Shakespeare - Drama - Rubric

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Romeo and Juliet Performance Rubric

GROUP MEMBERS: __________________________________Date:____________________

Criteria Outstandin Very Good Good Developing Comment

g s
Voices were Students spoke Voice and Could not
loud and clear; clearly but it was language was not understand what
VOICE words were difficult to very clear; could was being said
easily understand some have been much due to lack of
understood. of the script; could louder. clarity and low
have been louder. volume of
Needed more
Audience felt Actors were aware audience No audience
AUDIENCE like part of the and well-connected awareness and awareness or
show. to the audience. connection. connection at all.
Appropriate A reasonable use of Could have used No use of props
use of props props that were more props to or props were
Use of Props that enhanced somehow related to enhance not relative to
performance performance performance performance
ACCURACY Script followed Script was well- Several Script failed to
the play’s written; only a few inconsistencies accurately detail
OF SCRIPT events and inconsistencies between original important events
dialogue were evident play and script from the original
accurately. play.
Actors seemed Actors seemed Actors Actors used few
FACIAL able to relatively demonstrated gestures or
EXPRESSION anticipate comfortable with only limited movement.
AND BODY upcoming dialogue and gestures or
LANGUAGE dialogue; performance; some movement
smooth gestures or
performance! movement
Committed, Semi-committed, Almost No commitment,
cooperated & concentrated & committed, cooperation or
OVERALL concentrated- cooperative- cooperative & concentration
WOW! GREAT! concentrated— MORE



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