7.1 Petermann PCLAC
7.1 Petermann PCLAC
7.1 Petermann PCLAC
The pulse controlled laser acupuncture concept (PCLAC) has four components. The first component is a basic
understanding of traditional Chinese veterinary medicine theories and the use of Channels and acupoints to diagnose and
treat disease. The second component is a basic understanding of auriculotherapy and the use of auricular (ear) points to
diagnose and treat disease. The third component is the diagnosis and selection of acupoints to treat based on changes in
the arterial pulses when “active” (unbalanced) auricular and body acupoints are stimulated with a special device such as a
3-volt hammer or a low-level impulse laser therapy (LLLT) unit. Modern LLLT units have a wide range of frequencies
and have both diagnostic and treatment capabilities. The changes in the arterial pulse when “active” acupoints are
stimulated are due to vascular autonomic reflexes, called “reflex auriculo cardial” or vascular autonomic signs. Sensory
nerves near the acupoint in turn stimulate sympathetic nerves to blood vessels that alter the pulses. The concept is called
pulse-controlled (pulse-guided) acupuncture because the pulse changes determine the acupoints to be treated. The final
component of the PCLAC is the use of LLLT to stimulate acupoints and treat local tissues. The PCLAC combines ancient
TCVM wisdom, recent advances in diagnosis and treatment, conventional medical knowledge and modern technology to
further expand TCVM diagnosis and treatment to improve animal health and recovery from disease.
Key words: acupuncture, laser acupuncture, pulse controlled laser acupuncture concept, impulse laser, autonomic reflexes
2. Auriculotherapy and the use of auricular points to panicked as the shoulder area was approached. The pain
diagnose and treat disease was localized to an area behind the scapula at BL-15, the
3. Detection of pulse changes as auricular points and Back Shu Association point for the Heart that influences
acupoints of the head, body and limbs are cardiac rhythm in TCVM theory. To stabilize cardiac
stimulated to formulate the diagnosis and guide function and relieve pain, the author used LLLT to treat
the selection of acupoints to treat (pulse controlled BL-15 and the auricular (ear) points (see discussion on
acupuncture) auricular therapy below) associated with HT-9 (ear Heart
4. Treatment with low level impulse laser therapy of tonification point), HT-4 (ear Heart vegetative point), PC
acupoints and local tissues -6 (ear Stellate ganglion point), GB-41 (ear
Prostaglandin point), BL-40 (ear Histamine point) and
Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine and LI-4 (ear Thalamus point). The extreme pain instantly
Acupuncture of Head, Body and Limb Acupoints disappeared. After a few minutes the horse was able to
The primary component of PCLAC is TCVM stand and within 15 minutes, the horse was able to safely
diagnosis and treatment of acupoints on the head, body move about and the sweating had stopped.
and limbs based on 3000 years of tradition, experience Once the acute situation had been controlled the
and research since the time of Sun Yang (Bo Le), the history was obtained. The horse had not competed for
father of veterinary acupuncture.3 The Channels and the past three years, because the pain had made her
TCVM functional cycles play fundamental roles and are intolerant of being ridden even casually. Several
responsible for the smooth transport of Qi (e.g. the sum different conventional treatments for pain had failed. Six
total of the substances and physiological activities of the months prior, the horse experienced a similar, but less
body). The current understanding of conventional severe episode of collapse while attempting to be ridden.
anatomy and physiology can be useful to increase the During that episode, the horse received fluids and
understanding of ancient TCVM concepts. One form of conventional medications for several days that helped to
Qi from a conventional perspective is adenosine stabilize the circulatory system, but the severe pain
triphosphate (ATP) produced by the citric acid cycle remained.
