How To Achieve A Clean Process Pipe Line: The Aim
How To Achieve A Clean Process Pipe Line: The Aim
How To Achieve A Clean Process Pipe Line: The Aim
A Clean Process
Pipe Line
By Steve Purnell
Tube Fabrication
During fabrication it is
important to follow
recommended fabrication
techniques to keep
contamination of the tube bore
and material degradation to a
Figure 2 – High Quality Fittings. Photo courtesy of Axium Process,Swansea. minimum. Each stage of
during the cutting process and can
degrade the material being cut.
Over Heating during the cutting
process can be identified by the
formation of oxides on the
surface of the tube near to the
cutting area.
Tacking – When tubes are cut
to length they will need to be Figure 4 – An Orbital
tacked to fittings or other pipes Welding System. Photo Courtesy
of Axium Process, Swansea
to produce the pipe run required.
Figure 3 - Orbital Cutting The atmosphere in the tubes
Machine internal bore should be have an
oxygen content of less than 500 Welding Process &
fabrication of a pipe line has ppm (parts per million) during Equipment
potential to cause problems in the tacking as well as welding so that
final process line. The main the material does not degrade. It is widely accepted that the
fabrication techniques used are The tack should also be small, most suitable process from
cutting, tacking and welding. We clean and should not fully welding of stainless steel tubes in
will look at each stage of the penetrate the wall of the material. TIG (Tungsten Inert Gas)
fabrication process individually. Dirty tacks will have a derogatory Welding. This process uses a non-
Cutting – Lengths of tube will effect on the quality of the final consumable tungsten electrode
need to be cut to length during weld. Dirty tacks will be dark and is shield from the atmosphere
every stage of the installation. In blue or black and in extreme by and inert gas, usually argon.
order to maintain the ‘stainless’ cases may This process gives a controlled
properties it is important to control heat input which can much further
the heat input during the cutting have a crusty surface. enhanced by the used of a pulsed
process, this would require the use Welding – Welding has the most arc. To give high quality weld
of an orbital cutting machine (as degrading effect on the properties profiles and to keep material
shown in Figure 3) with a good of the material and is one of the degradation a consistent weld
condition cutting blade fitted. The most complex and critical speed should be used. The most
use of other methods or indeed an operations in the fabrication effective way to control weld
orbital cutting machine with a blunt process. The welding of pipelines speed is by the use of and
blade allows heat to build up will be discussed in detail below. automatic orbital welding system