Evaluation of Cowpea Genotypes For Growth, Yield and Yield Attributing Characters
Evaluation of Cowpea Genotypes For Growth, Yield and Yield Attributing Characters
Evaluation of Cowpea Genotypes For Growth, Yield and Yield Attributing Characters
Sonkamble AM
Head, Department of Vegetable Cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.] is one of the several species of the widely cultivated
Science, Faculty of Horticulture, genus Vigna. Cowpea is a diploid species with a somatic chromosome number 2n=22. It is one
Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi of the most important pulse crops native to West Africa (Vavilov, 1951) [16]. Cowpea is called
Vidyapeeth, Akola, as a poor man’s meat or vegetable meat due to its high amount of protein. The young leaves,
Maharashtra, India
pods, and peas contain vitamins and minerals, which are used for human consumption and
Jadhav PV animal feed. Cowpea can withstand a considerable degree of drought and high rainfall and can
Biotechnology Center, be grown in almost all kinds of soils provided there is proper drainage. Cowpea is mainly
Department of Agriculture grown in tropical and subtropical regions in the world for vegetable and grain purpose and to a
Botany, Dr. Panjabrao lesser extent as a fodder crop. It is a most versatile pulse crop because of its smothering nature,
Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth,
Akola, Maharashtra, India
drought tolerant characters, soil restoring properties and multi-purpose uses. As a pulse crop,
cowpea fits well into most of the cropping systems. It is cultivated for its seed (green or dried),
Hadole SS pods and/or leaves, which are consumed in a fresh form as a green vegetable, while snacks and
Department of Soil Science and main meal dishes are prepared from the dried grain (Kumar and Shrikant 2017) [7]. Therefore,
Agril. Chemistry, Dr. Panjabrao the evaluation of different cowpea genotypes performing better in rainfed, as well as irrigated
Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth,
Akola, Maharashtra, India
conditions and its improvement for yield and yield attributing characters, is of crucial
importance to get self-sufficiency in cowpea.
genotype Pusa Sukomal (46.13 cm). Similar results were (29.39 cm) which was at par with Pusa Sukomal (29.03 cm),
reported by Verma et al. (2019) [18]. AKCP-SR-3 (27.15cm) and AKCP-12(26.45 cm). The lowest
The highest number of primary branches was recorded in the pod length was observed in Konkan Sadabahar (12.69 cm).
genotype Arka Garima (7.60) which was at par with Pusa Similar findings were also reported by Makanur et al. (2013)
Sukomal (7.50), Arka Suman (7.43), AKCP-8-2-1-1 (7.30) .
and AKCP-SR-3 (7.00). The genotype AKCP-2 recorded the Concerning the pod weight, AKCP-8-4 (9.40g) recorded the
lowest (5.43) number of primary branches per plant. These highest pod weight which was at par with Vu-5 (9.26g), Pusa
results are matching with the findings for a number of Sukomal (9.20g), Kashi Kanchan (9.20g), AKCP-SR-3
branches reported by Patil et al. (2015) [13]. (9.17g), AKCP-8-1 (9.13g), AKCP-15 (8.98g), AKCP-8-2
The genotype AKCP-SR-3 was found to be early which (8.93g), AKCP-8-2-1-1 (8.89g) and AKCP-12 (8.83g). the
started flowering early (43.07 days) as compared to the rest of lowest pod weight was noticed in the genotype Konkan
the treatments and it was at par with the genotypes Pusa Sadabahar (3.36g). The observations for pod weight in the
Sukomal (47.00), Konkan Sadabahar (47.67), Konkan Safed present studies are in line with the work of Jogdhandhe et al.
(48.00) and AKCP-8-5 (48.13). AKCP-6 was the late (2017).
genotype that started flowering late (62.33 days). The The genotype AKCP-8-2-1-1 (3.27) recorded the highest
forecited outcome is in accordance with the work did by number of pods per cluster which was at par with Pusa
Venkatesan et al. (2003) [17]. Sukomal (3.13), AKCP-SR-3 (3.13), AKCP-12 (3.07) and
Days to 50% flowering was varied statistically among the AKCP-8-1P (2.97). The lowest number of pods per cluster
genotypes studied during the investigation. The lowest days was observed in the genotype Ajit-22 (1.86). These findings
for 50% flowering were recorded in the genotype AKCP-SR- are in accordance with the work of Manju Devi and Jayamani
3 (46.00 days) which was at par with Pusa Sukomal (51.67) (2018) [10].
and Konkan Sadabahar (51.67). The genotype AKCP-6 The highest number of pods per plant was recorded in the
recorded the highest days to 50% flowering (71.67 days). genotype AKCP-8-2-1-1 (33.29) which was at par with
50% flowering depends on the interaction of many complex AKCP-SR-3 (31.43). The lowest number of pods per plant
processes such as both environmental and genetic factors. was observed in the genotype Ajit-22 (9.47). Similar findings
More or less comparable results were reported by Khanpara et were reported by Yohanna (2014) [19].
al. (2016) [6]. The genotype AKCP-8-2-1-1 (284.47g) recorded the highest
The highest chlorophyll index was exhibited in genotype yield per plant which was at par with AKCP-SR-3 (277.85g)
AKCP-13 (68.07 SPAD readings) which was statistically at and Pusa Sukomal (262.71g). The lowest yield per plant was
par with AKCP-14 (63.30), Vu-5 (62.79) and AKCP-12 observed in the genotype Konkan Safed (35.53g). A similar
(59.54). The genotype AKCP-2 (43.33 SPAD readings) range for yield per plant were reported by Khanpara et al.
recorded the lowest chlorophyll index. These results are in (2016) and Diwaker et al. (2017) [6, 2].
conformity with the findings of Sunita (2016) [14]. The highest yield per hectare was recorded in the genotype
With respect to the hundred seed weight, the genotype AKCP- AKCP-8-2-1-1 (140.48q) which was at par with AKCP-SR-3
8-2 (18.05 g) recorded the highest value which was at par (137.21q) and Pusa Sukomal (129.73q). The lowest yield per
with AKCP-SR-3 (17.25g), AKCP-13 (17.20g) and Kashi plant was observed in the genotype Konkan Safed (17.54q).
Kanchan (16.41g). Konkan Sadabahar (7.42g) recorded the The low or high performance of the studied genotypes may
lowest hundred seed weight. Similar range reported for 100 not depend on genetic factor alone but also on environmental
seed weight by Hegde and Mishra (2009) [4] and Doumbia influences (Umaharan et al. 1997; Manggoel et al. 2012;
(2012) [3]. Nwosu et al. 2013) [15, 9, 11]. The results are in conformity with
The highest pod length was recorded by AKCP-8-2-1-1 Amin et al. (2014) and Sunita (2016) [1, 14].
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