6 Hours

Assuring product quality, Productivity, Work measurement, Maintenance and Facilities (Plant)
engineering, other manufacturing functions.

7. Engineers in Marketing and service activities: 3 Hours

Marketing and the Engineer, Engineers in Service organizations.

Department of Computer Science & Engineering Page 25

8. Project Planning and Acquisition: 5 Hours
Characteristics of a project, the project proposal process, project planning tools, Types of

9. Financial Management for Engineers: 3 Hours

Overview of tools for financial performance measurement of organisations.

Part - C

10. Entrepreneur: 3 Hours

Meaning of an Entrepreneur, Evolution of the Concept, Functions of an Entrepreneur, Types of
Entrepreneurs, Intrapreneur - an Emerging Class. Concept of Entrepreneurship – steps in
entrepreneurial process, Role of entrepreneurs in Economic Development: Entrepreneurship in
India; Entrepreneurship –Barriers.

11. Micro Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME): 3 Hours

Definition; Characteristics; Need and rationale; Objectives; Scope; role of MSME in Economic
Development. Advantages of MSME, Steps to start an MSME – Government policy towards
MSME; Impact of Liberalization, Privatisation, Globalization on MSME, Effect of WTO / GATT.

12. Institutional Support: 2 Hours

Different Schemes; TECSOK, KIADB, KSSIDC, KSIMC, DIC single Window Agency; MSME,

13. Preparation of Project: 4 Hours

Meaning of Project, Project Identification, Project Selection, Project Report - Contents;
Formulation; Project Appraisal. Identification of Business Opportunities: Market Feasibility
studies; Technical Feasibility Studies; Financial Feasibility Studies and Social Feasibility studies.

Reference Books:
1. Harold Koontz and Heinz Weihrich ,Essentials of Management, TMH, VII Edition.
2. Daniel L Babcock and Lucy C Morse – Managing Engineering and Technology, 3rd Edition,
Pearson Education
3. Entrepreneurship Development – SS Khanka – S Chand & Co.
4. James Arthur Finch Stoner, R. Edward Freeman, Daniel R., Jr. Gilbert, Management, Prentice
Hall; 6 Sub edition (January 1995) ISBN-13: 978-0131087477
5. Entrepreneurship Development – Small Business Enterprises – Poornima M Charantimath –
Pearson Education – 2006
6. David Holt – Entrepreneurship

Note: The subject treatment should be introductory in nature. The course is meant to equip
engineering students on the managerial aspects of an enterprise and motivate the students to
consider entrepreneurship as a career option.

Scheme of Semester End Evaluation (Theory Part A, B & C)

Two questions from Part – A, Four questions from Part – B and Two questions from Part – C are to
be set. Students are required to answer at least one question from Part – A, three from Part – B and
one from Part – C.

Department of Computer Science & Engineering Page 26

(Autonomous Institution under VTU, Belgaum)


Sub Code : 07CS62 CIE Marks : 100
Hrs / Week : 4+0+0 Exam Hrs : 3 Hrs
Credits :4 SEE Marks : 100
Total Hrs : 48

The basic concepts of UNIX and ANSI standards are introduced. The complete unix API’s, daemon
processes are taught. A brief introduction about interprocess communication is presented.

Part –A
1. Introduction 5 Hours
UNIX and ANSI Standards - The ANSI C standard, The ANSI/ISO standards, The POSIX.1 FIPS
standard, The X/open Standards.

2. UNIX and POSIX APIs 3 Hours

The POSIX APIs, The UNIX and POSIX Development Environment, API common

3. UNIX Files 4 Hours

File types, The UNIX and POSIX file system, The UNIX and POSIX file attributes, Inodes in
UNIX system V, Application program Interface to files, UNIX Kernel support for files,
Relationship of C stream pointers and File descriptors, Directory files, Hard and symbolic links.

4. UNIX File APIs 12 Hours

General File APIs, File and record locking, Directory file APIs, Device file APIs, FIFO file APIs,
Symbolic link file APIs, General file class, regfile Class for regular files, dirfile class for
Directory files, FIFO File Class, Device File class, Symbolic link File class, File listing Program.

Part –B

5. UNIX Processes 4 Hours

The Environment of a UNIX Process: Introduction, Main function, Process Termination,
Command-line arguments, Environment list, Memory layout of a C program, Shared Libraries,
Memory Allocation, setrlimit Functions, UNIX Kernel Support for Processes.

6. Process Control 4 Hours

Introduction, Process identifiers, fork, vfork, exit, wait, waitpid, wait3, wait4 functions, Race
conditions, exec functions, changing User IDs and group IDs, Interpreter files, System function,
Process accounting, User identification, Process times, I/O Redirection.

7. Process Relationships 4 Hours

Introduction, Terminal logins, Network logins, Process groups, Sessions, Controlling terminal,
tcgetpgrp and tcgetpgrp and tcsetpgrp Functions, Job control, Shell execution of programs,
Orphaned process groups.

8. Signals and Daemon Processes 4 Hours

Signals: The UNIX Kernel Support for signals, Signal, Signal mask, sigaction, The SIGCHLD
Signal and the waitpid function, The sigsetjmp and siglongjmp functions, Kill, Alarm Interval
timers, POSIX.1b timers.

