Egyptian Civilization: - Mummification Process
Egyptian Civilization: - Mummification Process
Egyptian Civilization: - Mummification Process
- Mummification Process
1. Washing of the body
2. Removal of the different internal
organs by making a cut in the left
side of the abdomen (intestines,
stomach, lover, and lungs)
3. Internal organs are placed in the
corresponding canopic jar:
a. Hapi
i. Baboon-headed
god of the North
ii. Lungs
d. Qebehseneuf
i. Falcon-headed god
of the west
ii. Intestines
b. Imsety
i. Human-headed god
of the south
ii. Liver
Irrigation System
- Addition
- Subtraction
- Multiplication
- Division
- Fractions
- Decimals
- Basic ideas of geometry
- Cosmetics
o Used combination of soot and o Sport
galena as Kohl to darken their - Polytheistic society
eyelids - Believed in mythology to explain natural
- Greek mythology
o Gods and goddesses
- 8th century BC
o Government
o Art
o Architecture
o Philosophy
Greek Houses
- Large - Poor Greek
- Open-air structures o Rural area or crowded urban
- Tiered seating area- theatron slums
- A circular space for the actors to o Multi-story blocks of
perform orchestra apartments
- Stage- skene
- Main temple
- Basilica where the town council met
and town administration was carried on
- The law courts (if separate from the Roman Architecture
- Cathedrals
- Markets
- Basilica
- Latrines and public baths
- Coliseums
- Fountains
- Amphitheater
- Porticoes, colonnades, arches
- Aqueducts
o Colonnades – columns with no
- To supply water in
o Fountains
o Gardens
o Public and private baths
o Latrines
o Houses of wealthy Romans
o Agricultural lands
- Aqua Appia
o 1st aqueduct built in 312 BC
o Connected the spring that was
16.4 km from Rome
Building Materials - Rome had eleven (11) aqueducts during
the 3rd century
- Volcanic stone native – Tufa
- During 2nd century BCE, tavertine white Roman Numerals
limestone was utilized in the late
substitute for marble - Old number systems could not keep up
- Sun dried and fire dried mud bricks with high calculations requirement due
to increasing trade among nations
- Roman numeral became the standard
counting system for trade concerns
- Symbols: I, V, X, L, C, D, and M
- Used for communication and trading
- Newspaper
o Used in politics and governance
o Ex. Ancient Roman Newspaper
Other Discoveries and Inventions
- Bound books
o Record-keeping of politics,
history, and literature
o Ex. early roman codex from
CHINESE CIVILIZATION - Fibers are weaved to form fabric that
can be used to manufacture or make
- Oldest civilization in Asia
- Used in clothing
Tea Production
- 3,100 steps
- 21,196.18 km length
- 6 to 7m height