Eng 3

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WEEK 1: Argumentative Essay Your evidence can come from what you already
know, from expert opinions, and from reliable
Which of these is NOT part of an argumentative sources like books and articles. You must use facts,
essay introduction reasons, evidence or examples to support your
- Evidence claims as valid
What is the purpose of an argumentative essay?
- To persuade the reader Features of an Argumentative Essay
Which of these transitions would you use in the 1) presents and explains the issue or case through
counterargument? the claim or argument;
- However 2) gives reasons and supports these reasons with
There are three parts to an essay. Which choice facts, proof or evidence;
contains all of them? 3)refutes or proves wrong the opposing arguments
- Introduction, Body, Conclusion
Where in the essay should a thesis statement Parts of an Argumentative Essay
appear? - Introduction, Body and Conclusion
- First paragraph 1) Introduction
It is the part where all the reasons or - Shows the readers the topic you will be
explanations to answer the questions of the talking about in the entire essay
introduction will be exposed - Gives proper context of the topic
- Body paragraphs - Is where you state your claim, introduce the
What is the other side of the issue (opposite of problem and give background information
your claim) called? needed for the argument and the thesis
- Counterargument statement
In which part of the argumentative essay do you - Introduction Parts:
include the thesis statement o HOOK (the attention-grabber)
- Introduction  Open with:
You should support claims with all of the  Unusual detail
following EXCEPT  Strong statement
- Biased opinions  Quotation
What is an argumentative essay?  Anecdote
- An essay where you give your stand in an  Question (RQs)
issue and give reasons to support your
 Statistics/ facts
o Definition/ Background
 Dictionary definition
Argumentative Essay
 Etymology/ origin of word
- A kind of writing that aims to make the
 Giving examples
reader agree with the writer’s opinion about
 Functions
a controversial or a debatable issue
 Expert’s/ researcher’s
Persuasive essays can discuss topics that are not
 Present context
necessarily in need of a debate
o Thesis Statement
Argumentative essays, on the other hand, discuss  Claim
very debatable topics  Support Detail 1
 Support Detail 2
In writing an argumentative essay, claims or  Support Detail 3
arguments should be developed and supported by Thesis statement
evidence. - Is a short statement summarizing the
main point or claim of your essay
You cannot write an argumentative essay just by
solely stating your opinion on an issue
- It is a SINGLE SENTENCE road map of 1) State your reasons from your thesis statement
an essay that shows your STAND and the e.g.
REASON(S) why you believe that stand “The death penalty should not be
- It is always found in the introduction of implemented because it does not deter or
the essay, after the definition/background prevent crimes.”
of the topic 2) State the opposing idea that you will disprove


- A thesis statement is like a bridge that is
composed of 2 main concepts: the claim
and the supporting statements

2) Body
- It explains, solidifies, develops and supports
the argument found in the introduction.
(contains the reasons)
- Each paragraph elaborates the reason you
put in the thesis statement; it must contain
one reason and the details supporting the
stated reason or claim
- The supporting details may include
examples, statistics, personal experiences or
- The body also contains the counterclaim
o A counterclaim is an opinion or an
evidence that others may bring up
against your argument
o The counterclaim must be accepted
and refuted
How to write the BODY?

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