Comm. Studies 2017 Paper 1
Comm. Studies 2017 Paper 1
Comm. Studies 2017 Paper 1
t hour 30 minutes
Section B consists of 38 questions. Answer each question based on the information given.
5. Each item in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (C), (D). Read each item
you are about to answer and decide which choice is best.
6. On your answer sheet, find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space
having the same letter as the answer you have chosen. Look at the sample item below.
Sample ltem
7. If you want to change your answer, erase it completely and fill in your new choice.
8. When you are told to begin, turn the page and work as quickly and as carefully as you can.
If you cannot answer an item, go on to the next one. You may rsturn to that item latsr.
(A) metaphor
(B) hyperbole
(c) alliteration
(D) personification
(A) Aurat
(B) Visuat
(C) Tactile
(D) Otfactory
Items 8-ll
Instructions: Read the following scenario carefully and then answer Items 8-11.
The mEdia is filled with reports of teenagers being distracted by digital technology and that
preoccupation is affecting their school work- Haldane, a sociology student, decides to investigate
this phenomenon at his school which is located in the countryside. He intends to use interviews
to collect data.
8. Which of the fbllowing activities would 10. Haldane found an article entitled "Modern
Haldane need to undertake as part of his Technology Causing Canadian Students to
research? Fail". This article could be useful to his
research as it
I. Talking to parents and teachers
IL Finding out how many students (A) is reliable and accurate
own digital devices (B) can yield sufficient data
Ill. Choosing a santple that is (C) provides secondary data
representative of his school's (D) can provide primary data
Items l2-15
Instruetions: Read the following extract carefully and then answer Items l2-1S.
Ms Trecia Davis is head of the English Department at Malcolm High School. She realizes
over a five year-period, fewer students are choosing Literatures in English as an
option in the
sixth form. She would like to research the reason for this and to put ; place a programme
reverse this situation.
12. Which of the fbllowing ourcornes would 14. Which of the following MUST the
NOT be achieved if Ms Davis uses school researclrer consider when se.lecting a
records tbr the past ten years as a data sanrple?
l. Composition of the sclrool's
(A) Validity population
(B) Accuracy II. Size of the school's population
(C) Credibility Ill. Accuracy of the school's data
(D) Subjectivity
(A) I and II orrly
(B) I and Ill only
13. Which of the following factors can (C) II and III only
invalidate the generalization which the (D) I, II and III
researcher makes fiorn the findings?
(A) The sample size is roo large. 15. The r-node of writing that Ms Davis shoLrld
(B) The sarnple is not representative of employ in her repor-t is
the population.
(C) The research is carried out only in (A) narration
Ms Davis'school. (B) argumenr
(D) The research is conducted during (C) exposition
end of year examination of year (D) description
Itenrs 16-19
Instructions: Read the following extract carefully and then answer Items 16-19.
The boy conre back honre fbr a t'ew days holiday. see some crabs Crosby have in a barrel. This
is the son: "Dad. what are those thangs there?" Talking like Englishman. Crosby ain't tell him
nothing. When he poke his finger in the barrel and the crab catch hold of lrim, he bawl: "Pa! The
crab! Tlre crabl" A well-educated boy, yes. Lawyer, econontist or sorrething'
76. Which of the following expressions 18. What attitude towards the boy is sr"rggested
contains syntactical f-eatures cotl1l1'lol'l to by the narrator's statement, "Talking
Caribbean Errglish Creoles? like Englishman. Crosby ain't tell him
(A) "A well-educated boY"
(B) ''What are tlrose thangs?" (A) Jealousy
(C) "Pa! The crabl The crab!" (B) Frr:stration
(D) "Talking like Englishrnan." (C) Disapproval
(D) Amusetnent
Instructions: Read the following extract carefully and then answer ltems 20-22.
"Eh-elil Don't shout at me," was all he got fbr his pains. "Don't you deafen me.
What's that the young varmint says, Maud?"
Mrs Dovecot calt-le over, and got him to understand aftertwo of three atternpts.
"Tlrree pence, Maudie," lre cackled. "Three pencel Did yo' hear thet, MaLrd? Did yo' ever hear
the like? I'll betyou ain't neverdid. Tliree pence! The lad'll have rroney what I's gotto sweat
blood for. jLrst to gi thet Megahey what's got his bread so well buttered off 'pon both sides, not to
mentiott the rniddle. Three pence! Ha ha! ... oh Maudie ..." And lie broke down once in lrelpless
larrghter. Clement went oLlt and sat under the breadfruit tree tlrat grew befbre the door, resting
his back against the trLrnk.
20. Which of the tbllowing expressions contains features of rron-standard English dialect?
21. Which of the follor,ving coulmunicative behaviours is NOT present in the extract?
(A) Vocalics
(B) Chronenrics
(C) Proxernics
(D) Facial Expression
(A) Casual
(B) Frozen
(C) Formal
(D) Consultative
Iterls 23-28
Instructions: Read the follorving extract carefully and then answer ltems 23-28.
Rufirs had in him a passion. a kinda vexation that when he stand up before a crowd he would get
all tangle Lrp with his words and his feelings. But Rr-rfus don't have the education. They tell this
story, how one niglrt at a rneeting, Rr"rfus was talking about the cost of Iiving.
