TQM Employee Involment
TQM Employee Involment
TQM Employee Involment
Employee Involvement
0| Total Quality Management
© Dr. Saeed
Employee Involvement
Benefits of Employee Involvement (1/2)
Involving employees, empowering them, and bringing them into the decision-
making process provides the opportunity for continuous process improvement.
Employee involvement improves quality and increases productivity, because
§ Employees make better decisions using their expert knowledge of the process
§ Employees are more likely to implement and support decisions they had a part
in making
§ Employees are better able to spot and pinpoint areas for improvement
§ Employees are better able to accept change because they control the work
Self Actualization
Desire to become the that one can be
Respect, self-esteem, status, recognition, strength, freedom
Love and belonging
Friendship, family, sense of connection, intimacy
Safety Needs
Personal Security, employment, resources, health, property
Physiological Needs
Air, water, food, shelter, sleep, clothing, reproduction
Poor Work
§ Self-Determination Theory
§ Job Engagement
§ Reinforcement Theory
§ Equity Theory
§ Expectancy Theory
§ Know thyself
§ Monitor progress
§ Communicate effectively
§ Celebrate success
§ The employee becomes the process owner—thus, the individual is not only
responsible but also accountable
- The system needs to change to reinforce and motivate individual and group
- To ask people to change work habits without providing them with the tools
for change only increases resistance to the change process.
9| Total Quality Management
© Dr. Saeed
Employee Involvement
Teamwork is the cumulative actions of the team during which each member of
the team subordinates his individual interests and opinions to fulfil the objectives
or goals of the group.
Why Teams?
§ Teams work because many heads are more knowledgeable than one
§ Each member of the team has special abilities that can be used to solve
Depending on the management, the names of teams may differ but there are
mainly 4 Types of Teams:
- Cross-functional team
- Resources
- Appropriate leadership
- Balanced participation
- Cohesiveness
Decision Making Methods: Ensures that team decisions are made by consensus
where appropriate, rather than by unilateral decision, handclasp decision,
majority-rule decision, or minority-rule decision.
Effective Team Meetings: If the participants know their roles and utilize the
characteristics of successful teams, the probability of effective team meetings is
- Remove fear
- Reward the idea with published recognition so that everyone know the value
of contribution
- Verbal and written praise sometimes symbolic items like certificates, etc.
- Reward is something tangible such as theatre tickets, dinner for two, or a cash
award to promote desirable behaviour
- Recognition may also include formal recognition party, informal pizza party,
pictures on the hall of fame, articles in newspapers and journals, interviews,
comments from colleagues, positive notes in personal diaries and personal
phone calls
- Rewards for individual can be better parking space, dinners, gifts, gift to
charity in the name of recipient, car wash, trips, event tickets
- Rewards for team may include outing, bowling, lunch, cash rewards (gain
Recognition and reward go together to form a system for letting people know
they are valuable members of the organization
- The higher the improvement effort, the higher the reward, it should be
appropriate unlike a cup of coffee for a million dollar sales
The gain or loss is the difference between the team cost and the team goal. For
Potential income = $ 535,000
Labor cost as a percent of sales = 27% Team goal = $ 5,35000 x 0.27 = $ 144,450
The purpose of performance appraisals is to let employees know how they are
doing, and provide a basis for promotions, salary increases, counselling, and
other purposes related to an employee’s future.