Overtime Pay A. Definition of Overtime Pay

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a. All covered employees shall be entitled to holiday pay when they are on leave of
absence with pay. Employees who are on leave of absence without pay on the day
immediately preceding a regular holiday may not be paid the required holiday pay if
they have not worked on such regular holiday.
b. Where the day immediately preceding the holiday is a non-working day in
the establishment of the scheduled rest day of the employee, he shall not be
deemed to be on leave of absence on the day, in which case he shall be entitled to
the holiday pay if he worked on the day immediately preceding the non-working day
or rest day.

D. Holiday Pay of Certain Employees

a. Where the covered employee is paid on piece rate basis, his holiday pay shall not be
less than his average daily earnings for the last seven (7) actual working days
preceding the regular holiday. Provided, however, that in no case shall the holiday
pay be less than the applicable statutory minimum wage rate.
b. Seasonal workers may not be paid the required holiday pay during off-season
when they are not at work.
c. Workers who do not have regular working days, such as stevedores, shall be
entitled to this benefit.

A. Definition of Overtime Pay
Overtime pay refers to the additional compensation for work performed beyond
eight (8) hours a day.
B.Overtime Pay
The minimum overtime pay rates very according to the
day the overtime work is performed, as follows:
ate based on Overtime Worked Performed on
Computation Regular Rate a. Regular
day 100% + 25% 125% b. Rest day 130% X 130% 169% c. Special day
130% X
130% 169% d. Rest day which is also Special day
150% X 130% 195% e. Regular Holiday 200% X
130% 260% f. Regular Holiday which is also a
rest day 260% x 130% 338%

Illustration: Using P500 as basic daily rate and P62.50 as basic hourly rate
Regular Rate/hr Day OT Rate/hr beyond 8
Premium (Rate/hr x Rate/hr. within Premium hrs
%) 8 hrs

a. Regular day 62.50 - 62.50 15.63 78.13

b. Rest day 62.50 18.75 81.25 24.38 105.63


c. Special day 62.50 18.75 81.25 24.38 105.63


d. Rest day and 62.50 31.25 93.75 28.13 121.88

Special day

e. Regular 62.50 62.50 125.00 37.50 162.50

Holiday (100%)

f. Regular 62.50 100.00 162.50 48.75 211.25

Holiday and
day (160%)


A. Minimum Night Shift Pay
Every employee is entitled to a night shift differential or
night shift pay of not less than ten percent (10%) of his regular
wage for each hour of work performed between ten o’clock in
the evening and six o’clock in the morning of the following day.
If overtime work or work in excess of eight (8) hours falls
within the aforesaid period, premiums for overtime work should
first be integrated into the regular hourly rate of the employee
before computing night shift pay.

B.Computation of Night Shift Pay

I. Where Night Shift (10PM to 6AM) Work is Regular Work
a. On an ordinary day:
Plus 10% of the basic hourly rate or a total of 110% of the basic hourly

b. On a rest day, special day or regular holiday:

Plus 10% of the regular hourly rate on a rest day,
special day or regular holiday or a total of 110% of
the regular hourly rate on a rest day, special day or
regular holiday.
Where Night Shift (10PM to

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