Placement Exam 2009

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Listening Comprehension
Part 1

You will hear short conversations. From the three answer choices provided,
choose the one which means about the same thing as what you hear, or is true
based on what you hear.

1 a Ruby is very strange. 10 a In the suburbs.

b He dislikes Ruby. b In the country.
c He doesn’t know Ruby. c Near the town centre.
2 a The lecture was boring. 11 a He thinks bikes are less trouble.
b She missed the lecture. b He thinks bikes are less expensive.
c She didn’t understand the lecture. c He thinks cars are better.
3 a He thinks she’s exaggerating. 12 a She speaks excellent Spanish.
b He thinks she needs some advice. b She wants to improve her Spanish.
c He thinks her problem Is serious. c She doesn’t know any Spanish.
4 a Hank is at work. 13 a Laura can afford it.
b Hank is with Jim. b The vase is broken.
c Hank is keeping fit. c The vase was expensive.
5 a She’s on time. 14 a She’s afraid she’ll need an operation.
b She’s late. b She’s afraid she’ll lose her job.
c She’s early. c She’s afraid her pay will be cut.
6 a Rita likes practicing the piano. 15 a Lori will get married.
b Rita is damaging the piano. b Lori just got married.
c Rita keeps postponing her piano practice. c They aren’t at Lori’s wedding.
7 a Anna is vain. 16 a He doesn’t like her hair.
b Anna eats too much. b He thinks her clothes don’t suit her.
c Anna works too hard. c He likes her to wear jewellery.
8 a She was arrested. 17 a The man thinks she should not drive with Gary.
b The police towed her car away. b The man thinks Gary is a lousy driver.
c The police stopped her. c The man thinks she should avoid Gary.
9 a The bank was closed. 18 a She believes Stella exaggerates.
b The bank was full. b She believes Stella is quite aggressive.
c The bank was on strike. c She believes Stella deserved it.

Continue to part 2
Part 2

You will hear a question or statement. From the three answer choices provided,
choose the one which best answers or responds to the question or statement.

19 a Yes, I have two. 28 a Not chicken again!

b I’m waiting for my son. b It was a bit spicy!
c Yeah, in three months. c I’m not hungry.
20 a Downtown. 29 a Turn it up.
b It’s very interesting. b Who hit you?
c I’m a nurse. c Take a cool shower.
21 a I went to the beach. 30 a There’s no room.
b Nothing much. b I’d rather pay cash.
c We’re going to Seattle. c I don’t have any checks.
22 a At the airport. 31 a But, I want to get it right.
b Yes, please. b I’m not picking on you.
c At six-thirty. c I chose it myself.
23 a We work in Boston. 32 a How fast is it?
b We’re good buddies. b Does it look good on him?
c He’s my roommate. c Where is it?
24 a She’s a bank teller. 33 a The call was withheld.
b She’s fine. b You picked up the receiver.
c She lives in Boise. c For the third time today.
25 a No, I am wearing a suit. 34 a I think it’s swell.
b No, I’m going as I am. b I think it stinks.
c No, it’s a formal affair. c I’ll think about it.
26 a She’s had an argument with the boss. 35 a It must be 10 pages long!
b She’s very annoying. b It’s too small for me.
c Nothing bothers her. c Ok, but fill me in on it.
27 a George gives me a ride.
b By bus.
c About half an hour.

