Carbon Nanofibers For Composite Applicat
Carbon Nanofibers For Composite Applicat
Carbon Nanofibers For Composite Applicat
Carbon nanofibers and nanotubes are promising to revolutionise several fields in material science and are suggested to open the
way into nanotechnology. Further market development will depend on material availability at reasonable prices. We have achieved
bulk production capacities of high purity carbon nanofibers (CNFs) at low cost by a catalytic chemical vapour deposition (CCVD)
process. Reasonably low temperatures and yields of up to several g/m2 min at more than 70% carbon gas-to-fiber conversion rates
allow considerable cost reductions. Polymer composites have been prepared by dispersion of CNFs into polymer matrices applying
intensive shear via extrusion. In polypropylene the application of less than 10 wt.%. CNFs reduced the volume resistivity from >1013
X cm to a value of 105 X cm. Different sizing of fibers is normally used for nylon, polycarbonate and other high temperature
applications. We are focussing on the development and volume production of a single carbon nanofiber type which can be used in
the wide range of systems beyond, but not restricted to polymer composites.
2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Carbon nanotube; Carbon nanofiber; Polymer matrix composite; Metal matrix composite
polymer, metal or any other material has been under- ever, nanoscaled additives, viz. carbon nanotubes and
estimated for a long time. Good control over various carbon nanofibers, having extremely large surface area
mixing parameters are essential to obtain homogeneous and well-defined structure and morphology are deemed
composite materials. Bulk agglomerates of fibers up to to be the key to novel composite materials with enhanced
several tens of microns in diameter act as macro-particle physical and chemical properties.
like centres of friction, unable to be compensated by While academic research mainly focuses on single
regions exhibiting proper dispersion of fibers within the wall nanotubes (SWCNT) and multiwall nanotubes
composite where physical properties are strongly en- (MWCNT), many of the achievements can directly be
hanced. High contact resistance between fibers create transformed on vapour grown carbon fibers (VGCF).
percolation limits far above their theoretical limits. At least in the composite area VGCF are considered as
Therefore fiber surface effects have to be understood and relatively thick nanotubes without compromising on
measures taken so that electrical and thermal conduc- composite properties compared to SWNT and MWNT
tivity, but also mechanical adhesion between fiber and composites, especially with respect to realistic time to
matrix as well is optimised. market scenarios.
The increasing amount of electronic hardware being The latter can be regarded as main reason why we are
used in automotive and aerospace applications has cre- focusing on production and improvement of VGCF
ated a need for thermal conductive, light weight mate- fillers for composite applications, however, not re-
rials with tunable, well-defined coefficient of thermal stricted to VGCF–polymer composites, but also on
expansion (CTE). Materials meeting these requirements metal-matrix–VGCF and VGCF–carbon composites,
will find wide use as heat sinks structural materials with respectively.
improved thermal properties.
Traditional heat dissipating materials like copper and
aluminum show CTE mismatch to silicon and insulating 2. Experimental
ceramics and cannot be used for direct device attach-
ment without stress compensating interlayers. Alloys, Vapour grown carbon nanofibers (VGCF) were
such as FeNi and FeNiCo, however, exhibit suitable grown by catalytic chemical vapour deposition (CCVD)
CTE, but poor thermal performance. Only CuMo and in a tube furnace equipped with appropriate gas feed
CuW composites combine good thermal properties and unit and exhaust gas incineration. The process is oper-
low CTE, but cannot be used in weight sensitive appli- ating in the batch mode, however, allowing productivity
cations due to their high density. in the kg/day range. Nanofibers are grown by means of
Commonly used light weight matrix materials are Ni based catalysts from diluted acetylene as the carbon
aluminum and magnesium alloys combining low density feed stock at temperatures below 700 C. Calculating the
and reasonable thermal conductivity. Only their CTE area of active catalyst the nanofiber growth rate can be
requires adjustment to lower values. Thus, composite formulated to be about 2.5 g/m2 min yielding up to 70%
materials, especially metal matrix composites, show the conversion of the carbon precursor into fibers. After
potential to fulfil the requirements. Careful control of cooling to room temperature the fibers are collected as a
reinforcing filler to matrix ratio in such composites black fluffy powder which undergoes subsequent
allows good adjustment of physical and mechanical polyaromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) stripping and to some
properties [7]. extent post-graphitisation at 970 C under reducing
One technical mature example is silicon carbide atmosphere. If desired the remaining catalyst can be
infiltrated by aluminum. AlSiC offers already a set of removed by refluxing the crude fiber mass in aqueous
outstanding properties required in high performance nitric acid (1:1) for about 2 h prior to the thermal post-
packaging such as high thermal conductivity, low coef- annealing procedure. SEM image investigation reveals
ficient of thermal expansion and low density. the product to consist of curved and intertwined fibers
Using new materials like carbon nanofibers exhibiting having an average diameter of approximately 100 nm.
