Final Drafts Classroom Management Plan - Ed 110 111-7
Final Drafts Classroom Management Plan - Ed 110 111-7
Final Drafts Classroom Management Plan - Ed 110 111-7
Classroom Management
Philosophy for Classroom Management
Classroom management is essential to me to be a successful teacher. A classroom full
of twenty or more students can be a lot to handle. However, with a management plan it provides
the structure needed for my teaching to effectively get across to my students. It also establishes
a loving and safe environment where students can succeed in their learning. I know that I will
have wonderful students in my classroom with a range of different and beautiful learning styles,
personalities and cultures. However, I know my students are human and we all make mistakes.
Reasonably, we even have bad days. Having a classroom management helps guide students
back on the track and get them engaged in their learning.
I want my classroom to set all students up for success. My classroom policies and
norms will not be something I will just make but will be something that my students and I will
establish together. I want my students to feel included and take responsibility for what they want
their learning environment to be. Creating a place where students feel always respected and
appreciated is something that is very important to me. To show students that I value them and
their learning, I choose to address misbehavior with opportunities to do better and move
forward. Using approaches that don't interrupt teaching but corrects and addresses student
behavior this can be using a non-verbal cue or privately speaking to students. Corrections will
be approached in positive universal language to not single out students but to show
expectations are universal.
I want to cultivate a learning environment that is engaging and built on a growth
mindset. I want to build trust between my students in which they feel cared for. I will
incorporate procedures that students will know because it will be routinely built into their
learning, to make students feel comfortable and confident as they engage in their learning. I
won't hesitate to take the time to acknowledge students' work, give encouragement and
praise. In addition, having students praise and encourage each other through positive and joyful
interaction procedures. I fully commit myself to support and challenge my students
throughout their learning. A classroom focused on a growth mindset to show students that I am
there to help them because I believe they are capable of succeeding.
I plan to take time to get to know my students and build a relationship with them and
their parents. This relationship will show my students I care and value them and their
education. Having parents partner with me will help me create an environment that best suits
their child's learning. I plan to connect with parents through a letter asking to meet with them
and their students to talk and build relationships. I will continue to reach out to parents giving
them opportunities to participate, volunteer and get involved in their students' education.
My classroom management is ultimately to create an environment that my students
feel safe and loved. That my students know they will be respected and they can trust me.
Showing them that I am here for them, willing to help and guide them through their learning.
Providing them a place and the structure they need to succeed and grow.
First Days of School Plan
The first days of school are the starting foundation for the year. It is an opportunity to get
students excited about the school year and ultimately excited about learning! I want to make
class time enjoyable and joyful so students have positive learning experiences. Incorporating
activities, games and many modes of learning is my goal to provide a learning space that my
students find exciting, fun and confident that they can succeed in. These first days of school are
also the start of creating a loving and welcoming environment. I plan to establish a place
students feel respected by me and their classmates. I plan to be intentional in getting to know
the students so that you can best know how to support and help them learn. I will show my
students that I care about them and want the
best for them.
● Address students about their behavior in private to not embarrass the student in front of
their classmates. For example, have the class pair share or independently work as I take
the student aside to have a brief conversation about the matter.
● Listening to the student in every aspect, asking “how can I help you” or “is there
something I should know.”
● Giving words of affirmation so students can see that they matter to me. “Thank you for
contributing, I enjoyed hearing your thoughts.”
● Be enthusiastic when teaching so students can get excited and curious about the
material. “I have something exciting to tell you, want to hear about!” “I love hearing from
all of you, we are learning some many new things together!”
● Laugh with my students to create a joyful environment in the classroom. “How silly of
● Spread positivity, showing my students that I believe in them. “I’m glad to have you in my
class.” “You are a delight in our classroom.” “Continue practicing, I know you will get
this.” “You got this!”
Classroom Policies:
● Creating classroom rules together with the class, to incorporate their ideas, and what fits
them as a whole and individually to best help them succeed in their learning.
● Discuss our expectations, as their teacher and what the students’ expectations are for
the class and between one another. For example, I expect that my students respect
each other. Students may say that they expect their peers to listen so we might set a
classroom agreement that addresses how respecting each other means listening to each
other and not talking over someone.
● Discuss each policy or rule asking students what it looks like and how the students can
practice them. Write what students say on poster paper so that students can refer back
to the policies and rules and know how to practice them.
Classroom Routine:
● Follow a general classroom routine so students feel a sense of security at school for
example, have students do a daily check in. Students will have the opportunity to write in
a journal some mornings and other mornings will write on the back of a sticky note and
stick it on a mental health check in chart. I will then read the sticky notes later to know
how my students are feeling and how I can support them. When students do journals
they can choose if they would like me to look and respond in their journal. This will allow
me to follow up on them and build a relationship with them.
