Development and Initial Validation of The Caffeine Consumption Questionnaire-Revised
Development and Initial Validation of The Caffeine Consumption Questionnaire-Revised
Development and Initial Validation of The Caffeine Consumption Questionnaire-Revised
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Objective: We sought to outline the rationale and procedures for revising the Caffeine Consumption Ques-
tionnaire (CCQ) and to examine the utility and validity of the CCQ-revised (CCQ-R). Given that caffeine is
a widely used drug with myriad potential health effects, it is important to measure and understand its use;
however, to date, there are no reliable and valid biological tests readily available and existing self-report
measures do not have standardized administration or scoring procedures.
Method: The CCQ-R incorporates pictures, visual cues of relative sizes, sample products, and details about
products to aid in responding. Additionally, a standardized scoring system is provided.
Results and Conclusion: Validity data are provided and suggest that the CCQ-R offers a valid approach for
measuring self-reported caffeine use.
Department of Psychology, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, Virginia.
Department of Psychology, Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama.
Lynch School of Education, Boston College, Boston, Massachusetts.
Department of Psychology, Boise State University, Boise, Idaho.
National Center for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Palo Alto VA Healthcare System, Menlo Park, California.
Center for Innovation to Implementation, Palo Alto VA Healthcare System, Menlo Park, California.
individuals who consume caffeinated products are un- To date, there are only two self-report caffeine measures
aware of the amount of caffeine they consume or the asso- of which we are aware. The first, the Caffeine Consump-
ciated effects of their use patterns.19 Reasons for a lack of tion Questionnaire (CCQ),27 is a self-report questionnaire
awareness regarding caffeine consumption levels may in- designed to circumvent the need for knowledge of the
clude a perception that caffeine is harmless because it is caffeine concentrations in each product. Patients or partic-
legal or a lack of understanding of its potential effects20 ipants report whether they have ingested specific products,
and/or a lack of user-friendly, reliable, and valid methods including coffee, tea, soda, cocoa, chocolate milk, and
of assessment. In addition, the U.S. Food and Drug over-the-counter medications. A common serving size is
Administration (FDA) does not currently require that caf- designated for each type of product (e.g., one serving
feine content be included on product labels such that caf- size per item category; 12 oz soft drink, 5 oz coffee).
feine content information is not readily available for many The practitioner or researcher then calculates how much
items.21 Because consumers are often unaware of their caffeine was ingested. Although the measure allows par-
own caffeine consumption habits (in terms of quantifiable ticipants to report caffeine ingestion in terms of the num-
servings and caffeine levels) and no standard clinical as- ber of servings consumed, the CCQ is not intuitive for
sessment exists for caffeine use, a sound measurement consumers to complete. Consumers often do not know
tool is needed both for clinical and experimental purposes. the amount of a product they consumed (i.e., how many
Biological testing is the standard and preferred method of ounces of soda or coffee consumed), thus rendering
assessing substance use for most drugs (e.g., cocaine, mar- their CCQ data a potentially unreliable assessment of caf-
ijuana, heroine).22,23 Just as with other drugs, there are feine use. In addition, the CCQ is laborious for practition-
several biological methods of assessment of caffeine con- ers and researchers to score and many newer caffeinated
sumption, including breath tests, urinary tests, and salivary items (e.g., energy drinks, caffeinated foods) have been
tests—each with varying levels of validity. Even among made commercially available since its original concep-
the most accurate of these available tests (urinalysis and tion. Finally, no data are available to provide evidence
salivary tests),23,24 biological tests only allow for determi- for the validity of CCQ scores.
nation of the amount of caffeine currently present in the A more recent self-report measure, the Stanford Caf-
body at a given time. Given that the half-life of caffeine feine Questionnaire (SCQ), was developed based on
is between 4 and 6 hours for healthy adults, the information the CCQ for the purposes of studying the effects of chro-
gained from a biological measurement at a single time notype and caffeine on sleep.28 As part of the study, the
point is limited to recent acute use. As such, actual patterns researchers examined the validity of the SCQ using
and amounts of caffeine use are virtually impossible to dis- saliva tests for detecting caffeine use. Similar to the
cern over longer time periods.17 Given the restricted data CCQ, using the SCQ, participants self-reported their con-
available from biological tests and the costs typically asso- sumption of caffeinated items, including cola, diet cola,
ciated with such tests, it is important to consider alternative pepper soda, citrus soda, other soda, tea (hot), iced tea,
methods for measuring caffeine consumption. Use of other instant coffee, brewed coffee, other coffee, store-bought
substances is commonly measured through self-reports in coffee, energy drink, other drink, food, and medications.
