Ramsay Health Care - Budget
Ramsay Health Care - Budget
Ramsay Health Care - Budget
Manage budgets and finances Plans
GENERAL Ramsay Health Care , is a company that belongs to the health sector and
the industry is health care facilities, Ramsay Health Care is a private
DESCRIPTIO health care company that operates in Australia, France, United Kingdom,
Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Germany, Italy, Malaysia, Indonesia and
N OF THE Hong Kong. Ramsay Health Care is especially involved in primary care for
COMPANY highly complex surgery, as well as mental health care and
rehabilitation. Ramsay Health Care is a global healthcare company with
a reputation for operating high-quality services and providing excellent
patient care. , currently has a capitalization of $ 16 billion.
When we talk about Clinical Budgets, an important difference appears
between the long-term plan and the budget, it is that it is structured by
Responsibility Centers rather than by programs. Consequently, when
BUDGET budgeting, programs are rearranged to conform to responsibility
centers. The budget approved for a responsibility center represents a
bilateral commitment between the person in charge and the
management of the Health Center. The person in charge undertakes to
comply with the action expressed in the budget.
Let it be the basis for action towards the objective , that is, it facilitates
defining the actions to achieve the objectives.
Position the organization for its future development. Budgeting involves
OBJECTIVES anticipating and determining the future, which makes all the components of the
company work to ensure that it develops on the indicated path.
Define the possibilities of action and the subsequent consequences of the
BUDGET decisions. To prepare a budget, the possible alternatives of actions to be taken
are explored, and it must be decided to quantify and present a concrete one,
which will always be the one expected to be the most efficient in achieving the
objective. The measure of efficiency itself will also have required defining the
foreseeable result of each action explored.
Coordinate activities between Departments. That is simplified when budgeting
their programs for each one of them, due to the need to reconcile joint action
plans in business projects, and discuss the means and resources to be used.
The interested parties are responsible for the efficient administration of
working capital, that is, to establish the desirable levels of cash, portfolio
EXTERNAL and inventories and to permanently control the investment represented
there so that it complies with what is established.
STAKEHOLDE •Citizens and patients .
RS AND •Professionals .
•Providers .
THEIR •Referenced Centers .
•Related and unrelated entities.
INFLUENCE •Scientific Societies and Professional Associations.
•Means of communication .
ON FINANCE •Corporate Management .
•Administrative and operative of the entity
AND Planning
propose the strategies
He is in charge of directing the
Propose financial performance
They are in charge of managing
the budget , measuring it
Team Management
and spreading it to
the necessary areas .
To monitor and implement
Monitoring and Chief Financial performance indicators and metrics
evaluation Officer Executive Directors reporting the results
of the indicators senior managers.
In the income item we will collect all those actions that throughout the financial year
(one year) can generate an inflow of money.
Sales of merchandise, own production, services, and so on.
Sales (they will be adapted by the entities to the characteristics of the
operations they carry out, with the specific name that corresponds to
Entity's own income
INCOME Fees of associated and affiliated people : Periodic amounts and
determined amount, received by fees of affiliated people or associated
BUDGETS with the entity.
User fees : Amounts received from users for participation in the cost of
the entity's own activity (fees for participation in conferences, courses,
seminars, as well as those derived from deliveries of goods, social
benefits or care).
Promotions to attract resources: Income derived from campaigns to
attract resources, with the exception of sponsorship.
Income from sponsors and collaborations : Amounts received from
sponsors and business collaborations in order to contribute to the
realization of the objectives of the entity's own activity.
Income from reimbursement of aid and assignments: Amounts entered
for reimbursement of aid and assignments granted by the entity , due to
non-compliance with the required conditions.
Grants, donations and bequests
Subsidies, donations and legacies to the activity : Amounts received
from Public Administrations, entities or individuals, in general, for the
purpose of financing the ordinary operating expenses of the entity.
INCOME Other management income
Income from leases, income from various services (eventual provision
BUDGETS of certain services to other entities or individuals, for example,
transportation, repairs, consultancies, reports, etc.)
Financial income. Credit income.
Exceptional income
Budgeted Income 2016/2017
- Cash Hand $ 55,000
- Merchandise inventory
$ 500,000
Personal expenses
Wages and salaries.
Social Security in charge of the entity.
EXPENSES Other social expenses: Expenses of a social nature made in compliance
with a legal provision or voluntarily by the entity (subsidies to canteens;
support of schools and vocational training institutions; scholarships for
study; premiums for insurance contracts on life, accidents, illness , etc.).
Monetary aid from the entity and other management expenses
Monetary aid : Amount of a monetary nature granted directly to
individuals or families, as well as to entities, and carried out in
compliance with the entity's own purposes.
Non-monetary aid : Amount of non-monetary benefits granted to
individuals or families, as well as to entities, and carried out in
compliance with the entity's own purposes.
Compensation of expenses for collaboration benefits : Expenses
produced by volunteers and other collaborators as a result of the
BUDGETED activities carried out in the entity (transportation, food and clothing
EXPENSES Reimbursement of expenses to the governing body: Amounts that are
delivered to the members of the governing body as a result of the
reimbursement of expenses, duly justified, that the performance of
their function causes them.
Reimbursement of grants, donations and legacies received , amount
of reimbursements of grants, donations and legacies that are
enforceable as a result of the entity's failure to comply with the
requirements or conditions established in the granting thereof.
Financial expenses
Debt interest.
Budgeted Expenses 2016/2017
- Accounting rates $ 9,000
- Interest expenses $ 90.508
- Bank charges $ 1,600
- depreciation $ 170,000
- Sure $ 12,875
- Advertising $ 280,000
- Cleaning $ 19,261
- Repairs and maintenance $ 618
- Rental $ 2,538,950
- phone $ 1,442