End of the listening test

Grammar, Cloze, Vocabulary and Reading

Part 1 - Grammar

Read each sentence or short conversation. From the four answer choices given,
choose the one which best fills each blank
36 “Can I go to the party on Saturday night, mom?” 42 “How were Joe’s grades this year?”
“___________ you’re back home by midnight.” “The truth is, I’m not ________ pleased with them.”
a Provided a A little
b Seeing that b A lot
c As long as c At all
d In case d At least
37 “Who’s going on the school trip?” 43 “Do you think there are any real benefits in eating vegetables?”
”Lance isn’t and ______ is Skip.” “Of course, _________ feeling fitter and having a healthier
a Either a As
b Neither b Such as
c Also c As such
d So d Such
38 “I didn’t know Jennifer Aniston was Greek.” 44 “Would you like some chocolate ice cream?”
“No, ______people know that.” “Actually I prefer strawberry ______ chocolate.”
a Less a Than
b Many b From
c Little c Rather than
d Few d to
39 “Did you enjoy your vacation?” 45 “Who went to Spain last summer?”
“Well, I didn’t like France ______ Italy.” Well, I went, and _____.”
a The half of a Cheryl did too
b Half as much as b Also Cheryl
c Half the time as c Cheryl did so
d Half as much of d So Cheryl did
40 “There aren’t many tourists this year.” 46 “How do you feel about public transit?”
“No, it isn’t as busy as last year, _____?” “I think everyone who owns a car _____ rid of it”.
a Didn’t you think? a Should be getting
b Would you think? b Must be getting
c Don’t you think? c Had to get
d Do you think? d Should get
41 “I’m going to Africa.” 47 “Why aren’t you coming out with us this evening?”
“Have you had _______ vaccinations for your trip?” “Well. _______ a headache, I haven’t got much money.”
a Enough the a Despite having
b Plenty the b Although I have
c Plenty c Besides having
d All the d Besides I have

48 “I hope I remember to meet Tom tomorrow” 55 “Do you mind if I smoke?”

“Don’t worry, I will ___________.” “I’d rather ________.”
a Remind you a You don’t
b Remind you to do b You won’t
c Remember you of c You didn’t
d Remember you doing d You hadn’t
49 “Did the blue dress suit Sheila?” 56 “Where did you put your new freezer?”
”It suited her ______.” “Well, _________ empty, we decided to put it there.”

a Perfect a The spare room is

b Perfectly b Being the spare room
c As perfectly c Because the spare room
d In a perfect way d The spare room being
50 “What would you like your daughter to become?” 57 “Sheryl’s really vain, isn’t she?”
“I hope she becomes__________.” “Yes, she’s always looking ________ in the mirror.”
a Surgeon a At herself
b A surgeon b To herself
c The surgeon c At her own
d One surgeon d At her
51 “Women, __________ the most part, don’t hold top 58 “Sam and Lyn’s kids made such a mess in the house!”
managerial positions.” “Yes. It will be _____ we invite them back again.”
a In a Too much time before
b On b A long time since
c At c A long time before
d for d Too much time since
52 “Betty’s driving to Washington.” 59 “You’ve traveled extensively, haven’t you?”
“________? I thought she wanted to get there quickly” “Yes. In fact, I_______ almost every country in the world”.
a Why isn’t she flying a Am visiting
b Why she isn’t flying b Visit
c Why she hasn’t flown c Visited
d Why she doesn’t fly d Have visited
53 “What’s the meeting for?” 60 “David was here at 6 o’clock.”
“It seems _________ an important issue to discuss.” “Why is he always the first person ________ at dinner
a To be a Who arrived
b That is b To arrive
c There’s c Arriving
d It’s for d He arrives
54 “Why is Paul so tired?” 61 “Sue’s very depressed.”
“By 8 o’clock he _______ for twelve hours.” “What ________ so unhappy?”
a Will be working a Caused her to be
b Will have been working b The cause of her being
c Will work c Caused her being
d Will have worked d The cause of her to be

62 “Where is John?” 69 “Why is Sue looking in all the cupboards?”

“When I saw him last, he was ______ on his bed.” “She ________ have lost something.”
a Laid a Should
b Laying b Would
c Lying c Must
d Lain d Can
63 “Why don’t you try this dress on, madam?” 70 “How is Scott coping these days?”
”No thanks. I want something ______ colorful.” “Well, he still hasn’t really gotten _________ Laura’s
a A bit less a Through
b Less than b Over
c Rather than c Round
d Rather little d About
64 “Would you like an aisle seat?” 71 “What do you suggest?”
“I’d rather __________ a window seat.” “I urge that you ________ a doctor as soon as possible.”