Department of Computer Science & Engineering Page 27

9. Daemon Processes 2 Hours
Introduction, Daemon characteristics, Coding rules, Error logging, Client-Server model.

10. Interprocess Communication 6 Hours

Overview of IPC Methods, Pipes, pclose Functions, Coprocesses, FIFO’s System V IPC,
Message queues, Semaphores, Shared Memory, Client Server properties, Stream pipes, Passing
file descriptors, An Open server-version 1, Client-Server connection functions.


1. Terrence Chan, UNIX System Programming Using C++, Prentice Hall India, 1999.
2. W.Richard Stevens, Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment, Addison Wesley/PHI.
3. Maurice. J. Bach, The Design of the UNIX Operating System, Pearson Education/ Prentice Hall
of India.
4. Uresh Vahalia, Unix Internals, Pearson Education, ASIA, 2001.

Scheme of Semester End Evaluation

Students have to answer 5 questions choosing at least 2 out of 4 questions

from Part – A and 2 questions out of 4 questions from Part – B.

The student will have a detailed understanding of Unix Internals. The student can design efficient
system level applications using Unix API’s. The applications involving inter-process
communications can be developed.

Department of Computer Science & Engineering Page 28

(Autonomous Institution under VTU, Belgaum)


Sub Code : 07CS63 CIE Marks : 100+50
Hrs / Week : 3+1+3 Exam Hrs : 3 Hrs
Credits :5 SEE Marks : 100+50
Total Hrs : 36

The objective of DBMS is to introduce the basic concepts & terminology and database conceptual
modeling principles. It gives details about relational algebra and ER Modeling. The subject gives in
depth knowledge of databases using the concept of normalization. Concepts on transaction
processing, concurrency control techniques and recovery management techniques are introduced.
1. Introduction to Database Systems 4 Hours
Databases and Database users: Introduction, An example, Characteristics of Database Approach,
Actors on the scene, Workers behind the scene, Advantages of using the DBMS Approach, A
brief history of Database applications, When not to use a DBMS. Database System—Concepts
and Architecture: Data Models, Schemas and Instances, Three-schema Architecture and Data
Independence, Database Languages and Interfaces, The Database System Environment,
Centralized and Client/Server Architectures for DBMSs, Classification of Database Management

2. Entity-Relationship Model 5 Hours

Using High-Level Conceptual Data Models for Database Design; An Example Database
Application; Entity Types, Entity Sets, Attributes and Keys; Relationship types, Relationship
Sets, Roles and Structural Constraints; Weak Entity Types; Refining the ER Design for the
COMPANY Database; ER Diagrams, Naming Conventions and Design Issues, Enhanced Entity
Relationship(EER) Modeling, An Example UNIVERSITY EER Schema and Formal Definitions
for the EER Model.

3. Relational Model and Relational Algebra 6 Hours

Relational Model Concepts; Relational Model Constraints and Relational Database Schemas;
Update Operations and Dealing with Constraint Violations; Unary Relational Operations:
SELECT and PROJECT; Relational Algebra Operations from Set Theory; Binary Relational
Operations : JOIN and DIVISION ;Additional Relational Operations; Examples of Queries in
Relational Algebra; Relational Database Design Using ER- to-Relational Mapping, Mapping EER
Model Constructs to Relations

4. Sql-99: Schema Definition, Basic Constraints and Queries 3 Hours

SQL Data Definition, Specifying Basic Constraints in SQL, Schema Change Statements in SQL;
Basic Queries in SQL; More Complex SQL Queries; Insert, Delete and Update Statements in

5. Relational Database Design 5 Hours

Informal Design Guidelines for Relation Schemas; Functional Dependencies; Normal Forms
Based on Primary Keys; General Definitions of Second and Third Normal Forms; Boyce-Codd
Normal Form; Properties of Relational Decompositions; Algorithms for Relational Database
Schema Design; Multivalued Dependencies and Fourth Normal Form; Join Dependencies and
Fifth Normal Form

Department of Computer Science & Engineering Page 29

6. Transaction Processing Concepts 5 Hours
Introduction to Transaction Processing, Transaction and System Concepts, Characterizing
Schedules, Concurrency Control Techniques.

7. Recovery Concepts 4 Hours

Database Recovery Concepts, Recovery Techniques, Transaction Support in SQL.

8. Database Security and Authorization 4 Hours

Introduction to Database Security Issues, Discretionary Access Control based on Granting and
Revoking Privileges, Mandatory Access Control and Role-Based Access Control for Multilevel



1. A mini-project implemented in an RDBMS environment.

2. The mini-project to be carried out by a batch of not more than two students. The students will
pick a topic in consultation with a faculty. Mini-project must be carried out in the college only.

The mini-project tasks should involve

1. Understanding the mini-world description and the application specification of the mini-project
2. Bringing out the conceptual design (Entity-relationship representation) of the mini-project.
3. Converting conceptual design to the Relational design.
4. Normalization of the Relational design up to 3NF (desirable 5NF)
5. Create a backend using relational database like ORACLE or DB2
6. Suitable tuples have to be entered so that queries are executed correctly.
7. Create a front end using VB or VAJ to access the data
8. Documentation and Report

Minimum requirement

1. At least 8 to 10 tables
2. 5 – 8 forms
3. Security for the database to be provided

Typical mini-projects

 Room Reservation and front office needs of a luxury hotel

 Railway Reservation
 Airline Reservation
 Sales Management of consumer products company
 Library management
 A city tourist assistance service
 Bus reservation for a state transport corporation
 Front office management for a large bank
 Patient and services management for a large hospital
 Admissions management for large University
 Managing of Placement center
 Sports databases
 Examination System management
 Online enquiry service for products and services in a city like Yellow pages

Department of Computer Science & Engineering Page 30


1. Elmasri, Navathe, Somayajulu, Shyam Gupta, Fundamentals of Database Systems, Fifth Edition,
Pearson Education, 2006.
2. Silberschatz, Korth and Sudharshan, Data base System Concepts, Fourth Edition, Mc-GrawHill,
3. Raghu Ramakrishnan and Johannes Gehrke, Database Management Systems, Third Edition,
McGraw-Hill, 2003.

