Geography Chapter 21-Central and Southwest Asia

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Chapter 21—Central and Southwest Asia

• Agricultural revolution: the change from nomadic hunting and gathering to farming that took place about
8000 B.C.
• Civilization: an advanced culture.
• Monotheism: the belief in one God.
• Protectorate: An area that has its own government but is controlled by an outside power.
• Mosque: An Islamic place of religious worship.
• muezzin: In Islam, a crier who calls the faithful to prayer 5 times each day from a minaret.
• minaret: A tall, slender tower attached to a mosque.
• desalination plant: The process of removing salt from seawater so that it can be used for drinking and
• nomad: A person who travels from place to place.
• trade deficit: The situation in which a country imports more than it exports.
• trade surplus: The situation in which a country exports more than it imports.

1. What was the Fertile Crescent?

• Birthplace of agriculture and civilization
• Stretches from modern Iraq to Israel
• Where hunters + gatherers 1st began to raise plants + animals for food—agricultural revolution
2. What was the first monotheistic religion? What other monotheistic religions came from Southwest Asia?
• Judaism, followed by Christianity
3. What took place between A.D. 632 and 714?
• Arabic-speaking tribes gained control of most of S.W. + C. Asia
4. What empire emerged in the late thirteenth century?
• Ottoman Empire
5. What impact did the fall of the Ottoman Empire have on Southwest Asia?
• European powers divided it into a + of nations and protectorates
• Palestine, a former Ottoman territory, begun attracting Jewish migrants from other parts of the world
seeking to form a new society in their ancient homeland
• War broke out between Palestinian Arabs + Jews over control of Palestine
6. What impact did the creation of Israel have on Southwest Asia?
• Most Palestinian Arabs fled to neighboring countries or to the W. Bank—1st of several Arab-Israeli
7. What impact did oil production have on Persian Gulf countries?
• Encouraged international trade + brought wealth
8. What type of landform is the source for water in this Southwest Asia?
• Aral Sea
9. What climates are most commonly found in Southwest Asia?
• Arid + Semiarid—very little precipitation
10. What are the two most common ecosystems in Southwest Asia?
• Desert scrub + Temperate grassland
11. How does the availability of water affect population patterns?
• Water—scarce resources across much of regionpop. Concentrated in fertile river valleys + rainier
costal areas along Black + Mediterranean seas
12. What is the most common land use for Southwest Asia?
• Nomadic herding + livestock raising
13. Along what body of water are the majority of petroleum reserves located?
• Persian Gulf
14. Compare Saudi Arabia and Israel’s economies.
• Saudi Arabia
o World’s largest exporter of petroleum
o Leading exports—Economy centered on oil production + refining
o Leading Imports--Desert climate doesn’t allow to produce enough food for peoplemachinery +
equipment, foodstuffs
o Trade surplus from massive petroleum exports
o Main trade partners—US, Japan, EU countries, S. Korea, + Singapore
• Israel
o More technologically advanced
o Main exports—high-technology equipment, software, + cut diamonds
o Trade deficit—has to import most raw materials, including petroleum b.cus of expensive military
o Main trade partners—US, Belgium, EU countries
o Belgiummajor trade partner b.cus Israel is a diamond processing center, + world’s leading
diamond is in Antwerp, Belgium

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