Memorandum and Article of Association Beximco

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The Companies Act, 1913




(Amended up to 15.10.2009)
The Companies Act, 1913


I.The name of the company is “Beximco Pharmaceuticals Limited.”II.The Registered
Office of the Company shall be situated in Bangladesh.III.The objects for which the
company is established are:1.To manufacture drugs and medicines, allopathic and
indigenous in general andparticularly produce and prepare biological and non-biological
drugs, injectables of all kinds, tablets of all sorts, serum, vaccines, tinctures, extracts ,
lotions, syrups both medicated non-medicated, other chemical products, chemical food,
other food products including milk food, barley, arrowroot etc. and to set up
pharmaceutical laboratory, workshop, research institute and necessary structures and
organizations and to work as pharmaceutical and chemical manufacturers generally. 2.
To carry on the business of manufacturers and dealers of both wholesale and retail, in
pharmaceutical, medicinal, chemical, industrial and other preparations and articles,
compounds, oils, paints, pigments and varnishes, drugs, dyeware, paint and colour
grinders, makers of and dealers in proprietary articles of all kinds, and of electrical,
chemical, photographical and scientific apparatus and materials. 3. To acquire the right
and full information as to the processes of manufacturing, and the right to manufacture
and deal in, pharmaceutical and preparations of all kinds. 4. To carry on the
manufacture and sale of medicines and preparations, and generally to carryoh the
business of manufactures, buyers, and sellers of and dealers in all kinds of medicines,
medical preparations and whatsoever. 5.To carry on all or any of the business of
chemists, druggists, and chemical manufacturersof all kinds.1
6.To manufacture, buy, sell and deal in mineral waters, cordials, soups, broths, tonics
andother restoratives or foods, suitable or deemed to be suitable for invalids and
convalescents and/or for the general public. 7. To buy, sell, manufacture, refine,
prepare and deal in all kinds of oils and oleaginous saponaceous substances and all
kinds of unguents and ingredients. 8. To carry on the business as importers and
exporters and dealers in general stores and provisions in all its branches, in particular
as importers or exporters of, and dealers in provisions, produces, drugs, chemicals and
other articles and commodities of personal household use and consumption. 9. To carry
on the business of manufacturing containers, such as glass ampules for filling in
injectables and medicines, bottles and phials for bottling medicine oil or any other liquid
like syrup, alcohol, tincture, vaccines, extracts and lotions etc. glass or metal flasks, test
tubes, lactometer, hydrometer, thermometer, barometer, phials, for homoeopathic
medicine, surgical and medical instruments, cartoons, cardboards and cardboard boxes
etc. 10. To carry on the business as drysalters, and as stockists, importers and
exporters of oils, colours, pigments, varnishes, turpentines, dyes and dyestuffs of all
kinds and descriptions, as colour grinders, makers of proprietary medicines of all kinds
and descriptions, and as manufacturers, importers, exporters, stockists and dealers of
chemical, therapeutical, photographical, surgical and scientific apparatus of all kinds
and descriptions, and instruments and apparatus of all types and categories. 11. To
manufacture, import, sell, stock, and deal in all kinds of acids, chemicals heavy or light,
perfumery and cosmetic products, drugs, disinfectants, insecticides, toilet and medicinal
preparations, soaps, inks, polishes and allied products and by-products of all kinds and
descriptions. 12. To carry on the business of manufacturers and importers or exporters
of and dealers in anatomical, orthopaedicand surgical appliances and apparatus of all
kinds. 13. To carry on the business of artificial eye and limb makers, corset makers,
stay makers, bandage makers, crutch, chair and stretcher makers, carriage makers,
ambulance makers chemists and providers of all requisites for hospitals, patients, and
invalids. 14. To carry on the business of a store-keeper in all its branches, and in
particular to buy, sell, manufacture and deal in goods, stores, consumable articles,
chattels and effects of all kinds, both wholesale and retail. 15. To buy, sell, manufacture,
repair, alter and exchange, refine, manipulate, let on hire, import, export, and deal in all
kinds of substances, articles, apparatus, plant, machinery, appliances, tools,
commodities and things which may be required for the purposes of any of the business
