• Section-I (25 Marks)
• I. Introduction
• Basic concepts used in understanding crime, criminality and criminal.
• II. Understanding Criminology
• Definition, meaning and scope of criminology, Criminology and criminal law, Crime as social problem, Crime and social
organization, related concepts: Deviance, Sin and Vice
• III. Crime and Criminals
• Occasional criminals, Habitual criminals, Professional criminals, White-collar crime, Organized crime, corporate crimes.
• IV. Crime and Criminality: Theoretical Perspectives
• Early explanation of criminal behavior
• Classical School
• Positivist School (Biological and Psychological Explanations)
• Positivist School (Sociological Explanation)
• Social Disorganization theory
• Strain theory
• Social Control theory
• Learning theory
• Labeling Theory
• Islamic perspective
Crimnology CE-2016
Crimnology CE-2017
Q.2. Write a critical note on the increasing importance of criminology in Pakistan. Also discuss the historical development of criminology as a scientific discipline.
Q.3. Enlist the criminological perspectives. Briefly describe the three criminological perspectives on the study of crime and criminal behaviour.
Q.4. Write a comprehensive note on the juvenile justice system of Pakistan. Suggest measures for the improvement of Juvenile justice system of Pakistan.
Q.6. Write a comprehensive note on the principles of criminal investigation. Illustrate with examples from Pakistan.
Q.7. Elaborate importance of legal and ethical guidelines for the criminal investigation of gender based crimes. Support your answer with examples from Pakistani
Q.8. Write a critical note on the rule of law enforcement agencies in the control of terrorism in Pakistan.Suggest measures to minimize radicalization in Pakistan.
Crimnology CE-2018
Crimnology CE-2019
Q. No.2 Travis Hirschi argued that crime results when an individual's bond to society is weak or broken. Discuss in
detail what this theory of social bonding explains about crime.
Q. No. 3. Discuss the fundamental postulates of Edwin Sutherland's 'Differential Association theory' with
Q. No. 4. Discuss some of the functions and responsibilities of Juvenile Justice System. Do you believe that Juvenile
Justice has played its role in prevention of juvenile crimes in Pakistan?
Q. No. 5, How far recidivism has been limited by the institution of prison? Explain some of the modem strategies
used in prison for the restoration and reintegration of criminals.
Q. No. 6. Define and differentiate interviewing and interrogation techniques. How far human rights of criminals are
being violated during the interrogation process?
Q. No. 7. How the forensic science is a helpful tool in the modern day for determining and detection of violent
Q. No. 8. Cybercrime is increasing at national and international levels. Suggest some measures to control this kind
of crime.
Q. No. 9. How do violent crimes affect social fabric of Pakistani society? Discuss some of the modem policing
strategies for prevention and control of the violent crimes in Pakistan.
▪ Substantive criminal law defines what types of conduct are criminal and
prescribes the penalties to be imposed for engagement in that conduct e.g.
Pakistan Penal Code 1860, The Pakistan Arms Ordinance 1965, Anti Terrorism
Act 1997etc.
– Deterring criminal behavior. Criminal law has a social con- trol function. It can
control, restrain, and direct human be- havior through its sanctioning power.
The threat of punish- ment associated with violating the law is designed to
prevent crimes before they occur.
– Punishing wrongdoing. The deterrent power of criminal law is tied to the
authority it gives the state to sanction or pun- ish offenders. Those who violate
criminal law are subject to physical coercion and punishment.
– Maintaining social order. All legal systems are designed to support and
maintain the boundaries of the social system they serve.
The following is a list of some common crimes as defined in Pakistan Penal Code
• Murder
• Theft
• Cheating
• Kidnapping
• Robbery
• Dacoity
• House Tresspass
• Rape
• Disturbing the Peace
• Drug Possession
• Embezzlement
• Extortion
• Forgery
• Fraud
• Harassment
• Hate Crime
■ Personal Crimes - "Offenses against the Person”: These are crimes that result
in physical or mental harm to another person. Personal crimes include:
• Assault ( Threat of Physical Harm)
• Battery (actual Physical Harm)
• False Imprisonment
• Kidnapping
• Homicide
• Rape
■ White-Collar Crimes
• White-collar crimes are crimes that
committed by people of high social status
who commit their crimes in the context of
their occupation
• White-collar crimes generally generate less
concern in the public mind than other types
of crime, however in terms of total dollars,
white-collar crimes are even more
consequential for society
• White Collar crimes are generally the least
investigated and least prosecuted
• Panama Leaks is one of the main example of
white collar crime
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■ White collar crimes are criminal acts that are performed by people in the
course of business committed for financial gain. These types of crimes can cost
citizens millions of dollars
■ Government can prosecute both the individual committing the crime and the
corporation for which he works
▪ Counterfeiting
▪ Investment Schemes:
▪ Kickback
• organized along the same lines as legitimate businesses and take on a corporate form
• senior partners who control the business’ profits
• workers who manage and work for the business
• clients who buy the goods and services that the organization provides
The general public also experiences violence in the form of pollution and other green
crimes. There are many different green crimes but they are all committed for the sake of profit
and they all harm the environment.
■ Inchoate Crimes
• “Inchoate” translates into “incomplete”, meaning crimes that were begun, but
not completed
Major types of criminal are
■ Occasional criminals
■ Habitual criminals
■ Professional criminals
■ The occasional criminal only performs the act if the opportunity occurs in
his/her routine of daily life. For example someone is walking by a car & it
happens to be unlocked & the person notices they might take their car stereo,
■ Those whose criminal acts were due to external circumstances and who were
driven to commit crimes because of a special passion
■ Most crime committed by amateurs whose acts are unskilled, and unplanned
■ Occasional crime occurs when there is a situational inducement
■ Frequency of occasional crime varies according to age, class, race, and gender
■ Occasional criminals have little group support for the crimes
■ The Pseudocriminal
Individuals who become criminals by mere accident e.g. killing in self-
defense. These criminals are also called Judicial Criminals.
