Lab No. 09 Nyquist Stability Criterion (Nyquist Plots) : Objective

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EEN322 Control Systems

Lab No. 09
Nyquist stability Criterion
( Nyquist Plots)

 Nyquist plot Understanding


Nyquist Stability Criterion

A stability test for time invariant linear systems can also be derived in the frequency domain. It is
known as Nyquist stability criterion. It is based on the complex analysis result known as
Cauchy’s principle of argument.
Note that the system transfer function is a complex function. By applying Cauchy’s principle of
argument to the open-loop system transfer function, we will get information about stability of the
closed-loop system transfer function and arrive at the Nyquist stability criterion (Nyquist, 1932).
The importance of Nyquist stability lies in the fact that it can also be used to determine the
relative degree of system stability by producing the so-called phase and gain stability margins.
These stability margins are needed for frequency domain controller design techniques.
We present only the essence of the Nyquist stability criterion and define the phase and gain
stability margins. The Nyquist method is used for studying the stability of linear systems with
pure time delay. For a SISO feedback system the closed-loop transfer function is given
By where represents the system and is the feedback element. Since the system poles are
determined as those values at which its transfer function becomes infinity, it follows that the
closed-loop system poles are obtained by solving the following equation
which, in fact, represents the system characteristic equation. In the following we consider the
complex function whose zeros are the closed-loop poles of the transfer function. In addition,
it is easy to see that the poles of are the zeros of . At the same time the poles of are the open-loop
control system poles since they are contributed by the poles of , which can be considered as the
open-loop control system transfer function—obtained when the feedback loop is open at some
point. The Nyquist stability test is obtained by applying the Cauchy principle of argument to the
complex function . First, we state Cauchy’s principle of argument.

Lab 13. (Nyquist Plot) 1

EEN322 Control Systems

Cauchy’s Principle of Argument

Let be an analytic function in a closed region of the complex plane given in Figure 4.6
except at a finite number of points (namely, the poles of ). It is also assumed that is analytic
at every point on the contour. Then, as travels around the contour in the -plane in the
clockwise direction, the function encircles the origin in the -plane in the same direction times

Nyquist Plot
The Nyquist plot is a polar plot of the function The contour in this figure covers the whole
unstable half plane of the complex plane , . Since the function , according to Cauchy’s principle
of argument, must be analytic at every point on the contour, the poles of on the imaginary axis
must be encircled by infinitesimally small semicircles.

Nyquist Stability Criterion

It states that the number of unstable closed-loop poles is equal to the number of unstable open-
loop poles plus the number of encirclements of the origin of the Nyquist plot of the complex
function . This can be easily justified by applying Cauchy’s principle of argument to the function
with the -plane contour .Note that and represent the numbers of zeros and poles, respectively, of
in the unstable part of the complex plane. At the same time, the zeros of are the closed-loop
system poles, and the poles of are the open-loop system poles (closed-loop zeros). The above
criterion can be slightly simplified if instead of plotting the function , we plot only the function
and count encirclement of the Nyquist plot of around the point , so that the modified Nyquist
criterion has the following form.
The number of unstable closed-loop poles (Z) is equal to the number of unstable open-loop poles
(P) plus the number of encirclements (N) of the point of the Nyquist plot of , that is

Lab Task 1
Example 1: Straightforward case, no special conditions

Loop gain:

Lab 13. (Nyquist Plot) 2

EEN322 Control Systems

NyquistGui plot

Matlab plot

The -1+j0 point is not encircled so N=1.  There are no poles of L(s) in the right half plane so P=0.  Since N=Z-
P, Z=0.  This means that the characteristic equation of the closed loop transfer function has no zeros in the right
half plane (the closed loop transfer function has no poles there).  The system is stable.

Lab 13. (Nyquist Plot) 3

EEN322 Control Systems

We can check this by finding the location of the zeros of the characteristic equation:

This has roots at s=-4.5±9.4j  so the system is stable as expected.

 Lab Task 2 : Nyquist Plot and Mat lab code of , L(s) has pole at the

 Lab Task 3: Nyquist Plot and Mat lab code   , L(s) has pole in RHP, and
is stable

Checked By: Date:

Lab 13. (Nyquist Plot) 4

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