Enjoy Your Salah: Adapted From Taste The Sweetness of Salah'

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Enjoy Your


Adapted from
‘Taste the Sweetness of Salah’
“My utmost joy has been put in ṣalāh.”
(The Prophet Muḥammad , Nasā’ī)

“Stand O Bilāl (and say the call

to prayer), and bring us comfort
through ṣalāh!”
(The Prophet Muḥammad , Abū Dāwūd)
Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could pray every
single rakʿah (unit) of every ṣalāh with complete
concentration, calmness and humility?

Imagine wanting to pray ṣalāh. Not just because

you have to, but because you love to. Imagine
rushing to ṣalāh every time you face a difficulty or
feel anxious. Imagine being able to pray throughout
the night like the Messenger  did, for hours on
end, prolonging your standing, rukūʿ and sujūd.
Imagine not being attacked by Shayṭān’s whispers
in your ṣalāh. Imagine actually enjoying your ṣalāh.

Enjoy Your Ṣalāh has been compiled to inspire you

to work towards this noble goal. It outlines how
to achieve khushūʿ and takes you on a journey
through ṣalāh. We ask Allah  to bless us with
khushūʿ and to grant us the sweetness of ṣalāh.

P.S. If you find this booklet beneficial, you can order

a free copy of the more detailed and more beneficial
version ‘Taste the Sweetness of Ṣalāh’.

Khushūʿ: The Key to Enjoying Ṣalāh
Allah  says in the Qur’ān: “Successful indeed are
the believers, who are humble and submissive
in their ṣalāh.” (23:1-2)

Khushūʿ: A state in which the heart stands before

Allah  with complete humility, lowliness and
servitude; focusing fully on Him Alone. Then
the body also humbles itself and obeys Allah.

Ḥudhayfah  said, “The first thing you will lose of

your religion will be khushūʿ and the last thing you
will lose of your religion will be ṣalāh. There may be
a person praying yet there is no goodness in him.
Soon a time will come when you will enter a large
masjid and not see a single person with khushūʿ in it.”

The 3 Elements of Khushūʿ

Constantly Be in awe your sins,
remember of His weakness
+ + Khushūʿ
that Allah greatness & & desperate
sees you magnificence need for Him.

The Virtues and Benefits of
Praying With Khushūʿ

Allows you to
understand the
REAL meaning
of ṣalāh.
Brings you Protects you
close to Allah. from sins.

Fills your
heart with Ṣalāh you Paradise.
Gives success Forgives all
in this world and your previous
the hereafter sins.

Leads you Increases love

to cry out of for performing
Allah’s fear. ṣalāh.

“Two rakʿahs with contemplation are better

than standing up for the entire night with an
inattentive heart.”
-ʿAbdullāh b. ʿAbbās 

The following steps briefly outline how to develop
khushūʿ. For further elaboration, refer to the
detailed book ‘Taste the Sweetness of Ṣalāh’.

1 Appreciate the importance of ṣalāh.

Ṣalāh is the second pillar of Islam, the prime
connection between you and Allah, and the
best way to purify your heart.

2 Get to know Allah (maʿrifah) through His

Names and Attributes, His Book, and His
signs in the universe.

3 Stop sinning. Protect your eyes, tongue,

heart and stomach from ḥarām.

4 Soften your heart by remembering

Allah (dhikr), remembering death, visiting
graveyards, feeding the poor and stroking
the heads of orphans.

5 Increase your private worship. Perform

good deeds which are hidden from everyone
and keep them between you and Allah.

6 Always make duʿā’ for khushūʿ and don’t
give up. Don’t let Shayṭān make you believe
that khushūʿ is not for you.

7 Respond to the adhān and act upon the

etiquettes of the masjid. Prepare physically
and spiritually. Perform wuḍū thoroughly
at home, apply perfume, wear clean and
appropriate clothing, walk calmly; and
perform taḥiyyat al-masjid once you arrive.

8 Don’t delay and pray in congregation.

Pray at the earliest time possible. Pray in the
masjid, aiming to be there for the first takbir
and to pray in the first row.

9 Be punctual with your Sunnah prayers,

especially the 12 daily Sunnah mu’akkadah
(emphasised) rakʿahs.

