To Kill A Mockingbird

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Alford Council of International English & Literature Journal(ACIELJ)

Impact Factor:4.401(SJIF)An International Peer-Reviewed English Journal Vol-2,Issue-3 ,2019 ISSN:2581-6500
Dr. Ramesh Prasad Adhikary
Assistant Professor
Tribhuwan University, Kathmandu
M.M. Campus, Nepalgunj, Nepal
Abstract Kill a Mockingbird, her one and only
This research article is focused on novel. For most of Lee's life, her mother
the voice for subaltern in Harper Lee's To suffered from mental illness, rarely leaving
Kill a Mockingbird. This research paper the house. It has believed that she may
reveals the fact that Harper Lee's To Kill a have had bipolar disorder.
Mockingbird goes around the trial of black
boy named Tom Robinson who is accused Atticus Finch, the protagonist of
of raping a white woman, Atticus Finch the novel belongs to elite family of
defends him. Lee showed the prejudice of Alabama. He attempts to get rid
the society to focus on the role of marginalized person like Tom Robinson
intellectual to make the subaltern people who belongs to race and class subaltern,
conscious. So also, Lee shows race accused of raping Mayell Ewell. Finch is
subalterns who are marginalized and sympathetic towards a black boy, Tom, in
suppressed. But, the elite intellectual particular and black community as a
speaks for the right and existence of whole. Subalterns were marginalized in
suppressed subalterns, which gives the the white dominated society during
glimpse of hope in hopelessness. A docile Nineteenth-century, and they are unable to
and obedient subaltern boy changes into speak for themselves. Even more, they
revolutionary figure and silently speaks for ignore their situation and do not produce
equal right. Lee also presents the same single word against cruel governing power
voice in this fiction. that has false assumption that they are
superior, intellectual, independent and
Keywords: subaltern, voice for voiceless, talent by birth and subalterns are inferior,
race, otherness, hegemony, discrimination dependent, emotional, and weak. All the
subaltern people are hegemonized and
Introduction: taken it as their fate. For instance, Tom
This research article is about the Robinson is innocent and he knows about
novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper the reality that he has not raped a white
Lee from the perspective of subaltern woman, Mayella Ewell, but he is unable to
studies. African American writer Nelle revolt and become a victim of ignorant
Harper Lee tries to show the real story of white court and sentence to the death. In
the contemporary society through the the surface level, it seems that the
novel To Kill a Mockingbird. She has used protagonist of the novel, Atticus Finch, has
the same name of the place where she was respect and love towards Tom Robinson
born, also has taken the same situation and but in deeper level, the writer attempts to
circumstances of her life in the novel To show her empathy towards subalterns.
Kill a Mockingbird. She is best for writing
the Pultizer prize winning, bestseller To

