Case Study 101

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Environmental Effect of Flash Flood: A Case Study at Brgy.

Zone XI,
Talisay City

Imee Abonales, Reynaire Alphonse V. Berina1, John Lloyd Felorino1, Regearl A. Nicolasora1, Romeo V.
Quirino Jr.1, Hubertcel S. Villanueva1
College of Education, Carlos Hilado Memorial State College, Talisay City, Negros Occ.

Email: Imee Abonales – (…)

Reynaire Alphonse V. Berina –
John Lloyd Felorino –
Regearl A. Nicolasora –
Romeo V. Quirino Jr. –
Hubertcel S. Villanueva –

Flooding is the most perennial natural disaster problem facing our country nowadays. (Klippe, A., 2019). The
effects of flooding include loss of life and damage to buildings and other structures. Natural disasters is one of the
common problems that every one are experiencing, this includes earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, hurricanes, and
volcanic eruptions. Natural disasters have caused tremendous harm and continue to threaten millions of humans and
various infrastructure capabilities each year. In addressing this environmental issue, the researchers used a qualitative
approach in gathering datas about the environmental issue in Brgy. Zone XI. This case study aims to determine the
effects and causes of flood in Brgy. Zone Xl, Talisay City, in order to identify and take countermeasures against the
threats brought by future natural disasters. Also, assessing and reducing risk are the focus of this study. In this paper,
the researchers gathered evidence through interviews regarding the causes, effects and possible solution to flooding.
Based on the findings the researchers identified that flood is a major problem in their area in the last few months.
Moreover, this paper will provide certain causes of flood , different effects and possible. solutions that the researchers
suggested and recommended.  