(tricarboxylic acid or Krebs cycle) responsible for The day after the initial LLLT treatment, the horse
aerobic respiration within the mitochondria of the body. was stable, but LLLT of the same acupoints was
Aerobic respiration produces ATP that provides the body provided and then three more times at 4-5 day intervals.
with energy (Qi) for all life processes from the synthesis Following these five treatments, the horse was pain-free,
of enzymes to the relaxation of muscles. In all diseases had stable cardiac function and began to perform in
there is a disturbance of the optimum flow of Qi that small competitions with no problems. In this horse, Qi
results in a loss of balance between Yin (e.g. the Stagnation of the thoracic vertebra in area of BL-15 led
parasympathetic nervous system) and Yang (e.g. the to dysfunction of the Heart. The author has found many
sympathetic nervous system). such instances in horses and dogs where chronic
When a disease irritates afferent nerves, pain and musculoskeletal pain (Qi Stagnation in the Exterior
reflex contraction of local muscles and blood vessels Channels) also lead to dysfunction of the associated
restricts the free flow of Qi (ATP) and Blood and Qi organ through the Interior Channel system and
Stagnation results. The Qi/Blood Stagnation results in autonomic reflexes. Knowledge and application of the
Deficiency of Qi (ATP) and Blood (nutrients) to local TCVM principles, theories, anatomy and physiology are
tissues. Since Qi (ATP) is necessary for muscle the essential first component of PCLAC.
relaxation, a vicious cycle of contraction and vascular
occlusion occurs and further worsens the Stagnation of Auriculodiagnosis and Auriculotherapy
Qi and Blood. Further, autonomic reflex connections to The second component of PCLAC is
internal organs can be affected that result in organ Qi auriculodiagnosis and auricular acupuncture
and Blood Stagnation and Deficiency (e.g. disease of the (auriculotherapy).2-4 Although there were previous
upper thoracic vertebrae can affect the autonomic control references to auricular treatments of disease in China as
of the heart). Thoracic nerve root irritation not only early as 450 BC, in the late 1950’s, Dr. Paul Nogier, a
produces local pain and BL-15 sensitivity, but also can French neurologist trained in acupuncture, identified the
result in cardiac arrhythmias that can have life- somatotopic arrangement of points on the ear that
threatening consequences, as illustrated in the following corresponded to various body regions in humans.2,3 Dr.
case study. Nogier created a sophisticated methodology using
While at a horse show, the author was called to palpation of these points for diagnosis and acupuncture
evaluate a ten-year-old Hanoverian mare that had of these points for treatment of many musculoskeletal
collapsed while competing. The horse was in lateral and internal medicine disorders. He described his
recumbency, unable to stand and drenched in sweat. The techniques in a format easily understood by
pulse was difficult to feel and extremely erratic with conventionally trained physicians. Because of his
pauses and extra systoles and the rate was over 80 beats/ contributions to auricular acupuncture, he is described as
min. The horse was experiencing extreme pain and the “Father of modern auricular acupuncture”. Rather
Figure 4: The location of the Heart Channel and Heart Figure 5: The primary auricular organ points of the dog
acupoints of the ear (Reprinted with permission from (Reprinted with permission from Petermann U. Pulse
Petermann U. Pulse Controlled Laser Acupuncture Controlled Laser Acupuncture Concept (PCLAC). 2007:
Concept (PCLAC). 2007: www.akupunkturtierarzt.de) www.akupunkturtierarzt.de)
author’s experience, it does not matter if the auricular points. The diagnostic tool became known as the 3-volt
point or the corresponding acupoint on the body is hammerb (Figure 6). Using the 3-volt hammer to detect
treated the result is the same. For Lung infections the “active” points in patients with various diseases, Dr.
auricular Lung point and two superordinated auricular Nogier was able to develop more detailed maps of the
points, the Interferon point and the Thymus point are joint and organ auricular points and a sensitive
treated to fight the infection (Figure 2). Treatment of LU diagnostic system useful for musculoskeletal and
-7, SP-4 and TH-5 acupoints on the body can achieve the internal medicine disorders. If the auricular Hip point
same effect. In the author’s experience auricular points evoked a strong RAC (VAS), then that auricular point
and acupoints can be used interchangeably or together should be treated, as hip function was abnormal.