Scheme of Semester End Evaluation—Theory

Students have to answer 5 questions choosing at least 2 out of 4 questions

from Part – A and 2 questions out of 4 questions from Part – B.

Scheme of Semester End Evaluation—Laboratory

The project developed will be evaluated for 50 marks.

The student will be capable of designing a complete Database application. They are also exposed to
different internal components of the internal architecture.

Department of Computer Science & Engineering Page 31

(Autonomous Institution under VTU, Belgaum)


Sub Code : 07CS64 CIE Marks : 100+50
Hrs / Week : 3+1+3 Exam Hrs : 3 Hrs
Credits :5 SEE Marks : 100+50
Total Hrs : 36

The course on Computer Networks seamlessly provides a continuation from the course on ‘Data
Communication & Networking’. The objective of the course is to provide exposure to the type and
uses of computer networks, the upper layers of the network architecture viz network, Transport and
application layers the course concludes with an exposure to a relatively new concept of wireless
sensor networks.

Part -A

1. Introduction to Computer Networks 2 Hours

Uses of Computer Networks : Business Applications, Home Application, Mobile Users, Social
Issues; Network hardware: Local Area Networks, Metropolitan Area Networks, Wide Area
Networks, Wireless Networks, Home Networks, Internet works; Network software: Protocol
Hierarchies, Design Issues for the Layers, Connection-Oriented and Connectionless Services,
Service Primitives, The Relationship of Services to Protocols;

2. Local Area Networks 4 Hours

Ethernet(802.3) MAC sub layer protocol, Binary exponential back off algorithm, switched
Ethernet, fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet, IEEE 802.2 LLC, Token Ring and IEEE 802.5 LAN
Standard: Token-Ring Protocol, Frame structure; FDDI; Wireless Lans,802.11 stack, 802.11
Physical layer, 802.11 MAC sub layer protocol, 802.11 frame structure.

3. Network layer-1 12 Hours

Network layer design issues: Store and Forward packet Switching, Services Provided to the
Transport Layer, Implementation of Connectionless Service, Implementation of Connection-
Oriented Service, Comparison of Virtual Circuit and Datagram Subnets; Routing algorithms: The
Optimality Principal, Shortest Path Routing, Flooding, Distance Vector Routing, Link state
Routing, Hierarchical Routing, Broadcast Routing, Multicast Routing , Routing for Mobile
Hosts, Routing in Ad hoc Networks, Node look up in Peer to Peer Networks; Congestion Control
Algorithms: General Principles of Congestion Control, Congestion Prevention Policies,
Congestion Control in Virtual-Circuit Subnets, Congestion Control in Datagram Subnets, Load
Shedding, Jitter Control; Quality Of Service: Requirements, Techniques for Achieving Good
Quality of Service, Integrated Services, Differentiated Services. Internetworking: How networks
differ, How Networks Can Be Connected, Concatenated Virtual Circuits, Connectionless
Internetworking, Tunneling, Internetwork Routing, Fragmentation; The Network Layer in the
Internet : The IP Protocol, IP Addresses, Internet Control Protocols, The Interior Gateway
Routing Protocol : OSPF, The Exterior Gateway Routing Protocol : BGP, Internet Multicasting,
Mobile IP, Ipv6;

Part - B

4. The Transport Layer 10 Hours

The Transport Service: Services Provided to the Upper Layers, Transport Service Primitives,
Berkley Sockets; Elements of Transport Protocols: Addressing, Connection Establishment,

Department of Computer Science & Engineering Page 32

Connection Release, Flow Control and Buffering, Multiplexing, Crash Recovery; The Internet
Transport Protocols(UDP): Introduction to UDP, Remote Procedure Call, The Real-Time
Transport Protocol ; The Internet Transport Protocols(TCP): Introduction to TCP, The TCP
Service Model, The TCP Protocol, The TCP Segment Header, TCP Connection Establishment,
TCP Connection Release, Modeling TCP Connection Management, TCP Transmission Policy,
TCP Congestion Control, TCP Timer Management, Transactional TCP; Performance Issues:
Performance problems in Computer Networks, Network Performance Measurement, System
Design for Better Performance, Fast TPDU Processing, Protocols for Gigabit Networks;

5. The Application Layer 8 Hours

DNS-The Domain Name System: The DNS Name Space, Resource Records, Name Servers;
Electronic Mail: Architecture and Services, The User Agent, Message Formats, Message Transfer,
Final Delivery; The World Wide Web: Architectural Overview, Static Web Documents, Dynamic
Web Documents, HTTP.



Note :
• Implement the below exercises using C/C++ on Linux Operating System.
• Client and Server programs must to do the following :
i) The Client should send the name of a file to the server.
ii) The Server sends back contents of the requested file, if it is present, else return an
appropriate message.