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Alford Council of International English & Literature Journal(ACIELJ)
Impact Factor:4.401(SJIF)An International Peer-Reviewed English Journal Vol-2,Issue-3 ,2019 ISSN:2581-6500
Yet the book's setting and characters come inside the fence and bust up a
are not the only aspects of the story shaped chiffarobe for her" (101). But, he cannot
by events that occurred during Lee's see a white woman even with a straight
childhood but also an outcome of her and daring look. When such a situation
deeper psychic of her trauma. When Lee happens, Tom's rumored attempt to rape a
was five, nine young black men accused of white woman made worse his situation.
raping two white women near Scottsboro Atticus is there for him defending him to
of Alabama. After a series of lengthy, the best of abilities when no one stands by
highly publicized, and often bitter trials, him in such situation. Description to the
five of the nine men were sentenced to subalterns here is cultural and runs a very
long prison terms. Many prominent deep in the town of Maycom.
lawyers and other American citizens saw
the sentences as spurious and motivated In the novel subaltern’s inability is
only by racial prejudice. It was also presented where black and white society
suspected that the women who had exists. Mayella Ewell, a white woman
accused the men were lying, and in appeal waits for months for a chance to get some
after appeal, their claims became more true affection. Being a Negro (subaltern),
dubious. Tom cannot yield to Maella without
The novel is set against the getting the blame of her actions. At this
background of the 1930s Southern situation, Tom does not dare to push her in
American life. It portrays the story of order to get away by the desires. When he
black who has accused of raping a white denies and dismisses any such possibility,
woman and a white lawyer attempt to he has accused of rape and left alone to
defend him by heart. Unfortunately, the struggle for justice. This is the bad fate of
trial ends with a tragedy of accused black hypocrite society, Tom is a marginalized,
boy, Tom Robinson. The novel directly and low classed Negro in white
depicts the brutal social discrimination of community, he found no voice for safety
the inferior people in the Southern whatsoever; in Maycomb, townspeople
American society. The white layer's deep always of a white person (so called elite),
support into the issue of black boy's case no matter how arguable.
surely reveals a subaltern subject matter
through the novel. A white layer, Atticus Her own community member
Finch positions himself to save the ridicules Scout, a little girl just because her
innocent black, Tom Robinson, though father Atticus has appointed as lawyer to
there was hatred of his own community defend Tom, a Negro. The white
members. It shows the consciousness of community laughs at him by saying
intellectual towards subalterns; it is their "Negro lover" because as educated and
duty to make them aware about their status white man he is ready to help a poor,
and position. uneducated black boy. Moreover, the
novel explores white people's feeling
A false accusation of blame was towards socially backward especially
sufficient to alien him in the white Negro. On the other hand, Atticus Finch is
dominated society. Informed by a long worried about the backward and
existing racial domination of white people dominated Negro community. He appoints
and demonization of the black races, Tom Calpurnia as cook; she take cares his
being a black is supposed to be submissive children after the death of his wife. The
to the white-skinned people. Tom himself children, Scout and Jem have taken her as
discloses, "One day Mayella asked me to their mother, "She gave a dime to me and

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Alford Council of International English & Literature Journal(ACIELJ)
Impact Factor:4.401(SJIF)An International Peer-Reviewed English Journal Vol-2,Issue-3 ,2019 ISSN:2581-6500
dime to Jem... you are my company" (64). They find the world of adults full of
Scout finds the shadow of her mother in injustice. As he writes:
the face of Calpurnia because she has lost The theme of the novel may
her mother at the age of two. extend even
…………………about the
White society is badly polluted and adult world until finally
hypocrite in general but particularly Finch each child has own reaction
and his children are there who are always to it. (55)
in favor of the subaltern group of the black
people. They are representative of white Stephen Lubet in his attempt to
community, disobey the community reconstruct the major character, Atticus
construction of subaltern people as non- Finch, a lawyer, who despot being a white
humans, "a mob always made up of defends a black man, and a much adored
people, no matter what. Mr Cunninghum figure for his belief in humanitarian
was part of a mob last night but he was causes, argues on "the possibility that
still a man" (83). They love and perceive Atticus Finch was not quite the heroic
subalterns on the ground of human values defender of an innocent man wrongly
and fight for social equality and justice. accused" (1340). Hegenerates several
They represent love and humanity. questions and sets them as premises of his
arguments that has generated after a deep
Around 1950s and 1960s concentration on the trial scenes of the
discrimination and prejudice against novel.
subalterns especially black and poor From the above -mentioned critics
people was very common in the southern have focused their views on different
status of America. The earning of high aspects of the novel, but not on the voice
strata people was double then lowers one. for voiceless. So, this paper deals this
This discrimination in earning and wage novel from the perspective of subaltern.
created the big gulf between subalterns Theoretical Framework: Subaltern
and elite. To Kill a Mockingbird has been Voice
enormously popular with reading public The term 'subaltern' refers to the
raising such issues. It has much marginalized or oppressed people, in terms
appreciated for its author's ability to weave of class, caste, age, religion, ethnicity and
together the vivid eccentric characters of a gender. The subalterns are thinking that
small town, the observation of a small but they are marginalized and cannot speak
sensitive child and a plea for social justice. though they are aware of the suppression
The novel has accumulated a variety of or marginalization. They lack the language
criticism since its publication in 1960. The of their own, which can express their pain
novel has viewed from different and sufferings. So, it is the duty of
perspectives. Many reviewers lauded the intellectuals to unite and make subaltern
book as an insignificant expose of social aware of freedom who are just serving the
reality of the South, and a powerful elite in the condition of history less,
rendering of modern heroism. wordlessness and powerless.

