SUBTOTAL - Subtotal Field Is Used To Store The Intermediate Calculation

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SUBTOTAL- - Subtotal field is used to store the intermediate calculation

values. For example after price we provide a discount to the customer so the price
after discount gets stored in this field. Again if we provide rebate to our customer
then the value stored in the subtotal will be further consider for next calculation.
Subtotal 1 tells that the value of that condition type is to be copied in KOMP-
Rebates are stored in the Value 7 which stored in KOMP_BONBA. 
Value transfer to KOMP-KZWI4 A Price transfer to KOMP-CMPRE (Credit
5 Value transfer to KOMP-KZWI5 B Price transfer to KOMP-WAVWR (Cost)
Value transfer to KOMP-KZWI6 C Value transfer to KOMP-GRWRT
(Statistical value)
E Value transfer to XWORKE D Value transfer to XWORKD

 Rebates are stored in the Value 7 which stored in KOMP_BONBA. 

So while Settling the Rebates, the values of the Customer Rebates will be settled
from this Table and we can get info on what amount was paid and what remaining
is pending
 3 Value transfer to KOMP-KZWI3 9 Value transfer to KOMP-BRTWR
(Gross value)
 SUBTOTAL 5 = Profit (it is Net realization - cost (VPRS))

 The concept is movement type is there as standard movement type or created

(tcodes: OMJJ) as needed.
 Condition Technique is a configuration technique that is used to configure
complex business rules. Consider it as a rules engine. For example, in SD it is
used across multiple functionalities – Pricing, Outputs,
 For example, in pricing, each organization has their own set of business rules
including base price, margins, discounts, taxes, surcharges, deals/promotions,
price lists etc
 There are 7 key components of Condition Technique.
 Field catalog, Condition Table ,Access Sequence, Condition type ,Pricing
procedure ,Pricing procedure determination
 Delete: This indicator enables to delete the condition type at sales order level.
 Alternative calculation type :- Normally if you want to calculate a value you
have to use a calculation type for determination of the value SAP also has got a
default calculation type in the control data of the condition type. There you
have the options of Qty based, Fixed Amount Based or Percentage based.
 To calculate the PROFIT MARGIN we use the Calculation type as 11 which
mean the difference of Base price and Cost price.  Condition type formula- the
condition value is calculated by a formula in sap through a routine given by an
ABAPER. Say example selling Price (PR00) = cost price + profit. 
 To calculate price same program which is called a routine should have a logic
say the cost price will be taken from the material master and the profit should
get calculated with all the discounts taxes etc

 Alternative Condition base value ;- Freight is calculated based on weight,

volume etc. and not on the base price. In pricing there is no entry of weight
from which the value can be referred like we do for discounts using base price.
We have to get the value from the Material master. In this column we can
mention the value as 12 - Gross Weight or 13 - Net Weight.
 During pricing, the system will consider the value that is mentioned in this
column and determine the freight based on this value.
 Requirement ;- A routing that has been written by abapers according to the
requirement of the client.
 . It can be used for condition type that excludes particular condition type while
determining the net value.