both clinical and research settings; however, there are Although the SCQ measure included common conver-
few self-report options for caffeine use. The self-report sions for serving size (e.g., 1 can = 12 oz and Red Bull =
measures that exist are not ideal from the client/patient/ 8.3 oz), it suffers from many of the same challenges
participant perspective or from the practitioner/researcher affecting the CCQ—neither measure accounts for con-
perspective given that there are no standardized scoring sumers not knowing the amount of caffeinated products
systems and the measures rely solely on respondents’ they have consumed (i.e., how many ounces of soda or
knowledge of caffeinated products. coffee). Furthermore, the SCQ requires participants to re-
Although self-report measures may be subject to report- port their daily caffeine consumption in 6-hour blocks for
ing inaccuracies, researchers have shown that self-report 7 days. The use of time blocks may be beneficial for dis-
measures of substance use are as high as 95% consis- cerning temporal patterns of use; however, time blocks
tent with biological measures.25 For example, Timeline may pose a challenge with respect to reporting accuracy
Follow-Back (TLFB) is a widely used, calendar-based given that caffeine use is often ongoing throughout the
self-report measure of substance use frequency and quan- day. Furthermore, the use of time blocks necessarily ren-
tity. Several researchers have found high percentages of ders SCQ scoring more complex. Participants also pro-
agreement between the TLFB and biological measures vided saliva samples as a validity check for the SCQ;
for illicit substances, as high as 95.7% for cannabis,26 however, saliva tests for caffeine use provide a poor stan-
84.1% for cocaine, and 94.0% for opiates.25 Thus, self- dard for testing validity of self-report measures designed
report measures can reduce the need for biological tests to assess specific use details.17 Indeed, Nova et al. found
if shown to be valid measures of behavior. As such, an ef- that only 41% of the variance in salivary caffeine con-
fective self-report instrument is both possible and needed centration level accounted for participant responses on
for measuring caffeine use. the SCQ.28 Thus, it remains unclear if the SCQ is a
valid measure of caffeine use or if the saliva test is sim- tion adapted from the CCQ. The measure instructs partic-
ply an insufficient tool for validity assessment. ipants to report their average weekly consumption of
The current study aims to determine the validity of a several caffeinated beverages (e.g., coffee, tea, soda, en-
modified CCQ-revised (CCQ-R), based on Landrum’s ini- ergy drinks), caffeinated foods (e.g., chocolate, candy
tial measure,27 designed to be more easily completed by bars, baked goods), and over-the-counter caffeinated
consumers and scored by practitioners and researchers. drugs (e.g., weight-loss drugs, headache powder). If an
The validity of caffeine self-report measures may be chal- item is not consumed, participants may enter 0 or leave
lenged because (1) typical consumers lack awareness of the item blank. Most items pair the caffeinated product
caffeine content in consumables and (2) there is no stan- with pictures of a variety of commonly available serving
dard unit of caffeine dosing (compared with alcohol stan- sizes of the products. For example, when asked how
dard drinks; 5 oz wine = 1.5 oz hard liquor = 12 oz beer) much coffee participants consume in an average week,
given the variety of methods of ingestion across myriad they are presented with four pictures of cups of varying
types of consumables. In an effort to improve self-report sizes that are typically available for purchase (e.g., 8, 12,
of caffeine consumption, the CCQ-R includes the follow- 16, and 20 oz) and asked to indicate how many of each
ing three advantages over extant measures of caffeine size of the beverage they consume in an average week.
consumption. First, it provides a visual presentation of Over-the-counter drugs and caffeinated food products, ex-
a variety of commonly consumed caffeinated products cluding candy and chocolate bars, are the only products not
across a wide range of commonly available serving sizes. paired with pictures. The reported number of each serving
Second, it includes current commercially available items size is used to determine the total number of units (e.g., oz)
that were not in existence when previous measures were of each item type consumed in an average week (to create
developed (i.e., energy drinks, caffeinated mints, and item-type subscores). This value is then multiplied by the
caffeinated gum). Third, the CCQ-R simplifies how par- caffeine content for that item type to produce an item-
ticipants report consumption of the caffeinated product type subscore. Subscores are then summed to reflect the
by asking about how many times the caffeinated product total amount of caffeine consumed in an average week.
