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Plasma Dynamics in A Dual-Frequency Paul Trap Using Tsallis Distribution

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Plasma Dynamics in a Dual-Frequency Paul Trap

Using Tsallis Distribution
Submission by : Anmol Sinha, ECE

Abstract—This paper theoretically analyzes the motion of a a single frequency to the trap electrodes. The device has a ring
collection of charged particles in a dual-frequency Paul trap. We electrode with a hyperbolic area of cross section which lies in
derive analytical expressions for the single particle trajectory and the xy plane. To confine the particles, the potential is applied
the plasma distribution function assuming Tsallis statistics to see
how this trap configuration is different from a conventional Paul to these rings and end cap electrodes placed along the z-axis.
trap. The introduction of a secondary RF frequency in a dual- The motion of charged particles along one of the dimensions
frequency Paul trap allows for a modification of the spatial extent in such a trap is given by the well-known Mathieu equation
of confinement of charged particles. The plasma distribution [7]
function and temperature have been found to be periodic if the
two driving frequencies are rationally related and the resulting
period of plasma oscillation is given by the LCM of the time
periods corresponding to the two driving frequencies and their d2 x
+ (A − 2B cos(ωt)) = 0 (1)
linear combinations. The plasma temperature is spatially varying dt2
and the time-averaged plasma distribution has been found to be
double humped beyond a certain spatial threshold, indicating the
presence of certain instabilities. The effect of dual frequency in
where the coefficients A and B are related to the applied dc
a Paul trap on the energy level shifts of the atomic orbitals has and RF voltages, respectively, and ω is the RF frequency.
been investigated and the uncertainties in second order Doppler The motion of a particle governed by the above equation is a
and Stark shift are found to be of the same order as that of a superposition of a slow secular motion with frequency ν ω and
single-frequency Paul trap. a fast micromotion with frequency ω. In this paper, we focus
Index Terms—Nonlinearities, plasma heating, temperature our attention on a generalization of the single-frequency Paul
measurement, time varying systems. trap where the RF voltage has two frequencies instead of one.
In this case, the equation of motion of the charged particles
I. INTRODUCTION is given by

E ARNSHAW’S theorem states that it is not possible to

confine charged particles using only electrostatic fields,
since there is neither minima nor maxima of the potential d2 x
+ (A − 2B1 cos(ω1 t) − 2B cos(ω2 t))x = 0 (2)
in free space but only saddle points. However, Paul [1] and dt2
Dehmelt [49] were able to show that if oscillatory electric
fields were used, it would be possible to spatially localize the where the coefficients B1 and B2 are related to the voltages
charged particle by what is known as the ponderomotive effect. operating at different RF frequencies ω1 and ω2, respectively,
Paul trap [1], [2] is a device used to confine charged particles along with a dc voltage related to the coefficient, A. The
for a long duration of time in a perturbation-free environment voltage at the second RF frequency can either be applied delib-
using spatially nonuniform time-periodic electric fields. Since erately or may get generated due to trap imperfections. Such
its conceptualization, Paul trap has found application in diverse dual frequency traps have found application in trapping more
fields such as mass spectroscopy [3], biological sciences [4], than one type of charged particle [8], with specific interest in
coulombic crystal formation [5], and quantum information trapping of particles with varying charge-to-mass ratio. This
processing [6]. In a conventional Paul trap, a charged particle has also prompted interest in trapping both matter as well
is trapped by applying a combination of dc and RF voltages at as antimatter in a small region inside the Paul trap [9]and the
method to do so has been well described in a recent work [10]
Manuscript received August 7, 2017; revised October 18, 2017, November . Collisionless plasma heating has also gained considerable
22, 2017, and December 16, 2017; accepted February 4, 2018. Date of
publication February 19, 2018; date of current version March 8, 2018. attention in dual frequency capacitive discharges [11]-[14].
The review of this paper was arranged by Senior Editor S. J. Gitomer. The dual-frequency Paul trap is usually used to confine
(Corresponding author: Varun Saxena.)
V. Saxena is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian In- two different charged particle species. However, it is also of
stitute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi 110016, India (e-mail: sax- interest to see how the particle dynamics in a dual frequency
ena15varun@gmail.com). trap differs from that of a single frequency trap even for a
K. Shah is with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer
Science, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Bhopal 462066, single charged-particle species, which is our primary objective.
India (e-mail: kushals@iiserb.ac.in). In this paper, we discuss how spatial confinement can be
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPS.2018.2803799 controlled in a dual-frequency Paul trap and this will perhaps
expand the experimental
See http://www.ieee.org/publications standards/publications/rights/index.html framework
for more of such traps.

The time periodic distribution function in a dual trap is The q-Gaussian Tsallis distribution in its initial form is
also found to be qualitatively different from that obtained in a given by
single-frequency Paul trap and might lead to different stability √
β 1
properties. Hence, our focus in this paper is, therefore, to P0 (x0 , v0 ) = [1 − (1 − q)βY (x0 , y0 )] (1−q) (3)
analyze the dynamics of charged particles of a single species in cq
this newly proposed dual trap to highlight its distinct features where Y (x0 ,v0 ) is any arbitrary function of (x0 ,v0 ) in general,
in order to encourage further research in this direction. q is the Tsallis parameter, β is an arbitrary constant, and Cq
Plasmas can display interesting collective properties even is a normalization factor given by
in the absence of collisions. In order to see many of these √ (3−q)
properties, we need to consider the self-consistent electric πΓ( 2(q−1) )
Cq = p (4)
fields generated due to the plasma itself, which is actually 1
(q − 1)Γ( (q−1) )
a very complex problem and mathematically very challeng-
ing.Hence, solving the Vlasov equation while neglecting the for 1 < q < 3. The q-Gaussian distribution function has a finite
self- consistent field is a useful starting point to mathematically support for q < 1 and has an undefined variance for 2 ≤ q <
address the full self-consistent problem. 3. Hence, these two regimes are unsuitable for our analysis.
We derive the approximate analytical expression for the Moreover, the q-Gaussian distribution has a finite variance for
time evolution of the position and velocity of the particle 1 < q < (5/3) and an infinite variance for (5/3) < q < 2.
using the modified Lindstedt–Poincare (MLP) perturbation The variance is an important quantity as it is a measure of
method [15], [16]. Since the collective dynamics of charged the plasma temperature. Since the space and velocities of the
particles is of particular interest to us, in Section III, we us charged particles are finite in any practical setting, we will

an initial distribution of the form of q-Gaussian Tsallis dis- only work in the regime where the variance comes out to be
tribution function to construct a time evolution of distribution finite. As q 5/3, the distribution needs to be integrated over
function, P(x,v,t). The Tsallis distribution [17] is a probabil- a very large range of velocities in order to get the correct value
ity distribution that emerges out of the maximization of Tsallis of variance. In practical settings, the particle velocities cannot
entropy through a number called Tsallis parameter, q. This have arbitrarily high values, therefore in this paper, we focus
only on values of q ∈ (1, 1.4) so that sufficiently accurate

parameter q represents the deviation from an entirely extensive
entropy. When q 1, the extensive character emerges. There values of the variance can be obtained.
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