CourseworkCoverSheet SoE
CourseworkCoverSheet SoE
CourseworkCoverSheet SoE
TITLE: _____________________________________________
MODULE: _____________________________________________
ACADEMIC TERM: _____________________________________________
SUBMISSION DATE: _____________________________________________
LECTURER: _____________________________________________
It is hereby declared that this coursework item is entirely our own work, unless otherwise stated,
and that all sources of information have been properly acknowledged and referenced. It is also
declared by us that this coursework item has not previously been submitted by any member of
the group as part fulfilment of any module assessment requirement.
It is vital that all sources of information and shared work is acknowledged even if the work is handed in
for group assessment.
Students are advised that failure to follow School requirements in declaring and acknowledging the
source of all information may necessitate a reduction in all or part of the module assessment.
J.S. Robinson
Head, School of Engineering
University of Limerick