Introduction dramatically in a brief period of time as a

Floods are the most frequent type of result of a flash flood. Extreme flooding
natural disaster and occur when an overflow happens as a result of atmospheric
of water submerges land that is usually dry. conditions that induce heavy rain or the
Floods can cause widespread devastation, sudden melting of snow and ice. Geography
resulting in loss of life and damages to may also increase the likelihood of flooding
personal property and critical public health in a given region. Flash flooding, for
infrastructure (WHO, n.d.). It is a major example, are common in areas near rivers
danger to the ecosystem that can lead to loss and towns. Urban areas (areas near cities)
of human life, damage to infrastructure, are also at higher risk for floods because
destruction of commercial activity and a rooftops funnel rainfall to the ground below,
reduction of natural resources in river basins and paved surfaces such as highways and
and coastal areas (Carrasco et al., 2012). parking lots prevent the ground from
absorbing the rain(Conrad, n.d.).
Flash floods are extremely
dangerous floods that occur with little or no This year there were many cities in
warning. When there is more rain than the Negros Occidental were affected by the
soil can handle, the resulting water easily Typhoon Rolly and Ulysses. It caused
spills into rivers and creeks, overwhelming severe flooding which damaged a lot of
storm drains and ditches and creating flash properties and took many lives. One if the
floods. Water levels will escalate affected Cities is Talisay City, where many
structures were destroyed and destructed were evacuated to temporary shelters.
because of the flash floods. The researchers (Espina 2021).
decided to conduct a case study in a specific
Area or Barangay in Talisay City since it is Data Gathering Procedure
near to the researchers’ hometown. It is Initially, information needed was
noticeable that the area is very low and is gathered by the researchers through the
prone to flooding when heavy rainfall process of interview. In this study
strikes the area. The researchers also noticed observation in the area were also used to
that the river has garbages dumped by the collect the data needed for this study such as
residents, and many garbage can be seen the possible causes, effects or destruction of
around the area. Base on the observation of flash flood. A convinience sampling method
the researchers, it has been assumed that the were used to select respondents to be
area is prone to flooding due to improper interviewed and answer the questions
waste disposal, deforestation and low level prepared by the researchers. Considering the
of river barrier. state of the Country, due to the uprising
cases of pandemic the researchers have
A flood struck the Third District and decided to. Limit their respondents. Despite
other northern Negros areas on Friday night, the pandemic the researchers continued to
January 8, 2021, and lasted until early perform the personal interview by following
Saturday morning, January 9, resulting in the community’s safety protocols in order to
two deaths. An unidentified male cadaver prevent the spread of COVID-19. By this
was found in the creek of Purok Santan process of gathering data, the researchers
Barangay Zone 11, Talisay City which is were able to collect the information that is
believed that he drowned due to the strong needed to the study. The interview took
current of flood(Ellera 2021). Heavy rain place in Brgy. Zone 11, Talisay City last
Triggered flash flood in different parts of March 06, 2021, which is one of the affected
Negros Occidental which affected many area in Talisay City. Brgy. Zone 11 was
localities and Barangays. Talisay City, chosen because of the researchers’
residents were evacuated from their homes availability and it is the nearest place from
on Friday night, January 8 following the the researchers’ hometown.
waist-deep flood.
That Friday night PAGASA said
that thunderstorms brought heavy rains in Using the data gathered, the
localities of Negros Occidental including researchers found out that unsegregated
Talisay, Silay, E.B.Magalona, Victorias, solid waste, low river barriers and surface
Bacolod and Manapla. In an initial report level, lack of trees/Deforestation, and
posted by Talisay Mayor Neil Lizares III on overflowing Surface runoff in Brgy. Zone
Facebook, more than 200 families sought 11, Talisay City are the causes of Flash
refuge in evacuation centres as of 12am on floods in the area. These causes has affected
Saturday. The heavy rainfall has caused and caused negative environmental
massive flooding have destroyed many consequences that can be seen by everyone
houses in some barangays in Talisay City. all over the world. It is investigated during
(Rappler 2021) Thousands of families in the interview that due to the increasing
four Negros Occidental localities saw the volume of wastes that being disposed and
New Year starting with flash flooding in the thrown everywhere by people living near the
middle of the night. The first few hours of area were highly affected by the flash flood.
