Persuasive Research Report-Final
Persuasive Research Report-Final
Persuasive Research Report-Final
In every eight minutes, a woman in a developing country will die due to complications from
unsafe abortions according to the World Helath Organization (Haddad and Nour). There is an
approximation of 68,000 women who die of unsafe abortions yearly, which makes it one of the
leading causes of maternal mortality with a thirteen percent according to the article, “Unsafe
Abortion: Unecessary Maternal Mortality” by Lisa B Haddad and Neawal M Nour. It is for the
reason that abortion should be accessible to all women around the world because it will produce
more safer procedures, a healthy mental and emotional state, and a victory to women’s rights and
equality, despite the alleged theories of fetal pain and the moral issues with the Christian’s
In many cases unsafe abortion has become the end of a woman’s life. Simply due to the lack
of safe procedures. Women who are in search of aborting a baby for personal reasons are having
trouble searching for safe places because of the strict banning in certain states and countries. The
Roe v. Wade's case improved the life of many women and brought safety to them. In the article
“Abortion: Should Women in the United States Have Access to Abortion?” The article touches
on the topic about the time before Roe v. Wade case, how women had to visit these “unregulated
and potentially dangerous practitioners” and the benefits of Roe which provided reproductive and
health care services, including abortion (“Abortion: Should Women in the United States Have
Access to Abortion?”). The passing of Roe v. Wade’s decision had supposedly “marked the end
of an era with those money-driven and unsafe performers'' who caused the injuries and deaths of
many women, but due to current events, it appears to be the near future once again. In the article
“Abortion Can Be Defended on Religious Grounds,” they provide a statistic of seventeen percent
of all deaths in pregnancy and childbirth were the result of illegal abortion in the pre-Roe year in
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1965 (“Abortion Can Be Defended on Religious Grounds”). Even before the Roe v. Wade case in
1973, women still practiced abortion wheter it was safe or not. This goes to prove that even if
there was a ban in abortion, the situation would become much worse than it is now. Providing
legal and safe clinics for women to abort everywhere would bring a guarantee of protection to all
Abortion, for many women, can be a hard decision to make because of the surrounding values
and beliefs they have. Women in general do not expect to have an abortion, it is a situation that
just happens at times. Having the full liberty to choose what they plan on doing would be a great
help to their mental and emotional state. In the article “Christians Should Support Abortion
Rights” by Roselyn Smith-Withers talks about the ignored effects of having unintended children.
There are huge consequences to women, children and families that arise such as the mother
having lower quality relationships with their children and in effect affecting the children’s
health, and future marital relationships (Smith-Withers). Not only does it affect the children but it
also affects the mother by being more substantially depressed and less happy than mothers with
wanted births (Smith-Withers). As the majority of groups that oppose abortion state that women
will feel guilt, regret, and sadness after having an abortion, many women state that it was
actually the most responsible and moral decision. In the same article, there are stories of
religious women who had an abortion and state positive feelings after. Elise Randall, an
evangelical Christian and graduate of Wheaton College, had an unwanted pregnancy and was
filled with resentment and fear that she might have taken her frustrations out on the baby
(Smith-Withers). They concluded that having an abortion was the most responsible alternative
for them at the time and had an “immediate sense of relief” (Smith-Withers). Christine Wilson
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became pregnant when she was sixteen years old after having an intimate relationship for the
first time with her boyfriend (Smith-Withers). She had not told her parents about her pregnancy
until she was five months because she was embarrassed and afraid, but when when she did, her
father took her to England for an abortion because at the time it was illegal (Smith-Withers).
Wilson says, “If I had (legal) access in 1969, I know it would not have taken twenty-five years to
attain the peace of mind I have today” (Smith-Withers). There are cases when having an abortion
could cause some peace distortion, but having legal access to abortion not only would save
woman from a lifelong depression and negative effects to children, it would also help woman
attain peace faster if there is guilt or resentment like in Christine Wilson’s case. As explained, the
access to legal abortion would bring many positive alternatives rather than having an unwanted
Abortion has been a battle for many decades and therefore the idea to controlling women’s
rights is still present. In the article, “Abortion Access” in Pro-Choice America, they talk about
the rights that are being taken away as women. The article says, “Roe v. Wade that affirmed
abortion as a constitutional right for all was supposed to be the beginning of the fight for
women’s equality and autonomy, not the end” (“Abortion Access”). Anti-choice politicians and
organization have been attacking by undermining and chipping away women’s rights until they
can do away with the legal abortion access completely. They say that there has been hundreds of
laws to restrict a woman’s ability to access abortion, by trying to outlaw abortion altogether,
shutting down clinics, restricting access based on icome level, and dictating which type of
medical procedures are available (“Abortion Access”). Women’s rights and equality has become
at high risk as the capacity of control laid out on women’s reproductive life increases. In the
article “Women’s Rights and Sexual Harassment: Are Further Steps Necessary to Ensure Gender
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Equality?” Advocates state that banning access to abortion and contraception present obstacles to
equality. Nancy Northup of the Center for Reproductive Rights argued, “Forcing women to travel
thousands of miles across state lines for basic health care… is not only unconstitutional, it’s
unconscionable” (“Women’s Rights and Sexual Harassment: Are Further Steps Necessary to
Ensure Gender Equality?”). In “The Roe v. Wade Decision Should Not Be Reconsidered” the
author, Sandra M. Alters, provides a speech made by President Barack Obama on the
thirty-eighth anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade. Obama states his
support to commit to policies that support unintended pregnancies and pregnant women and
mothers. Obama says, “And on this anniversary, I hope that we will recommit ourselves more
broadly to ensuring that our daughters have the same rights, the same freedoms, and the same
opportunities as our sons to fulfill their dreams'' (Alters). The choice of words Obama uses are
important to view as they stress the importance of equality for women to be able to have the
same circumstances as men in order to go after their dream. In the article “Abortion: Should
Women in the United States Have Access to Abortion?” states that in the NARAL Pro-Choice
America website, they talk about how the “restrictive abortion laws narrowlly circcumscribe
women’s role into society and hinder women from defining their paths through life in the most
basic of ways” (“Abortion: Should Women in the United States Have Access to Abortion?”).