a To have a Will see

b Have b Saw
c Have had c Are seeing
d Having d See
65 “Did they really not realize that what they did was illegal?” 72 “You are working late tonight.”
“That’s what _______, but I’m sure they knew they were “Yes. I _______ finish this now, but I’d like some free time
breaking the law tomorrow.”
a Is to be claimed a Mustn’t
b Is being claimed b Shouldn’t
c Is been claimed c Don’t have to
d Is claiming d Needn’t
66 “Now, don’t forget to be ready to leave at 7 o’clock.” 73 “Why is the dog barking?”
“Ok, but I wish we______ leave so early” “He doesn’t like_______ inside”.
a Don’t have to a To keep
b Won’t have to b To be keeping
c Didn’t have to c Being kept
d Hadn’t had to d Be kept
67 “I can hardly see out of the windows!” 74 “Whose car is this?”
“I haven’t had the maid _________ them yet.” “It’s ________?”
a Cleaning a Our neighbor’s
b To clean b Of our neighbor
c Clean c Belonging to our neighbor
d To be clean d Of our neighbors’s
68 “Why should people stop smoking?” 75 “I don’t think Eric’s coming over after all.”
“If people stopped smoking, the threat of heart disease “Well, if I ________, I think his car has been turned into the
_______ reduced.” driveway.”
a Be a Am not mistaken
b Will be b Don’t mistake
c Would be c Am not mistaking
d Would have d Haven’t mistaken

Continue to part 2
Part 2 – Cloze passage
Read the passage and then select, from the answer
choices on the right, the word which best fills each
76 a Had c Been
Truth is an abstract idea which philosophers have b To d Not

77 a Regard c Observe
been concerned with from earliest times. Truth has b Suppose d Consider

__(91)__ variously defined. One approach to truth is to 79 a That c Around

b About d To
__(92)__ it as acknowledge and ideas that accord with
80 a Some c That
the facts. So seen, truth is a statement __(93)__ b One d Any

81 a Itself c Apart
objective reality which corresponds with __(94)__ reality. b Self d Alone

The difficulty with this definition is that objective reality is 83 a Way c Entrance
b Road d Approach

__(95)__ elusive. Another __(96)__ to the problem of the 84 a Evaluate c Vacate

b Value d Relegate
nature of truth is to __(97)__ any statements in its
85 a The c Some
b Other d More
relationship to __(98)__ statements. Truth is then
99 a Described c As
considered a network of coherent statements __(99)__ b Describing d By

reality, so that any statement is to be __(100)__ true if it 86 a Seen c Considered

b Coincided d Taken
is coherent with the system of true statements.
87 a While c Since
b As d But
__(101)__ there are different kinds of truth and different
88 a Assent c Accordance
systems of coherent statements which may not be in b Contrast d Addition

__(102)__ with one __(103)__. The third main approach 89 a Self c Other
b Another d System
is that of pragmatism, which __(104)__ truth as ‘what
90 a Defies c Delays
b Another d Defines
works’. Thus a doctor’s knowledge is believed to be true
91 a Enables c Makes
if it __(105)__ him or her to __(106)__ a disease: the b Lets d Can

theory of gravitation __(107)__ considered true to the 92 a Repair c Improve

b Mend d Cure
__(108)__ that it enables the checkable calculation of the
93 a Has c Is
b As d Such
movement of bodies,
94 a Extension c Size
The difficulty here is __(109)__ what works in one b Extent d Rate

situation __(110)__ not work in another. 95 a That c Why

b How d Then

96 a Must c Did
b Has d May

Continue to part 3

Part 3 – Vocabulary
Read each sentence or short conversation. From the four answer choices given,
choose the one which best fills each blank
111 Illegal parking is a ______ offense. 118 Playing squash is a good way to let off ________.
a Trite a Smoke
b Minor b Temper
c Basic c Moisture
d Minuscule d Steam
112 You look ______ out after all that hard work. 119 Immigration officials will _________ you if you don’t have
the necessary documents.
a Taken a Banish
b Turned b Depart
c Worn c Deport
d Broken d Eject
113 Many new houses are being built In this __________. 120 Sales of turkey reach a ________ in December.
a Space a Climax