of the business of the Company or commonly supplied or dealt in by persons engaged
in any such businesses, or which may seem capable of being profitably dealt with in
connection with any of the said business. 16. To apply for, purchase, or otherwise
acquire and register any patents or patent rights, licences, concessions, secret
processes, or privileges, trade marks or designs and the like conferring any exclusive or
non-exclusive or limited right to use, or any secret or other information as to any
invention which may seem capable of being used for any of the purposes of the
Company or the acquisition of which may seem calculated directly or indirectly to benefit
the Company, and to use, exercise, develop or grant licences in respect of or otherwise
turn to account the property rights or information so acquired. 2
17.To enter into partnership or into any arrangement for sharing profits, union of
interest,cooperation, joint venture, reciprocal concession, or otherwise, with any person
or persons or Company carrying on or engaged in, or about to carry on or engaged in
any business or transaction which the Company is authorised to carry on or engage in
or in any business or transaction capable of being conducted so as directly or indirectly
to benefit this Company, and to acquire or join in acquiring any such business. 18. To
enter into any arrangement with any authority, government, railway, municipal, local or
otherwise, that may seem conducive to the objects of the Company or any of them and
to obtain from any such authority, any rights, privileges and concessions which the
Company may think it desirable to obtain, and to carry out, exercise and comply with
any such arrangements, rights, privileges and concessions. 19. To take, or otherwise
acquire, and hold shares, in any other Company having objects altogether or in part
similar to those of this Company, or carrying on any business capable of being
conducted so as directly or indirectly to benefit this Company. 20. To establish and
support or aid in the establishment and support of associations, institutions, provident or
other funds, trusts and conveniences calculated to benefit the employees or ex-
employees of the Company or their dependants of such persons or for any other
purpose as may be decided by the Company and to grant pensions, allowances,
gratuities or bonuses, and to make payments towards insurance, and to subscribe or
guarantee moneys for charitable or benevolent objects or institutions orfor any
exhibition or for any public, general or useful object. 21. To carry on any other trade or
business, whether manufacturing or otherwise, which may seem to the Company
capable of being conveniently carried on in connection with any of the business herein
mentioned or calculated directly or indirectly to enhance the value of or render profitable
any of the Company’s property or rights. 22. To act as agents, brokers or
representatives of corporation, firms, and individuals and generally to undertake,
transact and execute all kinds of agency business. 23. To assist, promote, establish, or
contribute to manage, control or support sick funds, and any associations or institutions
for providing, upon any terms or conditions, medicines, drugs, medical and surgical
preparations and apparatus, and restoratives or food as aforesaid during sickness or
illness. 24. To promote any company or companies for the purpose of acquiring all or
any of the property, rights and liabilities of this Company, or for any other purpose which
may seem directly or indirectly calculated to benefit this Company. 25. To purchase,
take on lease, or in exchange, hire or otherwise acquire and to hold and deal with any
lands (whether freehold, leasehold or otherwise) with or without buildings or any interest
or therein situated in Bangladesh, or elsewhere and any machinery, plant, apparatus,
substances, products, articles and things and any trade marks, trade-names, trade-
designs, rights or privileges or other property and rights of any kind or description
whatsoever, which the Company may think necessary or convenient for the purpose of
its business. 26. To build, erect, construct, maintain, and/or alter on any lands heldby
the Company, any factories, godowns, offices, works, or other buildings, structures or
erections whatsoever, necessary or convenient for the purposes of the Company and to
insure and to keep insured the same. 3
27.To sell, improve, manage, develop, exchange, lease, mortgage, dispose of, turn
toaccount or otherwise deal with all or any part of the lands and buildings, or other
propertyand rights of the Company whatsoever.28.To invest and deal with the moneys
of the Company not immediately required in suchmanner as may from time to time to be