■ Criminaloid
These are epileptoids who suffer from a milder form of the disease so that
without adequate cause criminality is not manifested. These are individuals with
weak natures who can be swayed by circumstances to commit crime. Often
showing hesitation before committing crime. although they had innate traits and
a touch of degeneracy, their organic tendency was much less than that of the
born criminal
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■ Habitual Criminals
Habitual criminal came closest to a “normal” criminal. “Poor education
and training from parents, the school and community at an early age cause these
individuals to fall into the primitive tendency towards evil” (Mannheim, 1972, p.
253). They become criminals because of circumstances and criminal peers.
■ Epileptoid Criminal
Individual suffering from epilepsy
• Penology:
• The study of prisons and prison systems
• Bio-criminology:
• The study of the biological basis of criminal behavior
• Feminist criminology:
• The study of women and crime
• Criminalistics:
• The study of crime detection
• Victimology:
• The study of the victims of crime, the relationships between victims and criminals,
and the role of victims in the criminal events themselves.
Different school of thoughts have given the following traits of criminal behavior
■ Anti-social values: This is also known as criminal thinking. It includes criminal
rationalization or the belief that their criminal behavior was justified.
Individuals possessing this trait often blame others for their negative behavior,
and show a lack of remorse.
■ Criminal Peers: Individuals with this trait often have peers that are associated
with criminal activities. Peer influence often persuades the individual to
engage in criminal behavior.
■ Anti-social personality: These traits often include atypical behavior conducted
prior to the age of fifteen and can include, running away, skipping school,
fighting, possessing weapons, lying, stealing and damage to either animals or
■ Dysfunctional family: One of the most common traits includes a lack of family
support, both emotionally and otherwise. An individual’s family lacks the
ability to problem solve and often is unable to communicate effectively.
■ Substance abuse: The use of drugs or alcohol that significantly affect one’s
ability to engage in a successful and productive lifestyle. There is often an
increased tolerance to substances, in addition to an inability to stop use.
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■ A social problem is a condition that at least some people in a community view
as being undesirable.
■ Social problems directly or indirectly affect a person or many members of a
society and are considered to be problems, controversies related to moral
values or both.
■ A few examples of social problems include murder, drug abuse etc.
■ Different cultures have different perceptions and what may be "normal"
■ Social issues are distinguished from economic issues. Some issues have both
social and economic aspects, such as immigration.
■ There are also issues that don't fall into either category, such as wars.
▪ Primary deviance
▪ It is the behavior that people do not treat as deviant because
▪ They are unaware of it, or
▪ They regard it trivial
▪ Secondary deviance
▪ It occurs when
▪ People are labelled and treated as deviants, and
▪ Deviance becomes an important part of their identity
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▪ Drug Addiction
▪ Alcoholism
▪ Suicide
▪ Family conflicts
▪ Discrimination against minorities
▪ Sexual abuse
▪ Child abuse
▪ Delinquency
▪ Crime
▪ Violence
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▪ Religious theory
▪ Demonic possession
▪ Biological theory
▪ Psychological theory
▪ Morally depraved
▪ Transitional Neighborhood
▪ Those settling in slum areas
▪ Labelling Approach
▪ Repeatedly calling deviants as deviants
▪ Differential Association
▪ The company, the color
▪ Class and Social Structure
▪ Particular class and social structure lead an individual to be a deviant
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▪ Robert Merton (1957) presented Strain or Anomie theory
▪ deviance a means by which some people adopt to the dominant culture
▪ There are five types of Adaptations, four of which are types of deviance
▪ Conformity
▪ Agreement between an individual's behavior and a group's standards
or expectations. A conformist is one who follows the majority's desires
or standards.
▪ Innovation
▪ The act of introducing something new. Believes in society’s standards
or expectations but different mode of achieving them
– Structural: this refers to the processes at the societal level which filter down and affect
how the individual perceives his or her needs, i.e. if particular social structures are
inherently inadequate or there is inadequate regulation, this may change the individual's
perceptions as to means and opportunities
– Individual: this refers to the frictions and pains experienced by an individual as he or she
looks for ways to satisfy his or her needs, i.e. if the goals of a society become significant to
an individual, actually achieving them may become more important than the means
▪ Wide spread deviance causes violence and violence leads to fear in the
▪ The act's disorderedness, which consists in its departure from God's law. The distinction
among sins thus follows the distinction among voluntary acts, and such acts are distinct
▪ Falling in love is one example. Islam does not prohibit it, but the society treats it as sin.
▪ Second, not all sins are crimes, and it is not up to the police to interpret sins as crimes
▪ Sins can also be classified as sins against God, against oneself, and against
fortitude; and
■ A generic legal term for offenses involving immorality, including prostitution, lewdness(Crude
and offensive in sexual way), lasciviousness(feeling or revealing an overt sexual desire), and
■ Vice is opposed to virtue directly insofar as a vice is a habit by which one is disposed to
behave in a way inappropriate for perfecting his nature
■ It is a practice, behaviour, or habit generally considered immoral, sinful, criminal, rude, taboo,
depraved, or degrading in the associated society.
■ In more minor usage, vice can refer to a fault, a negative character trait, a defect, an infirmity,
or a bad or unhealthy habit (such as an addiction to smoking). Vices are usually associated
with a transgression in a person's character or temperament rather than their morality.
Synonyms for vice include fault, sin, depravity, iniquity, wickedness, and corruption.
■ Vice crimes offend the sensibilities, yet are often victimless and harmless, other than harm
done to the defendant or society in general.
■ Norms change constantly and may be different for different socities and
■ Values account for the stability of social order. They provide the
general guidelines for social conduct
■ Values are the criteria people use in assessing their daily lives;
arrange their priorities and choosing between alternative course of
■ According to Peter Worsley, "Values are general conceptions of
"the good”, ideas about the kind of ends that people should pursue
throughout their lives and throughout the many different activities
in which they engage”
■ In simple words, values may be defined as measure of goodness or
■ Values provide for stabilities and uniformities in group interaction. They hold
the society together because they are shared in common
■ Values bring legitimacy to the rules that govern specific activities. The rule are
accepted as rules and followed mainly because they embody the values that
most people accept
■ Values help to bring about some kind of adjustment between different sets of
rules. For example, if the Pakistan people cherish the value of "the principle of
equality”, then they will have to modify the rules governing the interpersonal
relationship of husband and wife; and man and woman. As and when new
activities emerge, people create rules in the light of their beliefs about what is
‘good’ and ‘right’
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■ Spiritual influences
■ Divine punishment
■ Code of Hammurabi
■ Common Law
■ Magna Carta
■ The Enlightenment
Age of Reason:
■ Movement away from superstition
■ Important social movement in 17th and 18th
■ Emphasis on free will, rational thought as basisof
human behavior
▪ It was based on the belief that people have free-will and must be
held accountable for their deeds
▪ The theory presumes that individuals have equal rights and co-
exist in a society held together by common goals and beliefs
At the start of the 20TH century, William Graham Sumner described three basic
forms of behavioral strictures imposed by social groups upon its members.