Friday, January 1, brought heavy rain, which Most of the residents, especially children
forced people to take to their roofs as flood and adults were affected by the flash flood.
waters rushed into their homes, while others On other hand, their living, things and
houses were also affected and some were
destroyed. It is found out that one of the illness is valuable when developing tools to
causes where cutting down the trees in the minimize the psychosocial and mental
higer places where the overflowing surface health impacts of flooding. As an example,
runoff flows through the river which affects the extended timeframe of the impacts of
the rise of the water flow. flooding on people, their homes and their
communities are such that the effects of
In Talisay, floods hit 20 barangays secondary stressors are highly important
(villages), affecting 329 houses, including because they prolong the welfare, physical
49 totally damaged and 280 partially and psychosocial impacts.
damaged. Also, 11 roads and bridges, as
well as a flood control project in Silay, Conclusion
Talisay and Cadiz, were either destroyed or Over the past few years, many cases
damaged by the massive floods, the second of flash flooding have taken place around
in just a week after flash floods also hit many parts of Talisay City, especially along
northern Negros early hours on New Year’s zone 11. Climate change will exacerbate the
Day. existing effects of flooding on infrastructure
and community services, including roads,
According to the Philippine Coast stormwater and wastewater systems and
Guard (PCG), around 115 residents from drainage, river flood mitigation works, and
Talisay City and Victorias City were private and public assets including houses,
evacuated by its members. However, this is businesses and schools. Many concerns have
not the first time that the province been raised regarding this matter. As such,
experienced heavy flooding this year. A the government has implemented many
week ago, over 4,000 families in the cities measures like flood barriers, and
of Talisay, Silay, and Victorias, and EB improvements to drainage in order to
Magalona town greeted the New Year with prevent the occurrences of similar flooding
flash floods with affected families appealing incidents. Nevertheless, floods continued to
for help. Talisay City was also placed under happen, devastating residents in Zone 11,
a state of calamity following the trail of Talisay City. Initially, the researchers
destruction that the flooding brought. hypothesized that the government failed to
control flash floods because they had not
Many people lost their living, been proactive enough in their
homes and family because of the devastating implementation of flood control methods.
destruction of the flash flood to their Instead, the measures were reactive and
homtown. Residents’ property also was based on past statistics and flash flood
damaged and majority of the property was a occurrences. After completing more
total lost and cannot be recovered such as research and conducting an interview with
cars, electrical appliance and many more. more than seven residents of the zone 11,
Flood also could damage natural resources Talisay City, the researchers now realize
such as rubber plantation and palm oil that there are more causes of flooding
plantation. Flood also can destroy drainage includes improper waste disposal,
systems that can cause the spill of raw deforestation and poor drainage. Improper
sewage. The researchers could assume that waste disposal is some of the reason why
the drainage system was already in a level zone 11 is vulnerable to flooding, the
where it should be, but flood still happen. barangay captain said. “We need to remove
This is because it was out of human these sorts of garbage clogging our
capability to know whether flood was really drainages and esteros to ensure they can
happen or where could it happen. accommodate large volume of floodwaters
during heavy downpour,” he added. "If we
Evidence-based guidance on the keep all our waterways trash-free. Trash we
factors that could influence the course of an throw anywhere block the drains and
ultimately clog drainages and esteros, practice discipline and consistency because
hampering the free flow of water, which what people leave for the next generation
aggravate flood,” he said. Poor waste will affect them.
management may elevate the flood hazards
in a number of ways. Improper disposal of In addition, the researchers highly
waste along roads could physically block the encourage the local governments to
drainage system, influencing the flow of modernising the drainage system to ensure
runoff in the canal system. On the other that waste water and sewage is transported
hand, Deforestation plays many roles in the neatly to disposal points, thereby keeping
flooding equation because trees prevent the environment well drained and free of
sediment runoffs and forests hold more clogging waste. Sustainable Drainage
water than farms or grasslands. The flood Systems are intended to regulate surface