for a strong effect. Similarly, if the auricular Liver point evoked a strong
Auricular points are often treated with needles, semi RAC (VAS) then that auricular point should be treated,
-permanent needles and LLLT. For chronic disorders, as an underlying imbalance in the Liver was present. The
gold bead implantation of auricular points can be diagnosis and treatment strategy can be applied to other
performed. In 2001, Colonel Richard C. Niemtzow, a joint and organ points. An advantage of the 3-volt
human physician and acupuncturist, applied Dr. Bahr’s hammer device is that it can differentiate between the
principles to develop an auriculotherapy protocol for use type of imbalance of a point because the device has
on the battlefield to control pain.5 Dr. Niemtzow’s positive and negative poles. If the positive pole of the
protocol called for the stimulation of auricular points hammer is held near a point and causes a weakened
with semi-permanent needles and other methods that pulse or negative RAC (VAS), this indicates the point is
have been used to successfully not only to treat pain and Deficient (e.g. has a negative charge). If the negative
injuries in battlefield situations but also to treat other pole of the hammer is held near a point and causes a
disorders seen in routine acupuncture practices.5 strengthening of the pulse or positive VAS, this indicates
the point is Excess (e.g. has a positive charge).
Vascular Autonomic Sign (VAS) or Reflex Auriculo The author has found that the RAC (VAS) is also a
Cardial (RAC) reliable diagnostic method in animals and is not only
The third component of the PCLAC is the TCVM useful to evaluate auricular points, but can also be used
diagnosis and selection of acupoints to treat based upon to evaluate acupoints on the rest of the head, body and
carotid, femoral or surrogate pulse changes when limbs. For diagnosis, the author uses a 3-volt hammer as
acupoints are stimulated.2,3 A 3-volt hammerb or an well as the Physiolaser Olympicc and LaserPenc LLLT
LLLT unitc with both diagnostic and treatment devices. These modern LLLT devices can be set in a
capabilities are used to stimulate acupoints and
determine which ones are “active” (unbalanced or
reactive). Dr. Nogier was a master of Chinese pulse
diagnosis and he noticed distinct changes in the qualities
of the radial pulses of his patients, when different
auricular points were stimulated with palpation or
acupuncture needles. He initially called these “reflex
auriculo cardial” (RAC) or auricular cardiac reflex
(ACR), but later changed the name to vascular
autonomic sign (VAS), when he realized that these pulse
changes resulted from stimulation of autonomic nerves
associated with arteries. By observation of the pulse
reaction for different points, he realized that acupoints
that induced a strong VAS (RAC) were not only useful
for diagnosis, but also had the best therapeutic effect for
his patients. Further, he found that there was
directionality to the VAS. A "positive VAS," was
defined as instances when the pulse became fuller,
vibrant, bulging or harder when a point was stimulated
and a “negative VAS” was when the pulse became
weakened, soft, hollow, or duller when a point was
Based on his knowledge of electrical potential
Figure 6: The author approaching the ear with the 3-volt
changes around acupoints and experiments evoking
hammer to diagnose “active“ auricular points (Reprinted
positive and negative VAS (RAC) with various electrical
with permission from: Petermann U. Kontrollierte La-
currents, Dr. Nogier developed a 3-volt device with a
serakupunktur bei Hund und Pferd. Sonntag Verlag in
positive and negative pole that would consistently induce
MVS Medizubverlag. Stuttgart, Germany: Thieme Ver-
positive or negative pulse changes (VAS) from “active”
laggruppe 2011)
diagnostic mode and have many specific frequencies (VAS) found another very important range of
useful for RAC (VAS) detection. Following diagnosis frequencies that were useful for diagnosis and treatment
the LLLT device can be easily switched to the treatment of tissues, Channels and acupoints (Table 1). The RAC
mode to deliver the specific frequency needed for LLLT (VAS) associated with the different Bahr Frequencies is
acupuncture and topical treatment. The auricular points also useful to determine the single most important
can be quickly scanned with one of these diagnostic acupoint to treat. According to Dr. Bahr in every patient
devices to detect any “active” points and then the there is one “deep point” where illness starts. For
corresponding body acupoints can also be evaluated to example, in recurrent airway obstruction in horses, the
confirm the findings. A technique often used by the organ point for the Lung (i.e. the auricular Lung point or
author is to hold the device to test the auricular points LU-7 on the body), is usually not the “deep point”, but
and body acupoints with the right hand and to feel his the auricular Kidney point or KID-7 on the body is the
own left temporal artery pulse (surrogate pulse) with the “deep point” as determined by the VAS that is evoked.