■ Rationality
■ Hedonism
■ Punishment
■ Human rights
■ Due process
■ The writings of Beccaria and his followers form the core of what today is
referred to as classical criminology. As originally conceived in the eighteenth
century, classical criminology theory had several basic elements:
– In every society people have free will to choose criminal or lawful solutions to
meet their needs or settle their problems.
– Criminal solutions can be very attractive because for little effort they hold the
promise of a huge payoff.
– A person will choose not to commit crime only if they believe that the pain of
expected punishment is greater than the promise of reward. This is the
principle of deterrence
– In order to be an effective crime deterrent, punishment must be severe,
certain, and swift enough to convince potential criminals that “crime does not
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▪ Social contract
An imaginary agreement to sacrifice the minimum amount of
liberty to prevent anarchy and chaos
▪ Special deterrence
The prevention of individuals from committing crime again by
punishing them.
▪ General deterrence
The prevention of people in general or society at large from
engaging in crime by punishing specific individuals and making
examples of them.
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■ Hedonistic Calculus
The belief, first proposed by Jeremy Bentham, that behavior
hold value to any individual undertaking it according to the amount
of pleasure or pain that it can be expected to produce for that
■ Utilitarianism –
Another term for Jeremy Bentham’s concept of hedonistic
■ A perspective that holds that criminality is the result of conscious choice and
that predicts that individuals choose to commit crime when the benefits
outweigh the costs of disobeying the law.
■ Routine Activities Theory – (RAT) a brand of rational choice theory that
suggests that lifestyles contribute significantly to both the volume and the
type of crime found in any society
■ Situational Choice Theory – a brand of rational choice theory that views
behavior “as a function of choices and decisions made within a context of
situational constraints and opportunities”
■ Soft Determinism – the belief that human behavior is the result of choices
and decisions made within a context of situational constraints and
■ Such a deci- sion may be based on a variety of personal reasons, including greed, revenge,
need, anger, lust, jealousy, thrill-seeking, or vanity. But the final decision to commit a crime is
only made after the potential offender carefully weighs the benefits and con- sequences of
their planned action and decides that the benefits of crime are greater than its consequences:
■ ❚ A jealous boyfriend concludes that the risk of punish- ment is worth the satisfaction of
punching a rival in the nose.
■ ❚ The greedy shopper considers the chance of apprehension by store detectives so small that
she takes a “five-finger dis- count” on a new sweater.
■ ❚ The drug dealer concludes that the huge profit from a single shipment of cocaine far
outweighs the possible costs of apprehension.
■ marginal deterrence—if petty offenses were subject to the same punishment as more serious
crimes, offenders would choose the worse crime because the resulting punishment would be
about the same
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■ Hypoglycemia
■ Exposure to radiation
■ Brain dysfunction
■ He never claimed that the born criminals make up more than 40%
of the total criminal population.
■ Lombroso studied and measured the bodies of executed and
deceased offenders as well as examining living inmates to locate
physical differences or abnormalities
– Claimed to have found a variety of bodily features predictive of criminal
behavior i.e . Long arms , large teeth, ears lacking lobes, lots of body
hair etc.
– Also identified characteristics of particular types of offenders
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■ Asymmetry of face
■ Eye defects and abnormalities
■ Excessive dimensions of jaw and cheek bones
■ Ears of unusual size or very small or ears that stuck out
■ Lips fleshy , swollen and protruding
■ Excessive length of arms
■ Supernumerary fingers and toes
■ Nose twisted , upturned or flattened or beak like
■ Abnormal dentition
■ Constitutional Theories
Sheldon, using a correlational study, found that many convicts were mesomorph
and they were least likely to be ectomorph
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Hormones and criminality
■ Testosterone
Male harmones linked to aggression
■ Research has shown a relationship between high blood
testosterone level and increase male aggression
■ Low brain levels of serotonin
■ Socialization perspective( all poors are not criminals, According to this school of thought, an
individual’s relationship to important social processes, such as education, family life, and peer
relations, is the key to understanding human behavior )
■ Conflict Perspective (What emerged from this intellectual ferment was a Marxist-based criti-
cal criminology that indicted the capitalist economic system as producing the conditions that
support a high crime rate )
■ Aggression is learned
■ Types of learning
– Classical conditioning
– Operant conditioning
– Observational learning
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■ Sutherland also argued that learning deviant behavior was like learning
socially acceptable behavior and criminal behavior could not be
explained in reference to the general needs and values of criminals as
these appeared to be the same as non- criminal individuals.
■ One of the most important criticism of this theory is based on the concept of
causality. How do youth come to associate with ‘a criminal element’? They
may seek them out for social support and understanding.
■ The Chicago School sociologists initiated the view that crime and social
ecological conditions were linked. Neighbor- hood conditions, and not
individual pathologies, influence and shape the direction of crime rates
■ Secondary deviance occurs when a person who has been labelled a deviant
accepts the identity and continues the deviant behavior
■ Tertiary deviance occurs when a person who has been labelled a deviant
seeks to normalize the behavior by relabeling it as non-deviant
■ The more unevenly wealth is distributed, the more likely people are to find
persons weaker than themselves that they can take advantage of in their
pursuit of wealth
■ Radical theories are theories of crime causation that are generally based on a
Marxist theory of class struggle
Social disorganization:
■ Sparse local networks, weak social ties
■ Low organizational participation
■ Lack of cohesion and trust among neighbors
■ Inability to solve problems and pursue goals
■ Parents less able to socialize and control youth
■ Breakdown in surveillance
■ Disorganized communities are the largest contributors to the
prison population
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■ The theory of social disorganization states a person’s physical and social environments are
primarily responsible for the behavioral choices that a person makes.