Critic, Donald F. Roden, views the The very word 'subaltern' was used in
novel, as "a story of experience", analyses medieval period for the vassals and
how children learn the evils of the adult farmers. In 1700 too, the term 'subaltern'
world as they are about to enter it." (54) has used to denote the lower rank people
in military because they are from peasant

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Alford Council of International English & Literature Journal(ACIELJ)
Impact Factor:4.401(SJIF)An International Peer-Reviewed English Journal Vol-2,Issue-3 ,2019 ISSN:2581-6500
family. By 1800, some intellectuals like about consciousness and cultural dealing
writers and historians are dissatisfied on of the elite to the subaltern.
this trend and they have written novels,
histories from the subalterns perspectives The goal of Subaltern Studies is to
about military campaign in India and seek to rewrite and redraw the boundaries
America. When Antonio Gramsci adopted of history and recover the erased or missed
the term 'subaltern' to refer those group history of marginalized people. Therefore,
who are ‘othered’ in any society, got an it focuses on the activities and the muted
authentic voice to refer those groups "who voice of the marginal's. The publication of
are subject to the hegemony of the ruling books on Subaltern Studies itself proves as
classes" (76). Peasant, workers and other an important event in the writing of the
groups may fall under the term subalterns, history of subaltern. The subaltern people
who are denied access to hegemonic have their own identity, history and their
power. These subaltern classes have forced own way to identify the culture and
to stay away from the hegemonic power lifestyle. Despite the domination of the
and suffer the exploitation of the ruling subaltern people by the elite group, they
classes. The idea of Gramsci is appropriate try to protest it. Subaltern Studies Group
here, it is accepted that subalterns are has tried their best to provide a platform to
hegemonised and denied to speak against the dominated voice, which is supposed to
hegemonic power but it is easy to speak get enough attention.
for powerful person in favor of subaltern
people who are not mercy of power. Subaltern Studies has become a
global concern these days. It draws ideas
Subaltern Studies was started since from diverse discipline like history,
1970s to provide history and voice to the culture, sociology, anthropology, literature
subaltern people. It encourages writing the and so on. Therefore, it is interdisciplinary
historiography of the people who are in nature. It is a different way of writing
ignored by the colonialist as well as historiography from the perspective of the
bourgeois nationalists. It works to marginalized mass. While writing, it has
establish the subalterns as an autonomous reinvented many terms, which are essential
body. Subaltern discipline is started from for such kind of historiography including
Asian country India and it questions the subalternity itself. It is participated in
academic history in South Asian contemporary critiques of history and
historiography by calling it "elite culture" nationalism. It deals with inferiority and
resulted as "the consequences of British dominating structures of every global
colonialism" (Guha VII). society. The history of subaltern classes is
Subaltern Studies can define as a a very complex issue, no doubt, as the
theory of change, which sustains vigorous history of dominant class.
political commitment. Subaltern studies
recently deals with the issue of There are two types of views related
representation, critical theory and cultural to the question that either the subaltern
studies from subaltern politics. Gayatri people can raise their voice by themselves
Chakravorty Spivak writes, "The Subaltern or they need to be represented by others.
Studies […] perceive their task as making There are some critics like Spivak who
a theory of consciousness or culture rather believes that the subaltern subjects have
than specifically a theory of change" regulated to the position of subjects. They
(330). Spivak here is very much concerned are made only the subjects. Therefore, they
cannot speak. They have to be represented