fingers of the left hand to detect an RAC (VAS) (Figure The Bahr laser frequency 1 (Bfr-1) affects deep tissue
6). In the author’s experience, the result has been the layers and is useful to detect and treat the “deep” point
same as palpating the carotid and femoral pulses directly of a disease. Laser frequency Bfr-2 affects the central
to detect a VAS. To obtain a quick overview of the tissue layer and is useful to treat hormonal and nervous
health of the internal organs, the 3-volt hammer can be system disorders. Laser frequency Bfr-3 affects surface
passed along the Bladder Channel to detect “active” tissue layers. Laser frequencies Bfr-3 and Bfr-4 affect
Back Shu Association points. “Active” Back Shu Channels described by Dr. Bahr as the Omega Ren and
Association points can reflect a disorder in the local Omega Du Channels. Laser frequency Bfr-5 is useful to
areas of the back as well as the specific internal organ treat the Cardinal or Opening points of the Eight
represented by the acupoint. The RAC (VAS) localizes Extraordinary Channels or Vessels (LU-7, KID-6, SP-4,
the “active” points and determines the acupoints to be PC-6, SI-3, BL-62, GB-41 and TH-5). Laser frequency
treated with LLLT and other forms of stimulation. Bfr-6 affects the Governing Vessel and Bf-7 affects the
“Pulse controlled” therapy refers to the treatment Conception Vessel. Laser frequency Bfr-7 is also a
guidance provided by monitoring the pulse changes as special frequency for detecting and treating abnormal
different auricular points and regular acupoints are foci in the teeth. Some chronic clinical disorders will
evaluated with the 3-volt hammer or the LLLT device. rapidly recover after Bfr-7 treatment of the affected teeth
(See Case example 2 below).
Low Level Impulse Laser Therapy Also using the auricular and acupoint RAC (VAS)
The fourth component of the PCLAC is stimulation pulse diagnostic system, Dr. Manfred Reininger, an
of acupoints and local tissues with low-level impulse Austrian human physician and acupuncturist developed a
laser light.2,3,6 Dr. Nogier also developed the use of low- range of laser frequencies that can be used to treat
level impulse lasers for acupuncture. He used the RAC acupoints of specific Channels and organs (Table 1).3 In
(VAS) pulse changes to determine the most effective Dr. Reininger’s laser frequency system the Liver
wavelengths of laser light within the infrared spectrum acupoints are treated with the Liver Channel frequency,
and frequency of light pulses. He developed a range of the Stomach acupoints with the Stomach Channel
laser frequencies, called Nogier Frequencies that proved frequency and other frequencies are used to specifically
particularly effective for acupoint stimulation and other treat disorders of that organ system (Table 1). The
clinical applications (Table 1). These frequencies are Reininger frequencies provide more specific and
characterized by special resonances with specific tissues, effective stimulation of acupoints than Nfr-C or Nfr-D.
