MEC4408 - (12-2pm) - Practical Test 6 - Week 8 - Re-Take 2

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MEC4408 - Thermodynamics and heat transfer Practical Test 6 – re-take 2

(Week 8 – Thursday 12-2 pm)

TEST DURATION: 30 min writing time + 10 min of scanning, collating and uploading to
This is an open book (in its broadest sense) test. To complete the question, you may need to
refer to property tables, which can be found in the prescribed text book and are also available
through the MEC4408 Moodle page, as well as mathematical tables and any other resources
like Matlab, Mathematica, etc. that you choose to use.

To earn full marks, you must include:

• Concise statement of the problem, known variables and parameters and what must be found
• List of pertinent simplifying assumptions
• State appropriate physical laws and/or conservation principles
• Compile property values needed for subsequent calculations and identify/cite the sources
from which they were obtained with mentioning units.
• Calculations and applications of lasts and principles
• Discussion of results, e.g. summary of key conclusions, inference of trends, verification
• show all your working clearly.
• Write your answers in pen on plain or ruled A4 paper in a single-column format using
legible writing.
• Number and initial the top right corner of each page.
• Scan or photograph your work in portrait format, ensuring the text is legible and append
your solution pages to the end of this file PDF file.

Name the PDF file: <Your student ID number>.pdf . Upload this SINGLE PDF FILE in
portrait format to Moodle before the due time. If you encounter technical difficulties, contact
the lecturer or demonstrators immediately. Late submissions without special considerations in
effect will receive no marks.
3-4 2 1 0
Concise statement of the problem, known
variables and parameters and what must
be found (0.5 mark)

List of pertinent simplifying assumptions

(1 mark)

State appropriate physical laws and/or

conservation principles (1 mark)

Compile property values needed for

subsequent calculations and identify the
sources from which they were obtained (2

Calculations and applications of lasts and

principles (4 marks)

Discussion of results, e.g. summary of key

conclusions, inference of trends,
verification (1.5 mark)

Carbon steel balls (8 mm in diameter, k = 54 W/m·K, α = 1.474 × 10 -6 m/s, ρ = 7833 kg/m3, and cp =

0.465 kJ/kg·°C) are annealed by heating them first to 900 °C in a furnace and then allowing them to

cool slowly to 100 °C in ambient air. The ambient air temperature is 35 °C.

a) Determine how long the annealing process will take (the average heat transfer coefficient is 75


b) Determine the total rate of heat transfer from the balls to the ambient air (2500 balls are to be

annealed per hour).

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