FSAE Sponsorship Proposal 2009
FSAE Sponsorship Proposal 2009
FSAE Sponsorship Proposal 2009
2008 – 2009
“Excellence in Engineering”
Who we are, What we do, and Where we fit in:
Left - A sponsor suits up for his turn to drive the 2008 car.
The Competition:
The Formula SAE competition
commissions college SAE student
organizations to design, engineer, and build a
four-wheeled, open-cockpit race vehicle. The
team then chooses to compete in any or all of
the national competitions held annually in
Pontiac, MI, Fontana, CA, and Alton, VA.
The competition includes five dynamic
events: acceleration, skidpad, autocross,
endurance, and fuel economy. Each event tests
a different ability of the car: acceleration,
cornering, speed and handling, survivability, Above - team members Josh and Rob talk to a tech inspector
and overall fuel efficiency, respectively. at SAE West 2008.
The competition also includes three
static events: cost and feasibility, design judging, and marketing potential. The static events
emphasize the crossover and dimensionality required of all engineers in today’s modern,
professional engineering world.
The team of students is entirely responsible for the fundraising, designing, marketing
constructing, testing, and all other activities involving the vehicle. This requires organization,
planning and teamwork that extend beyond the classroom setting. This program creates
professional design engineers with experience and industry connections; it teaches each student
to consider all facets of design: cost and manufacturability, engineering soundness and
application, customer needs and focus, and marketability of the end product.
The team prides itself on reaching out to incoming engineers and students from all
disciplines at the annual Welcome Week for freshmen at the University of Minnesota. Following
Welcome Week, the team hosts recruitment meetings to excite and ignite engineering students
about the application potential for the knowledge they gain as a technical, degree seeking
student. The team also hosts a booth at the annual IT Week where all technical student groups
get a chance to communicate about the projects they have been working on.
One of the largest benefits of the FSAE program is
the opportunity that students gain from developing personal
relations with local and national industry. The need for
products, services, and money allows students to become
acquainted with companies and vendors from all facets of
engineering, design, material supply, manufacturing, and
production. Before graduation, students already have
resources available for tapping as they join the workforce of
any company.
Every team member gains experience in design.
Team members follow a linear design process:
Just like a real company, designs are reviewed by the team and drawings are signed off by the
team’s chief engineer before manufacturing can begin.
What We Need:
Why Sponsor?:
Sponsorship of the University of Minnesota Formula SAE Project represents a significant
investment in the training of technical professionals for our future. Experience is gained in an
array of disciplines:
Students learn to interact with companies in order to secure necessary parts, funds, and
materials. Sponsorship identifies your organization as recognizing the importance of this unique
educational experience and endorsing its continuation.
Sponsorship Classifications:
Returning sponsors are classified based on the monetary and in-kind donation values for
the last two cars that went to competition. New sponsors are classified based on the current car.
Team Name: Single Largest Monetary Donation Team Name/Largest Decal
Platinum : Donations totaling $10,000 or more Very Large Decals on Car
Gold: Donations totaling $5,000 or more Large Decal on Car
Silver: Donations totaling $1,000 or more Medium Decal on Car
Bronze: Donations totaling $500 or more Small Decal on Car
Other Resources:
The 2007-2008 U of M
Formula SAE
Engineering Team.