10 Get rid of distractions. Eat and use the

bathroom before praying. Pray in a quiet
place and put your phone away to enter a
‘peaceful zone’.

1 Fight the whispers of Shayṭān. Always
be on guard as Shayṭān wants to destroy
your ṣalāh. Seek Allah’s protection and force
yourself to reflect on what you are saying.

2 Know that you are talking to Allah and

that He is responding to you. Ṣalāh is a
private and intimate conversation between
you and Allah. Feel privileged that you are
entering His Court.

3 Know what you are saying. Learn the

translation of everything you are saying in
ṣalāh. This will help you reflect on what you
are saying.

4 Vary the adhkār and sūrahs. Memorise

additional adhkār and sūrahs from the
Qur’ān to experience the beauty of ṣalāh.
See the detailed ‘Taste the Sweetness of
Ṣalāh’ book for a list of the adhkār.

5 Recite the Qur’ān slowly and beautifully.

Don’t rush what you are saying and give
every word its due.

6 Reflect and interact with the Qur’ān.
Ponder on what you are reciting, let the
words enter your heart, and allow your īmān
to increase.

7 Be calm and lengthen your ṣalāh. Don’t

rush through your ṣalāh. Stand up and sit up
straight in the postures, and take your time
with the adhkār. Enjoy your conversation
with Allah and prolong it.

8 Remember death and the hereafter during

and outside of your ṣalāh. Think you are
praying your final prayer. Visualise the
stages of the hereafter in your ṣalāh.

9 Cultivate and bring the following emotions

to your ṣalāh: the love of Allah, hope in Him
and fear of Him.

10 Focus your heart fully on Allah. Try to pray

as though you can see Him. If you can’t, then
keep in mind that He sees you. This is the
key to ṣalāh.

A Journey Through Ṣalāh
The journey through ṣalāh is remarkable. Each part
is a unique milestone, bringing its own sweetness
and joy. Every action and statement have their own
form of servitude (ʿubūdiyyah) to Allah.

To help you attain khushūʿ, below are some pointers

to focus on during each step of the journey. For
more elaboration on each step, refer to the ‘Taste
the Sweetness of Ṣalāh’ book.

1 Wuḍū: Inner and Outer Purification

Recite the duʿā’ before and after wuḍū’.
Pray two rakʿahs after wuḍū’ (taḥiyyat
Make an intention to purify yourself from
three impurities:
1 shirk, 2 sins and 3 dirt.

When performing wuḍū, visualise :

1 your sins being forgiven,
2 your status being raised,
3 the eight doors of Paradise being
4 the Prophet  recognising you on the

Day of Judgement because of wuḍū.

2 Walking to the Masjid

The masjid is the most beloved of places
to Allah. Have the intention that, by
walking to the masjid, you are returning
to your Master to set aright your
negligence of Him.
Walk calmy and mentally prepare to
enter ṣalāh.
For every step you take, hope for :
1 one good deed,
2 being raised a degree and
3 one sin being wiped away.

3 Takbīr: Glorifying Allah

Renew your sincerity and empty your
heart of anything besides Allah.
Strive to eliminate pride from your heart.
Magnify and glorify Allah with your
tongue and heart.
As you enter the court of the Almighty,
surrender to Allah by raising your hands
and mentally throw the world behind you.

4 Istiftāḥ: The Opening Duʿā’
Fill your heart with the greatness of Allah
and praise Him.
Just as you are facing the Qiblah with
your body, turn your heart to Allah.
Renew your repentance and make a firm
intention to stop sinning.

5 Istiʿādhah and Basmalah

Seek protection in the mighty and
invincible power of Allah against your
worst enemy.
Start by seeking Allah’s help and

6 Qiyām: Standing before your Master

Clasp your arms like a humble slave and
lower your gaze. Do not look to the left or
Continuously recall that you are now in
front of Allah and He is talking to you.

7 Reciting Qur’ān
Recite slowly and beautifully.

Reflect on the words you are uttering and
fill your heart with love, hope and fear
(depending on what you are reciting).
Vary the sūrahs you have memorised.
Visualise and interact with what you are
Increase in knowledge and your īmān
of Allah as He manifests Himself through
His words.

8 Fātiḥah: The Greatest Sūrah

Learn and reflect on the meaning.
Take a moment to pause at the end of
each āyah as Allah responds.
Recall and reflect on all of the blessings
Allah has given you (manifestations of
His mercy). This will increase your love for
and hope in Him (Āyah 1-2).
Visualise your plight on the Day of
Judgement and feel scared (Āyah 3).
Feel yourself expressing your servitude
and need of Him, whilst simultaneously
magnifying Him (Āyah 4).

Know that Sūrah Fātiḥah is one of the
best duʿās, so learn its meaning and
recite it as though you really mean it!

9 Āmīn: The Seal of the Lord of the Worlds

Be certain that Allah will accept your
Intend for your āmīn to coincide with
the āmīn of the angels so that you are

10 Rukūʿ: A Pillar of Glorification

Glorify Allah Alone.
Bow physically and mentally.
Remove the glorification of anyone other
than Him from your heart.
Don’t make your humility and submission
to Allah temporary. Be humble and
submit to him outside of ṣalāh as well.

11 Standing up from Rukūʿ: A Pillar of Praise

Praise Allah once again.
Fill your heart with His love, awe and

Acknowledge your servitude to Him and
be certain that only He can give and
Hope that your praise coincides with the
praises of the angels, so that Allah will
forgive your sins.

12 Sujūd: The Greatest Pillar of Ṣalāh

Prostrate to Allah with humility – go to
Allah like a beggar would.
Experience delight in being close to Him,
as this is the closest you can get to Him
on this earth.
Feel honoured that you only prostrate to
Him, and not to any of His creation.
Have hope that your sujūd will wipe
away your sins and remove the burdens
off your shoulders.
Take advantage and make duʿā’.
As you perform this most honourable
deed, consider how you are triumphing
over Shayṭān, who is now crying.
By performing more sujūd (through extra
nafl prayers), hope to be in the company

of the Prophet  in Paradise.

13 Sitting Between the Two Sajdahs

Sit up straight and don’t rush this step.
Humbly plead for forgiveness. Remember
that you are sitting on your knees with
your eyes lowered.
Recite and reflect on the supplication that
the Prophet  made in this moment: for
Allah to forgive you, have mercy upon
you, grant you well-being, guide you and
provide for you.

14 The Final Sitting (Tashahhud)

Through tashahhud, you are now bidding
farewell to your ṣalāh.
Respectfully greet Allah and pay your
respect to Him.
Send salām on the Prophet  and feel
the joy as he replies to you.
Feel a sense of brotherhood with all the
believers in general, and with the pious
slaves specifically.
ُ َّ ٰ
َ َّ ْ َ ُ َ ْ َ
Renew your tawḥīd with ‫أشهد أن ل إِل إِل اهلل‬

and raise your finger to demonstrate this.
In the final duʿā’, enjoy another chance to
ask Allah for your needs.

15 Taslīm and the End of Ṣalāh

Intend that you are greeting the angels
and those around you.
The taslīm concludes this epic journey.
Feel sad that you are now leaving your
Creator and returning to the worries of
the world.
No matter how hard you’ve tried, your
ṣalāh will have deficiencies. So, seek
Allah's forgiveness and recite the adhkār
after ṣalāh.
Beware of ʿujb (self-admiration and
conceit) about your ṣalāh.
Be grateful to Allah who has allowed you
to undertake this amazing journey.

The process of attaining khushūʿ and enjoying

ṣalāh requires time and effort. It won't happen
overnight. Keep coming back to these pointers and
work on them in gradual steps.

“When the time for ṣalāh comes close,
I perform wuḍu thoroughly, go to the spot where I
intend to pray, and sit there until all my limbs are
in a collected state.

Then I stand up to perform my prayer, placing the

Kaʿbah in front of my eyes, the ṣirāṭ (bridge over
Hell-fire) beneath my feet, Paradise to my right
and Hell-fire to my left, and the Angel of Death
behind me, thinking all the while that this is my
last prayer.

Then I stand between hope and fear. I carefully

pronounce ‘Allāhu Akbar’. Then I recite the Qur’ān
carefully in a measured pace, bow in humility,
and prostrate submissively. I then present it with
sincerity to Allah. Then I wonder whether or not
my prayer has been accepted.”
- Ḥātim al-Aṣamm 
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