■ Shaw and McKay noted that neighborhoods with the highest crime rates have at least three
common problems, physical dilapidation, poverty, and higher level of ethnic and culture
■ Shaw and McKay claimed that delinquency was not caused at the individual level, but is a
normal response by normal individuals to abnormal conditions.
■ Social disorganization theory is widely used as an important predictor of youth violence and
Shaw and McKay discovered that there were four (4) specific assumption as an explanation of
■ The first assumption is the collapse of community-based controls and people living in these
disadvantaged neighborhoods are responding naturally to environmental conditions
■ The third is business located closely to the disadvantaged neighborhoods that are influenced
by the "ecological approach” of competition and dominance
■ The fourth and last assumption is disadvantaged urban neighborhoods lead to the
development of criminal values that replace normal society values
■ Social disorganization theory suggest that a person’s residential location is more significant
than the person’s characteristics when predicting criminal activity and the juveniles living in
this areas acquire criminality by the cultures approval within the disadvantaged urban
■ Under the social control theory, individuals break the law due to a
breakdown with their societal bond. Moreover, Hirschi refers to four
elements which constitute the societal bond
■ It's based upon the idea that an individual's basic belief system, values,
morals, commitments and relationships foster a lawful environment
■ The key question in the social control theory is not why people
commit crime and delinquency, but rather why don’t they? Why
do people conform?
■ The most detailed elaboration of modern social control theory is
attributed to Travis Hirschi who wrote the book, Causes of
■ Hirschi argued that delinquency should be expected if a juvenile is
not properly socialized by establishing a strong bond to society.
■ The lower the level of these bonds, the higher the likelihood of
deviant or criminal behavior.
W. Reckless (1961)
■ Containment Theory -a variation on social control theory.
■ Individuals resist criminal behaviors for two main reasons.
– Inner Containment : they resist because they have been socialised
to resist temptations and to hold a strong belief in conventional
– Outer Containment : Individuals resist criminal behaviors because
of prohibtions created by laws.
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■ They argue that parental control and youth attitudes toward risk-
taking are affected by family relations
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■ Psychoanalytic theories
■ Criminal behavior results when the internal controls found in the ego
and super-ego fail to restrain the primitive, aggressive urges of the id.
■ If the ego and super-ego do not fully develop through the early stages
of development, criminal behavior is more likely to develop
– Criminal behavior are that delinquent behaviors that can be traced to faulty
relationships in the family during the first years of life
– These inadequacies in turn make it impossible for the child to control later
delinquent impulses
■ Except in rare instances, juvenile offenders are not referred to as criminals. Acts that are
forbidden by law are called delinquent acts when committed by juveniles.
■ A juvenile delinquent is a person who has not yet reached the age of maturity,
and whose behavior has been labelled delinquent by a court.
Repeat Offenders
■ Repeat offenders are also known as "life-course persistent offenders.” These juvenile
delinquents begin offending or showing other signs of antisocial behavior during
adolescence. Repeat offenders continue to engage in criminal activities or aggressive
behaviors even after they enter adulthood.
Age-Specific Offenders
■ This type of juvenile delinquent behavior begins during adolescence. Unlike the repeat
offenders however, the behaviors of the age-specific offender ends before the minor
becomes an adult. The behaviors that a juvenile shows during adolescence are often a
good indicator of future course of action
■ Common examples are running away from home, being truant from school, and
being beyond parental control.
■ Status offenders are virtually never incarcerated for their first offense
■ In 1961, the California legislature was the first to remove noncriminal conduct
of youth from its delinquency definition.
■ Under most state codes, juvenile status offenders break laws that cover how
children or adolescents should behave.
■ Status offense legislation does not cover those who commit criminal offenses
such as theft or robbery.
■ Status offender is a term used to describe an action which is an offence only because it
has been committed by a juvenile and if it would have been done by an adult it would be
no crime. E.g. If a juvenile smokes tobacco then he may be termed status offender as
smoking otherwise is not a crime
■ Personality
■ Family
■ School
■ Peers
■ Work
■ Agnew identifies the latent traits of low self-control and irritability as “super traits”
■ The neurological and endocrine changes during adolescence temporarily increases irritability/low self
control among adolescents who limit their offending to that period, while for those who continue to
offend irritability/low self-control is a stable characteristic.
■ It is not possible to know the exact number of prisoners, including children, in jails at
any given time simply because the number changes daily as some prisoners are
released and new ones are brought in.
■ Some juveniles are registered as adults
■ Unavailability and lack of proper documentation for different categories of prisoners
■ However, as of 2017, there were 1188 children inPakistan’s jails.
■ Majority of them is under trial and only around 10% are convicted
■ The report found that at least 10pc of the current death row population consists of
juvenile offenders – around 800 Justice Project for Pakistan report published in 2015
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Province Under Trial Convicted Total
Baluchistan - - 70
Pakistan 1188
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■ On May 18 2018, the President of Pakistan approved the Juvenile Justice System
Act (JJSA) 2018, which was passed by the Parliament in 2018
■ JJSA 2018 overcomes the shortcomings which were present in Juvenile Justice
System Ordinance 2000, and provides a much better system for criminal justice and
social reintegration for juvenile offenders.
■ The Act defines a child according to the definition of UNCRC as ‘a person who has
not attained the age of eighteen years’.
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■ Enforce laws
■ Investigate Crimes
■ Apprehend offenders
■ Judge
■ Public Prosecutor
■ Defence Lawyer
■ Lawyer who represents the state and conducts criminal cases against
■ The role of the prosecutor begins once the police files the charge
sheet in the court
■ The prosecutor must conduct the prosecution on behalf of the police
■ It’s his duty to present all the facts , witnesses and evidence before
the court
■ He/She has the right to speedy trial
■ Humane custody
■ KPK 10,000 prison inmates occupy the space for 8,285 prisoners with almost 70 per cent
under trial, including 274 women and 395 juveniles.