'People can't eat book in tlris country.'RLrfus say. 'People can't eat words. What the
people need is bread - BRED - bread.'
'Rufirs. you leave oltt the A,'somebody from the crowd call out to hinr.
And Rufus correct himselt'. 'B-R-E-D-A.'They tell of another tinre ... tlre reporter,tell Rufus that
Mr Richardson sLlggest tlrat they slioLrld put nlore buoys or-rt in tlre sea to nrark the area.
'Bovs?' Rufls sav. Big, big men does drown out there in the sea and he want to put
No, we couldn't vote for Rufus. 'Who we want in the Council is a man that qualify. . . a man with
education just like the people in Britain'. . . Ivan could really talk. Rufus was all right. But after
you listen to Ivan Morton, you had to put Rufus aside.
23. What pLrrpose is larrguage serving when it Which of the following sers of
is used to judge one's Ievel of education as corlmunicative behaviours is Iikely to be
in the case with Rufirs? displayed by the people as they listened to
RLrfus speak?
(A) Social
(B) Ethical (A) Lack of eye contact, Ioud cheers
(C) Political (B) Loud cheers, thunderor-rs applause
(D) Psychological (C) Shaking lreads, lack of eye contacr
(D) Thunderous applause, shaking
24. Which of the fbllowing BEST slrows why
the narrator relates the stories about Rufus?
26. Which of tlre fbllowing attitudes nray be
(A) To provide some conric relief inf-erred abor"rt the narrator based on his
(B) To show that RLrtirs is uneducated account o1' Rutirs' behav iours?
(C) To slrow sorne of the rnistakes
Rufus rnakes (A) He values education.
(D) To validate the view that Rufus is (B) He likes the British people.
competent (C) He does not like people with
(D) He was Lrnsympathetic towards
RLrf us.
Items 29-30
(A) Eye-water
(B) Step-sister
(C) A waa gwaan
(D) Chaka-chaka house
Instructions: Read the following extract carefully and then answer Items 31-33.
Mrs Smith asked her class to prepare short presentations on the topic "Why I favour Caribbean
people more than any other set of persons". The students were to pretend that their audience
comprised nationals of various English-speaking countries. The following is an excerpt from
one student"s speech.
"A pleasant, good evening. How are'you friends and fambily? Let me see the hands of those who
are having a good time. Come on, let me see the hands of those who are having a go6d time.
Wave your hands and say 'bling, bling'.
Okay. Why I favour Caribbean persons is that my parents are of African descent. The Caribbean
is mostly Black Country; therefore, most of the people are black. I am one of them. My
black, my mother black and my brother black. We all black. Some people say I look like my father
others say my mother but I think that we all look alike.,,
All the students struggled to hide their amusement. They tried to cover their mouths
with their
hands to avoid laughing out loud at her misundersknding. of course,
the speaker did not see this
as her eyes were glued to the paper from which she wasieading.
31. Which of the following BEST explains why the presenter's introduction
would Nor be considered
32. At which stage of the communication process did the students giggre?
(A) Feedback
(B) Encoding
(c) Decoding
(D) Conceptualization
33. Which of the following BEST explains why the student misunderstood
the question?
(A) She did not do enough research.
(B) She is weak and did not ask questions.
(c) She is incapable of using Standard English.
(D) She misunderstood a key word in the topic.
Items 34-38
Instructions: Read the following cartoon carefully and then answer Items 3,t-38.
34. The r.nan's body language in Box I indicates 37. A communicative artefact relevant to the
that he is conversation is the
35. The stimulus that promptsd theconversation 38. What kind of communication context is
in Box I is the depicted in the conversation?
(A) well
(B) coir-t
(A) Small groLrp
(c) pLlrse
(B) lntercultural
(D) shrub
(C) Intrapersonal
(D) lnterpersonal
(A) Angry
(B) Disdainful
(c) Despairing
(D) Conciliatory
Instructions: The following scene shows the effeets of inappropriate postings on social
by three persons. Read it carefully and then answer ftem Sg.
39. Which of the following is the result of the inappropriate use of social media by the characrers.l
Items 40-42
Instructions: Read the following advertisement carefully and then answer Items 4042.
@o Regrets!
40. Wltich of the fbllowing language techniques is NOT used in the advertisement?
(A) Pun
(B) Sarcasrn
(C) Repetition
(D) Rlretorical questior.)
42. ''Slims a day keeps the f'at away" is an example of which of the following language techniques?
(A) Simile
(B) Rhynre
(C) Repetition
(D) Personification
You are asked to speak to a group of twenty kindergarten children on the topic of environmental
43. Which of the following would be the MOST appropriate way to share rhe infbrmatiorr with your
44. Which of the following is the correct sequence that a presenter should follow to successfLrlly
complete the communication process?
(A) Encoding the message, selecting the channel, selecting audience, dissenrinating tlre nressage
(B) Encoding the message, transmitting the message, selecting channel, disserninating the
(C) Conceiving the message, encoding the message, selecting the channel, disseminating the
(D) Conceiving the message, interpreting the feedback, selecting audience, disserninating the
ozu40t0/cAPE 2017