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Journal of Interactive Advertising

ISSN: (Print) 1525-2019 (Online) Journal homepage: https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/ujia20

The Power of Social Media in Fashion Advertising

Shu-Chuan Chu & Yoo-Kyoung Seock

To cite this article: Shu-Chuan Chu & Yoo-Kyoung Seock (2020) The Power of Social
Media in Fashion Advertising, Journal of Interactive Advertising, 20:2, 93-94, DOI:

To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/15252019.2020.1802955

Accepted author version posted online: 28

Jul 2020.
Published online: 11 Aug 2020.

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2020, VOL. 20, NO. 2, 93–94


The Power of Social Media in Fashion Advertising

Shu-Chuan Chua and Yoo-Kyoung Seockb
College of Communication, DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, USA; bCollege of Family and Consumer Sciences, University of
Georgia, Athens, Georgia, USA

In today’s digital era, as people increasingly spend their intersection of interactive advertising and fashion con-
time online, social media has become a trendsetter for sumer behavior. The three articles in this section show-
society. Social media platforms are now the primary case digital advertising in the fashion industry and
source of information for consumers and one of the suggest some future research agendas. These articles
most powerful marketing tools for fashion businesses. address empowerment hashtags in Instagram fashion
For example, Instagram has been recognized as the most advertising, beauty and fashion mega- and micro-influ-
influential source for fashion insight. The fashion indus- encers on Twitter, and antecedents of social media-based
try has benefited from using social media, posting pic- retail commerce activities.
tures and videos and writing about their fashion In the first article, “Effects of Brand Name versus
products and business practices to attract consumers and Empowerment Advertising Campaign Hashtags in
increase brand awareness. In particular, social media Branded Instagram Posts of Luxury versus Mass-Market
provides an interactive channel of mass communication Brands,” the University of Georgia’s Taeyeon Kim and
to amplify marketing strategy for fashion brands. These Joe Phua compare hashtags of brand names versus hash-
platforms attract new customers by offering information tags with empowerment messages by using two studies.
about fashion and brands while keeping loyal customers They examine the perceptions of consumers when hash-
by offering new channels for advertising. tags are used by luxury versus mass-market brands.
Though fashion companies create and deliver value- Mixed results are found across the two studies. Using a
added contents in social media to satisfy consumer wants sample of undergraduate students (Study 1) and a gen-
and needs, there still remain challenges for them when eral sample of participants (Study 2), Kim and Phua
using digital advertising in social media space. People illustrate that empowerment messages provide greater
want fashion companies to offer real-time interactions information value and generate more favorable attitudes
with them through an active presence in social media, than brand names. Their findings lead to specific prac-
creating emotional attachments. Given the tremendous tical implications that social media-based ads can be
power of creating content and gaining consumers’ atten- effective for luxury fashion brands when empowerment-
tion on social media, fashion companies might consider hashtags are used.
digital advertising highly impactful and more valuable It is no surprise that the role of influencers in the
and authentic than traditional advertising. It might be modern fashion and beauty industries is a research area
the most likely direction for gaining control and achiev- of increasing importance. In “Too Big to Sell? A
ing the results they are looking for as the advertising Computational Analysis of Network and Content
landscape continues to shift. As the Journal of Interactive Characteristics among Mega and Micro Beauty and
Advertising is designed to “promote our understanding Fashion Social Media Influencers,” a team of four
of interactive advertising, marketing, and communication authors from the University of Alabama—Rebecca K.
in a networked world,” it is important to understand the Britt, Jameson L. Hayes, Brian C. Britt, and Haseon
impact of interactive advertising on fashion consumer Park—provide evidence that micro-influencers can
behavior given the growth of the fashion market along become more powerful than mega-influencers by devel-
with new developments in digital and social oping intimate, emotionally laden interpersonal connec-
technologies. tions. Britt and her colleagues use an innovative
As was indicated in the call for papers, the goal of computational approach to examine differences in con-
this special section on Interactive Advertising and Digital tent and the diffusion process through mega- and micro-
Communications in Fashion is to examine the influencer Twitter networks for fashion and beauty

CONTACT Shu-Chuan Chu schu7@depaul.edu College of Communication, DePaul University, 1 East Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, IL 60604, USA, or
Yoo-Kyoung Seock yseock@uga.edu College of Family and Consumer Sciences, 303 Dawson Hall, 305 Sanford Drive, Athens, GA 30677, USA
Shu-Chuan Chu (PhD, University of Texas at Austin) is an associate professor in the College of Communication at DePaul University.
Yoo-Kyoung Seock (PhD, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University) is a professor of merchandising in the College of Family and Consumer
Sciences, University of Georgia.
ß 2020 American Academy of Advertising

brands. This study provides valuable theoretical and toward brands featured on an influencer’s social media
practical implications. In particular, the findings demon- page, which leads to positive behavioral consequences.
strate that both micro-influencers and mega-influencers The findings of this study provide potential implications
provide value that fosters consumer-brand relationships for fashion marketers and retailers who want to use
based on the characteristics of their networks and influencer social media platforms as venues for cultivat-
the content shared within them. This Rapid ing relationships with consumers and brands.
Communications (RAP) paper offers directions for future We would like to thank all contributors and reviewers
research that can enhance our knowledge of social media for their excellent work. We hope that this special sec-
influencers in the beauty and fashion industries. tion serves as a catalyst for studies of interactive adver-
Continued research is desired on this topic. tising and digital communications in fashion. As new
As social media continues to gain popularity, an technologies continue to emerge, future researchers
understanding of the effect of brand-related and social could examine the roles of artificial intelligence (AI),
media–related experiences on future intention is crucial. augmented reality (AR), and virtual try-on in fashion
In the third article, “Antecedents of Social Media- consumer behavior. For example, it would be interesting
Induced Retail Commerce Activities: Impact of Brand- to examine how Stitch Fix, an online styling subscription
service, uses AI technologies to provide targeted prod-
Consumer Relationships and Psychological Sense of
ucts. In addition, the impact of fashion influencers, blog-
Community,” the University of Georgia’s Jewon Lyu and
gers, and vloggers on the fashion industries deserves
Kent State University’s Jihyun Kim seek to explain the
continued attention. Last but not least, how digital strat-
roles of brand-consumer relationships and psychological egies and fashion consumption behavior change in the
sense of community in consumer attitude and purchase post–COVID-19 era calls for academic research. Our
intention in a multichannel context (e.g., brick-and-mor- ultimate goal is to understand how interactive advertis-
tar, e-commerce). Applying social identity theory, Lyu ing has changed and impacted fashion consumer behav-
and Kim finds that the psychological sense of commu- ior and to provide implications for consumers and
nity plays a crucial role in building favorable attitudes the industry.

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