■ The staff strength of the Prisons Department in K-P is 4,049, with an annual budget of
Rs1,268 million for 2014.
■ There are approximately 2,000 probationers and 25 parolees at the K-P Probation and
Reclamation Department, which had an annual budget of only Rs31.67 million for 2013-
■ Sindh, the prison population in December 2015 was 19,372 with 3,276 convicted,
including 40 females and 10 juveniles.
■ Around 465 were under the death sentence, including two females, while under-trials
numbered 15,351, including 150 females and 211 juveniles.
■ With 25 male and one female probation officer, Sindh has 645 probationers.
■ Probation is particularly useful in cases of offenders who are not yet committed to a life of crime.
The relevant laws have existed for decades in Pakistan, where over 70 per cent of the prison
population consists of offenders whose sentence terms range from one month to a year.
■ Generally, most have landed behind bars as a result of petty disputes, such as fights over land or
water, or due to family feuds. Most are devoid of any criminal characteristics. Their interaction with
confirmed criminals and professionals in jail only harms them rather than doing them any good.
■ There were 10,362 probationers in Pakistan in 2005, while today there are approximately 26,000,
mostly in Punjab and K-P.
■ This was made possible as the NJPMC advised the courts and government to maximally use the
Probation of Offenders Ordinance 1960 and the Good Conduct Prisoners Probation Release Act
1926, by releasing deserving convicts on probation and parole as prescribed by the law.
■ The Committee also recommended that alleged child offenders’ cases be given higher preference.
■ Increase the budgetry allocation for R&P Directorate as it provides much cheaper solution to the
■ Inquisitorial process
■ Adversary process
– Aid and identify critical vulnerabilities that the threat may exploit
■ Retrieving the data from the database can be done with a set of
■ In modern use, the term forensics in the place of forensic science can
be considered correct, as the term forensic is effectively a synonym for
legal or related to courts.
■ However, the term is now so closely associated with the scientific field
that many dictionaries include the meaning that equates the word
forensics with forensic science.
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■ A forensic investigation is the practice of lawfully
establishing evidence and facts that are to be presented in a
court of law.
■ The utilization of all such techniques will be employed for the same
purpose: to discover the truth and to prosecute those who violate laws.
■ Wiretaps
– It can only be used under legal limitations.
– Only used with approval of the court and in circumstances
where there use outweighs their potential for invading
personal freedom
■ Search Warrants
■ Interviews
■ Legal Process
– The best methods for obtaining passwords to decrypt this data are
interviews and crime scene searches.
■ Digital Evidence
■ Website Records
– Web sites often track the Internet Protocol (IP) address, time, date of
access of the user, and other information. For example, PayPal® and
FedEx® have transaction records related to the sale and purchase of a
product or service.
■ Consensual Monitoring
– Consensual monitoring is the monitoring of wire, oral, or electronic
communication with the knowledge and consent of at least one
involved party. Some States, however, are more restrictive in that they
require the consent of all parties to the communication.
– THE LEADING QUESTION: Ask a question to which the answer is “yes” or “no,”
but which contains at least one presumption. “Did you work with integrated
systems testing before you left that company?” (As opposed to: “What were
your responsibilities at your prior job?”)
■ If, during the interview it is found that the subject has lied, the
investigator should generally not confront the subject. In most
cases it is best to challenge a lie during a follow-up interview or
once the interviewer has transitioned into an interrogation.
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■ Victims and Witnesses
■ Inquisitive
■ Observant
■ Energetic
■ Good Communicators
■ Patient
■ Interview them
■ WHO?
■ WHY?
■ HOW?
■ Change Perspective : The witness is asked to change roles with another person
in the incident and consider what he or she might have seen. The witness is
also asked to describe the incident as if they saw it from a different location.
■ The questions deal with the issue under investigation. The interviewer
asks questions concerning what the subject knows about the crime, if
the subject is involved, who the subject thinks is involved, what should
happen to the person who did it, did the subject ever think about doing
it, the subject’s alibi, etc.
■ If the interviewer feels that the subject has shown signs of guilt he or
she would make an accusation and continue on with the interrogation.
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■ The Reid Technique involves three components –
– factual analysis relies not only on crime scene analysis, but also on information
learned about each suspect.
– Applying factual analysis results in establishing an estimate of a particular
suspect's probable guilt or innocence based on such things as the suspect's bio-
social status (gender, race, occupation, marital status, etc.), opportunity and
access to commit the crime, their behavior before and after the crime, their
motivations and propensity to commit the crime, and evaluation of physical and
circumstantial evidence.
– This factual analysis is also intended to "identify characteristics about the
suspect and the crime which will be helpful during an interrogation of the suspect
believed to be guilty” such as motive or the suspect's personality type.
■ There are nine steps to the Reid interrogation technique, briefly described below.
– The positive confrontation. The investigator tells the suspect that the evidence
demonstrates the person's guilt. If the person's guilt seems clear to the investigator, the
statement should be unequivocal.
– Theme development. The investigator then presents a moral justification (theme) for the
offense, such as placing the moral blame on someone else or outside circumstances. The
investigator presents the theme in a monologue and in sympathetic manner.
– Handling denials. When the suspect asks for permission to speak at this stage (likely to
deny the accusations), the investigator should discourage allowing the suspect to do so.
The Reid website asserts that innocent suspects are less likely to ask for permission and
more likely to "promptly and unequivocally” deny the accusation. The website states that "it
is very rare for an innocent suspect to move past this denial state.”
– Procurement and retention of suspect's attention. The investigator must procure the
suspect's attention so that the suspect focuses on the investigator's theme rather
than on punishment. One way the investigator can do this is to close the physical
distance between himself or herself and the suspect. The investigator should also
"channel the theme down to the probable alternative components.”
– Handling the suspect's passive mood. The investigator "should intensify the theme
presentation and concentrate on the central reasons he [or she] is offering as
psychological justification . . . [and] continue to display an understanding and
sympathetic demeanor in urging the suspect to tell the truth.”