● Start the day with acknowledging each student welcoming to class by their name and
with a fist bump, hug, hand shake, high five, or dance,
● Give questions of the day to start good conversations and get to know my students
better. Stick note responses to “how are you feeling”, “what do you want your teacher to
know”, “What is your hobby”, “What's your favorite subject in school.”
Student Responsibilities:
● Set high expectations so students do their best. For example if a student doesn't know
an answer to a question, I wouldn’t let them opt out and just say I don't know. I’ll prompt
them by having them say “I don't know but I’ll give my best guess” and then have them
give their best guess. This sets the expectation that I expect students to try and put effort
even when they might not fully know something.
● Encouraging them to ask questions so that they can get the help they need. I will state
“Wow, look at those hands I see” or “All questions are good questions!”
● Create a safe environment in which students show respect to their classmates. Have
students encourage and affirm their classmates could be in an activity or be a part of a
daily routine.
Student Engagement:
● Creating small groups for students to interact with each other, discuss material together
and work on team building skills. For example, students will have pair share partners that
students will have conversation about questions I give them during carpet time. Students
will also strategically place students by abilities at times this may be heterogeneous and
other times homogenous. Students will be placed in groups at times to solve math
problems, work with manipulatives, or create a presentation on a certain subject.
● Dance and sing to enhance lessons, help students remember material, stay active, and
to stay focused.
● Provide visuals, have objects for students to touch and see to better understand and
remember topics.
● Conduct floor time, write on a whiteboard and have students contribute to a lesson with
their thoughts, ideas, opinions.
Prevention Plan
A prevention plan allows me to take action to minimize unnecessary problems which will
allow me to spend more time focused on teaching. Having a prevention plan prepares me to
effectively carry out classroom procedures to avoid unwanted problems that could interrupt
learning time. Having an established plan and procedures sets up all my students to succeed in
my classroom because students know what is expected and what is expected from them. By
managing how I will give praise, discourse and address brain breaks I focus on promoting
positive behavior in my students. If students know they are cared about and addressed in a
positive and loving way they are more likely to to have positive behavior. This behavior will lead
them to better stays alert and focused on learning, ultimately refraining from unnecessary
Relieving Energy
● 5 finger breathing exercise
○ Helps students focus on your breathing by tracing your fingers. Everyone
breaths in when they reach the tip of your finger and breath out when you trace
down the finger.
● Dance Party
○ Put on a go noodle dance video and have the class
dance along or play freeze dance to it releasing
some energy. This will also ultimately build a
community of joy!
● Classroom Yoga
○ To reduce stress, anxiety, and improve focus.
Teach and follow a yoga routine with students.
Have students stretch and focus on breathing to
help students relax. This can before class starts or
before a test or used as a brain break.
● Acting
○ Having students acting different scenarios or possibly vocabulary words. Get
students actively moving and using their imagination. For example, have
students act out the water cycle or the growth of a plant.
● Experiment Drawing
○ Draw a shape or figure and have students add and make a drawing out of it.
Getting students thinking creatively, imagining, and inventing.
Family-School Partnership Plan
To be a successful teacher to my students I must get to know my students' learning
abilities and learning needs. One way to get to know my students better is to partner with their
parents. Having this partnership will give insight on my students and will show me how to
cultivate an environment that best suits my students' learning. Students will learn and grow best
when they know they are supported and cared for. So it's important that my students see that
the people around them want to help them grow. If parents work together with me to challenge,
support, and encourage their students it will show students that they are capable of growth and
accomplishing much. Parent involvement will show students that their parents value their
education and their progress. Keeping parents informed will also help students stay on task and
give students the support they need when they are at home.
Communication Strategies:
1. Email: Parents will have my email to contact me if they have any questions or concerns.
I will send parents an email to schedule a phone call or in person meetings. I will also
send an email with a monthly newsletter to inform and remind parents about
assignments, classwork and current school or classroom events.
2. Phone: Parents will be given a number that they can reach me if they need to have a
conversation or there is an emergency. I will be calling parents occasionally to
communicate how their students are doing in my classroom and to check in with the
parents to see if they have any questions.
3. Classroom App: The classroom app will be a place I will make announcements, weekly
schedule updates and make comments on assignments and classwork. The classroom
app will have details on calendar events.
4. Instagram: With the permission of the parents, I will make an account that parents can
follow to see pictures of what their students are doing at school and in my classroom. It
will also be a way to remind parents of upcoming calendar events.
5. In person: In person interactions are a very meaningful way to build a relationship with
parents. I plan to schedule meetings with parents to get to know their student better and
discuss their student’s needs. This will give me insight into how I can best support my
students. Having in person meetings will allow me to show parents their student’s work
and talk about how their student is doing in my class. Parents are more than welcome to
contact me if they would like to schedule another meeting with me. I will also provide
many opportunities to incorporate parents in the classroom and at events so that I can
build a relationship with the parents.
