Contextualization and Localization Acceptability o

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Contextualization and Localization: Acceptability of the Developed Activity

Sheets in Science 5 Integrating Climate Change Adaptation

Conference Paper · December 2017

DOI: 10.17501/iccc.2017.1103


1 6,954

1 author:

Kim Alvin Constantino De Lara

Department of Education of the Philippines


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Proceedings of the International Conference on Climate Change, Vol. 1, 2017, pp. 20-24
Copyright © 2017 TIIKM
ISSN 2513-258X online

Contextualization and Localization: Acceptability of

the Developed Activity Sheets in Science 5
Integrating Climate Change Adaptation
Kim Alvin De Lara
Niogan Elementary School, Department of Education, Philippines


The research aimed to assess the level of acceptability of the developed activity sheets in Science 5
integrating climate change adaptation of grade 5 science teachers in the District of Pililla school year
2016-2017. In this research, participants were able to recognize and understand the importance of
environmental education in improving basic education and integrating them in lessons through
localization and contextualization. The researcher conducted the study to develop a material to use
by Science teachers in Grade 5. It served also as a self-learning resource for students. The
respondents of the study were the thirteen Grade 5 teachers teaching Science 5 in the District of
Pililla. Respondents were selected purposively and identified by the researcher. A descriptive
method of research was utilized in the research. The main instrument was a checklist which include
items on the objectives, content, tasks, contextualization and localization of the developed activity
sheets. The researcher developed a 2-week lesson in Science 5 for 4th Quarter based on the
curriculum guide with integration of climate change adaptation. The findings revealed that majority
of respondents are female, 31 years old and above, 10 years above in teaching science and have units
in master’s degree. With regards to the level of acceptability, the study revealed developed activity
sheets in science 5 is very much acceptable. In view of the findings, lessons in science 5 must be
contextualized and localized to improve to make the curriculum responds, conforms, reflects, and be
flexible to the needs of the learners, especially the 21 st century learners who need to be holistically
and skillfully developed. As revealed by the findings, it is more acceptable to localized and
contextualized the learning materials for pupils. Policy formation and re-organization of the lessons
and competencies in Science must be reviewed and re-evaluated. Lessons in science must also be
integrated with climate change adaptation since nowadays, people are experiencing change in
climate due to global warming and other factors. Through developed activity sheets, researcher
strongly supports environmental education and believes this to serve as a way to instill
environmental literacy to students.

Keywords: Climate Change Adaptation, Contextualization, Localization, Activity Sheets


Standards in Science Education today provide expectations for the development of scientific, inquiry, critically
and environmental steward 21st century learners. Science Education generally concentrates on the teaching of
science facts and concepts. It includes work in the science content, pedagogy, processes and strategies. To
apply these concepts and facts, Science being taught in the classroom should include experimentation, inquiry-
based and real-life experiences of awareness of changes in the environment or climate change. The climate is
one of the Earth’s life support system. Nowadays, as the earth grows older, number of people increase and
continue to demand or need for water, food, land, transport and energy. Human activities, such as the release of
greenhouse gases from burning fossil fuels, are major factors in the current rise in Earth's mean surface
temperature global warming or. In fact, the activities are not only completely interconnected with but now also
interact with, the complex system living on Earth. One of the solutions is public awareness or informing the
people by including Environmental Education in teaching science to schools in early grades.

International Conference on Climate Change - 2017 (ICCC 2017)

Kim Alvin De Lara, Contextualization and Localization: Acceptability of the Developed Activity Sheets…..

In line with the Republic Act 9152 or “An Act to Promote Environmental Awareness Through
Environmental Education” also known as known as the “National Environmental Awareness and Education
Act of 2008”, the Department of Education together with other relevant agencies, shall integrate
environmental education in its school curricula at all levels, whether public or private, including in barangay
daycare, preschool, non-formal, technical vocational, professional level, indigenous learning and out-of-school
youth courses or programs. Environmental education shall encompass environmental concepts and principles,
environmental laws, the state of international and local environment, local environmental best practices, the
threats of environmental degradation and its impact on human well-being, the responsibility of the citizenry to
the environment and the value of conservation, protection and rehabilitation of natural resources and the
environment in the context of sustainable development.