1. Write and execute Client and Server programs to do the above work, using Pipes as the Inter
Process Communication (IPC) channel. (Processes are running on the same machine).

2. Write and execute Client and Server programs to do the above work, using FIFO as the IPC
channel. (Processes are running on different machines).

3. Write and execute Client and Server program to do the above work, using Message Queue as the
IPC channel. (Processes are running on different machines).

4. Write and execute Client and Server program to do the above work, using Sockets as the IPC
channel. (Processes are running on different machines)

5. Write and execute a parallel program to find the sum of given ‘N’ numbers, using Pipes as the
IPC channel.
(Hint: Divide N elements into subgroups. send each subgroup to individual process to find partial
sum. Finally add all partial sums to get the actual sum)

6. Write and execute a parallel program to find the sum of given ‘N’ numbers, each using Sockets as
the IPC channel.
(Hint: Divide N elements into subgroups. send each subgroup to individual process to find partial
sum. Finally add all partial sums to get the actual sum)

7. Write a program to perform serial communication between two desktops, using – minicom under

Department of Computer Science & Engineering Page 33


Implementation of a network project on an actual Ethernet LAN or Wireless LAN.

Possible projects which can be implemented are:

1) Chat Server
2) Echo Server
3) FTP
5) Remote Login
6) Firewall
7) Different Encryption methods
8) Compression techniques for data transfer (text and images).
9) Module to manage the network resources efficiently.


1. Andrew S. Tanenbaum , Computer Networks, PHI Publication, Fourth edition, 2002.

2. James F. Kurose and Keith W. Ross, Computer Networking- A Top-Down, Approach Featuring
the Internet, 2nd Edition, Pearson.
3. Behrouz A. Forouzan , Data Communications and Networking, Tata McGraw-Hill 4th Edition.
4. Nader F.Mir, Computer and communication networks, Pearson Education.
5. Larry L. Peterson and Bruce S. Davie, Computer Networks, Elsevier–Morgan Kaufmann
Publishers, 3rd Edition.

Scheme of Semester End Evaluation—Theory

Students have to answer 5 questions choosing at least 2 out of 4 questions

from Part – A and 2 questions out of 4 questions from Part – B.

Scheme of Semester End Evaluation—Laboratory

In the examination questions must be given on lots for Unit–I. Student must execute 1 program from
Unit–I for a total of 20 marks. The project developed under Unit – II will be evaluated for 30 marks.

The students are made to understand popular protocols in use as of today. The lab associated with this
course, help them to implement a networking application. The students are exposed to the basics of
wireless sensor networks.

Department of Computer Science & Engineering Page 34

(Autonomous Institution under VTU, Belgaum)


Sub Code : 07CS651 CIE Marks : 100
Hrs / Week : 4+0+0 Exam Hrs : 3 Hrs
Credits :4 SEE Marks : 100
Total Hrs : 48

Objective of the course is to teach the basic concept of simulation with real life examples. The
different ways of modeling the behavior of a system, different steps towards simulation study with
examples are introduced.


1. Introduction to Simulation 2 Hours

When Simulation is the Appropriate Tool, when Simulation is not appropriate, Advantages and
Disadvantages of Simulation, Areas of Application, Systems and System Environment,
Components of a System, Discrete and Continuous Systems, Model of a System, Types of
Models, Discrete-Event System Simulation, Steps in a Simulation Study.

2. Simulation Examples 8 Hours

Characteristics of Queuing Systems, Queuing Notation, Simulation of Queuing Systems,
Simulation of Inventory Systems.

3. General Principles 6 Hours

Concepts in Discrete-Event Simulation, The Event-Scheduling / Time-Advance Algorithm, World
Views, Manual simulation Using Event Scheduling.

4. Random-Number Generation 8 Hours

Properties of Random Numbers, Generation of Pseudo-Random Numbers, Techniques for
Generating Random Numbers, Tests for Random Numbers.


5. Statistical Models in Simulation 4 Hours

Review of terminology and concepts, useful statistical models, discrete distributions, continuous
distributions, Poisson process, Empirical distributions.

6. Random-Variate Generation 5 Hours

Continuous distributions-uniform distribution, exponential distribution. Inverse Transform
technique, Exponential Distribution, Uniform Distribution, Discrete Distributions, Acceptance-
Rejection Technique, Poisson Distribution.

7. Input Modeling 7 Hours

Data Collection, Identifying the distribution with Data, Parameter Estimation, Goodness of Fit
Tests, Selecting Input Models without Data, Multivariate and Time-Series Input Models.

8. Verification and Validation of Simulation Models 3 Hours

Model Building, Verification and Validation, Verification of Simulation Models, Calibration and
Validation of Models.

Department of Computer Science & Engineering Page 35

9. Output Analysis for a Single Model 5 Hours
Types of Simulations with Respect to Output Analysis, Stochastic Nature of Output Data,
Measures of Performance and Their Estimation, Output Analysis for Terminating Simulations,
Output Analysis for Steady-State Simulations.


1. Jerry Banks, John S. Carson, Barry L. Nelson, David M. Nicol, Discrete-Event System
Simulation, Third Edition, Prentice-Hall India
2. R. Pannerselvam, Research Methodology, PHI, New Delhi, 2005
3. Geoffrey Gordon, System Simulation, Third Edition, Prentice-Hall India.
4. Averill M. Law, W. David Kelton, Simulation Modeling and Analysis, Third Edition, McGraw-

Scheme of Semester End Evaluation

Students have to answer 5 questions choosing at least 2 out of 4 questions

from Part – A and 2 questions out of 4 questions from Part – B.