outstanding physical properties within metal matrices The average fiber length is difficult to determine, but it
like aluminum or magnesium alloys it should be possible can be concluded that substantial amounts exceed a
to create novel composites with extraordinary thermal length of 10 lm. Similar to other VGCF type fibers, as
properties. The theoretical estimations of the thermal described in the literature, our carbon nanofibers reveal
coefficient of expansion and the thermal conductivity fishbone and platelet structure. As can be seen in the
shows the potential of this material. TEM inset in Fig. 1 the graphitic planes are arranged in
Because the production costs are currently well above an angle of around 20 towards the hollow inner channel
conventional graphite powders and soot products, pres- of the fiber, which is typical for catalytically grown
ently only the combination of several improved property carbon nanofibers. Fig. 2 shows Electrovac nanofibers
parameters justifies massive introduction of these rela- (ENF ) of 200 nm in diameter. For their average length
tively high cost materials into composite industry. How- we conclude similar as for the 100 nm fiber. However,
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many of those fibers are spring like, helically curved 3. Results and discussion
what makes them appear as thick as 500 nm.
Polypropylene resin (PP), DM 55, was purchased 3.1. Polymer matrix composites
from Borealis and Polycarbonate (PC), Lexan 121, was
chosen from GE Plastics. PP–ENF composites containing between 5 and 25
Polycarbonate–ENF composites were prepared by wt.% fiber load were produced by compounding
melt mixing using a DACA Microcompounder (DACA appropriate amounts of masterbatch and pure resin as
Instruments, Goleta, USA). The mixing chamber is described above. The fibers were compounded into the
equipped with two conical co-rotating screws and a resin as received from production. As found by SEM
bypass allowing the material to circulate for defined analysis they appear as interwoven bundles and aggre-
periods with a capacity of 4.5 cm3 . Premixed, dried gates of up to several tens of microns in diameter.
mixtures with different amounts of nanofibers were ad- However, applying shear onto these aggregates during
ded to the extruder without addition of modifiers. The the compounding process most of the agglomerates be-
temperature was set to 260–310 C, screw speeds of 50 come well dispersed as individual fibers as can be seen in
and 150 rpm were applied for 5–30 min. ENF –poly- Figs. 3 and 4. Of course, some aggregates up to 10 lm,
propylene composite samples were produced applying a not shown, were remaining randomly distributed
Brabender Lab Twin Screw Kneader designed to com- through the composite, certainly reducing the mechan-
pound either 16 or 32 g of polymer. Masterbatches ical properties. Mechanical testing was performed on
containing 30 wt.% ENF were produced in the first PP–ENF 200 nm samples. Composites containing 15
step at 190, 210 and 230 C, respectively, and varying wt.% fiber filling showed an improvement of the
kneading times from 10 to 20 min. Appropriate addition Young’s modulus of about 90%, which means in figures
1156 E. Hammel et al. / Carbon 42 (2004) 1153–1158
10 ENF 100 nm PP
15 ENF 200 nm PP
TC [W/mK]
for this phenomenon, it is quite understandable that just 1500
a fraction of all the fibers dispersed in the composite
contribute to the conductive network within the polymer 1000
The influence of kneading temperature and kneading 500
time on conductivity of the resulting composite was
investigated on PC–ENF 100 nm samples containing 0
7.5 wt.% nanofibers. Unfortunately, no significant 0 20 40 60 80 100
vol.% CNF
changes in conductivity could be determined and SEM
images taken from fracture surfaces did not show Fig. 8. Calculated thermal conductivity of Al–CNF compared to
changes in morphology as well. Polycarbonate Pyrograf existing AlSiC.
III composites were assessed by Carneiro et al., how-
ever, only for their mechanical properties [11]. The SEM
image depicted in this work reveals similar surface Assuming fibers with a Young’s modulus of 1500 Gpa
morphology features as our PC–ENF samples. and thermal conductivity of 1000 W/m K and isotropic
To get a better understanding of the potential of arrangement of the fibers within preform fiber scaffold,
ENF as conductive filler in insulating matrices con- very low CTEs and very high thermal conductivity can
ductivity measurements of silicon oil ENF dispersions be expected.
were performed. In a typical experiment 0.3 wt.% ENF
200 nm fibers were dispersed by vigorous mechanical
stirring enhanced by the impact of ultrasound.
Depending on the voltage applied 3 · 10 4 S/m at 50 V
and 5 · 10 3 S/m at 1 kV were determined, respectively.
20 isotropic (E=1000 GPa)
anisotropic (E=1000 GPa)
isotropic (E=381 GPa)
anisotropic (E=381 GPa)
CTE [10-6/K]
0 20 40 60 80 100
vol.% CNF
Fig. 7. CTE estimation of Al matrix composites where the nanofibers Fig. 9. Fracture surface of a green CNF preform, (a) low magnifica-
are both isotropically and anisotopically arranged (after Turner). tion, and (b) high magnification.
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