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Alford Council of International English & Literature Journal(ACIELJ)
Impact Factor:4.401(SJIF)An International Peer-Reviewed English Journal Vol-2,Issue-3 ,2019 ISSN:2581-6500
by the elite intellectuals because only the adequate understanding in term of clarity
intellectual elites can present interpretation is expressed in their inability to unite the
of the subaltern voice filtered through the people around themselves. For the
intellectual viewpoint. In another idea of subalterns, on the other hand, this very
Spivak subaltern cannot speak and elite lack of clarity makes it important for us to
intellectuals can represent them in filtered realize the significance of every trace of
form. I argued that the intellectuals should their independent initiative, even though it
create the platform to speak for subaltern remained fragmented in scale and distant
not they present their voice in their own from the core of articulate political society.
perception. If intellectuals try to present
the voice of subaltern they will never come The way the Subaltern Study is
out from hegemony and scare forever. marching ahead suggests that it is a rather
creative as well as impressionable project.
The promary aim of Subaltern That is why it has been assimilating ideas
Studies is to understand the consciousness from diverse disciplines: history, literature,
that formed and still forms political actions anthropology, culture, sociology and so
taken by the subaltern classes on their on. It is interdisciplinary. Tara Lal
own, independently of any elite initiatives. sherstha's reflection of the subaltern in
It is only by giving this consciousness a literature is indeed appropriate in this
central place in historical analysis that we regard, as for him, docile and silent
see the subaltern as the history one lives 'subaltern speaks in literature.' It is a new
out. In this way, subaltern consciousness way of writing historiography: a history
has been always a critical point of from below. So, it has reinvented many
subalternity. The peasants or subaltern terms including subalternity itself.
groups tend to resist the elite domination.
It comes as an invariant feature about Textual Analysis: Voice for Voiceless
subaltern group, which makes the Subaltern in Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird
discussion on the subaltern mentality
fruitful. The subaltern people resisted the Subaltern refers to the people who
bourgeois nationalists as well as are subjugated in terms of class, caste, age,
indigenous elite leaders by disobeying religion, ethnicity and gender. Subalterns
their orders. They would take part in the have huge power in history making but it
anti imperialist movements in their own has unknown for them. Harper Lee's novel
traditionalist way. They would derive the To Killed a Mockingbird presents the
terms from the idioms of their everyday voice for subalterns as the resistance of the
life so that they could make these struggles own dominant class ideology. The
their own. Hence, "defiance" is not the protagonist of the novel, Atticus Finch
only characteristic behavior of the raises the voice against white community.
subaltern classes but also "submissiveness The consciousness for subaltern has
to authority" equally important feature of manifested in different part of the novel.
their behaviors.
Actually, subalterns have been
The term 'subaltern' has been used to treated as second beings or like animals.
denote the people who are subordinate in No love, affection, sympathy has shown
terms of class, caste, gender, and office, or towards subalterns in the contemporary
in any other way. The nature of power, society of nineteenth century South
exploitation and popular resistance in such America. At this complicated time, Lee
a society is not therefore responsive to has raised the issue of subaltern where she

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Alford Council of International English & Literature Journal(ACIELJ)
Impact Factor:4.401(SJIF)An International Peer-Reviewed English Journal Vol-2,Issue-3 ,2019 ISSN:2581-6500
is able to give the message the intellectuals people "trash" without exception. But
should speak for the subalterns who are Atticus wants the children to understand
really unknown for their rights and no that courage has to do with the fight for
world to revolt for dominating power. She one's personal goals, no matter what the
has shown that all human beings are born odds are against achieving the goal. He
with equal right it is the man who has wants to see that though many of the town
made the boundaries between people peoples are ignorant and subalternist they
thinking one is superior to the other. have personal strengths that keep them
Harper Lee has also shown the from being all-bad and give them hope for
humanitarian value, love and affection becoming better. Further Atticus explains
through Atticus Finch, the white lawyer to Scout:
who is the protagonist of the novel.
Nigger- lover is just one of
Discrimination and biasness are not those terms that do not
the gifts by the god in the name of mean anything- like snot
religion, culture, ethnic, social status and nos. It is hard to explain- an
so on. Domination for the blacks is spread ignorant, trashy person uses
all over the American society during it when they think
nineteenth century but this does not mean somebody is favoring
that there is no segregation before that but Negroes over and above
it persists in different latent form. Family, themselves. (108)
society, culture, law, religion made
subaltern speechless, right-less and Nigger is social tag of
existence-less. Most of the so-called elite contemporary American society. It
treat subalterns as their enemy and offer no symbolizes the backward, uncivilized
opportunities in every field like education, black community in 1930s. Atticus Finch,
law, religion, and other social issue. The the white lawyer is not biased in terms of
novel To Kill a Mockingbird is about status and color. He says, 'Nigger-lover'
subalterns in its many forms. The most does not have any meaning. He makes his
prominent case is the sympathy for blacks. daughter understand that nigger is just
ugly term to label somebody.
In Maycomb, like most small
Southern town, has a problem with Subalterns are strong enough and they
widespread discrimination toward the have played vital role in history making
subaltern black people. The novel focuses but they have not well known about it and
the Finchs’ family where Atticus is lawyer the history has interpreted in favor of
and Scout and Jem are the children. power holders. We see such atmosphere
Atticus is defending a black man in court, throughout the novel and unifying effect
something that is not often done in the over the neighborhood during the presence
South America due to elite-subaltern of mad-dog. Mad dog is the deadly
system. dangerous to the community. Calpurnia, a
black woman, is the one to recognize the
, Finches family undergoes the serious nature of the rabid dog's situation;
severe subalterns' intolerance of many of she makes the right phone calls and runs
the townspeople and the extreme onto warm neighbors. She spares many
ostracizing. As niggers ask him works for people from death. Atticus shoots to kill
"that generates bitter experience to the the dog. After the death of the dog, doors
children" (102). Mrs. Dubose calls back open one by one and the neighbors slowly