The student will be capable of modeling a real world problem, simulate using an appropriate
technique. Verification and validation of simulating model and output analysis can be done for the
designed system.

Department of Computer Science & Engineering Page 36

(Autonomous Institution under VTU, Belgaum)
Sub Code : 07CS652 CIE Marks : 100
Hrs / Week : 4+0+0 Exam Hrs : 3 Hrs
Credits :4 SEE Marks : 100
Total Hrs : 48
The objective of Operation Research is to give in depth knowledge on formulation of linear
programming problems. Different methods for solving LPP like simplex method, Big-M method and
2 phase methods are introduced. Transportation and assignment problems are described for optimal
solution. PERT-CPM techniques are included to study the performance of network.
Part – A
1. Introduction 2 Hours
Definition, Scope of Operations Research (OR), Limitations of OR models, Characteristics and
phases of OR, Applications of OR.
2. Linear programming problems 14 Hours
Mathematical formulation of LP problems, solution of LPP by Graphical method, simplex
Method, surplus and artificial variables, The Big M-Method, Two-phase Method, duality in
Linear Programming, Dual simplex method, degeneracy, and procedure for resolving degenerate
cases. Revised simplex method,
3. Transportation And Assignment Problems 11 Hours
Introduction, initial basic feasible solution by north west corner rule, Least cost method, Vogel”s
approximation method. Optimality test by Modi Method, degeneracy and unbalanced
transportation problems. Assignment Problems: Mathematical formulation of assignment
problems, Hungerian Method, Unbalanced assignment problem, , Traveling salesman problems.
Part – B
4. PERT-CPM Techniques 9 Hours
Representation of project by Network, Activity, event, starting time and finishing time, floats,
stacks, determining critical path, scheduling by network, project duration, variance under
probabilistic models, and prediction of date of completion.
5. Game theory 6 Hours
Two-person Zero Sum game. The Max-Min, Mini-Max principles. Game without saddle points,
graphical solutions, two person Zero sum game, dominance property.
6. Replacement model 6 Hours
Replacement of items that Deteriorate with time. i). When value of money does not change with
time, ii) When value of money changes with time. The Optimal Replacement policy,
replacement of Equipment that fails suddenly, group replacement policy
1. Hamdi Taha, Introduction to Operation Research, Pearson Education 7th Edition.
2. S.D. Sharma, Operation Research, Kedarnath Ram Nath & Co.
3. H. M. Wagner, Fundamentals of Operations Research, PHI, 2nd Edition.
4. L.S. Sreenath, PERT and CPM Principles and Applications, East-west Press Pvt. Ltd., 3rd
Scheme of Semester End Evaluation
Students have to answer 5 questions choosing at least 2 out of 4 questions
from Part – A and 2 questions out of 4 questions from Part – B.

Department of Computer Science & Engineering Page 37

Given any real life problem, the student can design a solution and optimize the solution using
different Operation Research techniques.


(Autonomous Institution under VTU, Belgaum)


Sub Code : 07CS653 CIE Marks : 100
Hrs / Week : 04 Exam Hrs : 3 Hrs
Credits :5 SEE Marks : 100
Total Hrs : 48
The objective of the course is to introduce the advanced problems solving techniques to students who
are already familiar with basic algorithms. The subject exposes the students to enhance the knowledge
of algorithms in different computer science domains.
1. Analysis Techniques: 6 Hours
Growth functions, Recurrences and solution of recurrence equations, Amortized analysis,
Aggregate, Accounting, and Potential methods.

2. String Matching Algorithms 6 Hours

Naïve algorithm, Robin-Karp algorithm, String matching with finite automata, Knuth-Morris-
Pratt and Boyer-Moore algorithms

3. Number Theoretic Algorithms 6 Hours

Elementary notions, GCD, Modular arithmetic, solving modular linear equations, The Chinese
remainder theorem, powers of an element, RSA cryptosystem, primality testing, Integer
4. Huffman Codes, Polynomials, FFT 6 Hours
Huffman codes: Concepts, construction, Proof of correctness of Huffman’s algorithm,
Representation of polynomials, DFT and FFT, Efficient implementation of FFT.
5. Graph Algorithms 4 Hours
Bellman-Ford Algorithm, Shortest paths in a DAG, Johnson’s Algorithm for sparse graphs, Flow
networks and the Ford Fulkerson algorithm, Maximum bipartite matching
6. Computational Geometry-I 8 Hours
Geometric data structures using C ++: Vectors, Points, Polygons, Edges; Geometric objects in
space: Finding the intersection of a line and a triangle, Finding star-shaped polygons and convex
hulls using incremental insertion.
7. Computational Geometry-II 12 Hours
Point Enclosure: Ray-shooting and Signed angle methods; Clipping, Cyrus-Beck and Sutherland-
Hodgman Algorithms, Triangulating monotonic polygons, Convex hulls: Gift wrapping and
Graham Scan, Removing hidden surfaces, Intersection of convex polygons, convex hulls,
contour of the union of rectangles, Decomposing polygons into monotone pieces.