– Having the suspect orally relate various details of the offense. After the
suspect accepts one side of the alternative (thus admitting guilt), the
investigator should immediately respond with a statement of reinforcement
acknowledging that admission. The investigator then seeks to obtain a brief
oral review of the basic events, before asking more detailed questions.
■ The interviewer has the option to stop the interview before making an
accusation. Kinesic interviewing differs from some of the techniques
discussed earlier in that it places greater reliance on verbal
communication with the subject.
– Donot accept investigative assignments from two different individuals who have a
direct conflict of interests of some sort, without violating the investigative code of
– The investigator is also ethically barred from accepting an investigative assignment that
presents a conflict of interest with an investigative assignment he has already
accepted; or has reason to believe he will be accepting in the future.
– The investigator is also ethically bound to accept only that investigative assignment, the
results of which are to be or may be employed for a just and lawful purpose.
– The ethical investigator may not accept employment from any organization of a
subversive nature, or any other organization which aims or is attempting to overthrow
the government of the Pakistan.
– Investigator shall not disclose any confidential information to anyone other than
people legally entitled to know it.
– The investigator is ethically bound to adhere to both the letter and the spirit of these
limitations. The investigator is also ethically bound to observe all of the well known
aspects concerning the protection of the identity of confidential informants, and the
other general investigative procedures and techniques involved in dealing with
confidential informants.
– The ethical investigator will live up to the highest standards of personal conduct at all
times, and not only while he is engaged in the performance of investigative duties.
– He will live in accordance with the requirements of society that he be at all times a
decent, honest, reliable, and completely trustworthy individual; and that each and every
one of his actions reflect nothing but the very highest credit upon his own actions in
particular, and the profession he represents in general.
– The ethical investigator will, at all times, strive to the very best of his ability to increase
his knowledge of his profession, and to improve his technical skills and competence in
the various procedures and techniques germane to the ‘profession.
■ Identification
– Officers shall act with courtesy towards the person stopped. At some
point during the stop the officer shall, in every case, give the person
stopped an explanation of the purpose of the stop.
■ Use of Force
– An officer may use only the amount of non-deadly force that is reasonably
necessary to stop and detain a person pursuant to these guidelines. If an officer is
attacked, or circumstances exist that create probable cause to arrest, the officer
may use that amount of force necessary for defense or to effect a full-custody
– The officer has probable cause to believe that person arrested committed a
■ An officer cannot arrest someone just because she feels like it or has a vague
hunch that someone might be a criminal. Police officers have to be able to
justify their arrest usually by showing some tangible evidence that led them to
probable cause.
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■ Essentials of Arrest Procedure
– A police officer or another person authorized by law can arrest
– Actual touch and confine
– Submission to the custody by words or actions
– When there is resistance to arrest The police officer or any other person
authorized to arrest may use all means necessary to effect the arrest if;
– Such persona forcibly resists the Endeavour to arrest
– Attempt of evade arrest
– But he cannot cause death of such persona during arrest (except in
case when person accused of an offence punishable with death or
imprisonment of life).
■ INTERPOL is the world’s largest international police organization, with 187 member
■ It facilitates cross-border police co-operation, and supports and assists all
organizations, authorities and services whose mission is to prevent or combat crime.
■ The General Secretariat is located in Lyon, France.
■ INTERPOL operates seven regional offices - in Argentina, Cameroon, Cote d’Ivoire, El
Salvador, Kenya, Thailand and Zimbabwe - and a representative office at the United
Nations in New York.
■ Each member country maintains a National Central Bureau (NCB) staffed by highly
trained law enforcement officers.
■ Interpol and Europol are structured differently and therefore provide different
possibilities for international law enforcement co-operation.
■ Interpol and Europol have different but related roles in the fight against
organised crime and therefore there is no competition between the
■ These goals are pursued through three primary functions: research, guidance and
support to governments in the adoption and implementation of various crime-, drug-,
terrorism-, and corruption-related conventions, treaties and protocols, as well as
technical/financial assistance to said governments to face their respective
situations and challenges in these fields.
■ UNICEF has a long history of working in emergencies and humanitarian contexts, both
natural and man-made.
■ Originally called the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund, the
organization was created to provide humanitarian assistance to children living in a world
shattered by the Second World War. Much has changed since then, but UNICEF’s
fundamental mission has not.
■ UNICEF responds to more than two hundred emergencies every year, informing and shaping
these interventions as a global leader for children.
■ UNICEF adapted and simplified its emergency response procedures based on learning from
its experience in recent large-scale emergencies, including systems to trigger early action.
■ In 1989, the UN General Assembly adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child,
which UNICEF uses as guidance for its programs.
– UNICEF believes that nurturing and caring for children are the cornerstones of human
– UNICEF was created with this purpose in mind to work with others to overcome the
obstacles that poverty, violence, disease and discrimination place in a child’s path.
■ The Association has 64 national Sections and over 420,000 members and associate
■ The IPA - the largest police organisation in the World - was founded on 1 January
■ Motto of the Association “Servo per Amikeco” - meaning “Service through Friendship”
■ It seeks to foster mutual help in the social sphere and to contribute, within the limits
of its possibilities, to the peaceful co-existence of different peoples and to the
preservation of world peace.
■ To promote among the police services of all the member Sections respect for law and
■ To foster youth exchanges and international youth meetings with a view to promoting
greater tolerance and understanding between people, and understanding for the
work of the police;
■ Friendship Weeks, Sports Events and Anniversary Celebrations with social and
cultural flavours are held regularly, both nationally and internationally.
■ Hobby Groups, allow members to share their interests with other like-minded people.
For example, Radio Amateurs, Computer Enthusiasts, Stamp Collectors, Pen-friends,
■ Social Events are enjoyed at local (Branch) level to establish and maintain bonds of
friendship and camaraderie.
■ Terrorism is the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to
intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof,
in furtherance of political or social objectives.
■ The most common definition of terrorism is used, which includes the following:
– It is the use of violence or threat of violence in order to purport a political,
religious, or ideological change.
– It can only be committed by non-state actors or undercover personnel serving
on the behalf of their respective governments.
– It reaches more than the immediate target victims and is also directed at
targets consisting of a larger spectrum of society.
