MileStone1 Arrays

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Hands-on Assignment Status
No Covered

Write a program to initialize an integer array and print the One

1 sum and average of the array dimensional

Write a program to initialize an integer array and find the One

2 maximum and minimum value of an array. dimensional

Write a program to initialize an integer array with values

and check if a given number is present in the array or not. If
the number is not found, it will print -1 else it will print
the index value of the given number in the array
Ex1) Array elements are {1,4,34,56,7} and the search element
is 90 One
3 dimensional
O/P: -1 Array
Ex2)Array elements are {1,4,34,56,7} and the search element
is 56
O/P: 4

Initialize an integer array with ascii values and print the One
4 corresponding character values in a single row. dimensional

Write a program to find the largest 2 numbers and the One

5 smallest 2 numbers in the given array dimensional

Write a program to initialize an array and print them in a One

6 sorted fashion dimensional

Write a program to remove the duplicate elements in an array

and print
7 Eg) Array Elements--12,34,12,45,67,89 dimensional
O/P: 12,34,45,67,89 Array

8 One
Write a program to print the element of an array that has dimensional
occurred the highest number of times
Eg) Array -> 10,20,10,30,40,100,99

Write a program to print the sum of the elements of the array

with the given below condition. If the array has 6 and 7 in
succeeding orders, ignore 6 and 7 and the numbers between them
for the calculation of sum.
Eg1) Array Elements - 10,3,6,1,2,7,9
O/P: 22
9 [i.e 10+3+9] dimensional
Eg2) Array Elements - 7,1,2,3,6
Eg3) Array Elements - 1,6,4,7,9

10 Two
Write a program to reverse the elements of a given 2*2 array. Dimensional
Four integer numbers needs to be passed as Command Line Array


C:\>java Sample 1 2 3

O/P Expected : Please enter 4 integer numbers


C:\>java Sample 1 2 3 4

O/P Expected :
The given array is :
1 2
3 4
The reverse of the array is :
4 3
2 1

1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12

Write a program to find greatest number in a 3*3 array. The

program is supposed to receive 9 integer numbers as command
line arguments.

C:\>java Sample 1 2 3

O/P Expected : Please enter 9 integer numbers

11 Dimensional
C:\>java Sample 1 23 45 55 121 222 56 77 89

O/P Expected :
The given array is :
1 23 45
55 121 222
56 77 89
The biggest number in the given array is 222

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