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Ascomycetes, Ascus,
Asci Basidia
These spores
The Basidiomycetes
look like little bean
spores on holding
The Ascomycetes
structures called
are fungi
that produce
(the singular
their is "basidium"). Most of the fungi that are of interest to
that they started
are basidiomycetes--including
to develop before spores
the in
tubes calledthe "asci"
(the singular
polypores,is puffballs, and many more.
being mounted. This appearance is misleading, "ascus"). The tubes are located on the spore-
however.Basidia cannot
The spores arebeattached
seen withto the
like eye. They surface
bearing cover the of gills of gilled mushrooms,
the mushroom. Thousandsand andthe interior surfaces of the tubes in mushrooms with
structures with Aelastic
basidium has which
threads tiny spore-holding
are prongs,
thousandscalled "sterigmata,"
of fungi belong toon theitsAscomycetes,
end. Typically a mushroom's basidia hold two or four spores each,
wrappedand this fact
around is oftenwhen
the spores an important
moist andtaxonomic feature
but most (at other
of them are times it apparentlyas
not "mushrooms" is we
not, as in the case of the Destroying Angel).
unravel when they dry. mushroom hunters think of them. However, the
The plant itself is also called "horsetail fern", morels, false morels, many cup fungi, and
though it is not a true fern. It comes from a group species of Helvella and Hypomyces are "ascos."
related to ferns which is now represented by a
single genus but was once quite common and Asci cannot be seen with the naked eye, of
included giant forms now seen only as fossils. course, so if you are wondering whether your
They are called "bottlebrush" because they tend mushroom is an Ascomycete or not, you will need
to form unbracnched stems with numerous a microscope to be sure. However, there are no
mushrooms with gills, pores, or spore-bearing
A "mushroom" is actually only the reproductive Basal Mycelium & Rhizomorphs Mycorrhizal
part of the organism--in the way an apple is only Evidence of the mycelium is sometimes found at symbiotic (mutually beneficial) relationship with
the fruit of the whole organism, the apple tree. the base of a mushroom's stem; there may be the tiny rootlets of plants--usually trees. The cells
The main part of a mushroom is underground or mycelial down or fuzz where the stem meets the of the mushroom's mycelium surround the tree
running through dead wood, and consists of a ground. The presence or absence of basal rootlets with a sheath, and the mushroom helps
web or mat of hairlike fibers called a "mycelium" mycelium is sometimes important in the the tree absorb water and nutrients while the
(the plural is "mycelia"). The mycelium is present identification process, as is its color. Mycelial tree provides sugars and amino acids to the
even when there are no mushrooms. Some cords or strands, called "rhizomorphs," are found mushroom. The organisms may need each other
mushrooms, like the Honey Mushroom, have in some species, and their presence often helps to survive. It is estimated that about 85% of
mycelia that stretch for miles and miles; you may in identification decisions. plants depend on mycorrhizal relationships with
remember the recent discovery through DNA To view the basal mycelium of a mushroom you fungi (Kirk et al., 2001; Dictionary of the Fungi).
testing of the "world's largest organism," a honey must be sure to include the stem base when you Many mushrooms are mycorrhizal with plants,
mushroom in the Pacific Northwest. pick it--and digging around in the substrate with including most Amanitas and Russulas.
a pocket knife is often necessary to find
Parasite, Parasitic Spores, Spore Print
Mushrooms that are parasitic consume the living
Saprobe, Sabprobic, Saprotrophic, Spores are "seeds," more or less, unless you
tissues of other organisms, sometimes killing Saprophytic want to study mycology. They are microscopic,
them in the process. Parasitism is fairly common and are produced either in asci or on basidia,
among mushrooms, and is most famously Mushrooms that are saprobes survive by depending on the mushroom; these microscopic
demonstrated in Boletus parasiticus, which decomposing dead or decaying organic material. structures are found on the spore-bearing surface
attacks the fungus Scleroderma citrinum. Other Many wood rotting fungi are saprobes, and help of the mushroom (called the "hymenium" in
parasites include species of Hypomyces, which decompose dead wood--but other wood rotters Mycologese)--for example, the gills or pores.
parasitize mushrooms, and the Honey Mushroom, are parasitic and attack living wood. Most yard Observation of a mushroom's spores is one of the
which attacks trees and is a constant concern in and garden mushrooms (like Marasmius oreades) most important steps in the identification
forest management. are saprobes, as well as dung-loving mushrooms process. Obviously, a microscope is needed to
and mushrooms that decompose leaf or needle view spores individually, measure them, and
litter (like Marasmius pulcherripes). record their distinctive features. But the color of
the spores, when seen in mass, is also important,