determined.29. To lend money to such persons or companies and on such terms as
deem expedient and in particular to customers and others having dealings with the
Company; and to guarantee the performance of contracts by any such persons or
companies. 30. To borrow or raise loan and money from any Bank and/or other financial
institutions (including Bangladesh Shilpa Rin Sangstha) in such manner as the
Company shall think fit, with or without securities or by any other means as may be
deemed expedient, and secure the repayment thereof by mortgaging, hypothecating,
pledging or otherwise charging the whole or any part of the property or assets of the
Company, both moveable and immovable, and also to raise loan by issue of debentures
or debenture stocks, perpetual or otherwise, charged on all or any of the Company’s
properties, including its uncalled capital and/or by any other legal means. 31. To pay for
any business, property or rights acquired or agreed to be acquired by this Company,
and generally to satisfy any obligations of the Company, by the issue or transfer of
shares of this or any other company credited as fully or partly paid up or debentures or
other securities of this or any other company. 32. To remunerate or make donations to
any person, trust, or company for services rendered or to be rendered in placing or
assisting to place or guaranteeing the placing of any of the shares in the capital of the
Company or any debentures, debenture-stock or other securities of the Company or in
or about the promotion of the Company or in or aboutthe formation or promotion of the
Company or the conduct of its business. 33. To draw, make, accept, endorse, negotiate,
discount, execute and issue promissory-notes, bills of exchange, hundies, bills of lading,
warrants, debentures and other negotiable or transferable or mercantile instruments and
documents of title to goods or property. 34.To open an account with any bank or banks
and to draw and endorse cheques and towithdraw moneys from such accounts.35. To
sell or dispose of or deal with the business, property and undertakings of the Company
or any part or parts thereof for such consideration as the Company may think fit, and in
particular for shares, debentures, or securities of any other company having objects
altogether or in part similar to those of this Company. 36. To adopt such means of
making known the products of the Company or goods and articles dealt in by the
Company as may seem expedient and in particular by advertising, by circulars,
catalogues, show-cards, posters and free samples and exhibiting and granting rewards,
presents, prizes and donations. 37. To appoint brokers, canvassers, agents and other
persons and to establish and maintain any agencies and branches in any parts of
Bangladesh or elsewhere for the sale of any materials or things for the time being at the
disposal of the Company for sale or other purposes, and to discharge and to
discontinue the same. 38.To amalgamate with any other Company having objects
altogether or in part similar tothose of this Company.39.To distribute any of the
properties of the Company amongst the members in specie.4
40.To do all or any of the above things as principals, agents, contractors, trustees
orotherwise, and by or though trustees, agents or otherwise and either along or in
conjunction with others. 41. Generally to do all such other things as are incidental or
conducive to the attainment of theabove objects. And it is hereby declared that the
objects specified in each paragraph of this clause except where otherwise expressed in
such paragraph shall be separate and independent objects of the Company and shall
be in no way limited, or restricted by reference to or inference from the terms of any
other paragraph or the name of the Company. IV.The liability of the members is
limited,V. The authorised share capital of the Company is Tk.910,00,00,000/-(Taka
nine hundred ten crores), consisting of 50,00,00,000 Ordinary Shares of Taka 10
each amounting to Tk. 500,00,00,000/-(Taka five hundred crores); and 4,10,00,000
Preference Shares of Tk. 100/-each amounting to Tk. 410,00,00,000 (Taka four
hundred ten crores) with power to increase and reduce the capital and to divide the
shares in the capital for the time being into several classes and to attach thereto
respectively any preferential, deferred, qualified, or special rights, privileges or
conditions as may be determined upon by or in accordance with the regulations of
the Company, and to modify or abrogate any such rights, privileges or conditions in
such manner as may for the time being be provided by the regulations of the

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