is consumed, on average, per week. Previous measures
ask consumers to report how many times caffeinated
products are consumed on average daily, which is prob-
lematic because many consumers may not ingest caffeine Participants were enrolled in introductory psychology
on a daily basis, use may vary widely across days, and classes and they received credit for their participation in
patterns of use may not be captured by examining aver- the study. The university Institutional Review Board ap-
age daily use. We aim to provide a new self-report mea- proved the study. All participants reported to a computer
sure of caffeine use as well as validity data to suggest its laboratory to complete the measures (see Fig. 1). After
practical utility and potential viability for clinical and re- providing written informed consent, participants were
search purposes using a validity assessment plan that asked to read directions and complete the demographic
does not include biological testing. survey and the CCQ-R (self-report of their own personal
caffeine use to be used for descriptive purposes: admin-
Materials and Methods istration 1) using a web-based survey (Qualtrics). Upon
completing the demographic survey and the CCQ-R,
each participant was presented with a box of products
Participants were 96 college students (57% female; containing both caffeinated items (e.g., Coca-Cola, choc-
84% Caucasian, 9% African American, 5% Asian, and olate bar, Starbucks Coffee) and noncaffeinated foil
2% Hispanic) from a mid-Atlantic university in the items (e.g., Sprite, crackers). Each box of products con-
United States. tained 13 or 14 items; up to 12 items in each box con-
tained caffeine and the others were noncaffeinated foils
Measures (not specifically labeled as caffeine-free). Participants
Demographic survey. A demographic survey was used were instructed to imagine that the items inside the pro-
to assess gender, class standing, race, and marital status. vided box were what they personally consumed in an av-
In addition to the previous items, participants were asked erage week. Participants were then asked to complete the
to report whether they had ever been advised to avoid CCQ-R accordingly, as if the content of the provided box
caffeine, whether they were particularly sensitive to the was what they consumed (box content; administration 2).
effects of caffeine, and to provide their best estimates The minimum/mean/maximum box totals (total amount
of how many milligrams of caffeine they believe they of caffeine present in the box based on scoring values)
consume in an average day. were calculated to compare with the box scores repor-
ted by participants. Items that were reported as other
Caffeine Consumption Questionnaire-revised. The CCQ-R were hand scored and manually added to the box totals
is a web-based self-report measure of caffeine consump- (administration 2).
Average caffeine consumption among the sample (as
reported by the CCQ-R) was 1327.15 mg (SD = 1071.82;
range = 0–4681 mg) per week or 189.59 mg per day
(items reported as other were not included in CCQ-R per-
sonal use scoring). Average number of days per week con-
suming caffeine was 4.43 (SD = 2.09) and five participants
reported no caffeine use. A one-way analysis of variance
revealed no differences in participant accuracy with re-
spect to the various boxes assigned ( p > 0.05)—regardless
of the box provided, accuracy was similar. Similarly, there
were no differences across races or genders with respect
to accuracy ( ps > 0.05). Furthermore, personal caffeine
use (measured by administration 1; see Procedures
section) was not correlated with percent correct scores
(r = 0.03, p = 0.811). Participants’ estimates of their
FIG. 1. Flowchart of procedures. own consumption (in mg/day) were not correlated with
CCQ-R scores of their personal use (administration 1;
Data analyses r = 0.13, p = 0.264) or percent correct scores (r = 0.20,
p = 0.071).
A total of 96 participants completed the measures; of
An independent t-test revealed a significant difference
those, 15 (females = 9) cases were excluded from analyses.
between participants who reported having been advised
Data exclusion occurred if (1) <75% of the total number of
to avoid caffeine (n = 19; M = 89.25, SD = 10.08) and
caffeinated items in the box were reported, (2) more items
those who had not (M = 81.94, SD = 13.26; t(79) = 2.11,
than were present in the box were reported, or (3) multiple
p = 0.04) with respect to CCQ-R accuracy. The average
items were entered that were not present in any of the
percent correct score was 83.47% (SD = 12.95). The range
boxes. Most cases of exclusion occurred because partici-
of percent correct scores was 57.03 (42.96–99.99%). A de-
pants entered serving sizes in lieu of number of servings.
pendent t-test revealed no significant difference between
Analyses were conducted with remaining participants’
participants’ CCQ-R scores for the boxed items and the ac-
data (N = 81). Those excluded from analyses were not sta-
tual amount of caffeine in the boxes, t(79) = 0.96, p = 0.340.
tistically different ( ps > 0.05) from the remainder of the
sample with respect to any demographic variables. All an-
alyses were conducted using the mean value estimate
score (see Supplementary Data: CCQ-R scoring; Appen- We sought to examine the practical utility and poten-
dix A for scoring details, Appendix B for SPSS scoring tial validity of the CCQ-R for estimating caffeine use.
syntax, and Appendix C for scoring codes; Supplementary The CCQ-R is a more flexible and comprehensive self-
Data are available online at For report measure of caffeine use than its predecessors
an example of box contents and administration 2 re- that may be administered and scored electronically.
