Lab No. 09 Nyquist Stability Criterion (Nyquist Plots) : Objective
Lab No. 09 Nyquist Stability Criterion (Nyquist Plots) : Objective
Lab No. 09 Nyquist Stability Criterion (Nyquist Plots) : Objective
Lab No. 09
Nyquist stability Criterion
( Nyquist Plots)
Nyquist Plot
The Nyquist plot is a polar plot of the function The contour in this figure covers the whole
unstable half plane of the complex plane , . Since the function , according to Cauchy’s principle
of argument, must be analytic at every point on the contour, the poles of on the imaginary axis
must be encircled by infinitesimally small semicircles.
Lab Task 1
Example 1: Straightforward case, no special conditions
Loop gain:
NyquistGui plot
Matlab plot
The -1+j0 point is not encircled so N=1. There are no poles of L(s) in the right half plane so P=0. Since N=Z-
P, Z=0. This means that the characteristic equation of the closed loop transfer function has no zeros in the right
half plane (the closed loop transfer function has no poles there). The system is stable.
We can check this by finding the location of the zeros of the characteristic equation:
Lab Task 2 : Nyquist Plot and Mat lab code of , L(s) has pole at the
Lab Task 3: Nyquist Plot and Mat lab code , L(s) has pole in RHP, and
is stable