tissue conditions and acupoints that varied based on Using the cluster probe of the Physiolaser Olympicc
location. Nogier’s laser frequency A (Nfr-A) is LLLt unit or some other LLLT device, the Reininger
particularly useful for treating wounds, inflammation frequencies can also be used for topical treatment of
and irritable foci in the body and teeth. Laser frequency organs. The Kidneys may be treated with Reininger
Nfr-B has a special affinity for ligaments, tendons and frequency for Kidneys (Rfr-KID) and the Heart with Rfr-
all organ acupoints (e.g. body KID-7 and auricular HT and so forth. The Nogier, Bahr and Reininger
Kidney point). Laser frequency Nfr-C is useful to treat Frequencies are pre-programmed into most modern
disorders of joints and bones and to treat all body LLLT delivery devicesc and are commonly used by
acupoints except those on the feet. Laser frequency Nfr- LLLT practitioners for both diagnosis and treatment,
D is useful to treat all acupoints of the feet. Laser because they resonate well with acupoints and tissues
frequency Nfr-E is useful to stimulate nervous tissue and have excellent therapeutic effects.3
function and is especially good for the spinal cord The author uses the Physiolaser Olympicc and
disorders. Laser frequency Nfr-F is useful to treat LaserPenc devices for LLLT.6 The Physiolaser Olympic
temporomandibular and brainstem disorders. Laser LLLT unitc has several different probes to treat auricular
frequency Nfr-G is useful to treat cerebral disorders and points, head, body and limb acupoints and tissues in
mental diseases. larger areas. The LaserPen 40 W/904nmc is a small
Some years later Dr. Bahr with the help of the RAC compact unit for LLLT of auricular points and acupoints
Table 1: Comparison indications and attributes of the Nogier, Bahr and Reininger frequencies used for low-level impulse
laser therapy
Nogier Frequencies
Frequency A B C D E F G
Wounds, Tendonitis, arthritis, frac- Mandibular
Nerve and Cerebral cortex
inflammation, arthritis, tures, Acupoints of joint and
Indications spinal cord and mental
irritable foci in fractures, organ all body the feet subcortical
diseases disorders
body and teeth acupoints acupoints brain disorders
except feet
Bahr 1 Frequencies
Frequency 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Reininger Frequencies*
Hz 442 471 497 530 553 583 611 667 702 732 791 834
*Used for treatment of acupoints on specific Channels and topical treatment of related organs; LIV=Liver, ST=Stomach,
HT=Heart, PC=Pericardium, LI=Large Intestine, GB=Gallbladder, KID=Kidney, BL=Bladder, SP=Spleen, TH=Triple
Heater, SI=Small Intestine, LU=Lung Channels
using the Physiolaser Olympicc or LaserPenc devices at region was performed first.
the optimum frequency for the acupoint, Channel, organ a. Topical LLLT, using a 5 x 30 Watt impulse
or dysfunction. All acupoints are treated for 20-30 laser with the Physiolaser Olympicc cluster
seconds. Local tissues on the body or organs are usually probe was applied to the dorsal, medial and
treated with the Physiolaser Olympicc LLLT unit using lateral surfaces of the hock joint for 5 minutes
the cluster probe (large areas) or single probes (teeth) for each, using Nfr-A (292 Hz) known to reduce
1-5 minutes. inflammation.
2. An RAC (VAS) scan of local tissues was also
Case 1: A two-year-old crossbred stallion with a performed using Nfr-A (292 Hz, for inflammation)
tarsal joint infection and a strong reaction was found at the tracts where
At another veterinary clinic, a bone fragment was the endoscope was inserted.
found in the left tarsal joint of this stallion, during a. These areas were treated with Nfr-A (292 Hz)
routine radiographic examination and was removed with a 90 Watt LLLT single probe for 1
endoscopically. A post-operative joint infection minute each.
developed and was treated with joint lavage, different 3. The Tendinomuscular Meridians (TMM or Sinew
antibiotics and parenteral steroids and non-steroidal anti- Channels) are a system of superficial Channels that
inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Over the next six control the tendons, muscles and skin and are related
months, the client sought help from three other to the regular Channels. The TMM of the Liver and
veterinarians who treated the infected joint in a similar Gallbladder Channels that passed by the joint
manner with no response. The author was finally infection were treated with Rfr-LIV (442 Hz) and
consulted six months after the onset of the infection. On Rfr-GB (583 Hz).
initial examination, the circumference of the infected 4. Then acupuncture points on the body were tested for
tarsal joint was 61 cm, while the healthy tarsal joint was an RAC (VAS) reaction with the positive pole (red
42 cm (Figure 7a). The horse could not put weight on the side) of the 3-volt hammer and with the LLLT
affected limb and hobbled along on three legs with great device on the diagnostic setting at specific
effort. frequencies to detect Deficiencies and LIV-1, LIV-
8, GB-44, GB-43, SI-18 and CV-3 were “active”
PCLAC diagnosis and treatment acupoints.