sponses, see Supplementary Data: Appendix D. Percent Although participants were unable to accurately estimate
their own caffeine use (compared with their personal sumption allows for researchers to invest more confi-
CCQ-R scores; administration 1), participants’ CCQ-R dence in their data and resultant research findings and
scores for the items included in the provided boxes were, for clinicians to gain a better understanding of consump-
on average, *84% correct. We suggest that the CCQ-R tion patterns that may be maladaptive.
may provide a valid estimation of caffeine consumption. Although we suggest the CCQ-R may be a viable self-
CCQ-R accuracy was not impacted by any demograph- report measure for estimating caffeine use, several cave-
ics except whether participants had been advised to avoid ats are necessary to consider. Given that there are myriad
caffeine. We believe these data provide evidence for con- caffeinated products and items available and little ability
struct validity, in that we would expect no influence of to accurately quantify caffeine levels in many cases (e.g.,
most demographics on the ability to complete the measure differences in coffee roasting and brewing can result in
accurately; however, we might expect that those instructed variability), it is important to consider the CCQ-R to be
to avoid caffeine would have better knowledge of what an estimate of caffeine consumption. Not all possible
products may contain caffeine (and thus make fewer serving sizes are included on the CCQ-R and researchers
reporting errors) than those who have not been instructed should standardize instructions for how best to estimate
to avoid caffeine. Percent correct scores yielded nearly and enter serving sizes for serving sizes not represented.
84% average accuracy on the CCQ-R and *60% of the Furthermore, not all possible products are represented on
sample scored 85% correct or higher; 85% agreement the CCQ-R and researchers should specify procedures
is an accepted standard of inter-rater agreement.29 The for reporting and scoring other items.
CCQ-R demonstrated criterion validity, in that a major- A variety of strategies may be helpful for improving
ity of percent correct scores reached and exceeded 85% quality and accuracy of CCQ-R responses. Simple re-
correct inter-rater agreement (i.e., researcher-calculated spondent errors such as entering serving size where num-
scores compared with participant-reported scores). ber of servings should be entered may be easily avoided
In addition to evidence for validity, the CCQ-R has a with standard instructions and a priori data exclusion cri-
number of strengths. The measure is easily administered teria. Respondents may also need guidance with respect
using a web-based survey or it can be printed for paper/ to identifying items that contain caffeine versus those
pencil completion. The CCQ-R is readily scored using that do not. In the current study, participants who had
Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) scor- been advised to avoid caffeine yielded significantly
ing syntax that includes caffeine concentration values higher percent correct scores than those who had not,
from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), presumably because avoiding caffeine requires a rela-
Mayo Clinic, manufacturers’ company websites, and prod- tively complete knowledge of which items contain caf-
uct packaging; these values can be readily updated in the feine. Providing a comprehensive list of specific items
scoring syntax should new concentration data become containing caffeine may be helpful for improving accu-
available for any items. Additionally, three different scores racy of reporting. Finally, in some cases, it may be appro-
may be garnered from our scoring syntax: a conservative priate to ask respondents to keep a daily caffeine
estimate using minimum caffeine concentration values consumption log to aid in completion of the CCQ-R.
available in calculations, a mean estimate using average
caffeine concentration values, and a liberal estimate Conclusions
using maximum caffeine concentration values. Further-
In summary, the CCQ-R is the first self-report measure
more, researchers and clinicians may choose to be
for caffeine use for which there are data to provide evi-
more or less inclusive with respect to item categories
dence for its validity. The CCQ-R is also user-friendly
for which data are gathered and/or scored. For example,
for both researchers and clinicians, as well as for their re-
if only coffee consumption is of interest, respondents may
spective participants and patients. Specifically, it can be
complete only the coffee items category. Items not explic-
administered using paper and pencil (see Supplementary
itly included on the CCQ-R may be captured using other
Data: Appendix A) or as a web-based questionnaire
options (e.g., caffeinated gum) in each item category;
( Scoring is
however, other items will need to be hand scored or man-
automated and total consumption along with consump-
ually added to scoring syntax.
tion in item-specific categories can be automatically
The CCQ-R has several implications for research and
calculated with syntax in SPSS (see Supplementary
clinical practice. As discussed, individuals often under-
Data: Appendix B). Use of the CCQ-R outside of a re-
estimate their caffeine consumption because the caffeine
search and clinical context (i.e., self-monitoring pur-
content of caffeinated products is not provided on nutri-
poses) is an additional possible indication in need of
tional labels. Indeed, this was evidenced in the current
further study.
study such that participants’ estimated use (i.e., an esti-
mate provided before completing the CCQ-R) was not
Author Disclosure Statement
correlated with their use as measured by the CCQ-R. A
tool that yields a more accurate estimate of caffeine con- No competing financial interests exist.