Recognizing the importance of environmental education in improving basic education and integrating them in
lessons would realize these laws. Education sector should take steps to strengthen environmental education in
dealing with climate change. Developing and producing teaching materials should be encouraged to teachers
since they are the ones who interact and know the needs of learners.Teachers have to intensify lessons regarding
environment in all science subjects as well as in classroom discussions, drills and activities that lead in
promoting environmental awareness by enhancing environmental education and pursuing activities in schools
that nurture the environment and seek to match lectures in the classroom with concrete school-based activities
that will preserve and protect the environment.

On the other hand, another underlying issue and concern of teachers teaching in the 5 th Grade is lack of teaching
guides and learning materials.

Lack of preparedness of the department procuring Grade 5 Learner’s Materials (LM) and Teacher’s Modules
(TG) deprive or limit the students and teachers in the access to quality education. The Department of Education
must plan adequate procurement and delivery timelines when it comes to learning and teaching materials.

The researcher conducted the study to develop a material to use by Science teachers in Grade 5 in the District of
Pililla especially for beginning teachers. It served as a tool, guide, reference and supplementary material for
teachers if found to be accepted, since there are no available materials yet. It could also be a self-learning
resource for students.

It could use as a recommending material for the development of learning modules for teachers and students and
be used as guide of other action plans for researchers. It could also have helped the department to plan policy
formulation for curriculum development by adapting or integrating climate change awareness to subjects and
lessons The researcher also strongly supports environmental education and believes this to serve as a way to
instill environmental literacy to students. Climate change awareness should be a part of the science curriculum
because student knowledge of environmental concepts establishes a foundation for their future understandings
and actions as citizens of the country.


A descriptive method of research was utilized in the research to assess the level of acceptability of the
developed activity sheets in fourth quarter science 5 integrating climate change adaptation of grade 5 science
teachers in the District of Pililla school year 2016-2017.

A descriptive method research (Shields & Rangarjan, 2013) is used to describe characteristics of a population or
phenomenon being studied. It does not answer questions about how/when/why the characteristics occurred.
Rather it addresses the "what" question (what are the characteristics of the population or situation being studied?

Proceedings of the International Conference on Climate Change, Vol. 1, 2017, pp. 20-24

Participants (Jackson, 2009) answer questions administered through interviews or questionnaires. After
participants answer the questions, researchers describe the responses given.

In descriptive research, the study focuses of the present condition. In this study the researcher used descriptive
method research, because the researchers intended to gather relatively data from a number of cases. Another
reason is that a questionnaire – checklist is useful in collecting specific data from the teachers and focusing
attention on the most important things to be reported.

The researcher developed a 2-week lesson in Science 5 for 4th Quarter based on the curriculum guide with the
integration climate change adaptation.

Developed lesson was checked, improved, critiqued and validated by the specialists in field of Science
Teaching identified by the researcher. The researcher sought for a series of improvement and validation of the
material. After revision, final hard copies of developed lesson will be given to the Science teachers of grade 5
and was checked to use for their teaching.

In data gathering, a questionnaire-checklist as an instrument to assess the level of acceptability was developed
and conceptualized by the researcher. It was composed of (2o) two parts. The first part determined the personal
profile of Grade 5 Science Teachers and second composed the level of the acceptability of the developed
material. In the second part, using Likert Scale the respondent answers the questionnaire. Questionnaire-
checklist was checked and validated. For the validity of the instrument, it undergone modification through
consultation by a panel of specialist in the field of Science instruction and development of learning materials
identified by the researcher. After validating the checklist, it was given to the respondents to rate the
acceptability of the developed lesson.Questionnaire- checklists were retrieved. The data that were obtain from
the questionnaires were summarized, tabulated, presented, analyzed, and interpreted. Possible trends were
established which was served as the basis for conclusions and recommendations

Data Analysis

The following tools were utilized for the purpose of treating the data:

What is the profile of the teachers in terms of age, gender, no. of years in teaching Science 5, highest
educational attainment, number of subjects/loads? ---percentage and rank were used.

