132 KVA Grid Station and Their Components of Islamabad Electric Supply Company (IESCO)
132 KVA Grid Station and Their Components of Islamabad Electric Supply Company (IESCO)
132 KVA Grid Station and Their Components of Islamabad Electric Supply Company (IESCO)
These substations are located near the consumer’s localities and step down to 440V 3-phase, 4-wire for
supplying to the consumers. The voltage between any two phases is 400V & betwee n any phase and
neutral it is 220V.
Cost of system operation and its maintenance must be increase and complex.
It affect the environment and unsafe during war.
Difficult to add or remove the power lines mean difficult to expand the network.
It will be highly costly due to heavy equipment installation and their maintenance.
Additional load cost on consumer due to theft short circuit etc.
Due to maintenance, faults and lighting affect the continuity of supply.
One is Islamabad and other one is chaklala cantt And in ring system it can take supply from one
Source to and provide supply other source in case Of emergency. At start we have line bay
which Feed into main bus bar and after it connect with Transformer bay and a power
transformer and Current transformer and isolator before incoming panel in control room. It
also indicate a capacitor bank for power factor increase. While at the end we have incoming
and outgoing feeder for distribution of power supply to the consumers for domestic and
commercial use. Similarly other grid stations have same type of diagram but every grid station
have different power source and outgoing panel. According to the capacity of grid station the
protection and other grid equipment install with respect to them.
Each circuit is protected by its own circuit breaker and hence plant outage does not
necessarily result in loss of supply.
A fault on the feeder or transformer circuit breaker causes loss of the transformer and
feeder circuit, one of which may be restored after isolating the faulty circuit breaker.
A fault on the bus section circuit breaker causes complete shutdown of the substation.
All circuits may be restored after isolating the faulty circuit breaker.
Maintenance of a feeder or transformer circuit breaker involves loss of the circuit.