1. Thomas H. Cormen et al, Introduction to Algorithms, Prentice Hall India, 1990.
2. Michael J. Laszlo, Computational Geometry and Computer Graphics in C++, Prentice Hall India,

Department of Computer Science & Engineering Page 38

Scheme of Semester End Evaluation
Students have to answer 5 questions choosing at least 2 out of 4 questions
from Part – A and 2 questions out of 4 questions from Part – B.

The students will be capable of applying advanced problem solving techniques for different domains
like Graphics, Cryptosystem and Networks.

Department of Computer Science & Engineering Page 39

(Autonomous Institution under VTU, Belgaum)


Sub Code : 07CS654 CIE Marks : 100
Hrs / Week : 4+0+0 Exam Hrs : 3 Hrs
Credits :4 SEE Marks : 100
Total Hrs : 48

The objective of the course is to introduce the basics of pattern recognition system, design cycle,
learning and adaptation. The required mathematical background, theoretical concepts and techniques
are introduced. Case studies are also considered.

1. Introduction 3 Hours
Machine Perception, Pattern Recognition systems, Design cycle, learning and adaptation

2. Bayesian Decision Theory 4 Hours

Introduction, Bayesian Decision theory – continuous features, classifiers, discriminant functions,
and decision surfaces, normal density and discriminant functions, Bayes decision theory – discrete

3. Maximum likelihood and Bayesian parameter estimation 7 Hours

Introduction, maximum likelihood estimation, Bayesian Estimation, Bayesian parameter
estimation, problem of dimensionality, sufficient and exponential family, complex analysis &

4. Nonparametric Techniques 10 Hours

Introduction, Density Estimation, Parzen Windows, kn-nearest neighbour estimation, nearest
neighbor rule, metrics and nearest-neighbor classification, fuzzy classification, reduced coulomb
energy, approximations by series expansions


5. Linear discriminant functions 8 Hours

Introduction, linear discriminant functions, generalized linear discriminant functions, minimizing
the Perceptron criterion function, relaxation procedures, non-separable behaviours, minimum
squared-error procedures, Ho-Kashyap procedures

6. Unsupervised learning and clustering 6 Hours

Mixture densities and identifiability, maximum-likelihood estimates, application to normal
mixtures, unsupervised Bayesian learning, data decryption and clustering, criterion functions and
clustering, hierarchical clustering, on-line clustering. Component analysis, low-dimensional
representations and multidimensional scaling

7. Syntactic pattern Recognition 6 Hours

Overview, qualifying structure in pattern description and recognition, grammar based approach,
elements of formal grammar

8. Neural Patter Recognition 4 Hours

Learning Grammars, Problem formulation, grammatical Interference approach, procedures to
generate constrained grammars

Department of Computer Science & Engineering Page 40


1. Richard O. Duda, Peter E. Hart and David G Stork, Pattern Classification, John Wiley & Sons,
Inc.2nd Ed. 2001.
2. Robert Schalkoff, Pattern Recognition: Statistical, Structural and Neural Approaches, John Wiley
& Sons, Inc.1992.
3. Earl Gose, Richard Johnsonbaugh, Steve Jost Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Prentice
Hall, Prentice Hall; Har/Dsk edition, May 1996.

Scheme of Semester End Evaluation

Students have to answer 5 questions choosing at least 2 out of 4 questions

from Part – A and 2 questions out of 4 questions from Part – B.

Pattern Recognition techniques discussed motivates the students in designing many pattern
recognition systems to classify objects into various categories- finds application in numerous areas
such as medicine, weather forecasting, automated industrial inspection, geology, agriculture and so

Department of Computer Science & Engineering Page 41

(Autonomous Institution under VTU, Belgaum)


Sub Code : 07CS661 CIE Marks : 100
Hrs / Week : 4+0+0 Exam Hrs : 3 Hrs
Credits :4 SEE Marks : 100
Total Hrs : 48
To introduce the advanced Network programming concepts with TCP/IP model has the basis.
Applications are developed using TCP socket as well as UDP sockets. The advance features of IP,
DNS, Daemon Processes, Super Server Concepts, Threads are introduced. The basics of Unix
Domain protocols with a case study of client/server programming is introduced.


1. Introduction 2 Hours
OSI model, BSD Networking history, Test networks and hosts, Unix standards, 64-Bit

2. The Transport Layer : TCP, UDP, SCTP 4 Hours

Introduction, The big picture, UDP, TCP, SCTP, TCP connection establishment and termination,
TIME_WAIT state, SCTP association establishment and termination, port numbers, TCP port
numbers and concurrent servers, Buffer sizes and limitation, standard internet services, protocol
usage by common internet applications

3. Socket Introduction 4 Hours

Introduction, Socket address structure, value- result arguments, byte ordering functions, byte
manipulation functions, inet_aton, inet_addr and inet_ntoa functions, inet_pton and inet_ntop
functions, sock_ntop and related functions, readn, written and readline functions.

4. Elementary TCP Sockets 3 Hours

Introduction, socket function, connect function, bind, listen, accept, fork, exec functions,
concurrent servers, close function, getsockname and getpeername functions.

5. TCP Client/Server Example 2 Hours

Introduction, TCP Echo server – main – str_echo , TCP Echo client - main – str_echo, Normal
startup, normal termination,

6. Socket options 6 Hours

Introduction, getsockopt and setsockopt functions, Checking if an option is supported and
obtaining the default, socket states, generic socket options, IPv4 options, ICMPv6 options, IPv6
socket option, TCP socket options, SCTP socket options, fcntl function.