equation is simple. If a river cannot handle water runoff close to where it falls and
the load of water it is required to carry, it simulate natural drainage as closely as
will rise above its banks. This is when possible. They provide opportunities to
floods occur. This is how a single tree can reduce the causes and impacts of flooding,
actually help in reducing the effects of remove pollutants from urban runoff at
flooding. First, some rainwater stays on the source, and combine water management
leaves and evaporates into the atmosphere. with recreation and wildlife. Changes might
Second, its leaves reduce the impact of take a long time. However, it is safer and
raindrops on the soil, which causes less soil highly recommended to prevent the
erosion. Third, its roots absorb water from flooding.
the soil, making the soil drier so it can
absorb more rainwater, and finally the roots
of the tree hold the soil in place, reducing Implementation
the movement of sediment which can reduce The researchers went to the area in
the capacity of the river downstream from Brgy. Zone 11, Talisay City where the cause
breaking its banks. The release of sediment of flood came from, and then found out the
due to deforestation has a bigger impact on situation of the river near the residents’ area
floods. Lastly Poor drainage that could not and the wastes that have been thrown by
cope with intense rainfall has been cited as some residents have not been segregated and
the main cause of the disastrous floods. washed out by the water flow. Barangay
People should be considerate about the Zone 11, is one of the severely affected
environment. The problem will not go away barangay in Talisay City during the
even if people ignore it. It is up to us occurrence of the massive flooding last
improve our habits. That includes thinking it January 2021. The researchers found the
is someone else’s problems. impact of the flood to the community and
the possible reasons why the massive
Recommendations flooding occurs. The garbages stocked in the
The researchers have witnessed the river has many effects on the environment
situation of the localities and they highly and this will lead to many disastrous
recommend or encourage the People to be calamities that will affect the people near the
considerate about the environment. Picking site and and their living as well.
up the garbage is everyone’s concern.
Children must be taught that throwing away
the garbage everywhere is not right. Never Since it takes much effort for the
treat the environment as one big garbage residents and Barangay officials to create
disposal. Sometimes, the problem is within and manage a well disciplined community,
the people. Residents may not see it, but the higher position of the Barangay Officials
every one is feeling the consequences of our must coordinate and communicate with
irresponsibility. The residents should higher level officials of the City and seek for
help and donations in managing the
development of the specific area whereas it /Bacolod/Local-News/Negros-Occidental-
could help prevent or somehow lessen the floods-leave-2-dead
possible effect of disasters such as Flash
flood and landslides. The officials must take
action prior to the estimated time of Espina, M. P. (2021, January 11). Negros
development of the area. The residents’ Occidental floods kill 2, displace over
volunteerism and will to help in making 70,000. Rappler.
their community to be safe from flash floods
is a big help for the officials in managing occidental-floods-kill-displace-january-11
their Action plan towards the effects of the
Flood during the First Quarter of 2021. With
the existing donations from the public and Espina, M. P. (2021a, January 1). Thousands
other City officials, as well as with the help in Negros Occidental greet New Year with
of the residents it could be possible for the flash floods. Rappler.
development of the river barriers, cleaning
of drainage system, waste management and occidental-greet-new-year-2021-with-flash-
planting trees to be finished in a month or floods
two, with an estimated total budget of Php
150,000 - Php 200,000 for the overall action
plan. Guadalquiver, N. (2021, January 12). Over
1K houses damaged by floods in northern
Negros. Philippine News Agency.
Carrasco, A. R., Ferreira, O., Mattias, A., &
Freire, P. (2012). Philippines – Flash Floods
Destroy Dozens of Homes in Western Klippe, A. (2019, January 29). The cause of
Visayas. Ocean & Coastal Management: flood is not poor drainage system. Flood
Flood Hazard Assessment and Management Control Asia RS.
of Fetch-Limited Coastal Environments,
65(15–25), 15–25. not-poor-drainage/
Online, T. S. (2014, November 7).
Deforestation the cause of flood. The
Conclusion | Ministry for the Environment. Star Online.
(2004). Ministry for the Environment. 2014/11/08/deforestation-the-cause-of-flood
local-government-new-zealand/conclusion (2021, January 13). IN
PHOTOS: Heavy rain causes flash floods in
Cruz, N. H. (2013, September 25). Why the Negros Occidental. Rappler.
frequent floods, and how to prevent them.
INQUIRER.Net. os-heavy-rain-flash-floods-negros- occidental-january-2021

