EDAC 3 RohiniClientManagementSystem

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Rohini ClientManagementSystem

1. Overview:
M/s Rohini Construction Company is dealing in construction of sky scrapers for
both residential and office use. With the scenario improving for real estate in the
country, the company’s business too increased by leaps and bounds. To aid in
maintaining records of present and past customers, the management has decided
to maintain a database of customers of the company. This would help the
company to keep close contacts with the customers who could be interested in
new ventures. This requirement is for maintaining customer database & Building
details and provide early bird offer also assign a building to a customer.

2. Requirements:
You should create a main page with Login Id and Password. Check for the
different roles and restrict access to the roles defined under to perform the
specified operations. (I.e. User cannot Modify/Delete values.) User types are
Admin and User.
Read the requirements carefully; Use appropriate fields and normalize the
database if necessary.

 Add Customer, Modify Customer and Delete Customer. Put them on a single
 Customers are of two types 1. Privileged, 2. Non-Privileged
 Privileged customer's income is >= 5,000,00/- . Rest is Non-privileged customers
 Maintain a database of the list of buildings available with price for sale (static
 Provide a page where a customer can be assigned to a particular building based on
whether he is privileged or non privileged
 For Privileged customer the cost of the building can't be more than
25, 000, 00/-
 Display List of Customers with building, price of building, early bird offer details
and customer type.

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