Proceedings BS1999 BS99 PA-05
Proceedings BS1999 BS99 PA-05
Proceedings BS1999 BS99 PA-05
University of Northumbria
Department of the Built Environment
Newcastle upon Tyne
Figure 1: Lumped Capacitance Model
The model is implemented using the Simulink Model implementation was initially hampered
structure of Figure 2. Inputs are heat supplied by the choice of initial conditions. Clearly, the
by the plant, Qp , internal “casual” heat gains, initial temperature for the room air can be set
routinely but initial temperatures for structural
Qe , solar radiation through glazing, Qs , and
elements, especially internal structural
external air temperature, Tao . A state-space elements, required further consideration.
block from the Simulink “linear” library These considerations are not important for
represents the building model. The derivatives long term simulations since the inevitable
were integrated using a 4th -order Runge-Kutta initial errors have limited impact on later
scheme and an integration interval of 0.1hr results. However, for short-term dynamics for
was found to work well. which this model was primarily designed the
impact of inappropriately-set initial conditions
would have an unacceptable influence on the
accuracy of results.
Qp x' = Ax+Bu
Plant y = Cx+Du Mux
The initial conditions for internal structural
load Mux-i State-space
Mux-o Scope elements were especially problematical. The
room from which the experimental results
were obtained was heated by a fully convective
External system which would normally imply internal
temperature structure temperatures lower than the room air
temperature. However, this was not found
[Tai_expt] from field monitoring. Over a ten-day period
the air and mean radiant temperatures were
internal recorded in the test room. The mean radiant
temperature temperature was measured using a globe
thermometer, which was situated at one of the
occupants working positions, approximately at
Figure 2: Simulink Model Structure the centre of the room. Air velocity results
were obtained and the low mean values
Sample model data were taken from a north- observed (<0.1ms -1) indicated that the globe
facing corner room in a University of temperature would give an accurate indication
Northumbria campus building - the of mean radiant temperature. The
Northumberland Building. Besides the room’s measurements were taken between March –
major northern exposure (with substantial April 1998 and are shown in Figure 3.
glazing), there is a west facing wall with minor
well-shaded glazing. The building itself is the 32
Mean Radiant Air
subject of extensive demonstration research 30
into photovoltaic cladding and, consequently, 28
is extensively monitored. Further details can
be found in Hudson & Underwood (1996).
The variation between mean radiant and air Results are given in Figures 4, 5 and 6
temperature is small under cyclic conditions of respectively.
room heating and cooling. These results
indicate that setting the initial temperature of
the internal structure at the room air 20
temperature at the start of the cooling period is
not unreasonable. This is the same assumption Tai (model)
as Levermore uses in his whole building single 16
Tai (experiment)
time constant model (Levermore (1992)).
14 Tao
Note that this comparison was made in a north
facing room under typically overcast
conditions. This conclusion may well be 10
invalid for rooms experiencing significant 0 2 4 6 8 10
solar heat gain. Time (hours from plant off)
Tai (experiment)
to plant off). 12
• Preheating (room temperature response to 10
plant on). 8
• Cool-down/heating/cool-down (plant 6
fully on for a short period between 4
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
periods of cool-down) Time (hours)
Solar Energy Engineering, 114, pp2-12.
14 Plant On
CIBSE Guide Section A3: Thermal Response of
12 Building Structures (1985) Chartered
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Institution of Building Services Engineers,
Time (hours)
T temperature (o C)
Q heat flux (W)
p fraction of solar radiation entering floor
A surface area (m-2)
U thermal transmittance (Wm-2K-1)
Ui inner thermal transmittance (Wm-2K-1)
Uo outer thermal transmittance (Wm-2K-1)
Uv ventilation thermal transmittance (WK-1)
w1 external wall 1
w2 external wall 2
f floor
c ceiling
ip internal partition
ai air – internal
ao air – external
s solar
g glazing
e casual sources (internal heat gains)
p plant