SUBTOTAL - Subtotal Field Is Used To Store The Intermediate Calculation
SUBTOTAL - Subtotal Field Is Used To Store The Intermediate Calculation
SUBTOTAL - Subtotal Field Is Used To Store The Intermediate Calculation
values. For example after price we provide a discount to the customer so the price
after discount gets stored in this field. Again if we provide rebate to our customer
then the value stored in the subtotal will be further consider for next calculation.
Subtotal 1 tells that the value of that condition type is to be copied in KOMP-
Rebates are stored in the Value 7 which stored in KOMP_BONBA.
Value transfer to KOMP-KZWI4 A Price transfer to KOMP-CMPRE (Credit
5 Value transfer to KOMP-KZWI5 B Price transfer to KOMP-WAVWR (Cost)
Value transfer to KOMP-KZWI6 C Value transfer to KOMP-GRWRT
(Statistical value)
E Value transfer to XWORKE D Value transfer to XWORKD
Debugging can be initiated in two ways.a. Using /h command and executing the transaction.
Putting a break-point, at a particular line of the program and executing the transaction.
We can see the Ship to Party and the Material Code and the quantity are all
copied from the sale order. We have to do one thing in Delivery Document a)
Post Goods Issue.
The delivery quantity has to be entered as picking quantity also. Then press
ENTER. This will modify the picking status