Car Security System With Remote Control: Construction

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ere is an inexpensive electronic low-cost components. The gadget com-
car security system with remote prises a base unit, which remains fitted
control that uses readily available, inside the vehicle, and a remote control
handset for activating/deac-
tivating the base unit. The
base unit, in enabled state,
can be used to set off an
alarm device when an
unauthorised person tries to
gain access to the vehicle.

Remote control
The remote control handset
(see Fig. 1) is used to Fig. 3: Layout of remote control handset
switch on/off the base
Fig. 1: Circuit diagram of remote control handset
unit installed inside the ve- hicle. When push-to-on switch S1 on the
handset is de-
pressed, the circuit
wired around PLL
tone decoder
LM567 (IC1)
energises and IR-
LED emits infrared
light modulated at
around 4.5 kHz.
Transistor T1
works as the IR
LED driver, while
resistor R3 main-
tains the IR-LED
current within safe
limits. Note that
only the VCO sec-
tion of IC1 is used
here. Resistor R1
and capacitor C3
determine the out-
put frequency at
pin 5 of IC1.
For compact-
ness, use a 9V
PP3/6F22 battery
for powering the
remote control cir-
cuit. LED1 is used
as a simple re-
sponse indicator.
(EFY Lab note.
Typical applica-
tions of LM567,
Fig. 2: Circuit diagram of the base unit courtesy National



Fig. 4: Base unit enclosure with front-panel layout

Fig. 7: Typical application circuits of IC LM567

When photo transistor T2 receives a

valid (4.5kHz) tone from the remote con-
trol handset, pin 8 of IC2 changes from
high to low state to trigger the monostable
Fig. 5: Actual-size, single-side PCB layout for the car security Fig. 2 (IC3). Consequently, red LED2 (labeled
system with remote control shows the as RX Data) lights up briefly and the
circuit decade counter (IC5) is clocked to change
diagram of its output state at pin 2 (Q1) to high. As a
the base result, relay RL1 energises, while standby
u n i t . condition indicator LED3 goes off. This
W h e n condition is maintained until the photode-
switch S2 tector (IC2) receives the next IR burst
is turned from the remote control.
on to con- Thus after receiving the first burst from
nect 12V the remote control unit, the main power
DC from (+12V) is extended to the rest of the
the ve- circuit (the bottom section in Fig. 2) via
hicle to re- normally open (N/O) contacts of relay
lay RL1 RL1. As a result, red LED4 lights up to
and 9V indicate that the security controller is in
regulator active state.
IC4, the Normally all the door switches, includ-
regulated ing the reserved one, are in closed state
9V DC is and hence the output of gate N3 of IC6
applied to (quad two-input NOR gate) is in low logic
the front state. Please ensure that any of these
end of the switches, if not in use, should be shorted
circuit. As using jumpers. However, when any of the
a result, switches (for example, door 1 switch S3)
Fig. 6: Component layout for the PCB green LED is opened, the output state of gate N3
(LED3) changes from low to high to enable/set
Semiconductor, are reproduced in Fig. 7 lights up to indicate the standby condi- the bistable latch comprising gates N1 and
for the benefit of readers.) tion. N2. As a result, relay RL2 activates to



PARTS LIST trol handset) can disable the security func-

tion at any time (but not after a burglary
IC1, IC2 - LM567 tone decoder R8 - 470-kilo-ohm attempt) by using the remote control unit,
IC3 - LM555 timer R13, R14 - 100-kilo-ohm to send another burst.
IC4 - LM7809 9V regulator R16 - 2.2-kilo-ohm Figs 3 and 4 show the proposed
IC5 - CD4017 decade counter VR1 - 47-kilo-ohm preset layouts of the remote control and base unit,
IC6 - CD4001 quad NOR gate Capacitors: respectively. An actual-size, single-side PCB
T1 - L14F1 Photo Darlington C1 - 100µF, 16V electrolytic
T2 - BP103 phototransistor layout comprising both the remote control
C2, C6, C9 - 2.2µF, 16V electrolytic
T3, T4 - BC547 npn transistor C3, C5 - 22nF ceramic disk and base unit circuits is shown in Fig. 5
D1-D3 - 1N4148 switching diode C4 - 100nF ceramic disk with its component layout in Fig. 6. The
IRLED - LD271 infrared LED C7 - 4.7µF, 16V electrolytic remote Tx part can be cut out for use in
LED1, LED2, C8 - 1µF, 16V electrolytic
LED4 - Red LED
the remote. Relays RL1 and RL2 (OEN
C10 - 10nF ceramic disk
LED3 - Green LED make, series 58, type 1C and 2C with coil
C11 - 1000µF, 25V electrolytic
Resistors (all ¼-watt, ±5% carbon, unless voltage of 12V and 285-ohm resistance)
stated otherwise): S1 - Push-to-on tactile switch can be directly mounted on the PCB.
R1, R5, R7, S2 - On/off toggle switch The circuit can be remotely operated
R15 - 10 kilo-ohm S3-S8 - Push-to-on door switch from a distance of up to 1 metre using the
R2, R11 - 3.3-kilo-ohm S9 - Key-lock type switch reflector and lense arrangement. However,
R3 - 10-ohm *RL1 - 12V, 285-ohm 1C/O relay
R4, R9, R10, to increase the range of remote control,
*RL2 - 12V, 285-ohm 2C/O relay
R12 - 1 kilo-ohm * refer text you may:
R6 - 1-mega-ohm 1. Slightly decrease the value of 10-
ohm resistor R3 to increase the operating
sound the buzzer (BZ1). Relay RL2 being Push-to-on switch S9 is the reset switch current of IRLED LD271.
a two-changeover relay, the second pair for the bistable. Ideally, it should be a 2. Replace phototransistor BP103 with
of relay contacts can be suitably inter- key-lock type switch, so any unauthorised a Darlington phototransistor (L14F1, L14F2,
faced to any warning device such as an person not possessing the key cannot turn 2N5777, etc) as shown in Fig. 2.
emergency beeper or a high-power signal- the warning device off by resetting the 3. Add a suitable transistor-based
ing device or a wireless alert unit, as de- bistable. preamplifier between phototransistor T2
sired. The owner (holder of the remote con- and tone decoder LM567 (IC2). ❑


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