Ellera, T. D. (2021, January 10). Negros (Pictures Taken During Interview)
Occidental floods leave 2 dead. Sunstar.
Figure1: Interview with Barangay. Captain Figure5: Interview with Barangay Kagawad

Figure2: Interview with Resident 1 Figure6: Creek in Barangay Zone XI

(Pictures Taken During the Flood)

Figure3: Interview with Resident 2

Figure1: Overflowing Flood level in the creek

Figure4: Interview with Resident3

Figure2: Creek after the flood

Answer: The areas that are prone to
flooding I think are those near the river,
Rizal and Brgy. Zone 11.

Q5: What do you think are the possible

ways that you can do to lessen the flooding
in the area?
Answer: planting trees, proper waste
segregation can be a big help to lessen the
effect or damages of flood.
Figure3: Overflowing Flood level in the residence

Q1: At what level or height did the flood

reach during the typhoon?
Answer: It reaches waist level.
Q2:What do you think are the possible
reasons that caused flooding in your
Q1: At what level or height did the flood
reach during the typhoon?
Answer: January 2 , 2021 made a history in
Answer : Possible reasons that causes in our
Brgy. zone 11. It's the most destructive flood
area are deforestation and the drainage of
that occurs in the area. Everyone is busy
canals are already full of garbages which
celebrating the new years eve and without
prevent water from flowing. Then, the
any idea around 2am the flood occupied the
agricultural environment in higher areas are
area easily. The current water is heavy , and
now being constructed into commercial
the flood water reached up to the roof of the
buildings , resorts and subdivisions, which is
house. Also, there's no enough rescue team
supposed to be a restricted because it's
to evacuate the residents easily. Many
where trees are being planted to prevent
stayed above their roofs and others are at the
floods from lower areas.
top of the trees. The residents have not yet
recovered but unfortunately in January 08
Q3: What are the damages that the flood
another flood occurred and it's more
have caused in your area?
disturbing than the latter. Almost 95% of
Answer: it affected our livelihood, the
the barangay was disturbed by the flood.
crops, and destruction of resident’s houses.
Q2: what do you think are the possible
Q4: Which area (s) are prone to flooding?
reasons that caused flood in your cities/area?
Answer: The areas that are prone to
Answer: The improper waste disposal,
flooding are those who are near the sea ,
cutting down of trees and low river barriers.
river and lowlands.
Q3: What are the damages that the flood
Q5: What do you think are the possible
have caused in your area?
ways that you can do to lessen the flooding
Answer: Residential houses, stores, animals
in the area?
like pigs are the most damaged during
Answer: for me planting trees and proper
floods. The people situated at the seaside are
waste disposal is the least that I can do to
the ones who received most damages.
help lessen disastrous effect of flood in our
Q4: Which area(s) are prone to flooding?
Q1:At what level or height did the flood
Q1: At what level or height did the flood reach during the typhoon Rolly and Ulysses?
reach during the typhoon Rolly and Answer: Waist level
Answer: It reaches our window, and Q2: What do you think are the possible
continues to rise. reasons that caused flooding in your cities/
Q2: What do you think are the possible Answer: I think the first reason why it's
reasons that cause flooding in your area? caused flooding in my area is deforestation.
Answer: Garbage is the main reason why Second, our garbage as we can see it's cause
flooding is present in our area. It's not being why there is always flood in my area.
disposed of properly. Also, the rock strength
at the both sides of the river (or the cliff) Q3:What are the damages that the flood has
that is being used to avoid garbage from caused in your area?
scattering and in order to prevent water from Answer: The flood caused many damages
reaching the housing areas is getting small. like houses, bridges, and structure. The
infrastructure such as power plants, roads
Q3: What are the damages that the flood and bridges are damaged and disrupted,
have caused in your area? some economic activities may come to a
Answer: Heavy rain causes flood and this standstill, people are forced to leave their
flood results in multiple damages. First, it homes and normal life is disrupted.
destroys the livestock and environment. The
area is covered with muds and affects the Q4: Which areas are prone to flooding?
livelihood of the residents, especially those Answer: The areas that are more likely to
who depend on agriculture. Also the have floods anytime are the river or lake. In
properties and the houses of the residents are our areas the places that are prone to floods
the most damaged during floods. Many are like Rizal, Centro and etc.
experience loss of belongings and due to the
heavy flow of the water some of the houses Q5: What do you think are the possible
are being taken away. things you can do to prevent flooding in the
Q4: which area(s) are prone to flooding? Answer: I think the best way to prevent
Answer: I think our area(Brgy. 11) is prone flooding is to manage our garbage not only
to flooding, also those in low areas, Rizal, us but everyone must do so. Like for
and near the river. example people who lived in bridges will be
responsible for their garbage and will not
throw it into the river. It is because the more
Q5: what do you think are the possible ways garbage the more will cause flooding and
that you can do to prevent the flooding in the water will not flow continuously. For
the area? addition we must plant trees to prevent it.
Answer: Flood can't be stopped but it can
minimize or lessen damages through RESPONDENT #5
different ways. First , is to strengthen the Q1: At what level or height did the flood
cliff or the "pika²". Second, observed proper reach during the typhoon Rolly and Ulysses?
garbage disposal. Third, deepen the creek. Answer: It continues to rise a heavy rain
Lastly, the most important thing is to plant falls, but the flood is waist level.
Q2: What do you think are the possible
reasons that caused flooding in your cities/
RESPONDENT #4 areas?

Answer: The first reason is the garbage but time to answer the interview questions and
all the (imbornal) garbage or waste from the participate in our study.
subdivision flow in the river. It was a result
of rainwater and the garbage so the flood To Ms. Mary Grace Langcoy for
increased in our area her
Guidance, Span of time allotted and
Q3: What are the damages that the flood has gracious support through the course of their
caused in your area? work. Without her, the researchers would
Answer: It destroyed a lot of structures and not be able to make the study successful and
livelihood, the houses of other residents and would have been lost the entire time. So the
the things of the residents where they get researchers extend a never ending gratitude
their income everyday. and acknowledge to her.

Q4: Which areas are prone to flooding? To the Authors and Organizations
Answer: Rizal, Centro, and those who were which gave the researchers citations and
near the river are prone to flooding when informations needed for this study.
heavy rainfall strikes.
Lastly the Researchers for giving
Q5:What do you think are the possible ways their full time and effort in making this
you can do to prevent flooding in the area? study possible.
Answer: We can use a lot to prevent floods.
First is the river is not just a garbage dump.
The canals must be enlarged so that it will
not obstruct the flow of water and not
increase the flood.


The researchers would like to

express their deep gratitude to the following
who have been part of their study.

First and foremost, the researchers would

like to thank the Almighty God above for
giving the researchers courage and wisdom
to make through this study and willingness
to do every part of it. The researchers would
have given up if it wasn’t because of his
grace and blessings, this study would not
have been possible.

To the researchers’ Parents, this

study would not be possible without their
support and guidance. The researchers
would like to acknowledge their full support
and trust to each one of the researchers.

To the Respondents who gave their

full cooperation and spared some of their

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