b Position b Summit
c Locality c Peak
d Scene d Height
114 She would always _______ a clear impression of the 121 The factory’s _______ proved to be dangerous, so the
incident. authorities closed it down.
a Rebuke a Regulations
b Retain b Omissions
c Reconcile c Reflections
d Reflect d Emissions
115 Many young people are forced to ______ for themselves. 122 I’m _______ to lose my temper if you keep making that
irritating noise.
a Fend a Able
b Look b Liable
c Fed c Like
d Rely d Capable
116 He was offered the job on the _________ that he was very 123 Of course you have a chance of getting the job. I think you
well-qualified. should ________
a Grants a Go for it
b Reasons b Go with it
c Causes c Go along with it
d Grounds d Get with it
117 It was imperative that the letter be _______ by 5 o’ clock in 124 The team was ________ on winning the cup.
order to arrive early the next morning.
a Dispatched a Determined
b Dispense b Intent
c Disperse c Intense
d Dispelled d Resolute

125 He ________to help me achieve my goal, for which I was 133 He is always telling ________ jokes that tend to offend
very grateful people
a Endeavored a Obscure
b Endeared b Unpolished
c Engaged c Crude
d Enchanted d Rough
126 He muttered insults under his ________ 134 The new sport centre is now under ________
a Mouth a Design
b Breath b Progress
c Voice c Progression
d Throat d Construction
127 He was often a ______ end on Sundays 135 She wanted to ________ her interest in microbiology.
a Loose a Pursue
b Lose b Strive for
c Lost c Stalk
d Losing d Persist in
128 I really don’t think he’s got the ________ to complete the 136 He only bought fashionable ________ name clothes
marathon; he’s sure to give up before the end.
a Flair a Mark
b Stamina b Maker
c Suppleness c Product
d Speed d Brand
129 There was no ________ on the type of goods that could be 137 This book is totally ________ interest.

a Reservation a Devoid
b Contraction b Destitute
c Obstruction c Lacking
d Limitation d Desolate
130 The rock star’s fan were full of ________ for him 138 The country around here is so ________ that you can only
get around in a jeep
a Adulation a Jagged
b Glorification b Weathered
c Elation c Severe
d Worship d Rugged
131 This house has tiny windows which makes it very ________ 139 People who constantly talk really ________ my nerves
a Gloomy a Get under
b Overcast b Get to
c Lamentable c Get on
d Dejected d Get off
132 You could tell at a ________ that she was unhappy 140 His outburst was not ________ with his normally placid
a Glimpse a Consistent
b Blink b Constant
c Wink c Concise
d Glance d Conclusive

141 The children watched the amazing fireworks display in 146 The prisoner was ________ to hours of questioning.
a Repose a Subdued
b Aversion b Subjected
c Awe c Objected
d Respect d Submerged
142 There used to be some ________ between them but now 147 Some journalists ________ the truth in order to make their
they’re the best friends story more interesting
a Anonymity a Distend
b Enmity b Disarray
c Irritability c Distort
d Amity d Dissuade
143 Because she is so ________ she is well-liked by many 148 She continued to speak ________ of the effects she was
people having.
a Personable a Sightless
b Perpetual b Imprudent
c Petulant c Relentless
d Petty d Regardless
144 Even though she was new to the company, her ideas were 149 Please ________ me the details of your injuries
________ into the plan.
a Included a Spare
b Induced b Save
c Incorporated c Salvage
d Indebted d Share
145 Charles was ________ from attending training because he’d 150 Her ________ makes her a lot of fun to be with
recently completed a similar course
a Expelled a Excitement
b Exempt b Exuberance
c Evicted c Exasperation

d Expunged d Enticement

Continue to part 4

Part 4 – Writing

Write on ONE of the topics given below. Write an essay of 250-300

words. Please use the back side of the answer sheet to write your

1. “People should be allowed to do what they want as long as it doesn’t harm

anyone”. Discuss.
(In your writing you could include aspects such as freedom of individual, social
responsibility, state responsibility to the individual or lawlessness and anarchy.

