School of Education Lesson Plan Template: Victorian Curriculum (F-10)

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Name: Meagan & Tanya       Topic: Biomes & Food Security (Climate)      Lesson No: 3

Subject: Outdoor Education           School:  -                     Duration: 60 minutes

Date:   -                                                    Year level: Year 9

Learning Purpose/Learning Intention/Rationale:

Students will learn about the differences between climate, weather and seasons from an
Indigenous perspective in comparison to a western perspective. By exploring the characteristics
of differing biomes learners will consider the means of sustainable food production.
Learning Intention: By the end of the lesson students will understand:
 The key difference between climate and weather.
 The different perspectives groups or people can have on climate. 
 That fresh produce is seasonal. 
1. HITS incorporated:
2. Collaborative learning
3. Questioning 
4. Explicit teaching 
5. Differentiated teaching 
6. Questioning

Victorian Curriculum- F-10 or VCE focus (if VCE applicable)

Content descriptors:
Land and resource management strategies used by Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander peoples to achieve
food security over time (VCGGK137)
Distribution and characteristics of biomes as regions with distinctive climates, soils, vegetation and
productivity (VCGGK133)
Achievement standards:
They evaluate alternative views on a geographical challenge and alternative strategies to address this
challenge, using environmental, social and economic criteria, explaining the predicted outcomes and
further consequences and drawing a reasoned conclusion.

Victorian Curriculum (F-10)      

Success Criteria / Learning outcomes:

Students will be able to recognise the different perspectives on climate.

Students will be able to describe what a biome means.

Students will gain an understanding of the term eating seasonally.

1.   Class questioning to access knowledge of biomes. 
2.   Indigenous calendar analysis.
3.   Observations on participation in discussion questions.
4.   Seasonal food calendar.


Time for Teacher activities: Learner activities:

each step
Learner activities:
By using components of group work and personal  
enquiry students will be investigating concepts with
digital devices. Introduction of key content will be  
5 minutes
completed through short video clips.
Procedural steps:
Greet class. Taking a seat, listening.
5 minutes Ask the class what a biome is?
Answering or talking to partner
(if there is a lack of response, suggest turn n talk)
about the question.
5 minutes Write a definition on the board from student  
responses. (1)
Students writing definition on
Handout appendix 3.1  (Australia’s biomes) to each the board into workbooks.
Explain that in table groups, students need to list 5
5 minutes Viewing worksheet, working in
characteristics of a biome in one minute.
groups to think of 5
Regather class attention, ask each group to share. characteristics of one biome.
Ask students what are the different biomes they Listening or sharing with peers.
5 minutes have thought they have travelled to? (1)
‘Thanks for sharing’ Sharing stories or locations
Ask students whether the characteristics they that apply to different
10 described for each biome ever change? Australian biomes.
Draw the conclusion that it’s dependent on the Listening or answering
weather, climate or season from student response. question.
Play the YouTube video: Weather Versus Climate Discussing the question with
Change, Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey. their peers.
Ask students what the difference between climate  
and weather is? (Time)  

5 minutes Ask students to write down what season means in Watching video
their workbook.
Play the clip: Indigenous seasons across Northern Listening or answering
10 Australia.
minutes Brainstorm key differences between ‘western  
seasons’ and ‘indigenous seasons’
Writing a sentence or two in
Explain that the main activity for this lesson is a workbook.
research task of exploring different Indigenous
Seasonal calendars, instruct students to visit the  
bureau of Meteorology. (2) Listening and thinking of
Hand out appendix 3.2  (Indigenous Calendar differences between seasons.
Analysis) An instruct one of the calendars that is  
researched needs to be based around our trip
10 Opening a digital device and
minutes finding a website on top if the
Continued observation of students, assisting when worksheet.
learners need.
(Put question on the board of: what are the
Teacher’s resources:

You Tube clip: Weather Versus Climate Change, Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey.

Clip: Indigenous seasons across Northern Australia!/media/1771788/indigenous-seasons-across-nothern-

 Catering for inclusion:

By incorporating collaborative group tasks and activities centred around discussion between
peers it is thought there will be increased engagement levels from students, especially students
with ADHD. 

The lesson structure allows for students to build up the overarching concepts of the learning
intentions, this is aimed to increase student understanding. While a combination of visual tools,
written text and explicit teaching is utilised in order to cater for differences among students. 

Safety considerations:

Continued observation of students completing on task work on digital devices.

Flexibility in class questioning to reduce student anxiety levels.

Extension activities:
Students can read through a blog post on:
Ask learners to investigate how latitude is related to different biomes and seasons.
Learning space set-up:
Tables will be set up to form groups of fours, that are facing towards each other.

Key questions:

-          Students achieved a greater understanding about Indigenous seasons and made connections
to seasonal food consumption.

-          A combination of teacher judgement/observation is used in assessing student understanding

of concepts, while the collection of worksheets provide evidence of progressive student

-          The seasonal calendars will assist in the ‘meal planning’ lesson in the following week.

Appendix 3.1
Appendix 3.2
Appendix 3.3
Appendix 3.4

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