Intellectual Property Report: Kikkoman Corporation
Intellectual Property Report: Kikkoman Corporation
Intellectual Property Report: Kikkoman Corporation
The Kikkoman Group, as a group of companies engaged in the field of food and health,
has been endeavoring to develop and offer high quality, delicious and safe merchandise
that are good for health based on its brewing and food processing technologies. In order
to make the products more competitive, the Kikkoman Group places importance on the
research and development of products and technical development aiming for innovation
and differentiation. The intellectual properties gained in the development process are
powerful weapons to support our operations and the source of the Group’s
In order to strengthen the system promoting the intellectual property strategy, the
Intellectual Property Department was separated from the Research & Development
Division and became an independent department in June 2004. The department reports
directly to top management. We in the Kikkoman Group consider the intellectual
property strategy as one of our core management strategies, and will place greater
importance on it.
We take pleasure in presenting this Intellectual Property Report to make our stance
Intellectual Property Report 2005
The Intellectual Property Report discloses the policies and programs of the Kikkoman Group for the business, research and
development and intellectual properties to all our stakeholders.
Using the guidelines for disclosing information on intellectual property provided by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and
Industry as a reference, we try to explain our intellectual properties, particularly patents and trademarks, in a reader-friendly
I hope that this report will be of some help to understand the intellectual properties of the Kikkoman Group.
October 2005
Shigetaka Ishii
Executive Corporate Officer
(in charge of Intellectual Property)
1. Core Technologies and Business Segments 1
2. Direction for Research & Development and Business Strategies 1
3. Outline of Research and Development and Intellectual Property 2
4. Analysis of Marketability and Market Superiority of Technologies 2
5. Research & Development and Intellectual Property Organization
and Research & Development Alliances 4
6. Intellectual Property Management 5
7. Contribution of Licensing Activities to the Business 6
8. Contribution of Patents to the Business 6
9. Policy for an Intellectual Property Portfolio 7
10. Risk Information 7
11. Trademarks and Brands 7
Company Profile
Note: Except for the events that have occurred, the policies and strategies of the Group, views on the facts, and descriptions about the future are based on the
knowledge and understanding of the Group at the time of preparation for the report, and their realizations in the future are not promised or guaranteed.
Intellectual Property Report 2005
To add value to the existing soy sauce products both in Japan and in overseas markets, the Soy Sauce Division
of the “Foods-manufacturing and sales” segment is making technological developments relating to a brewing
process and improving the technology from a new perspective. Currently, it is developing a new soy sauce
product for processing. Further, it is constructing a new type of raw materials processor and improving the
membrane separating process to enhance its productivity and product quality in the manufacturing process.
The Soy Sauce Derivative Products Division is emphatically developing products for the growing market such
as grilled meat sauces, seasoning sauces for noodles, seasoning sauces for one-pot cooking, bouillons for
Japanese daily dishes, and bouillons for rice bowls with various toppings.
The Del Monte Division is engaged with developing drinks and seasonings, breeding tomatoes and other
plants, as well as developing technologies to control plant viruses. The Sake and Wine Division develops
shochu (a clear liquor), mirin (sweet sake), synthesized sake products, unfiltered wine, and wine using sake
yeast. It also is actively developing healthy foods.
In the “Others” segment, the biotechnological field conducts R&D of materials for health enhancement,
develops enzymes for clinical diagnostic reagents, and food hygiene test kits.
The Kikkoman Group further researches into safety, and develops technologies that can be applied to all
segments, and combines the technologies developed by different segments to produce new products.
The Kikkoman Group spent 3.5 billion yen in total in 2004 mainly for R&D in soy sauce and its related products.
Intellectual Property Report 2005
The method to “mature an unheated sauce mix” for soy sauce-based sauce koji mold
(microscopic photo)
varieties, and the technology to give full flavor to dipping and marinade
sauces of Kikkoman, and virus-resistant tomato seedlings and the “rain-cut”
cultivation (covering trees to avoid rain) method for grapes for wine
developed by subsidiaries and other technologies are important properties to
support the competitiveness of the products of the Group. These patented
technologies and the expertise behind them will act as a driving force for the
Kikkoman Group to create a new market and expand the existing market.
Intellectual Property Report 2005
Soy Sauces Soy Sauces
Soy Sauces for Different
Soy Sauce
Fruit and Dipping
Vegetable Processed and
Juices Tomato Marinade
Foods Soy Sauce Sauces
Soup Base
Food Wine
Reagents for
Biochemical Sake and
Hygienic Products Wine (Clear Liquor)
Tests Mirin
Diagnostic (Sweet Sake
Enzymes for Cooking)
Intellectual Property Report 2005
Kikkoman Corporation
Intellectual Property Department
Intellectual Property Report 2005
<Information Management>
The Intellectual Property Department releases regular e-mail information on intellectual property to all sectors in
Kikkoman. The intra-net website of the Department opened in January 2003 provides information on request forms to
be submitted to the department, educational information on intellectual property, the simplified databases of patented
rights and trademarks of Kikkoman, which are occasionally updated. Educational messages on intellectual property
rights and precautionary messages as to the disclosure of technological information are also given to help employees
become more conscious about Kikkoman’s rights.