2. What attempts can be made by governments to conserve energy and to

develop more efficient and more environmentally friendly ways of generating
(In your writing you could include aspects such as government subsidies (e.g. for
insulation), legislation, research and development of alternative sources)


Reading Comprehension

Read each passage and the questions which follow. From the four answer choices given,
choose the best answer to each question.

A hundred years or so ago cinema was making its hesitant entry into the world. In 1889 the British
photographer William Friese-Greene invented a moving picture camera, and two years later, Thomas Edison
patented his kinetograph showing men at work, performing animals and dancing girls. In February of that
year Louis Lumière and his brother Auguste came up with a cheaper competitor. Among the thousands who
flocked to see the Lumière`s invention in action in Paris was 32-year-old Charles Pathé. He was so impressed
with it that he talked his brothers into sinking the family inheritance into a film company. The result was the
creation of France’s most illustrious film studios. By 1907 the Pathé Company had grown enormously and
had studios throughout Europe and the US. What seems amazing now, when Hollywood dominates the world,
is that a French company established such a foothold in the US, creating a virtual monopoly in the film
industry by distributing its own films there as well as hiring out its studios. But if Pathé was big in the US, it
was a giant in Europe. The year before the First World War broke out, Pathe made no fewer than 300 films.
War, however, dealt the firm a heavy blow. Shortages of staff and film stock cut output by almost half in
1914, and by 1918 Pathé output had fallen to 63 films. From then on Pathé never went back to the mass-
production methods of its earlier years, concentrating instead on fewer films of greater length and higher

151 In the US, the Pathé studios were… d It showed men at work,
a unsuccessful and couldn’t performing animals and dancing
compete. girls.
b dominant in the film industry.
c unable to make many films. 154 According to the passage, which
d bigger than the ones in Europe. effect did the First World War have
on the Pathé studios?
152 After the war, Pathé… a bombs heavily damaged the
a never made another film. studios.
b changed its methods of mass- b film production was made
production film-making. impossible.
c shifted its emphasis to a higher c money for paying staff became
caliber of film-making. unavailable.
d didn’t concentrate only on film- d production was drastically
making. reduced.

153 What does the author tell us about 155 What did Charles Pathé persuade his
the Lumiére’s kinetograph? brothers to do?
a it was invented in 1891. a invent their own movie-making
b it won first prize in a camera.
competition. b go to see Lumiére’s invention in
c it was more expensive than Paris.
Edison. c invest the family’s wealth in a
film company.

d travel to the US to see the

studios there.

In the religion of the ancient Greeks, a hero was a mythical being to whom regular worship was
offered. A hero was distinct from a God in that, unlike the latter, he was regarded as mortal: it was indeed his
death alone, and an exceptional death at that, which made him capable of fulfilling the requests of those who
worshipped him. The hero could ensure general good fortune, such as victory in war, prosperity in peace and
success in all enterprises.
The stages in the development of the heroic myth began with the birth of the hero, due often to the
intervention of one of the gods. Some scholars have wished to find in all stages of the hero’s development
elements corresponding symbolically to the stages through which youths about to undergo initiation had to
pass, but it is chiefly in the educational phase of their development that his analogy would seem to have some
truth. However, the main subject of mythical narration consisted of the heroic exploits of the central
character: of wars and duels, of the slaying of giants and monsters, and of the liberation of regions from such
scourges. During his lengthy wanderings, before achieving his final conquest, the hero founded cities, gave
laws to the people and established cults. The hero’s death, always under unusual circumstances determined
his status forever.

156 Before his final confrontation… 159 According to the passage, how were
a performed a variety of good deeds. heroes different from gods?
b spent his time increasing his a they had fewer powers.
knowledge. b their sphere of influence was not as
c practiced his skills in preparation. wide.
d explored unusual parts of the c they did not live forever.
world. d they lived on earth.

157 The benefit of worshipping heroes 160 What is the connection between the way
was… heroes grew up and the way boys
a immortality. generally grew up?
b protection from evil spirits. a all stages are the same.
c avoidance of war. b there is a similarity in their
d guaranteed luck. educational development.
c there seems to be no similarity.
158 According to the passage, what was it d there are similarities until
that established somebody as hero education begins.
worthy of worship?
a the status of his parents.
b the nature of his death.
c his victory in battle.
d his lifetime achievements.