– It is both mala prohibita (i.e., crime that is made illegal by legislation) and mala
in se (i.e., crime that is inherently immoral or wrong).
■ Dissent terrorism, which are terrorist groups which have rebelled against their
■ Terrorists and the Left and Right, which are groups rooted in political ideology.
■ Religious terrorism, which are terrorist groups which are extremely religiously motivated
■ Criminal Terrorism, which are terrorists acts used to aid in crime and criminal profit.
■ Racism:
– Racism can be a powerful method for dehumanizing adversaries and
accomplishing moral disengagement. Gottschalk and Gottschalk (2004) found that
both Palestinian and Israeli terrorists draw on stereotypes and racism to
dehumanize the other group.
■ Sensation-seeking:
– Another variable suggested as a reason for being drawn to the path of terrorism is
sensationseeking. Here, sensation-seeking denotes the inherent risk and
excitement that a terrorist career may provide. Researchers contend that it is highly
plausible that sensation-seekers are more likely to join an organization that uses
violent tactics.
■ In political science, the term radicalism is the belief that society needs to
be changed, and that these changes are only possible through
revolutionary means.
■ All terrorists, by definition, are radicals. Yet all radicals do not end up as
■ The capacity gap within Muslim states such as Egypt, Jordan, Morocco,
and Pakistan creates a vacuum that is frequently filled by grassroots
Islamic organizations that provide goods and services in crucial areas
such as health, education, and housing.
■ The media is most likely to focus on stories that highlight the unique, the
sensational, the extreme, and those that have the potential to impact the
greatest number of people.
■ Community policing philosophy emphasizes that police officers work closely with
local citizens and community agencies in designing and implementing a variety
of crime prevention strategies and problem-solving measures.
■ Itis crucial that officers feel closely integrated with the majority of citizens and
agencies in the community they serve.
■ They use these connections to understand what the community wants out
of its police officers and what the community is willing to do to solve its
crime problem.
■ The more police officers felt socially isolated from the community they served, the
more they withdrew and the more negative they felt towards its citizens.
■ PPPs are claimed to enable the public sector to harness the expertise and
efficiencies that the private sector can bring to the delivery of certain facilities
and services traditionally procured and delivered by the public sector.
■ Gender is the single best predictor of criminal behavior: men commit more
crime, and women commit less.
■ This distinction holds throughout history, for all societies, for all groups, and for
nearly every crime category.
■ Most efforts to understand crime have focused on male crime, since men have
greater involvement in criminal behavior. Yet it is equally important to
understand female crime.
■ Learning why women commit less crime than men can help illuminate the
underlying causes of crime and how it might better be controlled.
■ The term violence against women has been defined as the range of
sexually, psychologically, and physically coercive acts used against
women by current or former male intimate partners.
■ It is the most pervasive yet least recognized human right abuse in the
■ Women have to face discrimination and violence on a daily basis due to
the cultural and religious norms that Pakistani society embraces.
■ According to United Nations Population Fund (UNFP) in Pakistan, every year, 1000
women are killed only in the name of honor.
■ For many people specially in rural and backward areas, it is a violence which may
not be violence rather an act by ‘men’ to protect the honor of their family
■ The National Assembly of Pakistan passed a law for controlling this practice in 2004
however the statistics show such practices are still carried out.
■ In urban areas of Pakistan, marriages take place with girls’ consent but
it is in the backward areas where the problem lies.
■ Talking about rape cases against women, often, jirgas and panchayits had been found giving
verdicts where people of victim’s party were ordered to rape the female members of
■ In many other cases it has been found that women are raped in revenge for seeking divorce,
refusing marriage proposals, marrying of their own choice, defying cultural norms and for
many other efforts at independent decision making.
■ We can also call rape an advanced stage of sexual harassment. In some cases, it is found
that fake aalims and pirs were accused of rape that fooled people of getting away with evil
■ The word abduction is also same in meaning but in legal terms, abduction
refers to women’s kidnap.
■ In cases of women, they are more abducted for attempted rapes or even in
revenge if the proposal for marriage is rejected.
■ They are beaten, mutilated and even burnt by their relatives often on
quite petty issues.
■ Often the women in houses are less aware of their rights and that is
why they do not think that this is infact, violence against them or even
if they can understand that they do not have so much strength in their
voices to raise them against the male chauvinist approach.
■ It has not only affected the person accused but also his family. In many of the cases
police has subjected the accused under severe torture for two reasons:
■ To force the person to confess about the criminal act and to show efficiency in
investigation or to extort bribery.
■ Women have also bore the brunt of custodial violence. There are cases that were
being raped under custody by police officials. But the sad fact is that 95% of
custodial violence reports against women go unreported.
■ All women who face harassment suffer adverse effects, and according to some estimates,
almost 80 to 90 percent of women face some sort of harassment in public places,
educational sectors and in the workplace.
■ Among the most common forms of harassment in Pakistan are the discomforting gazes that
follow a woman wherever she goes, as soon as she sets foot outside her home.
■ Another definition for human rights is those basic standards without which people cannot
live in dignity.
■ Limiting the unrestrained power of the state is an important part of international law.
■ Underlying laws that prohibit the various "crimes against humanity" is the principle of
nondiscrimination and the notion that certain basic rights apply universally.
– Freedom from discrimination, slavery, and from torture and degrading treatment.
– The right to recognition as a person before the law and equality under the law.
– The right to a remedy from a competent tribunal and to a fair public hearing.
– Freedom from arbitrary arrest and exile and from interference with privacy, family, home and
– The right to be considered innocent until proven guilty. The right to free movement in and out of
one’s own country and the right to asylum from persecution in other countries.
■ Millions of children have no access to education, work long hours under hazardous
conditions and are forced to serve as soldiers in armed conflict.
– Physical abuse
– Sexual abuse
– Neglect
■ The protection of the rights of minorities is provided for under article 27 of the
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and article 30 of the
Convention on the Rights of the Child
■ Non discrimination and equality are fundamental principles of all core Human Rights
■ Virtually all countries in the world have national or ethnic, linguistic and religious minorities
within their populations
■ Lack of rights means that people are not free in making choices about their own lives,
unleashing their own creative energies and strengthening social unity.