What is the level of acceptability of the developed lesson in fourth quarter science 5 integrating climate change
adaptation of grade 5 science teachers in the District of Pililla school year 2016-2017 in terms of objectives,
content, strategies and tasks when grouped according to personal profile? -- weighted mean and rank was used.

Kim Alvin De Lara, Contextualization and Localization: Acceptability of the Developed Activity Sheets…..


Table 1: Composite Table of Level of Acceptability of the Developed Activity Sheets in Fourth Quarter Science 5
Integrating Climate Change Adaptation
Factors Gender Age No. of Years Highest Average
Teaching Educational
Science Attainment


Objective 4.12 4 VMA 4.18 4 VMA 4.22 3 VMA 4.20 3 VMA 4.18 2 VMA

Content 4.21 3 VMA 4.26 3 VMA 4.15 4 VMA 4.17 4 VMA 4.20 3 VMA

Task 4.10 5 VMA 4.02 5 VMA 4.08 5 VMA 4.11 4 VMA 4.07 5 VMA

Contextualization 4.50 1 VMA 4.46 1 VMA 4.62 1 VMA 4.53 1 VMA 4.53 1 VMA

Localization 4.35 2 VMA 4.30 2 VMA 4.37 2 VMA 4.45 2 VMA 4.37 2 VMA

 VMA- Very Much Accepted

 VA- Very Accepted

 A- Accepted

 NMA- Not Much Accepted

 NA- Not Accepted

 VI- Verbal Interpretation

 R-Rank

 Wx- Weighted Mean

The table presents the composite table of the level of acceptability of the developed activity sheets in fourth
quarter science 5 integrating climate change adaptation of grade 5 science teachers in the District of Pililla
school year 2016-2017.

The table revealed that in terms of sex, contextualization rank first with a a weighted mean of 4.50 with a verbal
interpretation of very much accepted. In terms of age, contextualization rank first with a weighted mean of 4.46
with a verbal interpretation of very much accepted. In terms of no. of years in service, contextualization rank
first with a weighted mean of 4.62 with a verbal interpretation of very much accepted. In terms of highest
educational attainment, contextualization rank first with a weighted mean of 4.53 with a verbal interpretation of
very much accepted. Overall, contextualization rank first with a general weighted mean of 4.53 with a verbal
interpretation of very much accepted


Anchored on the results of the study, it could be concluded that majority of respondents are female, 31 years old
and above, 10 years above in teaching Science and have units in master’s degree. With regards to the level of
acceptability, the study revealed that in terms of age, gender, number of years in teaching science 5, and highest

Proceedings of the International Conference on Climate Change, Vol. 1, 2017, pp. 20-24

educational attainment, with respect to objectives, contents, tasks, contextualization and localization, developed
activity sheets in science 5 is very much acceptable.

In view of the findings, and conclusions, obtained from the study, the researcher hereby presented the following

Lesson in science 5 must be contextualized and localized to improved to make the curriculum responds,
conforms, reflects, and be flexible to the needs of the learners, especially the 21 st century learners who need to
be holistically and skillfully developed. As revealed by the findings, it is more acceptable to localized and
contextualized the learning materials for pupils.

Lessons in science 5 must re-organized since the country experiences weather disturbances and calamities like
typhoons and “habagat” (southwest monsoon) during the first quarter of the school year. Lessons about effects
of typhoon and precautionary measures are included in the fourth quarter which is the start of the summer
season. Policy formation and re-organization of the lessons and competencies in Science must be reviewed and

Lesson in science must integrate climate change adaptation since nowadays, people are experiencing change in
climate due to global warming and other factors, it must be integrated to lessons not only in

Science for public awareness and reducing the risk of the effects of such calamities.A parallel study is
recommended using other variable like other subject areas, format and usability.


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