BOQ Tamagadhi (Pkg-1)
BOQ Tamagadhi (Pkg-1)
BOQ Tamagadhi (Pkg-1)
1.03 Maintanance of the existing Road during Construction period to keep KM-mth 480.00 480.00 1000.00 480000.00 480000.00
the road serviceable throughout the contract period(ss/sp-107)
Rotine maintenance of road during Defects liability period until issue
1.04 of certificate of completion to keep the the road serviceable(SS/SP- KM-mth 480.00 480.00 1500.00 720000.00 720000.00
Engineer's facilities: Establishment and maintenace of office and site
1.05 camp etc., and providing furniture and other faciliies as directed by the Ps 1.00 1.00 500000.00 500000.00 500000.00
1.06 Provide and install Project sign boards(ss/sp-108) Nos 2.00 2.00 20000.00 40000.00 40000.00
1.07 Provision of technical staff: 0.00
a) Quality Control Engineer man-mnth 24.00 24.00 30000.00 720000.00 720000.00
b) Lab technician man-mnth 24.00 24.00 20000.00 480000.00 480000.00
c) Lab boy man-mnth 24.00 24.00 15000.00 360000.00 360000.00
SUB TOTAL (1) 5600000.00 5600000.00
2 Site Clearance
2.01 Clearing of grass, removing roots breaking sods, levelling the surface Sqm 176000.00 176000.00 10.00 1760000.00 1760000.00
and disposal as directed by engineer(201)
2.02 Dismantling culvert and other structures including stockpilling the
reusable materials and disposal of unsuable materials(ss/sp-202)
a Plain Cement Concrete Cum 50.00 50.00 500.00 25000.00 25000.00
b Reinforced Cement Concrete Work Cum 50.00 50.00 1000.00 50000.00 50000.00
c Brick Work Cum 50.00 50.00 500.00 25000.00 25000.00
d Random Rubble stone Masonary Cum 50.00 50.00 500.00 25000.00 25000.00
e RCC Pipes Structures Rm 100.00 100.00 500.00 50000.00 50000.00
3.05 Backfilling to retaining structures, foundation pits etc. with suitable Cum 4539.00 5534.31 100.00 453900.00 553431.20
common materials including compaction, all complete(ss/sp-908)
SUB TOTAL (3) 23780178.60 25859264.44
4 Pavement works
4.01 Preparation of Sub-grade by filling or cutting in all types of soil, Sqm 234135.00 248016.28 25.00 5853375.00 6200407.00
watering, compaction all complete as per specification(ss/sp-1003)
6.01 Supply and erect traffic sign in place including required size of steel
tubes, steel plates, cement concrete, painting, writing and supporting
steel angle nut and bolt etc. all complete as per Drawings(ss/sp-1501)
a single post no. 150.00 150.00 3000.00 450000.00 450000.00
b two or more post no. 60.00 60.00 5000.00 300000.00 300000.00
6.04 Providing and laying M20/20 precast or cast in situ concrete in kerb rm 2000.00 2000.00 1000.00 2000000.00 2000000.00
stone(35cm*20cm) with 12mm thick 1:3 cement sand mortar bedding
and joints including foundation excavation levelling etc. but excluding
foundation concrete or sand gravel materials all complete(1400)
6.05 Supplying and applying enamel paints two coats including one coat sqm. 600.00 600.00 200.00 120000.00 120000.00
priming on kerb stone
Supplying and applying Thermoplastic road marking paint for centre
6.06 and edge line including cleaning, watering, brooming etc all sqm. 8525.00 8525.00 1000.00 8525000.00 8525000.00
complete(BS 3262)
Supply and place stone marker (RC kilometer post) including
6.07 excavation, backfilling, painting and writing etc. all complete as per
a Standard kilometer post(placed at each km distance) no. 17.00 17.00 5000.00 85000.00 85000.00
b Standard 5th kilometer post(placed at each 5km distance) no. 4.00 4.00 6000.00 24000.00 24000.00
Project Name: Upgrading of Tamagadhi Simraungadh Road
Chainage: 0+000 to 20+000
District Bara
Contract no.: HRP/3372244/073/74/UR-019
S.No. Description Unit Quantity as per BOQ Quantity as per JS Rate Amount as per BOQ Amount as per JS
Supply and fixing in place RC delineator post including excavation,
6.08 concreting, backfilling, painting and erection etc. all complete as per no. 1000.00 1000.00 1000.00 1000000.00 1000000.00
SUBTOTAL (6) 20104000.00 20104000.00
7 Bio- Engineering
7.01 Supply and laying Grass turfing on the various slope with cutting, Sqm 24000.00 24000.00 25.00 600000.00 600000.00
watering and transportation etc. all complete(ss/sp-2800)
SUBTOTAL (7) 600000.00 600000.00
8 Miscellaneous Works
8.01 supply of Gravel material for maintenance purpose as per standard Cum 500.00 500.00 600.00 300000.00 300000.00
specification as directe by engineer( including transportation to the site
office and site office to site) all complete
The rates inserted shall include all costs of labor such as insurance,
8.02 accomodation, travelling, hand tools, supervision, overhead and
a Foreman/Supervisor md 30.00 30.00 600.00 18000.00 18000.00
b Operators md 30.00 30.00 600.00 18000.00 18000.00
c General labour(Unskilled, helpers, assistant operators etc.) md 200.00 200.00 4000.00 800000.00 800000.00
SUBTOTAL (8) 1136000.00 1136000.00
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Table 8A: Quantity Estimate of Slab Culvert
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Table 8A: Quantity Estimate of Slab Culvert
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Table 8A: Quantity Estimate of Slab Culvert
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Project : MRM(Kalayanpur)-Barsain-Subhranpatti,Saptari
Chainage : 0+000 to 17+280
Name of Work: Drain Works
Length Breadth Height
SN Description Unit. No. Quantity
(m) (m) (m)
1 Earth work Cum. 9,020 1.1 0.8 7937.60
2 Brick Soling Sqm. 9020 1.1 9922.00
3 PCC M15/40 Cum. 9020 1.1 0.1 992.20
Brick Masonary 1:4 CM Cum. 4 9020 0.3 0.6 6494.40
5 Plaster 1:3 CM
a Side Sqm 8 9020 0.6 43296.00
b Top Sqm 4 9020 0.3 10824.00
Total 54120.00
4 Prime Coat for Asphalt Concrete 1 19937.00 7.00 139559.00 1.2 lit/ m2
Total 167470.80 lit
5 Tack Coat for Asphalt Concrete 1 19937.00 7.00 139559.00 0.9 lit/ m2
Total 125603.10 lit