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In what way is Esperanza s sister, Nenny, is simular to Esperanza?

Fisically isnt even the appearance as Esperanza says, but at leste one time they thinked the
same thing about the houses in Mexico .


What are the “Gold glasses floating in the dark”?

Such as all the things in the shop that are in the dark she used na metaphor to say that the
uniques things that were in the shop, was in the dark.

Why do you think the old man doesnt want to sell the music box?

Because this object could significate some thing really important for homem, such as a object
parent or familiar.

Meme Ortiz
Why do you think Meme and his dog both have two names?

Juan calls himself meme,because if he had another name instead of Juan would be meme.

I think his dog has 2 names because the name in English is the real name and the name in
Spanish is a name he like.

What does the following passage from the story suggest about Meme’s character?“This is
the tree we chose for the First Annual Tarzan Jumping Contest. Meme won. And broke
both arms.”?

Says that Meme is a person that likes to do sports and adventures and would participate of
challenges even if he get hurts.

Louie, His Cousin & His Other Cousin

Why do you think Marin stands in the doorway of her home, snapping her fingers and
singing the same song over and over again? If she is employed selling cosmetics, why
does she still need to baby-sit the youngergals?

Because her parents are in Puerto-Rico and he have to help louie to baby-sit louies sisters.

Alicia Who Sees Mice

What is Alicia doing to escape from Mango Street

Goes to the college to escape

Darius e The Clouds

Sometimes Cisneros rhymes the phrases in her sentence like stanzas in a poem might

rhyme. Find a sentence in this chapter which illustrates these rhyming phrases. Do you
notice any rhythmic pattern or personification used to create images in this chapter’

You can never have too much sky. You can fall asleep and wake up drunk on sky’. Yes on page

What do you think the sky represents in the following sentence? “You can fall asleep and
wake up drunk on the sky.”

I think that this can represents religion and hope.


What evidence did that in Esperanza storys the Boys started to notice and the Girls started
notice her?

Because one of the boys in the baptism talvez to her to dance with her in the little party.


Why do tou think Esperanzas says that Nenny isnt more in the world she,Rachel and Lucy
don’t live anymore?

Because the age are really different and the imagination is other.

How age do you think Esperanza is at this point of the story? What evidence do you have she
s turning a woman?

Think she is about 15 16 cause she started to “like” some Boys and the way she tell the story.

Born Bad
What does Esperanza mean when she says, “I think diseases have no eyes.”

She means that the diseases cannot see what its causing when it happens.

Ednas Ruthie

Why do you think Esperanza like Ruthie?

She likes her because as ruthie is the apartment next door she plays with her because she
cant handle the adult world.

What evidence is there in this chapter that Ruthie may be mentally handicapped?

Ruthie is pertubated by her mom and she don’t live her house,so when she go for example
to shopping she acts weird.

The Earl of Tennessee

Why is a white Southerner like Earl living on Mango Street?
He's trying to find work as a jukebox repairman in Chicago.
How does Esperanza feel about her ability to attract Sire’s attention?
Four Skinny Trees
No matter what, always keep keeping
Rafaela Who drinks coconut and Papaya Juice at Tuesday
What does Esperanza learn From Rafaela about the life of a young Martins woman on
Mango Street?
That Rafaela really care about her appearance such as drinking sweet drinks and care
Minerva writes poem
What does it mean “I don’t know the way she ll go .Theres nothing I can do.”?
That Minervas decide what she does and Esperanza has nothing she can do
Why do you think Esperanza might be particular moved about Minervas sad life?
Because she may like understand her point of view in one correct way
A Smart Cookie
Why does esperanzas mother quit school?
She quit because she was ashamed because her clothes wasn’t so nice like the other
people clothes.
She can speak 2 languages,draw,sing and fix television.
Bums in the Attic
Why is esperanza happy to tell her guest that she has bums in the attic?
Because when bums pass she invite them to her attic because she wants to have a
suburban house like her father.

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