Reflective Essay

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Victoria Nanez

Professor Massie

English 1301

9 May 2021

Reflective Essay

Evaluating oneself work is not always easy because it requires complete honesty. However, I see

the importance of it because you start to spot errors and see the progression at the same time.

Reflecting on my writing skills goes deeper than just this class. I can remember struggling in

high school telling myself I would never go to college. Therefore, my improvement throughout

this semester has been exciting. Although there were difficulties, this class has helped to improve

my time management skills, ability to spot bias, and cite sources correctly.

Surprisingly, my time management skills were probably challenged the most in this class. Due to

covid, this was my first semester fully online, so learning how to manage time for each class was

difficult. In addition, as much as I enjoy writing, I always have a difficult time getting started. I

could stare at a blank page trying to form the perfect sentences for hours. I found that

assignments in this class like essay outlines and required tutoring made it easier to work on my

essays. This helped me tremendously because I did not have to spend hours forming perfect

sentences at the last minute.

Spotting bias in the media became almost natural after the first two essays in this class.

Analyzing The Fentanyl Drug Epidemic in North America taught me how to spot bias even if I

agree with what is being said. In addition, it taught me how important it is to include both

positive and negative facts when writing an informative essay. Also, the documentary analysis

essay helped me to stay neutral when my own writing. This, I found to be challenging because it
is not always easy to keep your opinions to yourself in certain topic. Ultimately, essay one

greatly prepared me for essay two.

Obviously, my in-text citation were my biggest flaw in essay two. I was able to find many great

websites with quality information about my topic. However, it was a struggle finding the authors

of these websites. Therefore, majority of my in-text citations for essay were done incorrectly. In

example, in essay two I wrote “Fentanyl is another form of opioid used for pain management.

This form is usually prescribed in lozenges or a skin patch and is fifty to one-hundred times more

potent than morphine (” Notice that my in-text citation should have been written

out like (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). Moving forward, knowing how to

correctly cite my sources will benefit me academically.

In conclusion, every hardship and struggle I faced in this class has helped me grow

professionally, personally, and academically. Each assignment has boasted my writing

confidence beyond my belief. I believe my struggles helped to build my understanding of bias,

informing, and organizing. This class has helped me advance my writing skills and I will be able

to use these strategies seamlessly in my academic and professional career. Overall, I have greatly

improved my writing skills by improving my time management skills, ability to identify bias,

and correctly citing my sources.

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