Assignment in NCM 106 Lecture
Assignment in NCM 106 Lecture
Assignment in NCM 106 Lecture
Jeanessa D. Quilisadio
NCM 106 LEC.
1. Cervical Cancer can be prevented by vaccination of HPV, have Pap smear regularly and eat healthy foods and have proper hygiene.
She will likely experience to have pain radiating to buttocks and legs, weight loss and anemia.
2. The previous result of the patient’s pap smear (mild CIN present) which happened 2 years ago
3. The condition of Lucille poor prognosis was her diagnosed of HPV that developed to invasive Cervical cancer stage 1B.
4. Since the patient has already undergone a surgery, she will experience an Impaired Urinary elimination.
5. Encourage to have annual exam regularly, eat healthy foods and teach proper hygiene.
1. Abnormal vaginal bleeding. The nurse should assess for foreign bodies, signs of trauma, products of conception, & vaginal or
cervical discharge. Uterine size & surface contour, adnexal mass or tenderness, & cervical motion tenderness should be noted.
2. Nursing Health History
a. Biographic Data: Lucille, 40, Female
b. Chief Complain/Reason for visit: vaginal bleeding; scheduled radical hysterectomy with pelvic lymphadenectomy for patient’s
cervical cancer
c. History of Illness:
Present: Vaginal Bleeding, cervical cancer stage 1b
Past: Human Papilloma Virus
*Avoid high-Fowler’s
position & pressure under the *Creates vascular stasis by
knees or crossing of legs. increasing pelvic congestion &
pooling of blood in the
extremities, potentiating the
risk of thrombus formation.
*Assist & instruct in foot &
leg exercises & ambulate as *Movement enhances
soon as able. circulation and prevents stasis
Take your medicines exactly as directed. Use pain relievers as needed so you can be up and moving around. Don't stay in bed.
Plan rest breaks to avoid shortness of breath.
Do the coughing and deep breathing exercises you learned in the hospital.
Increase your activity slowly. Start with short walks on a level surface.
Avoid over exertion. Rest when needed
Limit stair climbing to once or twice a day. Slow down & stop to rest every few steps.
When to see your Doctor:
Fever of 38°C or higher, or as directed by your healthcare provider
Increase in the amount of vaginal discharge, or changes in discharge
Vaginal bleeding that soaks more than 1 pad over several hours.
Pain or burning when you urinate
Worsening belly (abdominal) pain
Pain that's not relieved by medicine
Redness, swelling, increased pain, or drainage around any incisions
Nausea or vomiting
New redness, pain, swelling, or warmth in your leg(s) or arm(s)