7. Elementary UDP sockets 3 Hours

Introduction, recvfrom and sendto functions, UDP Echo server & UDP Echo client, lost


8. Name and address conversions 4 Hours

Introduction, DNS, gethostbyname function, gethostbyaddr function, getservbyname and
getservbyport functions, getaddrinfo function, gai_strerror function, freeaddrinfo function,
getaddrinfo function: example, host_serv function.

Department of Computer Science & Engineering Page 42

9. IPv4 and IPv6 Interoperability 4 Hours
Introduction, IPv4 client- IPv6 server, IPv6 client - IPv4 server, IPv6 address – Testing Macros,
Source code portability.

10. Daemon processes and the inetd superserver 4 Hours

Introduction, syslogd Deamon, syslog function, daemon_init function, inetd Daemon,
daemon_inetd function.

11. Unix Domain protocols 4 Hours

Introduction, Unix domain socket address structure, socketpair function, Socket functions, Unix
domain stream client/server, Unix domain Datagram client/server, passing descriptor, Receiving
sender credentials.

12. Broadcasting 4 Hours

Introduction, Broadcast address, Unicast Vs Broadcast, dg_client function using broadcasting,
race conditions.

13. Threads 4 Hours

Introduction, Basic thread functions, str_cli function using threads, TCP Echo server using
threads, Thread specific data.


1. W.Richard Stevens, Bill Fenner, Andrew M. Rudoff, UNIX Network Programming – The sockets
networking API Vol.– 1 , Third edition, PHI.
2. Stephen A. Rago, Unix System V Network Programming, AWL.
3. Comer, Stevens, Internetworking with TCP/IP, volume III, Second Edition, PHI.
4. Bill Riekan & Lyle Weiman, Adventures in UNIX Network Applications Programming.
5. Chris Brown, Unix Distributed Programming, 1994, PH.

Scheme of Semester End Evaluation

Students have to answer 5 questions choosing at least 2 out of 4 questions

from Part – A and 2 questions out of 4 questions from Part – B.

The student will be capable of design application using either TCP/UDP sockets, use threads to
develop applications.

Department of Computer Science & Engineering Page 43

(Autonomous Institution under VTU, Belgaum)
Sub Code : 07CS662 CIE Marks : 100
Hrs / Week : 4+0+0 Exam Hrs : 3 Hrs
Credits :4 SEE Marks : 100
Total Hrs : 48
The objective is to provide a detailed and comprehensive comparison of all Intel family of processors
and their software and hardware interfaces. To develop control software to control an application and
interface to microprocessors. Develop software that uses Macro Sequences, Procedures, Conditional
Assembly and Flow control Assembler Directives.
1. Memory Interface 3 Hours
80286 and 80386SX(16-bit) Memory Interface, 80386DX and 80486(32-bit) Memory Interface,
Pentium Pro and Pentium II (64-bit) Memory Interface.
2. I/O Interface 4 Hours
8279 Programmable keyboard and Display Interface, 8254 Programmable interval Timer,
Programmable Communication interface(16550).
3. Interrupts 5 Hours
Basic Interrupt processing, Hardware Interrupts, Expanding the interrupt structure, 8259A
Programmable interrupt Controller.
4. Direct Memory Access 6 Hours
Basic DMA operation, The 8237 DMA Controller, The Shared bus Operation, Disk Memory
Systems, Video Displays.
5. Arithmetic Co-processor 6 Hours
Data Formats, 80X87 Architecture, Instruction Set (No programming required), Introduction to
MMX Technology.
6. The 80386 and 80486 Microprocessors 9 Hours
Introduction to 80386 Microprocessor, Special 80386 registers, 80386 Memory management,
Moving to protected mode, virtual 8086 mode, Memory paging Mechanism, Introduction to
7. Reduced Instruction Set Computer Principles 4 Hours
RISC versus CISC, RISC Properties, RISC Evaluation, On-Chip Register file versus Cache
Evaluation, Overview of RISC Development and Current System.
8. Pentium Processor 11 Hours
Introduction to Pentium processors, Special Pentium registers, Pentium Memory Management,
New Pentium instructions ( No programming). Introduction to Pentium pro microprocessor,
Special Pentium Pro processor, Introduction to the Pentium II microprocessor, The Pentium III,
The Pentium 4.
1. Barry B Brey, The INTEL Microprocessors, 8086/8088, 80186/80188, 80286, 80386, 80486,
Pentium and Pentium pro processors 6th Edition, Pearson Education/PHI 2003.
2. Daniel Tabak, Advanced Microprocessors, 2nd Edition, Mc-Grahill, 1995.
Scheme of Semester End Evaluation
Students have to answer 5 questions choosing at least 2 out of 4 questions
from Part – A and 2 questions out of 4 questions from Part – B.

Department of Computer Science & Engineering Page 44

The student will be capable of interfacing different types of hardware devices using appropriate
peripheral chips, also work on higher Intel processors and develop hardware and software

Department of Computer Science & Engineering Page 45

(Autonomous Institution under VTU, Belgaum)


Subject Code : 07CS663 CIE Marks : 100
Hours/Week : 04 Exam Hrs : 3 Hrs
Credits :4 SEE Marks : 100
Total Hrs : 48
The student will be thought the appropriate knowledge and techniques that in practice lead to a
systematic, structured process for inspection and training and thereby contribute to the improvement
of the quality of the software.

