Geometry Grade 10 Lesson Plan 2

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Date: 4/22/2021
Teacher(s) Name: Mrs. Uluturk
Grade: 10, Geometry
Lesson: Surface Areas and Volumes of Spheres
Content Area: Mathematics – Geometry
Lesson Plan Type: Direct Instruction

Description/Abstract of Lesson: Students will learn how to compute the surface area and
volume of any sphere.

Timeline of Lesson: 1 day : 90 min

Process - ELPS - CCR Standards

Process Strand: Representation

Students will use calculations of surface area and volume of spheres to solve
both mathematical and application problems. The formula for the volume of
a sphere can be derived using Cavalieri’s Principle with the formulas they
learned for the volume of a cylinder and the volume of a cone.

Content Strand: Algebra

Throughout the lesson, students will have opportunities to apply techniques for
solving problems involving the surface area and volume of spheres. Students
can use mental math to calculate surface area and volume in terms of pi. For
approximate calculations, students can use paper and pencil and calculators.
Students can also use number sense to interpret features of certain spheres, such
as Earth.

Objectives: Upon successful completion of this lesson, students will be able to:

- Apply the formulas for the volume of three-dimensional figures, including

prisms, pyramids, cones, cylinders, spheres, and composite figures, to solve
problems using appropriate units of measure.


- Computer
- Internet Access
- Scratch paper
- Pencil

Begin instruction with a “Warm Up” problem. Instruct students to consider the figure
below. The students will answer the question “Do you have sufficient information to
tell which orange is largest?”

Purpose: Students realize that the cross section of a sphere does not determine the size of
the sphere.

CONNECT The Math: Students should realize that they cannot tell which orange is the
largest from the diagrams. In the lesson, students learn that the measurements of a sphere go
through the center of a sphere.

Prompt Questions:
• Could orange B be larger than orange A? Why or why not?

• Can you predict the radius of the oranges from the given information? Why or why

• What additional information would you need to determine the radii of the oranges?

Instructional Activities and Procedures:

Key Concept (5 minutes):

• Using a globe as an example, point out that longitudes are great circles while
latitudes, except for the equator, are not.

• Discuss if students have ever seen a diagram for the net of a sphere. It is not
common for textbooks or other reference materials to show this net. It is
impossible to make a perfect sphere from a flat sheet of paper. The reason for
this is that the paper cannot curve in two directions at the same time. Any visual
display for the net of a sphere can only be an approximation. There are methods
for making approximated nets of spheres that include a polyhedron or pointed
ellipses. You can have students reference cartographers’ attempts to reduce
distortions of the continents by creating a map of the globe represented by an
elliptical object.
Problem 1 (15 minutes):

What is the surface area of the sphere in terms of pi?

The teacher will show students how to solve the problem. Then students will be given a
similar problem to solve on their own.

The teacher will ask students to consider the following questions:

• What are you given?

• What is the radius of the sphere?

• How can you find the surface area of the sphere?

• How can you calculate the lateral surface area of a sphere?

Problem 2 (15 minutes):

Earth’s equator is about 24,902 mi long. What is the approximate surface area of Earth?
Round to the nearest thousand square miles.

The teacher will show students how to solve the problem. Then students will be given a
similar problem to solve on their own.
The teacher will ask students to consider the following questions:

• How can you use the length of Earth’s equator?

• What measurement of Earth is represented by the equator?

• How can you find the radius of Earth given the circumference?

• How can you find the surface area of Earth?

• How can typing ANS in a calculator help you solve similar problems?

Problem 3 (15 minutes):

What is the volume of the sphere in terms of pi?

The teacher will show students how to solve the problem. Then students will be given a
similar problem to solve on their own.

The teacher will ask students to consider the following questions:

• What are the units of the answer?

• What will you substitute to find the volume of a sphere?

• How do you leave your answer in terms of pi?

Problem 4 (15 minutes):

A company packages salt in a container composed of a cylinder and a hemisphere, as

shown. Salt weighs 1.25 ounces per cubic inch. What is the weight of the salt in the
package shown?
The teacher will show students how to solve the problem. Then students will be given a
similar problem to solve on their own.

The teacher will ask students to consider the following questions:

• Should you approximate the value of pi at this point?

• How do you find the radius for the cylinder and hemisphere?

• If the radius of the hemisphere were 2 in. and the cylinder was not changed, would
the figure still be a composite figure? Explain.

• Suppose that the height of the cylinder and the radius of the hemisphere are equal to
the same value, r. How can you show that the volume of the composite figure is 8 times
the volume of a cone with height and radius r?

Modifications/Differentiated Instruction:

-Vocabulary Builder:

Review Content Vocabulary

• Center of a sphere

• Circumference of a sphere

• Diameter of a sphere

• Great circle

• Hemisphere

• Radius of a sphere
Introduce the new terms associated with spheres: center of a sphere, circumference of a
sphere, diameter of a sphere, and radius of a sphere. Then introduce the term great circle
and distinguish it from the term circumference.

-English Language Learners:

Focus on Language

Examine the word sphere. Ask students for examples of a sphere, or ways that the word
sphere may be used in language (for example, a sphere of influence). Examples may
include food such as oranges or tomatoes, objects such as balls or globes, or environmental
items such as a planet or certain kinds of seeds. Ask students for the forms of the word
sphere that mean “in the shape of a sphere.” Examples may be spherical or sphere-like.

Sphere may originate from the Latin sphera, or sphaera, which means “globe.”


Each lesson offers opportunities for enrichment and extensions. Look for an enrichment
strategy for:

Problem: Show advanced students the following derivation for the volume of a sphere:

Circumscribe a cube around a sphere and divide the cube into six equal pyramids whose
bases are faces on the cube and whose altitudes are radii of the sphere. The volume of each

pyramid is , so the volume of the six pyramids (the cube) is , where S is the
surface area of the cube. As you increase the number of faces on the figure inscribed around
the cube, the figure tends to a sphere and gives the same formula, so substitute S from

Theorem 14-10 to find the volume of a sphere: (4 r)( )= .


-Lesson Check: Have students work on the Lesson Check to determine how well your
students have mastered the lesson content.
-Assessment: Have students take the Lesson Quiz online. Assign students the following
differentiated intervention resources, from remediation to enrichment, depending on their
quiz scores.

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