Workshop2805 - Program - EN - Update 2705
Workshop2805 - Program - EN - Update 2705
Workshop2805 - Program - EN - Update 2705
9:35- 10:10 Climate scenarios by statistical Prof. Patrick Willems Dept of Civil
downscaling and climate change impact Engineering (KU Leuven), Dr. Lan Anh
analysis on river and urban floods in Ha Nguyen (WAMADE), Tuyet Anh Le
Tinh (WAMADE project, academic (IVIDES/KU Leuven)
10:10-10:30 Flood mapping in Ha Tinh using Sentinel-1 Nguyen Vu Giang (IVIDES, KU Leuven),
satellite data (WAMADE project, academic Dr. Vu Kim Chi (IVIDES), Dr. Bruno Verbist
cooperation) (KU Leuven)
10:30 – 10:40 Assessment and management of the Dr. Thuy Thanh Nguyen (Thuyloi
urban flood hazard in Hanoi under current University), Prof. Patrick Willems (KU
and future climate conditions (VLIR South Leuven)
Initiative project, academic cooperation)
11:00 – 11:20 Impacts of climate change on floods and Prof. Jean-Michel Hiver, Université Libre
urban flood management de Bruxelles (ULB)-Ecole Polytechnique
11:20 – 11:40 River protection and water retention for a Le Anh Tuan, Assoc. Prof. Dr. in Earth
green urban solution: case study in Can Sciences, Deputy Director Research
Tho city Institute for Climate Change, Can Tho
11:40 – 12:00 An investigation of the interplay between Tran Trung Vinh, M.Arch., Lecturer, Urban
city and water - a case on HCM city and its Planning Faculty, University of Architecture
region HCMC
12:00– 12:20 Management and operational technology Dr. Le Xuan Bao, Institute for Water and
of tide induced flood control system in Environment Research IWER (in
HCMC cooperation with Université de Liège ULg)