1. Basics of Software Testing 11 Hours
Human Errors and Testing, Software Quality; Requirements, Behavior and Correctness,
Correctness versus Reliability, Testing and Debugging, Test Metrics, Software and Hardware
Testing, Testing and Verification, Defect Management, Execution History, Test-generation
Strategies, Static Testing, Model-Based Testing and Model Checking, Control-Flow Graph, Types
of Testing, The Saturation Effect.
2. Test Generation from Requirements 13 Hours
Introduction, The Test-Selection Problem, Equivalence Partitioning, Boundary Value Analysis,
Category-Partition Method, Cause-Effect Graphing, Test Generation from Predicates.

3. Types of Testing - 1 9 Hours
White Box Testing, Introduction, Static Testing, Structural Testing, Challenges in Whit box
testing, Black Box Testing: Introduction, Testing methods. Integration Testing: Introduction,
Integration testing as a Type of Testing, Integration testing as a Phase of Testing, Scenario
Testing, Defect Bash.

4. Types of Testing - 2 8 Hours

System and Acceptance Testing, Overview, Functional System Testing, Non-functional Testing,
Acceptance Testing; Summary of Testing Phases, Regression Testing: Introduction,
Methodologies, Best Practices.

5. Performance Testing: 3 Hours

Introduction, Factors governing Performance Testing, Methodologies, Tools, Process for
Performance Testing, Challenges.

6. Test Planning, Management, Execution and Reporting 4 Hours

Introduction, Test Planning, Test Management, Test Process, Test Reporting, Best Practices.

1. Aditya P Mathur, Foundations of Software Testing, Pearson Education, 2008.
2. Srinivasan Desikan, Gopalaswamy Ramesh, Software Testing - Principles and Practices, Pearson
Education, 2008.
3. Ron Patton, Software Testing, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education.
4. Peter Farrell, Vinay, Manage Software Testing, Auerbach Publications, 2008.
Scheme of Semester End Evaluation
Students have to answer 5 questions choosing at least 2 out of 4 questions
from Part – A and 2 questions out of 4 questions from Part – B.

Department of Computer Science & Engineering Page 46

The student will be capable of designing and planning the project specific inspections and tests. They
will be able to execute the tests, create the corresponding test reports and forward fault reports to the

Department of Computer Science & Engineering Page 47

(Autonomous Institution under VTU, Belgaum)


Sub Code : 07CS664 CIE Marks : 100
Hrs / Week : 4+0+0 Exam Hrs : 3 Hrs
Credits :4 SEE Marks : 100
Total Hrs : 48
The operating system concept has been extended for a distributed environment. Student gets to learn
various distributed scheduling algorithms and load balancing concepts. Resolving deadlock situations
are also introduced.

Part – A

1. Fundamentals 6 Hours
What is Distributed Computing Systems?, Distributed Computing System Models, What is
Distributed Operating System?, Issues in Designing a Distributed Operating System, Introduction
to Distributed Computing Environment(DCE).

2. Message Passing 8 Hours

Desirable Issues of s Good Message Passing, Issues in IPC by Message Passing, Synchronization,
Buffering, Multidatagram Messages, Encoding and Decoding of Message Data, Process
Addressing, Failure Handling, Group Communication.

3. Remote Procedure Calls 10 Hours

The RPC Model, Transparency of RPC, Implementing RPC Mechanism, Stub Generation, RPC
Messages, Marshaling Arguments and Results, Server Management, Parameter - Passing
Semantics, Call semantics, Communication Protocols for RPCs, Complicated RPCs, Client-
Server Binding, Exception Handling, Security.

Part – B

4. Distributed Shared Memory 8 Hours

General Architecture of DSM Systems, Design and Implementation Issues of DSM, Granularity,
Structure of Shared Memory Space, Consistency Models, Replacement Strategy, Thrashing.

5. Synchronization 9 Hours
Clock Synchronization – logical clocks – physical clock – clock synchronization algorithms,
Mutual exclusion – A centralized algorithm – A distributed algorithm – a token ring algorithm,
comparison of the three algorithms Election algorithms – The Bully algorithm – ring algorithm,
Dead locks in distributed systems – Distributed deadlock detection – distributed deadlock

6. Resource Management 3 Hours

Desirable Features of a Good Global Scheduling Algorithm, Task Assignment Approach, Load –
Balancing Approach, Load – Sharing Approach.

7. Process Management 2 Hours

Process Migration, Threads – Introduction – usage – design issues for thread packages – an
example for thread package, System models – the workstation model – the processor pool model
– the Hybrid model, Processor allocation – Allocation Models – design issues Implementation
issues, Scheduling in distributed systems.

Department of Computer Science & Engineering Page 48

8. Distributed File Systems. 2 Hours
Desirable Features of a Good Distributed File System, File models, File–Accessing Models, File –
Sharing Semantics, File – Caching Schemes.


1. Pradeep. K. Sinha, Distributed Operating System: Concepts and Design, 1997, PHI.
2. Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Distributed Operating System, Pearson Education, 2002.
3. G. Coulouris, J.Dollimore& T. Kindberg, Distributed Systems concepts and design, Pearson, 4th
Edition, 2005.

Scheme of Semester End Evaluation

Students have to answer 5 questions choosing at least 2 out of 4 questions

from Part – A and 2 questions out of 4 questions from Part – B.

The student will be capable of implementing remote procedure calls, designing distributed shared
memory with efficient synchronization and resource management.

Department of Computer Science & Engineering Page 49

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