With the restriction of abortion, many women are being stolen from the decisions in their
personal life. A controlling government is progressively growing, and with the provided
evidence it goes to show that women’s rights and equality is still not attained in the twenty-first
century. Having legal access to abortion would be a great progress to the equality and the rights
for women.
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There are reasons as to why people decide to not support abortion, and one of them is that the
fetus can allegedly feel the pain when being aborted. In the article “State Abortion Laws: Should
States Pass Laws Restricting Access to Abortion?" in Nebraska there was law passed that banned
most abortions after twenty weeks of pregnancy based on the notion that at that stage the fetus
can feel pain (“State Abortion Laws: Should States Pass Laws Restricting Access to Abortion?").
Then consecutively, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, and Okhlahoma enacted laws with similar limits
(“State Abortion Laws: Should States Pass Laws Restricting Access to Abortion?"). According
to the same article, the concept of fetal pain has little to no credence among the medical and
scientific communities (“State Abortion Laws: Should States Pass Laws Restricting Access to
Abortion?"). The concept of fetal pain in anti-abortion legislation is what many of these states
used as a reason to limit abortions, but this reason has not been proven with facts. Therefore it
should not be used as a basis to limit abortion rights in any place nor a fully reliable reason to be
against abortion. Peace can still be attained, due to the concept not being a proven fact.
Moral Issues with the Christian religion has also been a major cause for people to oppose
abortion. In the article “Abortion Can Be Defended on Religious Grounds,” horrified by the bad
outcomes of unsafe abortions there was a point where religious leaders actually worked towards
legalizing abortion for years before Roe v. Wade. The article says, “Reverend Howard Moody
and Arlene Carmen organized the first Clergy Consultation Service in New York City, a network
of clergy who agreed to help women gain access to safe abortion providers” (“Abortion Can Be
Defended on Religious Grounds”). This influenced similar services to develop throughout the
country, before the Roe v. wade decision. The example of Jesus in which the gospel narratives
show Jesus as compassionate, forgiving and healing to those in distress is another example as to
why Christian’s should also fight for the legalization of abortion (“Abortion Can Be Defended on
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Religious Grounds”). In the stories from the 5th chapter of Mark, Jesus healed a woman’s body
and her spirit as she had been bleeding for twelve years (“Abortion Can Be Defended on
Religious Grounds”). At the time, the laws and practices rightfully reasoned to ignore the woman
but, Jesus did the opposite. It is a Christian’s responsibility to follow in his footsteps, bringing
healing and wholeness to those in distress as said in the article (“Abortion Can Be Defended on
Religious Grounds”). Putting up a war and discriminating, judging women who have aborted,
and the war with cutting safe places to abort are all forms that only negatively affect women. As
said in the article, one woman may not get an abortion, but having the right for a woman to get a
safe abortion when needed is a right that everyone should care for. The article states, “Jesus' life
among us demonstrated God's compassion and love for every person, as well as God's deep
desire for justice and health to prevail (“Abortion Can Be Defended on Religious Grounds”). As
Christians who are followers of Jesus it is reasonable to be both compassionate and pro-choice
on the abortion topic. People, including religious people have protected and advocated this
movement because they have seen the vision, and goal that is to protect and help the ones in
With the information provided, the full legalization of abortion has been a topic many have
fought over and have serious opposing views. Each person’s point of view and input on abortion
is reasonable to an extent. Some reasons provided to support abortion are not fully backed up
with factual information and there is so much more at risk if abortion is not fully legalized.
Therefore, the importance for abortion to be fully legalized and accessible to all women is the
best option because it will provide the safety to women aborting, a healthy mental and emotional
state, and a victory to women’s rights and equality, despite the elleged theories of fetal pain and
Works Cited
"Abortion Can Be Defended on Religious Grounds." Religion and Sexuality, edited by Kevin
“Abortion: Should Women in the United States Have Access to Abortion?" Issues &
Alters, Sandra M. "The Roe v Wade Decision Should Not Be Reconsidered." Abortion: An
Eternal Social and Moral Issue, 2012 ed., Gale, 2012. Information Plus Reference Series.
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Haddad, Lisa B, and Nawal M Nour. “Unsafe abortion: unnecessary maternal mortality.”
Smith-Withers, Roselyn. "Christians Should Support Abortion Rights." Religion and Sexuality,
“State Abortion Laws: Should States Pass Laws Restricting Access to Abortion?" Issues &
"Women's Rights and Sexual Harassment: Are Further Steps Necessary to Ensure Gender