Competitor Strength Weakness Opportunity Threats

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Competitor Strength Weakness Opportunity Threats

Their pastry is
They sell variety same as the
Their store is Their store
of freshly baked other bakeshop
1.Arbee’s small and not ambiance attract
pastry, cheap sell and their
Bakeshop properly any kind of
coffee vending vending machine
ventilated people
machine served same
coffee everyday
They sell variety They are on a Their are a lot of
Some of their
of freshly baked high-traffic bakeshop on the
2.Shobee’s pastry is not
pastry and one of location that area that sell
Bakeshop freshly baked
the first bakeshop attract a lot of same pastry as
on the area customer them
Their store is
They sell variety
new to the area They can add
of stuff, not just
3.UltraMart and not yet more category of Their is same
foods but they
Convenience popular and their goods on their store same as
also have
Store employees are a menu as they what they sell
medicine and
bit rude to the are known for it
school supply
A lot of their
They are world
machines are not
widely known
working, some
convenience A lot of their
They can easily customer might
store, they have a machine are not
promote their go find other
lot of promo for properly
4.7/11 products stores and they
the customer and maintained and
Convenience because they are a lot of 7/11
they promote it repaired such as
Store are already in every corner
online and on a aircon, ice cream
popular all over of the street in all
banner inside and maker and
the world over the country
outside their store microwave
it makes them
and they operate
compete to each
They are known They can
Being all over
in all over the They serve promote their
5.Julie’s the country they
country and they same pastry product online to
Bakeshop compete in each
promote their everyday attract more
bakeshop online customer

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