For intellectual properties inside the Kikkoman, the Rules and Regulations on the Inventions in Service are provided.
For joint research and development with organizations outside the company, relevant agreements are concluded, such
as the Confidentiality Agreement, Joint R&D Agreement, Joint Application for Patent Agreement, and so on. Through
these measures, the Kikkoman Group gives careful attention so that precious information categorized as intellectual
property will not leak out, and strengthens its monitoring system.
Intellectual Property Report 2005
The Kikkoman Group examines the feasibility of inventions made as a result of technological development and
R&D activities. For inventions found to be useful for business, the Group will positively apply for patents on them
and obtain rights with the intention of monopolizing their rights. For inventions, the Kikkoman Group might be
limited in its business if the same invention is to be patented by other company, the Group will also make a
defensive patent application.
Patents are regularly reviewed to determine whether they should be maintained or waived according to their
degree of contribution to operations. The numbers of patents possessed in Japan have been on decline for the
past several years. This reflects the reduced
number of applications upon scrutinizing
Patents possessed in Japan
proposed inventions, and the result of the
by business field
annual review to determine to maintain only
necessary and practical rights. As a result,
the use rate of patented rights in Japan as of
March 31, 2005 is 66 percent, which is Others 48%
(Biochemicals 41%)
higher than the national average use rate of
around 40 percent per applicant (Japan
Patent Office Annual Report 2005). Sake and Wine 7%
The patents by business field are: soy sauce Del Monte 6% Soy Sauce 27%
(27%), soy sauce derivative products (12%),
Soy Sauce
Del Monte (6%), sake and wine (7%), and Derivative
biochemicals (41%). Products 12%
The Kikkoman Group has accumulated
technologies and expertise through its
Intellectual Property Report 2005
product development and processing method development for soy sauce and other foods. In order to sustain its
market superiority, the Kikkoman Group places importance on obtaining rights for these technologies and
expertise as well as various technologies for manufacturing the products of the Group considering them as
important intellectual properties. For example, Kikkoman has maintained a top share in the soy sauce market,
and possesses large patent share. This large share reflects the high technological capacity of the Kikkoman
Group, and is the factor for the Group to maintain its top rank position in the food industry.
The numbers of registered trademarks held by the Group in the past five years are shown below. They are on
the gradual rise both in Japan and in other countries. The rights in possession are reviewed along with the
lifecycle of products to determine whether to maintain or waive them.
Numbers of Trademarks
FY2000 FY2001 FY2002 FY2003 FY2004
Japan 868 871 884 877 914
Overseas 473 475 477 485 494
(2) Brand
In Kikkoman’s the long history, dating back to the early Edo period, the Kikkoman brand has been widely
spread and has become a familiar brand in Japan because of the company’s long-standing adherence to high
quality and safety in its products. As a result of its efforts to spread soy sauce, Japan’s traditional brewed
seasoning, to the world, the Kikkoman brand has now widely permeated the United States, Europe, Asia and
Oceania. As of March 31, 2005, the Kikkoman trademark (the “MAN” character mark) which was registered in
Intellectual Property Report 2005
Japan in 1912, is now registered in 112 countries, and the Kikkoman brand logo in 109 countries.
Kikkoman obtained the rights of permanent use and sales of the global brand “Del Monte” in Asia and Oceania
in 1990.
Intellectual Property Report 2005
Nippon Del Monte Corporation
Manns Wine Co., Ltd.
Pacific Trading Co., Ltd.
Heisei Foods Company Co., Ltd.
Takara Shoyu Co., Ltd. 90,000
Tone Coca-Cola Bottling Co., Ltd.
<Overseas> 0
2002 2003 2004
Kikkoman Foods, Inc.
Kikkoman International Inc. (in million yen) Operating Income
JFC International Inc. 18,000
President Kikkoman Inc.
Kunshan President Kikkoman Biotechnology Co., Ltd. 2,000
2002 2003 2004
Kikkoman Corp.
K i kko m a n C or por a ti on
For inquir y, contact:
In te l l e ctu al Pr oper ty Depar tm ent
3 9 9 N oda, Noda- shi, Chiba,
2 78- 0037, Japan
Te l + 81( 4) 7123- 5551
Fa x +81( 4) 7123- 5553
U R L h ttp://www.kikkom
Copyright C Kikkoman Corp. All rights reserved.