 T.Code: VOFM. - Maintain Requirements & Formulas

 Separate account key is assigned to each condition type within a pricing
procedure which helps to implement detailed revenue account determination
 ERL revenues ,ERS sales deductions ,EVV cash settlement ,MWS sales tax
,ERF freight revenues
 For example freight charges paid to the vendor for every invoice is generally
paid later. Then the freight charges for that vendor for a period of let’s say 3
months will get accumulated in a key (Accrual) for all the invoices in that
period. Further this key is linked to a GL account. So at the end of a period they
will settle the amount to the vendor.
 ERB is sales deduction and ERU is the accrual amount. Both amts are same but
posted to diff GL
 Schedule line allowed: It indicates whether we can create schedule lines for the
item. Sales order items always will have a schedule lines
 Negative posting [A] = Negative posting for same periodThis indicator causes
the transaction figures to be reset for a document item. Use: The indicator can
be entered in billing types for credit memos and cancellations
 Create Batch: Transaction code: MSC1N ,Specify Material ,Batch (Internal
Assignment) ,Plant ,Storage Location
 In the process of third party order is controlled via material types. Material
types define whether a material is produced only internally can be ordered only
from third party vendors or from both possibilities.
 Ex: Trading goods (HAWA) can only be ordered from third party vendors.
Third party items can be created automatically by the system or standard items
can be changed manually by the end user by changing item category during
sales order processing.
 In standard SAP, item category TAS is used for this. The schedule line category
is CS. Here you can see a field 'order type' with value 'NB'. This triggers the
automatic creation of the PR
 If the Ship – to – party address changed in the sales order that changes passed
on to the purchase requisition and purchase order that are already created.
 – We can see the Ship – to – party address in purchase order in the attributes of
the item category.
 After receiving the delivery confirmation and invoice from vendor, company
has to verify the invoice and this process is known as invoice verification and is
done in SAP through Tcode MIRO
 Update Group: The credit update controls when the values of open sales
orders, deliveries, and billing documents are updated  
 Critical fields: It specifies whether system has to carryout credit check against
critical fields (fixed value dates).
 If you check this field the system checks whether critical fields have been
 Open items: It specifies whether system has to carryout credit check based on
the overdue of open items.
 Use: This type of credit check works in conjunction with two fields.
 (A) Maximum percentage of overdue items in open items.
 (B) Number of days, which the open items are overdue.
 Oldest open item: It specifies whether system has to carryout credit check
based on the age of the oldest open item.
 Use: The oldest open item must not be older than the number of days specified.
 If you do not want to deliver to the customer even, when one invoice is
 Check the Oldest open item
 Specify 1 in the field “Days oldest [ ]” (It is number of days that are
allowed for overdue of payment terms).
 Commercial Invoice contains information more specific to customer (Pricing,
Tax, Payment terms), which becomes a part of receivables.
 For Commercial Invoice, there is no need for advance declaration of the
Number Ranges for the Document.
 Excise Invoice - The document which you submit to your Central Excise
 Excise Invoice contains information related to excise duties which has to be
payed to the Excise authorities and also other statutory requirements.
 For Excise Invoices, every manufacturing company has to declare the Number
ranges (Per Excise Group/Series Group) to the excise authorities beginning of
the year.
 Batch jobs ;- Batch usually refers to programs that work on a massive quantity
(batch) of data. we can run one program in background.
 To create a background job in SM36 and view of list of background jobs in
 most commonly background jobs are used for EDI and some regular intervel Z-
 If you want to generate a report for every 1st of month then you need to fix that
report program (ex.z......) in to background job in SM36 and you should give
the frequency of 1st of every month then automatically every 1st that report
program will execute. you can check in SM37 you can understand..
 Batch job are the jobs created with sessions. You can process those sessions in
SM35. These are not direct update methods. You can run the batch jobs also in
 Whereas the background jobs are the jobs running in the background with out
user interaction. Once you schedule the job for the background job it will run
without user interaction according to the given schedule.
 TBTCT and TBTCS contain all defined jobs information.
 Create Contact Person ---VAP1
 Material to be extended –(copy from)If the material to be extended from one
sale area to other sale area, the material code can be entered here also
 there are various OUTPUTS like, Order Confirmation, Delivery Note, Invoice
etc. are being generated in the system This output shall be generated
automatically based on the condition records
 Enquiry ---Enter Customer No, Inquiry Validity needs to enter, The customer
details shall be fetched from the customer master and the material details will
be collected from the sales views of the material master. The pricing details will
flow from the appropriate pricing condition records.
CClick on Create with reference icon you will get new screen--Enter Inquiry
Number, Select Copy icon, you will get new screen--All the details shall be
fetched from the Inquiry document Enter quotation Valid to field
 Click on icon. BILLING DOCUMENTS IN THE INVOICE You will get list
of option as billow: Click on icon ISSUE OUTPUT
 Debugging -SAP consists for various transactions codes and data. Data are stored in the
tables and the transaction codes have ABAP programs at the back end. Through debugging, we
can analyze a program, understand the flow logic and most importantly find out the root cause to
any issue 

 Debugging can be initiated in two ways.a. Using /h command and executing the transaction.
Putting a break-point, at a particular line of the program and executing the transaction.

 We can see the Ship to Party and the Material Code and the quantity are all
copied from the sale order. We have to do one thing in Delivery Document a)
Post Goods Issue.
 The delivery quantity has to be entered as picking quantity also. Then press
ENTER. This will modify the picking status

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