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Contents Page no.

1. Introduction to Asp.Net 1
1.1 basics 1
1.2 Overview of .net technology 3
1.3 .net framework 4
1.4 Introduction to 6
1.5 2.0 8

2. Overview of SQL Server 12

2.1 Connection with SQL Server 12

2.2 Applications of C# 14

3. Introduction to the project 15

3.1 Project Overview 15

3.2 H/W and S/W Specification 15

3.3 Summary of findings 14

3.4 Project Objective 17

3.5 Project Lifecycle 17

4. System and Analysis Report 19

4.1 System Analysis 20

4.2 Identification of Need 20

5. Feasibility Study 21

5.1 Techinical Feasibility 21

5.2 Operational Feasibility 21

5.3 Economic Feasibility 22

6. Requirement Analysis 23

6.1 Functional Requirements 23

6.2 Types of Users 23

6.3 Functional Requirements for Job Seekers 24

6.4 Functional Requirements for Job Providers 24

6.5 Non-functional Requirements 24

6.6 Software and Hardware Requirements for Developers 24

6.7 Software and Hardware Requirements for

Web Server in Production 25

6.8 Software and Hardware Requirements for

System Users in Production 25

7. Flow Chart of the Project 27

8. Architecture of home page 29

9. Design 30

9.1 Architecture of Job Search 30

9.2 Entity Relationship Diagram 31

9.3 Use Case Diagram 32

9.4 Class Responsibility Collaboration 33

10. Web Forms and Screenshots 35

11. Project scope 42

12. References 43
Figure Name Page No.
1.1User Interacting with Web Application 1

1.2 The life cycle of the ASP.NET page 2

7.1 Flow Chart of the project 28

8.1 Architecture of the home page 29

9.1 Architecture of Job Search 30

9.2 Entity Relationship Diagram 31

9.3 Use case diagram of the project 32

9.4 Class Responsibility Collaboration

Diagram of the job seeker 33

9.5 Class Responsibility Collaboration

Diagram of the job provider 34

10.1 Masterpage.master 35

10.2 edit.aspx 36

10.3 jobsearch.aspx 37

10.4 registration.aspx 38

10.5 forget.aspx 39

10.6 Aboutus.aspx 40

10.7 aims.aspx 41

The objective of the project is to design and develop Resume Mart which is a place for Job
Seekers and Job Providers to meet. The Data base should collect also the minute details about the
Job Seeker and Provider. Resume Mart is designed to collect multiple resumes from the Job
Seeker. Resume Mart aim is to provide Job Provider with enormous amount of data. Bases on the
growing demand of internet users to do all the processing online, the need of hunting jobs online
and applying for them using a single click, the demand of building an online job search engine is
increasing at a rapid rate. Also there are several benefits of using this software. Online Resume
Mart maintains information about the different job providers as well as the job seekers. It notifies
every job seeker with the availability of the job as per the category in which the job seeker has
registered user’s resume. The system also notifies the job provider with the information about
the persons registered under the category required by the job provider. It also maintains a
specialized search engine which provides instant availability of the jobs as the user’s category.
The system maintains information of the users who have registered with the site and every user
can post multiple resumes in every category. The system helps the user in formulating the
resume in proper manner. After searching the required job on the site the seekers can directly
forward their resume to the corresponding email address listed in the search. This kind of
functionality is again provided to the job provider who can instantly mail the candidates if one
falls under their category.


Name Work Done

I. Preeti Sarawgi Designing & Coding

II. Amrinder Sandhu Designing & Coding
III. Anupam Gaur Database Designing
IV. Snehalata Sharma Testing
V. Anil Kumar Database Designing

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