Unit 1 EDUC 5210 Written Assignment
Unit 1 EDUC 5210 Written Assignment
Unit 1 EDUC 5210 Written Assignment
There is a widely shared belief that learning environments and instructional designs
based on emerging paradigms of learning will lead to better learning results in terms of
quality of knowledge and skills as well as in terms of equality of different learners (Elen,
2004). Moreover, learning environments are physical or virtual settings in which learning
takes place. Learning theory provides the fundamental for the design of learning
experience, I can totally affirm that designing learning environment takes so much time and
effort on my part as a teacher. I have proven that I need to do more research and to consider
will always change in alignment with the change of educational goals. Hence, the design of
learning environments in the 1800s or 1900s was extremely different to the twenty-first
century design of learning environments (Ifenthaler, 2012). Based on e xperience, the way I
was raised and taught when I was still studying in the early years have changed already, from
learning through dictation, and merely discussion to a more collaborative and more
Generally, the design of learning environments includes the three simple questions:
What is taught? How is it taught? How is it assessed? (Ifenthaler, 2012). In this written
assignment, I will be describing and discussing a learning environment that demonstrates the
point at which each of the three Bransford’s perspectives on learning environment intersects.
Firstly, the term learner-centered refers to “environments that pay careful attention to
knowledge, skills, attitudes, and beliefs that learners bring to the educational setting”
(Bransford et al., 2000). On the other hand, according to Prawat et al (1992) knowledge-
centered environments focus on the kinds of information and activities that help students
develop an understanding of disciplines. Thus, these two environments intersect when
instruction begins with a concern for students’ initial preconceptions about the subject matter
(Bransford et al., 2000). In the school where I am currently working, we follow a particular
standard stated in our course syllabus, given with thematic topics and lessons to be discussed
per period. In my experience, every time I prepare my lesson, I always check our syllabus to
guide me as to what learning competencies and criteria I needed to follow. Then, when I start
making activities and other learning materials, I always begin with the lead-in. Given the
topic and theme for a particular unit, lead in activities enable my students to bring out to the
class what they already know about the topic. Moreover, these lead-in activities come in
forms of pair or small group discussions, some game quizzes, puzzles, video clips, and the
likes. Additionally, lead-in activities serve as motivational part for students to be engaged in
the discussion by sharing what they know and based on what they understand. For instance,
one topic for my Grade 6 class is on transportation vocabulary. Instead of starting the class
with introducing the list of words and pictures, I started the discussion by showing pictures of
unique vehicles that can only be seen in Vietnam. With guide questions, students work in pair
to think about the set of pictures and to share what they know and what they’ve experienced
with those vehicles. Then, from that point, I started to follow up discussions and to give other
activities to achieve the goals and competencies stated in our syllabus. According to Bell
(1982), this activity attempts to discover what students think in relevance to their culture, and
by giving situations that enabled them to readjust their ideas to the competencies and set of
learning environments must also be assessment centered. The key principles of assessment
are that they should provide opportunities for feedback and revision and that what is assess
must be congruent with one’s learning goals (Bransford et al., 2000). The manifestation of
the intersection of learner-centered and assessment centered learning environment in my
classroom set-up is when I always include reflection stage when I prepare my lessons and
activities in the class. This reflection serves as a source of feedback to improve students’
skills and whether they were able to achieve the goals and competencies for the day.
Moreover, feedback “must focus on understanding” (Bransford et al., 2000), therefore I help
learn to assess their own work, as well as their peers. For instance, in my writing class, I
include students in crafting our scoring rubrics. Then I gave them a form to reflect on their
own writing and provide proofreading marks so they can check their peers’ written work, and
allow them to give comments and constructive criticism, either oral or written form. Also, I
ask students to compile all their written outputs from their drafts to the final output. All their
written tasks are put together in a portfolio. Feedback and comments are given for every
writing stage, then students got the opportunity to see their writing progress and development
in one portfolio. According to Wiske (1997) and Wold (1988) keeping these records of
students’ work as they progress in the whole school year are also used to discuss with other
teachers, parents and fellow students their achievements and difficulties. Such assessment is
summative assessment where we measure what students have learned at the end of some set
of learning units or chapters (Bransford et al., 2000). In our school, we follow a particular
our classroom are aligned with the competencies according to the level of students’
competence, for instance, in Grade 9 classes, students move to different moving classes
during their English class to be with other students with the same English proficiency level,
for example in Grade 9, other students attend Stage 7 class, while others are on Foundation
classes, and others are already placed in Stage 10 classes. At the end of the unit or term, those
Grade 9 students receive different test formats, all stage 7 classes receive KET, while Stage 8
classes take PET, and higher levels take FCE format. In case Grade 7 and Grade 9 students
are both in Stage 9 classes, both receive FCE format, but the level of difficulty for Grade 9
classes are higher compared to Grade 7. They are both assessed using the same test formats,
yet the content such as vocabulary, grammar points, and reading and writing items vary.
In conclusion, these three perspectives serve like guiding stars as I prepare learning
activities, to the actual teaching, and up to the evaluation stage of my lessons. These
perspectives allow me to be more effective and end efficient in the teaching craft as it
in accordance with the school’s standard prescribed by their country’s Ministry of Education,
considering what my students can offer, and as a teacher what I can do in taking active part in
Bransford, J. D., Brown, A. L., & Cocking, R. R. (Eds.). (2000). How people learn: Brain,
mind, experience, and school. Washington, DC: National Academy Press. Retrieved
from: https://www.nap.edu/download/9853
Educational Research.
Ifenthaler D. (2012) Design of Learning Environments. In: Seel N.M. (eds) Encyclopedia of