The Witches of Salem I: Free K-12 Worksheets and More
The Witches of Salem I: Free K-12 Worksheets and More
The Witches of Salem I: Free K-12 Worksheets and More
conviction that the devil was loose in their 6. Based on your knowledge of these events,
homes. do you believe that the accusers believed
The Salem witch trials also serve as a in the truth of the accusations they made?
dramatic parable of the deadly consequences Explain your answer.
of making sensational, but false, ______________________________________________
I do believe that the accusers believed in the
truth of the accusations they made because
charges. Three hundred years later, we still _______________________________________________
they were very into the church and was terrified
that the devil would enter their homes.
call false accusations against a large number ______________________________________________
of people a "witch hunt." _______________________________________________
1. Salem Village was located in what colony? _______________________________________________
a. Delaware ______________________________________________
b. Massachusetts _______________________________________________
c. New Hampshire ______________________________________________
d. Virginia _______________________________________________
2. In America and Europe during the 1600s, _______________________________________________
belief in witchcraft was very uncommon. ______________________________________________
a. True _______________________________________________
b. False ______________________________________________
3. What was “spectral evidence”? ______________________________________________
it was a testimony that a person _______________________________________________
had seen the accused as spirits
or in visons ______________________________________________
______________________________________________ _______________________________________________
_______________________________________________ ______________________________________________
4. At the time of the Salem witch trials, ______________________________________________
Salem was growing in religiosity. _______________________________________________
a. True ______________________________________________
b. False _______________________________________________
5. Today, we call false accusations against a _______________________________________________
large number of people a _____. ______________________________________________
witch hunt
______________________________________________ _______________________________________________