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Alford Council of International English & Literature Journal(ACIELJ)
Impact Factor:4.401(SJIF)An International Peer-Reviewed English Journal Vol-2,Issue-3 ,2019 ISSN:2581-6500
come jointly. This is only the situation black community. They have the common
where all low class and high class, blacks feeling of humanity. In black community,
and white, elite and subalterns come the needs of the poorest member felt from
together and make everyone equal for a everyone else in the group. For instance,
moment. At this very situation too, Atticu's everyone in the community sacrifices a
kill with gun is remarkable but Calpurnia's little more to help Helen Robinson. Helen
action and knowledge has ignored. This is Robinson is the wife of Tom Robinson.
an example of how the woman's But cruel society never eyes the positive
contribution has made secondary in aspects of subaltern and always mistreats
Mayacomb of Southern America. them. Alexandra, sister of Atticus is
always against black woman Calpurnia
Subalterns are happy even in even she does good or not and she asked
domination and marginalization because of Atticus to avoid Calpurnia and let her to
solidarity within variety. They have long leave the house. Says:
history of their own culture. Without any Atticus, it's all right to be
discrimination, they celebrate the culture …………… well be
and the life pattern. Calpurnia, a black tonight. We don't need her
woman is a cook in the white family. She now. (137)
does not have any racial differences within
her. She takes Scout and Jem, the children Here, Alexandra tries to persuade Atticus
of the house where she works, in the black to make Calpurnia out of the house as she
church that offers the only real window thinks, calpurnia is showing wrong
into the life and culture of Maycomb's direction to the children as Jem and Scout
black community. At the church, another went to the Churh with Calpurnia and met
black woman tries for the rejection to the the black people. Alexandra is aristrocratic
entrance of Scout and Jem in the church, lady owning the Finch's landing tries to
which belongs to black community. Lula impose her own moral virtues to be
further says: accepted by Scout and Jem and wants to
do the thing according to her ignoring
I want to know why you Calpurnia's idea.
bringing white chillum to
nigger church. 1When Lula Subalterns have been victimized not
came up the pathway only because of gender, class, race but also
towards us Calpurnia said, by race. Child also has mistreated in South
'stop right here, Nigger' American society. Dill, friend of Scout and
Lula stopped, but said, 'You Jem who comes to Maycomb in every
aren't got no business summer seasons, is innocent and loving
bringing white chillum child. His father mistreats him. Dill recites
here. They got their church, this narrative: "having
they got our's. it is our …………………………help, Dill worked
church, ain't it , miss call? himself free by pulling the chains from the
Calpurna said, it is the same wall." (77)
god, ain't it? (119) In spite of the presence of his
mother he has suffered from the cruel
Though Lula exposes the racial hatred and behave of his stepfather. By that, he goes
discrimination, the entire crowd gives the off to Atticus in Maycomb. Atticus is only
Finch children welcome except Lula. It the person with good conscience for all
seems unified in a sense of solidarity in people whether he is black or white, male

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Alford Council of International English & Literature Journal(ACIELJ)
Impact Factor:4.401(SJIF)An International Peer-Reviewed English Journal Vol-2,Issue-3 ,2019 ISSN:2581-6500
or female, young or child. Dill is scare to without any words when Mayell asks him
get back and ask "Mr Finch, don't tell Aunt to do.
Rachel, don't make me go back, please sir! White community is against his
I'll turn off again!'' (78) This shows his family. So, Scout asks him why he is
suffering and pain. Atticus is kind hearted defending a Negro when she is mocked by
and always ready to help as: her friends. From the rumblings of the
Robinson case, the mantra Atticus instills
"Nobody's about to make in his children is "hold your head high and
…………………..bad keep those fists down. No matter what
enough as it is." (79) anybody says to you, don't you let' em get
your goat?" She asks:
Dill, a child is treated badly from
his family member, father and mother. He Do you defend niggers.
escapes and come to Maycomb from home Atticus? Of course I do.
and pleading with Atticus not to send him Don’t say nigger, Scout.
in his home. This shows the pathetic …………..She says they're
situation of child. Atticus humanly treats clean-living folks. (75)
which has shared the emotion towards
children. In above lines Atticus easily
accepts that he is defending a Negro, who
Like other, subalterns have treated is falsely accused of raping by a white
wrongly in the name of race or in the name woman. He taught his children moral
of skin. Racism is the constructed form in lessons that all human beings are equal and
the name of religion, culture, social status, do not accuse others without seeing the
age, gender and so on. One has not born things from their point of view. Ignoring
racist but family, society, culture, law, community's reaction against him and his
religion made one racist and knows their family, he has taken the case of Negro. For
limited areas or boundaries. As aunt him this case is one that touched him
Alexendra enquires with the children, "Are because not all blacks are bad or dishonest
you from Calpurnia's church that day?" and not all whites are good. Despite he is a
(114) They just get back form church with Negro and he is well living and respected
Cal. In nineteenth century, white treat in his society and does not want to harm
blacks as their enemy and offer no anybody.
opportunities to them. Whites think, blacks Tom Robinson’s trial begins with
become their competitor if they are given the testimony of the Sherrif, Heck Tate.
opportunity. So they made boundaries to The Finch children, Jem and Scout find
save from that fair. If the blacks try to themselves welcomed and even thonred
cross the limited boundaries, they are among blacks when Reverend Sykes
severely punished or given fatal invites them to the balcony, and chairs are
punishments in the name of violating that vacated in the front raw on their behalf
which is also made by the whites. No where black people sit. Reverend invites
voice of black has listened. Blacks are all of them "There's not a seat downstairs.
depended on whites because they have no Did you all recon it'll be all right if you all
job opportunities as whites are in higher come to he balcony with me?"(164). The
post and the lower post is given to them prosecution's attorney Mr. Glimer
which need more physical labor and serve proceeds the cas and asks Heck Tate about
white without wage. Tom does the work the events surrounding Tom Robinson and
Mr Ewell come to get him because "some

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Impact Factor:4.401(SJIF)An International Peer-Reviewed English Journal Vol-2,Issue-3 ,2019 ISSN:2581-6500
Nigger'd raped his girls"(167). He says poverty and deprivation, and she shows
that he finds Mayella on the floor, very that she is accustomed to being treated
beaten up and that she says that Tom has without respect when she thinks Atticus is
taken advantages of her and beaten her. deliberately mocking her by calling her
Atticus questions him next asking whether 'Miss'. She seems hopelessly immature for
anyone calls a doctor or not we find Tate's nineteen years old and her whiney or
response which is 'no' but Tate mentions tearful attitude suggests a subtle sly
about the entire right side of Miss manipulation of her audience. And her
Mayella's face which is bruised and sees actions in the court seem motivated by
all scratches all around her face. cowardice: her initial reluctance to say
Tom's name when asked to tell the court
Similarly, next witness is Mr Ewell, that her rapist is points toward her
and claims that he hears Mayella hesitancy to accuse him when he is
screaming when he is coming in front the innocent.
woods with kindling, and he runs to the
highly offensive language pointing his at Her short comments about "what
Tom Robinson "[…] I seen that black her pap do to her don't count," shows that
nigger yonder ruttin' on my Mayella" he is probably abused in some way by her
(173). This quote sets the court in fervor. father" (179). Tom's crippled state is more
Further, he explains about the scene and than that, but also serves as an emblem for
retorts to judge: his disadvantage in life a black man. Tom's
arm has injured in cotton fields. His legacy
I run for Tate quick as I of slavery cripples Tom in the court and in
could I know who it was, his everyday life, just as his actual injury is
all right, lived down yonder a constant burden for him.
in that nigger-nest, passed
the house every day judge Black life is tough to be, by nature,
I've asked this country for inferior to white life, than his own,
fifteen years to clean out subverts everything that the town's social
that nest down yonder, fabric is based upon. As Jem explains
they're dangerous to live every class looks down upon the class
around sides devaluing ' my below it, so black people should not feel
property. (175) pity for anyone. Atticus points out the case
that comes down to the word of a black
Here we find that Mr. Ewell's man against the word of the white people.
manner is of one who seems beyond the The Ewell's case depends upon the jury's
law. He has described as a bantam cock assumption that "all Negroes lie, that all
that struts around arrogantly, yet Negroes are basically immoral beings that
ridiculously and he tries to invoke the all negroes men are not to be trusted
good humor of the audience, whines to the around our women, an assumption one
judge about being asked to prove his associates with minds of caliber" (204).
ability to write, and offends everyone with Atticus reminds that there are honest and
his language, putting he court into five dishonest black people just as there are
minutes of uproar. This scene depicts him honest and dishonest white people. He tells
as brutal, insensitive and confident of his the jury that in court of law all men are
ability to get away with his perjury. equal. However, a court is, no better than
After Mr. Ewells, Ms. Mayella is next the members of its jury, and he urges he
witness. Her life is one of miserable jury to do their duty. Atticus appeals to the

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Alford Council of International English & Literature Journal(ACIELJ)
Impact Factor:4.401(SJIF)An International Peer-Reviewed English Journal Vol-2,Issue-3 ,2019 ISSN:2581-6500
jury's sense of dignity and in putting unable to do anything for Tom to free him
together the facts of the case, he stresses from false accusation. He said he felt right
on the simplicity of the evidence and bad about the way things turned out. He
shows that the facts of the case, that facts also helped Helen when Ewell "chunked at
point out towards Tom's innocence. her" while she tried to use the public road
coming to work from her way. He
Atticus' treatment of Mayella tells us threatens Bob Ewell:
that in spite of being a victim of many
cruelties, she has chosen cruelty upon Ewell? He called.
Tom, and she must not excuse for this. He I know every last of you'd
writes, "she was white and she tempted a there a-layin' on the floor!
……………on her afterwards" (204). ………………. Mr. Link
Mayella wants to protect herself by spat in the dust and walked
placing her guilt onto Tom, knowing that home. (249)
her action will bring his death because the
jury will believe her not him. Thus, she Mr Link sees that Helen comes to work
manipulates the unfairness of the society from wrong direction and wants to drag
towards her own ends. the reason but she denied. But later when
he followed her, he knew the problem of
Another white character, Mr. Link Helen that it is Bob Ewell who makes the
Deas who is the master of Tom Robinson difficulties in her way to work. Then he
shows sympathy towards Tom and his yells Ewell not to disturb her because it is
family. Tom has worked eight years for not his private way if he does so any more
him and given no chance to complain. He he put him in jail soon. She is not alone I
is sincere and faithful toward his work and am here to stand for her. In this way he
a helpful person. Therefore, he says Tom proves his deep affection toward Tom'a
Robinson is most trustable and honorable family and thinks that, it is his
person. When Tom is crossed-examined responsibility to do so for her.
by the opposite side saying things that are
not true he would not sit quietly hearing all In spite of the community's
those words. So, he stands up from the misbehavior toward Atticus and his
audience and announced:"I just want the family, they have sympathy with
whole lot of you to know one thing right subalterns though discrimination and
now. That boy's worked for me eight years differences to subaltern prevailed in
an' I an't had a speck o' trouble outa him. Alabama. The trend of cruel behavior
Not a speck". (195) He is aware of the toward subalterns (woman, black and
situation that Tom is not guilty but court children) block the sympathetic feelings
treated him that he had done a big crime. because the power holders do not want to
His only crime is to help the white woman see the things from marginalized point of
seeing her poor condition. view, so they cannot understand the real
situation, suffering, problem, feelings and
Later also, Mr. Link Deas provides wishes of subalterns. It has become the big
the job for Helen, Tom's wife, because disease of contemporary nineteenth
society avoid her and did not offer her century society of Southern America. At
work though he did not really need her. Mr the same moment Lee shows one elite
Link is not only a good master but also a intellectual white character who is worried
good person who goes against wrong about voiceless and want to make them
things and work for fairness but also he is