Family had always been important to him, and as William grew older it became more and more so.
Not yet an obsession, his interest in his family’s history began to take up so much of his leisure time, and his
determination to trace the roots of his ancestry to preoccupy to such an extent, that he himself started to
worry. His wife, Lydia, complained – admittedly in a light-hearted way – that while her friends were golf or
computer “widows”, she felt like she had lost her husband to genealogy. And more than once his boss had
caught him tracing a family tree or checking a date in a history book when he should have been drawing up
William’s interest had been no more than casual until, one day, a bit of information turned up which
led him to believe that he might be descended from the nobility, or even the royalty, of Poland. Why this idea
intrigued him so much even he would have been hard put to say, but he felt he could not rest until he had
proven that this was – or was not – the case. Not that he intended to tack a title onto the front of his name if it
did turn out to be true – in fact he pitied people who tried to revitalize the nobility of their long-dead ancestors
by calling themselves “Count” or “Lord” so-and-so. But he felt that when he finally fulfilled his lifelong
ambition of visiting Poland, Which his grandparents had left nearly a century before – to stand in a great
house or castle and be able to say, “My family once lived here” would be the ultimate thrill.

161 We know from the passage that 164 Based on your reading of the passage,
William… which of these statements is true?
a is determined to prove he is related a William knows his family was
to royalty. royal.
b knows all the facts of his family b William has never visited Poland.
background. c William believes he is a count.
c believes that people should not try d William is intrigued by royalty
revive the past. generally.
d spends all his time making family
trees. 165 It seems that William’s interest…
a sometimes distracts him from his
162 What do we know about William’s work.
wife? b has destroyed his marriage.
a that many of her friends are c infuriates his boss .
widows. d was handed down from his
b that she feels rather neglected. grandparents.
c that she complains a lot.
d that she shares William’s interests.

163 According to the author, William’s

interest in genealogy…
a has remained constant.
b used to be stronger.
c has become a total obsession.
d increased suddenly.

For at least seven millennia before white men ever set foot in the American West, the land was inhabited
by people whose ancestors had crossed from Siberia to Alaska. Down through countless generations, they had
split into thousands of tribes speaking more than 2000 distinct languages. The Native Americans were apart of
the West, and the West was theirs. Their harmonious coexistence with nature changed dramatically with the
coming of the white man. Traders encroached on their territory, exchanging worthless baubles for valuable
furs. More insidiously, liquor became the favourite form of barter, ruining some Indians` lives less swiftly but
just as surely as bullets. The Indians’ very existence seemed, to settlers, to deny the God-given truth of
America’s Manifest Destiny. Over the course of the 19th century, the land that had been the Indians` was taken
from them acre by acre, until they were herded into reservations and forced to leave like second- class
Americans. Reservation schools taught their children to dress, speak, think and even pray like the white man.
Many Indians resisted, but by the century’s end more than a quarter of a million had died in the hands of the
settlers and the US Army – or by succumbing to such European diseases as tuberculosis, smallpox, measles
and cholera, which sometimes wiped out entire villages.

166 After losing their land, the Indians… 169 What did reservation schools teach
a were denied education by the Indian children?
settlers. a how to keep their traditions.
b were made to live in reservations. b to live like an inferior class.
c became integrated into white c to accept the white man`s laws.
society. d to adopt the white man`s way of
d turned willingly to the white man`s life.
170 According to the author, what did the
167 What does the passage tell about the Indians represent to the settlers?
effect of the white man`s illnesses? a an existence which they greatly
a whole settlements of Indians were envied
killed. b a way of life that they could
b The Indians were not affected by emulate
them. c a source of wealth
c they killed more Indians than the d a nuisance which had to be
army. removed
d they weakened many Indians.

168 What was the Indians` way of life like

before the white man arrived?
a they had to struggle for survival b
they lived in fear of the weather.
c they spent most of the time farming.
d they lived in harmony with the

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