■ Living within a non rights-protecting culture hampers people from developing to the
maximum of their capabilities.
■ Rights are both part of the goal of development and instrumental to attaining other goals
such as economic growth or democracy.
■ "Do no harm”; our programming should not inadvertently lead to rights violations,
including forced displacement or systematic discrimination of people.
■ Human rights cannot be earned and they cannot be taken away, but they can be
repressed or violated by individuals, nations or governments.
■ Everyone must play a positive role in advancing the cause of Human Rights
■ A catalyst for new practices on the ground that give its work a social pillar,
strength and legitimacy
■ Several nongovernmental organizations around the world have dedicated their efforts to
protect human rights and advocat against human rights abuses.
■ In fact, major human rights NGOs maintain websites and other platforms documenting
violations and calling for remedial action both, at government and even grass-roots
■ The 1993 UN World Conference on Human Rights - known as the Vienna Conference -
was attended by 841 NGOs from throughout the world, all of which described
themselves as working with a human rights mission.
■ NGOs may attempt to engage in the protection of human rights at various different
stages or levels, and the strategies they employ will vary according to the nature of their
objectives - their specificity or generality; their long-term or short-term nature; their local,
national, regional or international scope, and so on.
– Crimes that use computer networks to advance other criminal activities. These
types of crimes include cyberstalking, phishing and fraud or identity theft.
■ Criminals can also use computers for accessing communication and document or
data storage.
■ Criminals who perform these illegal activities are often referred to as hackers
■ Theft: This crime occurs when a person violates copyrights and downloads music,
movies, games and software.
■ Cyber Stalking: This is a kind of online harassment wherein the victim is subjected to
a barrage of online messages and emails. Typically, these stalkers know their
victims and instead of resorting to offline stalking, they use the Internet to stalk
■ Malicious Software: These are Internet-based software or programs that are used to
disrupt a network. The software is used to gain access to a system to steal sensitive
information or data or causing damage to software present in the system
■ Child soliciting and Abuse: This is also a type of cyber crime wherein criminals solicit
minors via chat rooms for the purpose of child pornography
■ Property: Personal bank account hacking ; misuse the credit card to make
numerous purchases online; run a scam to get naive people to part with their hard
earned money etc.
■ Each category can use a variety of methods and the methods used vary from one
criminal to another.
■ It has seven regional offices at Karachi, Lahore, Peshawar, Quetta, Rawalpindi, Multan
and Sukkur.
■ It takes cognizance of all offences falling within the National Accountability Ordinance
■ The NAB is empowered to undertake any necessary prevention and awareness, in all
means, in addition to enforce its operations against the economic terrorism and financial
■ The constitution grants to launch investigations, conduct inquiries, and issues arrests
warrants against the individuals suspected in the financial mismanagement, terrorism
■ It has jurisdiction over whole of Pakistan and takes cognizance of all offences falling
within the NAO against holders of public office and other persons.
■ An amendment was made in NAO in 2002 and an attempt was made to develop an
anti corruption preventive model named "National Anti-Corruption Strategy (NACS)".
This model was developed because NAB was of the view that enforcement alone
would not be enough to control corruption and hence NACS came into existence.
■ To take cognizance of corruption and corrupt practices for eradication of such practice
and accountability of those responsible.
■ To take effective measures for detection, investigation, prosecution and speedy disposal
of cases of corruption and corrupt practices.
– The NAO gives the power to the Chairman to detain any person alleged of being
corrupt and keep him in custody for 90 days until proven culpable. Initially, some
people were arrested without any evidence of their involvement in corruption but
after that Supreme Court gave a verdict that NAB can arrest someone only if they
have any evidence strong enough to arrest any individual for further interrogation.
– NAB will not punish any individual accused of corruption if he/she surrenders all the
looted wealth. Plea Bargaining is a subject of severe criticism because such
provisions let those criminals go who deserve punishments.
– Such provisions also make NAB a money recuperating agency but not one which
effectively punishes corrupt people and restrain it by setting up examples.
– Such provisions also gives an impression that there has been some sort of a deal
between the criminals and the NAB authorities and this gives an impression that if
you have money in this country, you can get yourself out of trouble.
– Serving personnel’s of the Armed Forces and judiciary are not answerable to NAB
under this ordinance.
– Till today, not even a single prominent politician has been successfully prosecuted.
– In July 2000, NAB prepared a case against Nawaz Sharif for his alleged
involvement in corruption as charged by General Musharraf, then Chief Executive
of Pakistan. He was sentenced to 14 years’ imprisonment but due to some
political reasons he was pardoned and exiled to Saudi Arabia.
– In the general elections of 2002, all those elected to the assemblies were the
same people linked with corruption in the past and in some cases ministries were
given to those who had either their cases pending or were already convicted
■ This wing is commonly known as the National Response Centre for Cyber Crimes (NR3C)
■ This wing of the FIA has state-of-the-art Digital Forensic Laboratories managed by highly
qualified Forensic Experts and is specialised in Computer and Cell Phone Forensics,
cyber/electronic crime investigation, Information System Audits and Research &
■ ANF works under umbrella of Pakistan Army and Ministry of Interior and Narcotics
■ The ANF is a civil law enforcement agency and its members are conferred powers of
Police officers and thus governed by the Police order 2002, currently in force.
■ ANF collects intelligence and is responsible for arrests, investigation and prosecution of
■ Pakistan has over 2,500 km of porous border with Afghanistan and approximately 900
km with Iran. This is in addition to the 1,062 km long coastal belt and a 1600 km border
with India.
■ There are seven official border entry / exit points in addition to eight international
airports, three seaports and 11 dry ports.
■ The ANF's border control responsibility is shared with other law enforcement agencies
including Frontier Corps Balochistan and NWFP, Punjab and Sindh Rangers, Pakistan
Customs and Pakistan Coast Guard.
■ Investigation, freezing, litigation, legal disposal of assets acquired with drug money.
■ Training of own and other law enforcement agencies' students in Anti Narcotics Force
■ Acting as leading drug law enforcement agency, heads the Inter Agency Task Force that
comprises all relevant law enforcement agencies.