Hello, My name is Miss. Rodriguez I am thrilled to be your
students’ teacher this year! It is my pleasure to be working at
(elementary school name) and I look forward to getting to know
you and your student. I would like to take a moment to introduce
myself. I am from Southern California and have lived most of my
life in the High Desert before moving to Santa Barbara for
college. I graduated in three years with my Bachelor’s Degree in
Liberal Studies from Westmont College. I continued my education
and received my teaching credentials through Westmont’s
College Credential Program. Throughout my time at Westmont I
gained hands-on experience with elementary students. I interned
for a semester in a kindergarten classroom and worked another
semester with a joint second and third grade classroom. I also
served as a student teacher in a fourth grade classroom. My
experiences have continued to show me how much I love working
with students.
I am honored and delighted that I have been given the opportunity to be a part of your student’s
educational journey! I don't take this lightly and commit myself to support, challenge, and care for
your student as they cultivate personal growth. I know you want the best for your student and I want
the same. I would like to convey how much I value parents and hope that you can partner with me to
create an environment that best suits your child's learning. I would like to schedule a phone call or in
person meeting to learn about your student. I would love to meet each of you and learn more about
how I can best support your student. I will communicate regularly with you, sharing your student’s
growth, progress, and the joyful moments we have in the classroom. In addition, I will provide you
with the information your students will be learning and the calendar events for the month. At times
this may be through an email, phone call or our classroom app. I look forward to partnering with
you and so grateful to be your student's (grade) teacher! Please know that if you have any questions
or concerns feel free to contact me!
Miss. Nissi Rodriguez
Intervention Plan
There will be times students will misbehave and having an intervention plan prepares me
to address behavior in a precise manner that resolves and defuses unnecessary problems. This
plan takes a restorative approach where I direct students to take responsibility for their behavior
and learning. This plan corrects and addresses the off-task student to guide students to make a
change in their behavior and to do better. It's important that my students know I care about them
even when I correct or address their behavior. To show my students I care and want to set them
up for success, I will always give my students the opportunity to move forward and do better. In
addition, my standards will be clear to show the purpose to what we are doing. I also plan to use
hand gestures and talk to students privately to not interrupt learning time. I will use universal
language and deliver a consequence with an opportunity to move forward and do better. My
intervention plan will show respect for my students and give the opportunity for my students to
take responsibility for their actions.
Least Invasive Intervention Approach: It minimizes the attention to the distraction however
corrects and addresses the off-task student, allowing for teaching to continue smoothly.
● Non-verbal:
○ I will use a hand gesture (soft tap on the desk or finger pointing to my ear or
eyes) to convey to a student I need their attention or remind them I need them to
manage their behavior.
○ I will use proximity (stand by the student, walk beside a student) to redirect their
attention, and keep them accountable.
● Private Correction:
○ I will speak privately to students emphasizing the purpose and solution instead
of emphasis being on the problem, also to respect the student.
○ I will address my student by asking “How are you” or “Is everything okay” to
check on the student and see if there is a reason for their behavior.
Firm Calm Finesse: Establishes respect in the classroom environment and gives purpose to
what we do in the classroom.
● Purpose over Power
○ I will keep corrections clear and crisp by saying “let’s sit like scholars” or “let’s
respect our friends by listening.”
○ I will state my expectation with a reason by saying “We want to be heard so
let’s listen to our classmates when it’s their turn to speak.”
● Universal language
○ I will show expectations are universal, not personal. For example by saying,
“We need you to remember your personal space bubble”
○ I will use phrases that don’t single out a student but address the whole class.
This can be by saying “I am looking for one more pair of eyes.”
Art of the Consequence: Ensures that consequences are effective and students have the
opportunity to move forward and do better.
● Quick and Consistent
○ I will make my responses predictable and it will follow my class norms and
agreements so students don’t test the limits.
○ I will use the same language or approach, being consistent to shape the behavior
right away to minimize behavior from escalating.
● Delivering a Consequence
○ I will use a bounce-back statement like “Bean-bag for the rest of the day. There
is still time. Get back to reading like I know you can.” This gives the student an
opportunity to succeed and work to do better.
○ I will forgive my student after a consequence by positively going back to the
flow and involving them in a question or acknowledging their work. For example, I
might say “That is a wonderful observation you made” to show that I value them
and want them to succeed always
Strong Voice: Intentional to establish control in moments when necessary.
● Formal Register
○ I will use a formal register that instills what I say has meaning and is important in
times it is necessary so I communicate a clear message.
○ I will only use my urgent register only in cases that are urgent so students
understand what I have to say is a serious matter and must listen. For example,
“Get under the desk now, there is an earthquake.”
● Stand and Be Still
○ I will do one thing at a time when I instruct to communicate that the directions at
the moment are important.
○ I will not engage in irrelevant topics when discussing a behavior with a student.
____________________________________________’S Behavioral Contract
My BehavioRal Goal: