COVID-19 and Eating Disorders During Confinement
COVID-19 and Eating Disorders During Confinement
COVID-19 and Eating Disorders During Confinement
DOI: 10.1002/erv.2771
Fernando Fernández-Aranda, Eating
Disorders Unit, Department of Psychiatry, Objectives: To assess the level of deterioration in functioning of ED patients dur-
University Hospital of Bellvitge-IDIBELL ing confinement, due to COVID-19, and examine potential contributing factors
and CIBEROBN, Feixa Llarga s/n 08907
Hospitalet del Llobregat, Barcelona, (coping strategies, anxiety-depressive symptomatology and personality traits).
Spain. Methods: A total of 74 ED patients in treatment before the COVID-19 out-
break, contributed to this study. Baseline pre-treatment evaluation included
Funding information the SCL-90R, TCI-R, EDI-2 and Y-FAS 2.0 questionnaires for general psycho-
Centro de Investigación Biomédica en pathology, personality and ED severity indexes. ED symptoms, coping strate-
Red-Fisiopatología de la Obesidad y
Nutrición; Generalitat de Catalunya -
gies, socio-demographic data and COVID-19 concerns were collected by
PERIS, Grant/Award Number: clinicians through a semi-structured telephone survey during lockdown.
SLT006/17/00246; Instituto de Salud Results: A deterioration in ED symptoms and general psychopathology (anxiety
Carlos III, Grant/Award Number:
PI17/01167; Ministerio de Educación, and depression), during lockdown, was associated with low self-directedness. Higher
Cultura y Deporte (Spain)- FPU, Grant/ ED symptomatology during confinement was associated with less-adaptive coping
Award Number: FPU16/01453; Post-
strategies to deal with lockdown situation leading to an increase in weight.
Residency Grant from Research
Committee of the University Hospital of Conclusions: These specific vulnerability factors to further confinement or stressful
Bellvitge (HUB; Barcelona, Spain) situations may help design personalized preventive and therapeutic approaches.
confinement, COVID-19, eating disorders, mental health, personality
Eur Eat Disorders Rev. 2020;28:855–863. © 2020 Eating Disorders Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd 855
future, (c) employment status, (d) supply and access to 2.4 | Statistical analyses
treatments and, (e) other concerns. A yes /no evaluation
of anxiety (psychical, emotional, motor, and cognitive Statistical analysis was carried out with Stata16 for win-
dimensions), depressive symptoms (such as low mood, dows (Stata Press, 2019). The comparison between the
pessimism, or insomnia), other consequences (boredom groups of the study was done through chi-square tests
or social conflicts) and familial conflicts were made. (χ 2) for categorical variables and t test for quantitative
Finally, coping strategies during confinement were measures. Effect size for the proportion and the mean dif-
evaluated in two ways: (a) as presence or absence of ferences was estimated with Cohen's-d coefficient, con-
both adaptive and non-adaptive mechanisms and, (b) as sidering null effect for |d| < 0.20, low-poor for |d| > 0.20,
well as the kind of strategies carried out by categorizing mild-medium for |d| > 0.50 and large-high for |d| > 0.80)
the coping mechanisms in dimensions (five for adaptive (Cohen, 1988; Kelley & Preacher, 2012).
strategies: social contact; leisure; sports activities; daily Path analysis procedure assessed the underlying
routines; and academic/work activity and three dimen- relationships between the variables of the study (direct
sions for non-adaptive ones: COVID-19 over-informa- and indirect links, including mediational associations).
tion; ED behaviours and other non-adaptive This analysis was carried out as a case of structural
behaviours. An extended version of this scale has been equation modelling (SEM), with the maximum-
published in the current issue (Fernández-Aranda likelihood estimation method of parameter estimation.
et al., 2020). Due the large number of contextual and personal
TABLE 2 Association between the ED-state during the confinement with the clinical measures prior to the COVID-19
Worse n = 19 Non-worse n = 55
variables characterizing the COVID-19 confinement, a reactions, non-adaptive reactions, anxiety, depression,
latent variable was defined (labelled as “COVID” in the other problems and familiar conflicts). The goodness-of-
model, defined by the presence of concerns, adaptive fit was tested with standard statistical measures: χ 2 test,
FIGURE 1 Path-diagram with the standardized coefficients. Note. Continuous line: significant coefficient. Dash line: non-significant
the root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA), study, the participants were re-classified in two groups
Bentler's Comparative Fit Index (CFI), the Tucker-Lewis based on the ED state during the confinement: symp-
Index (TLI), and the standardized root mean square tom deterioration (n = 19) or not (n = 55).
residual (SRMR). Adequate fit was considered for
(Barrett, 2007) non-significant result in the χ 2 test,
RMSEA<0.08, TLI > 0.90, CFI > 0.90 and SRMR<0.10. 3.2 | Comparison of groups based on the
ED progression during COVID-19 lockdown
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