1. First the auricular points were scanned for an RAC a. LIV-1 (Ting or Jing-Well point) and LIV-8
(VAS) using Bfr-1 (599.5 Hz), the best frequency to (Liver tonification point) were treated with Rfr
detect “deep” points. The auricular point for the -LIV (442 Hz) for 20-30 seconds.
hock was “active” and determined to be the “deep” b. GB-44 (Ting point) and GB-43 (tonification
point (Figure 3). Therefore the hock appeared to still point) were treated with Rfr-GB (583 Hz) for
be the primary area affected and treatment of that 20-30 seconds.
c. SI-18 (Reunion point of the Yang TMM of the
foot) with Rfr-SI (791 Hz) for 20-30 seconds.
d. CV-3 (Reunion point of the Yin-TMM of the
foot) was treated with Bfr-7 (38,368 Hz) for 20
-30 seconds.
5. The Cardinal (Opening) points of the Eight
Extraordinary Channels (LU-7, KID-6, SP-4, PC-6,
SI-3, BL-62, GB-41 and TH-5) were tested for an
RAC (VAS) with Bfr-5 (9,592 Hz) useful for
detecting “active” Opening points.
a. GB-41 and TH-5 were detected as “active”
Opening points and were treated for 30 sec
with a 90-Watt impulse laser.
6. Back Shu Association points were tested with the
positive pole of the 3-volt Hammer to detect
a. BL-18 and BL-23 were found to be “active”
Figure 7a: A right tarsal joint infection of 6 months and were treated with Nfr-C (1,168 Hz) for 30
duration in a two-year-old crossbred stallion. On seconds.
presentation the hock circumference was 61cm
(Reprinted with permission from: Petermann U. The same treatment was given seven times over a 2-
Kontrollierte Laserakupunktur bei Hund und Pferd. week period and the circumference of the joint reduced
Sonntag Verlag in MVS Medizubverlag. Stuttgart, to 47 cm and the horse walked without lameness (Figure
Germany: Thieme Verlaggruppe 2011) 7b). After 5 minutes of trotting, he could also trot
Dog and horse auricular maps are available at:
www.akupunkturtierarzt.de (select English version if
Figure 8b: The same 13-year-old Arabian mare in b
3-volt hammer available in the Florida at: http://
Figure 8a after 40 minutes of LLLT acupuncture
treatment. Her breathing had improved and the rate had
productinfo/76001/; Canada at: http://
decreased to 28 breaths/minute. She was no longer
panicked and her nostrils were not flared. (Reprinted
Europe: http://www.schwa-medico.com/cms/upload/
with permission from: Petermann U. Kontrollierte
Laserakupunktur bei Hund und Pferd. Sonntag Verlag in c
RAC Diagnostic and LLLT delivery devices: http://
MVS Medizubverlag. Stuttgart, Germany: Thieme
Verlaggruppe 2011)
TCVM Notes
Yunnan Pai Yao or Yunnan Baiyao (White medicine from the Yunnan province) is the most popular Chinese herbal
formula for the control of hemorrhage. The hemostatic properties of the formula decrease both the clotting and
prothrombin times and initiate platelet release. San Qi (Panax Notoginseng) is the main ingredient in Yunnan Pai Yao.
The genus Panax (Latin = ‘cure-all’) and the family of ginseng plants are one of the most well known herbs with
hemostatic qualities in Chinese medicine. Although other ingredients in the formula may vary those commonly included
in veterinary formulas are: 40% San Qi (Panax Notoginseng), 17% San Yu Cao (Ajuga Forrestii), 13.3% Huan Shan Yao
(Dioscorea), 11.5% Chuan Shan Long (Dioscorea Nipponica, 7.2% Lao He Cao (Geranii), 6% Ku Liang Jiang
(Dioscorea parviflora), 5% Bai Niu Dan (Inulae Cappae). In humans, Yunnan Pai Yao was used during China’s Civil
War and the Vietnam War to stop bleeding in injured soldiers. Veterinary uses include epistaxsis, hematuria, bloody
diarrhea, hematemesis, abnormal uterine bleeding, bleeding from surgical trauma and tumors. The precise mechanism of
action is poorly understood. The underlying cause of the bleeding must be treated as the formula is not intended for long
-term use and may cause gastrointestinal upset in some animals.
Mushtaq A. Memon, BVSc, PhD, DACT