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Alford Council of International English & Literature Journal(ACIELJ)
Impact Factor:4.401(SJIF)An International Peer-Reviewed English Journal Vol-2,Issue-3 ,2019 ISSN:2581-6500
aware in their right and speaks for of segregation and domination of
subalterns. subaltern, especially race subaltern in the
Atticus defends the case of black, American society. To Kill a Mockingbird
going against his community. He does not is based on realism as it shows the picture
care what the people think about him and of discrimination of subaltern prevailed in
listens to his conscience. As an Alabama. During that period race as
intellectual, he wants to make aware the subaltern is taken as major issue, which
subalterns like Dill, Tom, Cal in their spreads all over America. Racism is
rights and duties. He knows the truth of constructed form of society, which
Tom and he wants that the people and the becomes the main cause of social
court hear it too. He tries his level best to disintegration and destruction. The legal
defend Tom ignoring his community and system is also biased for whites and
professional rituals because he is touched blacks. Because of prejudice, the jury
physically and emotionally with the convicts the subaltern boy who has not
condition of Tom and his family. They are committed crime. The novel ends in
strong and hardworking in every part of tragedy of subaltern character, Tom
the life but their silence blocks whole Robinson, but it creates sympathy and
reality and their importance in history. So, empathy towards subaltern community.
intellectuals, educated people and good However, the writer Harper Lee tries
wishers should speak for them, awake to arouse voice for subaltern, through the
them and create the platform for them in protagonist, Atticus Finch. Atticus
the mainstream. attempts to defer the execution and defend
Tom Robinson, a black, who has falsely
However, generally, we think that the charged of raping a white woman, Mayella
novel has written to show racial Ewell, going against the deep-rooted racial
ambivalence, segregation, domination of discrimination and his own community
subalterns but in the ground level, the who despise him. Even though, he knows
writer shows love, support, and that it is impossible to win the case like
compassion for the dominated people in that "black-on-white sexual assault", for
terms of gender, race, class, and age. In the which death penalty has given directly.
contemporary society whites has taken as But he tries his level best to defense Tom
superior, intellectual, talent, moral, and makes him aware of rights and
educated and honest but African American existence. Even, he fails to free Tom from
writer Lee shows the dark side of the accusation because it is a white case
dominant white people by the face of against black or elite case against
Ewell family. Again, she highlights the subaltern. But, he raised the voice for
conscience and responsible white who sees voiceless.
the society by humanitarian eyes and she
makes feel her intellectual character, References:
Atticus Finch that it is the duty of
intellectuals who understand reality of [1]Desai, S.K. "To Kill a Mockingbird:
marginalized and suppressed people and Harper Lee's Tragic Vision",
speaks for them. Indian Studies in American Fiction.
The Macmillan Company of India
Conclusion Limited, 1974, pp. 311- 23
[2]Gramsci, Antonio. "On the Margins of
To sum up, Harper Lee's novel To History." Prison Notebooks. New
Kill a Mockingbird has presented the issue

Alford Council of Interantional English & Literature Journal(ACIELJ) Copyright VS Publications Page 11
VS Publications
Alford Council of International English & Literature Journal(ACIELJ)
Impact Factor:4.401(SJIF)An International Peer-Reviewed English Journal Vol-2,Issue-3 ,2019 ISSN:2581-6500
York: Colombia University Press,
1992. 72-88.

[3]Guha , Ranjit, ed. Subaltern Studies I.

Delhi: OUP, 1982.

[4]Lee, Nelle Haper, To Kill a

Mockingbird. United States, J.B,
Lippincott & co, July, 11,1960.
[5]Roden, Donal. "The Racializing of the
World." Racism. Eds. Martin
Bulmer and John Solomos. New
York: Oxford University Press,
[6]Shrestha, Taralal." Shakti Shrastha ra
Subltern". Kathmandu: Nepalaya. 2011.

[7]Spivak , Gayatri Chakravorty "Can the

Subaltern Speak?" The Post
Colonial Studies Reader. Ed. Bill
Ashcroft, Gareth Gtiffiths and
Helen Tiffin. New York:
Columbia, 1995.28-35.

[8]."Subaltern Studies: Deconstructing

Historiography." Guha, Vol, IV. 330-363.

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