Field Observation Summary
Field Observation Summary
Field Observation Summary
Professor Warby
EDU 203
16 October 2020
For my field observation, I chose Eva G. Simmons Elementary School and was assigned
to Ms. Arlana Estes’s third grade class. I was having a bit of trouble trying to join her meeting for
the past 3 days, but I finally was able to log on. Once I joined the google meet, I was checked on
by Ms. Estes and Ms. Hardeman who was the strategist. The school’s mission/vision is to
promote success for all students. I am so glad that I was assigned to this class because Ms.Estes
was so understanding with my situation. With her students, she wants the best for each and every
one of them. She explains her instructions very clearly and when they have questions she is
When I joined the google meet, I noticed her goals for the students on her whiteboard.
Her goals are to be on time muted, be respectful (raise hand and no unnecessary chat), and to do
your best. With this new online learning transition, I feel like everything is the same as it would
be if they were all together in a classroom. I think the only difficult part of this new transition is
navigating through canvas and getting to their assignments. Even for the parents, some might not
know how to work the computer and how to get to certain modules.
Ms.Estes’s wants her students to reach their full potential and to do what they know
without any help from their parents. She gives them enough time to complete their work and
provide many independent study time. I asked Ms. Estes how long is each subject and she said
that each live session is either 20 to 30 minutes, which is then followed with independent time.
The students also follow the directed times to log back on. For example, Ms. Estes said to come
back on the google meet at 9:50 for Math after their independent time. I noticed that the students
log in right away and are prepared. Around 11, the students leave the room to attend their
specials and return after lunch. On Monday and Tuesdays they have Science and the rest of the
MATH 9:50 AM
small groups or centers. When the students are confused, they raise their hands and wait to be
called on. Ms. Estes explains the instruction very well, and makes sure that the student is well
understood. For math, she has her students join breakout rooms in groups of 3 or 4 to work on
problems assigned. With the breakout rooms she observes each group to make sure they are
doing what they were told. I was able to join a breakout room with two students and I had them
tell me what they were suppose to be doing. They showed me a page, since I did not have the
booklet with me. The students were on task and worked together on the problems. After the
breakout rooms were done, we all got back on call and she called on one person from each group
to tell their answer and explain how they got that. Ms. Estes shows them step by step on how to
work through their problems. She also makes them answer the multiplication problem through
Specific behavior issues that Ms.Estes deals with are students who seem to not be paying
attention, like they are distracted with other things that does not pertain to the lesson or they have
something different on their screen. She calls on the student and reminds them what they should
be actually doing. When they watch videos, the students turn off their cameras so they will not
distract each other. Ms.Estes is dedicated in working with her students that are having trouble
with their work and she stays on top with what they need to get done if they have yet to finish.
When class is almost over, she places students in breakout rooms to give them time to talk and
The second time I observed, they start off their day by doing an icebreaker to get their
brain juices flowing. When Ms.Estes reads a passage, she enunciates and reads it with
expression. Around 1pm, she assigns reading groups with 6 students each, where they go over
unfinished work, myON-AR tests, and i-Ready Reading for 15 minutes. At the end of class she
called certain students who did not do well on their Map testing and were placed below the 40
percentile. She helps them with fluency and comprehension, so they can be above the 40
I chose this certain student to observe because he was very active in the google meet, by
active I mean by participating quite frequently. He seems to be doing other things on his screen
while Ms.Estes is talking. I say this because I see him talking and his face glows probably due to
his screen. Ms. Estes was reading a passage, and he seemed to always log off from the meet.
When Ms.Estes calls on students to answer, he is very enthusiastic and waves his arms around to
be noticed by her. He was also one of the students who was placed below the 40 percentile with
the Map testing, so Ms. Estes pays extra attention to him and focuses on his educational needs.